Newmarket Era, 28 Jun 1889, p. 1

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THBHBWJIAJIKETBA- m yMAN JACKSON at PRINTING Of REACHED confidently SUBSCRIBERS do- MBTHB TO OTTER ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ALL OTHER LIBERTY ONTARIO BAKE BEST NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol XXXVIIINo 23- Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday June Terms Cash In Advance within or at end INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY Conveyancing Money to Loan Etc THE FOLLOWING FIRST GLASS REPRESENTED latins London Dd Boiler and in of oar Firm Iollelw lb or Co tolas w in or lor A ROE Real Estate ant Main St South Newmarket- AC Loin J Eat Toronto A MARSH Solicitor Public ban Block TO LOAN Conveyancer Etc- LOAN- Dominion UMCl VS nod York Court J and TO AT SB Newmarket Allowed on DRAFTS ISSUED PITH LI AT Amtrtcmu told D London Ianrance Co At Old Cor Main lllALKllLSVorkBLIdoon or TO Proprietor oft flTorcatoSl every SaCnrdaj TO LOAN OS GOOD SECURITY from iork will special ALBIOX HOTEL SL Bail garABIal3UKl15J7 per BwtodbitMot EleculclbL ted Accommodation cocci iralat PUUIUMW W A nod OoUnoVeUr ISO a IftUteicO College AlniMe Notice- to On Farm OrriCKOMo udftAtuiJajIn BILL A IN It W AbmoVtri olod Hoi P Practical JOT Farmer Painter Work and at BUSINESS Ribbons Flowers Feathers and Ornaments EMPORIUM OF We hare on hand a Urge of the in and STRAW TRIMMED HATS BONNETS That wo shall sell of Black Straw Bonnet for old trimmedanduntnmmedChjIdrtns and Lawn Cap in in Cambric and and Lace in and Black Millinery on hand A Willow Dress Forms at and 8160 BOND GO TO- Main Street Newmarket -FOR- PH PARIS I AND HELLEBORE Vacation- VacalLoQl I Andra1caolxaojpVa Jdil to am Kola lolook at to All ifrtQH to on jour NO leather to youre late run in at between full of anJ fiathraan4aliajj fccow to irooblo kind Joa -1- aha luaut to on time at It mora for Kate the Midi no J Vacation Hail tho brook od Vdll On TtojL do but it to Bat by bad w Bo to Ittovl And willingly ftcbooU auQicooua to Mr and Mrs Bowser BY BOWSER Dispensing Department Famished only with the purest etc and is given the compounding of PHYSICIANS AND FAMILY RECIPES OPEN SUNDAYS FOB DISPENSING 10 A- 2 PM 8 PM T to aan- St market WmKii CUIrc forth a I rt No lb AUOTIONEKU of York Farm SaIm Attended on Kotlce liable to leu at will prompt Farm fl3T bo oq Hardware tiloro mtoiaercan iaujj time- SPRING SUMMER Jnst received patterns in English Scotch Canadian Also an Assortment of to from selected Patterns in Checks and Stripca Call and ceo for bring jour friends goods made on the premise at Closest Cash Prices Only Your Patronage Solicited w d mutch Next Door to Atkinsons Jewellery Store Merchant Tailor Gents own cloth op neatly and cheaply A TUBBY Wwmarktto at ail iim AI TUB AMKIUOA Aotdmi Company lo for Aurora aud Idolty at loan and Notary Aurora- BEAVER rcveJ bit lo IbecorceroTMalQoflTl UFKTAIK1I fcjOTKa ana Ioicbojed NOTES DISCOUNTED ViuoUooe Di Constantly on Hand I Minjr atJ of AuguiL OF Federal aln Hired- Roller Mills ONTflE ENTIRE SYSTEM Fully Years Ahead of all other Roller Mills THE BEST- LIFE ASSURANCE CO CAPITAL AND FUNDS- 10000000 DOLLARS la ore iwo J M Family Flour Chop all Gristing Chopping done every day And by Bill J promptly to V -Al- DRY CORD WOOD I Frvprletor drug store MAIN STREET will wy from to erf AND Cash Valu for Sam Leading Photographer MAIN A ALL INVITED TooiUatOallofraod of dlf- Work tfuarautood Tie End The Manufacturers Accident Insurance Companies- Mead DOtlt Toronto CffVt Cif Acclaooi Pure Paris Green White and Insect Powder Food Flower etc Hon Karwr Hair etc RaVUr Top end A NUMEROUS ASSORTMENT OF all woo but a of WR8 H SIMPSON LIVERY ail ie latent Styles of to Mf0U of ut9 Prompt aTtrj Hon II- M VltviVtUDUOaa Wirt drill Afot BIBLE SOCIETY a Ma aeaUJ In from a Irip other X bag in when I men tioned the fact to Mr Bod Asked him to call at street rail- way and get it he replied No maam- I wont Anybody careless to leave an article of value in a street car deserves to loose it Beafdea you did not number of the car and they would only at me at the office Do you take the every streetcar you ride int I asked Certainly Every per son does Day before yesterday I came up in No I went back in No I came up to supper in I made my trips in 61 and Today in and 15 street railway contract to carry passengers not to act as guardians for children and im beciles Mr Bowser other people lost articles on the street oars Yes other women You heard of a man Losing anything I let the matter drop there know ing that time sooner or later would bring my revenge It than I expected Mr Bowser took his dress coat down to the tailor to get a couple of new buttons on and as be returned without it I observed You are always finding fault with the procrastination of my dressmaker Your tailor doesnt seem to bo in any particular hurry HowV Why you were to bring that coat back with you That coat Thunder I Mr Bowser turned sprang out of his chair Didnt it going did I I believe I I I You left it tho street car when you Yes Mr anybody careless enough to Icevo an article of value in streetcar deserves to lose it How ever you took the number of car I presumol no You didnt I That shows what sort of person you are Yesterday when I went down after bales shoes 111 When I returned I took car When I went over to mothers took car con ductor had red hair One wits brown and the ether black driver bad a cast in his left eye There were four women men We passed two loads of ashes one of dirt and an icecream wagon The conductor wore No show and was nearsighted railways contract to carry pas sengers Mr Bowser not to guardians for sapheads and IJut Ill got It at office to morrow he slowly replied Perbepa but it is doubtful As you remember the number of car will laugh at the idea take you for an impostor Ho glared at mo like a caged nod no reply and I con- less that I hoped ho would never recover Ibocoat Ho did how- over after a of days and as ho brought it homo ho looked at mo with great importance and said There Is the difference Mrs- Bow- scr Had you lost any thing on the car it would been lost forever The street car people were oven send ing out messengers to find mo and restore my prppert One day a laboring man colled at the side door and asked for loan of a spado for a few minutes laying that he was at work near by and ho was to respectful that I hastened to accommodate him Two days later Mr Bowser who was working In tho back yard wanted the spade and I had to tell that had lent It As it was not to bo found the natural in ference that the borrower had not returned it Thli Is a pretty of I Mr Dowser when ho had given up the search The longer tome folki live less they to know BothokoWdhorieat Whstofltl You bad no boat- net to lend that spado 1 was lure hed return I In the coir of hour I found tho spado at steps where the man had left it aflir using but when I Mr Bowser of the fact he only growled Ho brought it back because ho probably beard mo making a fuss about it and afraid of Two days later as Mr Bowser sat on tlio front a colored man op and asked to borrow the lawn mower for a few for on the next corner Certainly my boy replied Mr youll tind it in the yard When ho had gone I observed that man had a look about him and that I should not dare trust sod Mr turned on mo with What do you know about character I There never a more honest man tn the world Id trust him with every dollar I have In about half hour Mr Bowser began to Bad after waiting a few longer he walked down to corner So blftok man lawn-mower- By inquiry he learned that the borrower hid loaded the mower into a hand cart and hurried It of confidence Well I I queried as Mr Bowser came buck with bulging out nod his hair on end Its its gone he expected The longer some folks livo tho less they seem to know If somebody should come and try to borrow the furnace or the hay win dows youd let go I suppose ho he But what of it I- You had business to lend that lawn mower Mr Bowser Youll never get over your countrified ways if you five Ho would listen no further lie rushed out arid sailed the neighborhood or two hour and next got the police at work it was three days before be would give up that be had been as one of ho detectives put it Then to add to bis misery the officer said Well keep our open but there isnt in After better let your wife of things That darkey could nt have bamboozled her that way She Him It Oh this is terrible- win break my heart Oh I reckon uot Youll get over it I shall nover get over it Sorry But youll bate to sis Im engaged to Isabel Jones And you to break your engagement with wo Why of course But what if I institute a breach of promise suit You have no witness to that wo over engaged And I cant get damages unless I No little Im but you should havo looked out for that Well goodbye Goodbye Youll kiss for the last timer Yes George Now since all to over between us I want to ask you one question Certainly Dont call ma dear nay wore You dont to understand JJo I do not II is bard to re alize But was the question you Wanted to flfik Oh yes I Weill often wonder why you always bad sowing ma chine in the parlor and why you always insisted on sitting o close to it when we saying lo each other Why was it That I That in a sewing ma chine What was it A phonograph A phonograph I Thunder I la it in good You bet And has been every night I been hero Indeed it bos darling Do you want mo to turn crank just for fun No indeed You turned him voco But what a funny girl you are to think I meant what I said just now to tcaso you I was only joking Im not engaged to and wo will get married as you like How I You a dear kiss sweet kiss good hon orable darting I never doubted a tor Infants hd to raoocmaeM SOOSrfer MtgcttaiCoik Oxford ttooaa If you Of course not Goodnight dar ling I wilt see you tomorrow night And our wedding Next week pre cious- night And laid to herself as ho heard behind him 11 1 must not Jet Mm find out that that out of order and doesnt record a thing after our wedding It broke all up when found It out other day but I reckon his darling Mollis not thero with both feet tonight ifo dont play any Isabel Jonea racket on her at present KBuOalo will lay asphalt pavement this season A now scheme to induce wormhearted perseni to open their pockctbooki has been exposed In Atlanta The was worked by moil his wife latter went from house to asking for money wilh which to hurry her hus band Sho received contri bution but lady doubling story Ill go with you your homo did so and to her found ho laid out OH the with white WeB ho didnt anybody of thrown over him was known ha wouldnt If j Much moved by the sight and should hero and ask log out gave the widow piano I suppose- youd let It several dollars in change Mrs Bowser get After leaving the the lady ways If you j covered that had her to bo as old as tha hills It line the wmucb but Hi handkerchief vA returned to eel it to County Jo West JqocIIod from Co to til rehired from Trie now ad low ltd Jlomr to lb bo for RUf of ft for of but log JokKm u Lhfl bid to do with ihp erccttoo of did Dot to to da The motion thU uih RgUtrr too roots from Toll tbU jtu locrt ilt Lnoadtd to kad to MMtoollovr front to if A ma to lbs of oq to bo by of Ibo Morn to I tftd or DAY A flrua of to Vttmnf To- to onoiiil otl rf by County of ortl to witli city The for i flo coat4ail tun vill be of ibin Co utity 120O of r J Tbo ulhoii2J borrow to It to J Itx fll I log a tbo attic tbo Home Knpir to porlJ not mow oat of sown pdpiltjo rit1c JTnll reboot of oxide to tub of ibo fi6 a the A of lo of toQnty had TLfi loin colt of for Bid- ootl November of Homo ratiit notify of log boost oad body taut not of foe after ordei IbtVtho of their lo a ftyoton DOW With view of better tad of of CoDtloKt jycneolof of woo cowled on Htm for tbot ft km for of eight wbobiilgODolo of Company for of oad of tod ftllrely on titer oo of Mr off of report oUowed A motion by Mr Acdoroon to petition for of of to titer DAY County Cooodl met Stttrdoy oclock with hope that rfoold fiolth bat they to hold Tbo Toronto Gruel A Comptny for good dei of directed to keep better order County Solicitor could not bo compelled to tan two dtlly dfrtctlog keeper of Homo notify Its from bkb of i ud bold body foot the with Metropolian Ok propel their com by or electricity three Ihot committee to meet the Condi Committee in reference to the on proposed of Like Shore moved In Committee of v lib fall to with miller to with Iho city pouitK the fill with the J A pot tU N Toronto A Light Co to tttlno tad tad Yo to tad Weal News from Parry Sound To iht of Era of bo to ll lire la tbe iblp or bote it Tbo wq for I bo a or It neither one ootid rock no of tetet of good hod Richmond Hill by Soood hot between two troth bo newly So I bore teen and betid from enrolled tod brotdlh the tend toll It ore wuliuft tbo toll poor ry often while drifting In other toed own la hour glut lo few art my few you find Mil from A a of I bow much load he bod ho uiwered about then wld ho thought if it wire ill reck all In bo would tight ecroiof good lb hive to before to fltt I bore in my tt tbe of u Aor rock Urol floor of Olid on tbi Cry von find Iiili Ibtt you pulvtiii the but it inferior of find get of t tod red tod which It to bo of fine A opened t tfortb of will for par- it very plentiful tud xd- only it obtained frji by sink- whew you cm link Rod no DtonilU with hew not Kett to bo Tho ilb or tote aMU fiib tie ptinclpitj lit no hot kind of Alb in plenty fitoey to ft about etc at grettt ted Wo or Ibreett Us Six of tht long tnd iKobrotd Is dot- led with to It with t on one af dekim mention from the of wood on It court la centre of from to is by rickety woolen been lie token com or fie the Thrt6 mile west Like tbe die of Still tad Spring Though are wry The rctdt tit being etch nf Isgtmouots for tenttoo of rovi tt other timet the tJtne or leu la Itnprote rood tre out Of to fill op a or cat down hill roidt run lo til to Hero they toko ttoand Kbit tilled bill hat Mr Jito majority of year would coll Bat MM It go over It ditec- Horn it to go bill tbot but greater ten fd In Very few tttempta tw undo pat ditcbetontbehllli Lo Holer dnnD of the bill or It eta moke tallica ore woihed out of foot Yon tnd little riding crouwt7t Men think of bog of floor fonr or to miles Tbo it moor of thorn no tod tome no oxen Short cule tush lbo forme often fir tnd coniUt en by to bio who hove been ten or perhspi cletred more tome leu olio get rex grow of groin bat One not there mllli from which There tie miller for rut extent of country floor from mill South Hirer now owned by t milter There more to told this bo of toy Interest I Bat fortbblimej close in my opinion to the number of feleekfllet ltd mentioned tre email hot be- belief They nip neck or behind It their id J enck the Wood A coir comer extremely ante w Ibey time when of Ihem would tit PIIOM aro about two thou sand hotels and Jo for ft park and hall were voted on in defeated winter wheat crap in Ihirlecn people were killed wrecked ft cyclone Thirty rain in Nova hat played with crops John tried to jamb on a moving elevator at and killed I Johutown that not than per- in flood waa done to ynelgrovoa carriage work at by fir It from a of Mo a York Anyone in It en to a who not had within decidedly out of the half of city Lech in China it K A large pit tilled with tone of upon firm of Mr John near Midland Two London you tig men who trtfd to two young and Struck of they 15 and Colling wood in the Univriiry of Toronto It A with firit honors in Euglisb Farm implement valued at hy a Man have been confiscated Government because made by convict labor Some of Iho convicts in the peniteutluy hod formed a plot to overpower cape but wero by Warden La in Glover will ho with in real in on July after tbo of Berlin on the where it worked finely K which a known not Otic of Ihem died with sufficient to pay fuocrfll though several worth 3O00O at one Mr John Vivisu has seres planted potatoes Ho says mq bad Ho set out plants ami it took to fill up tho misses K At tlio Tourna ment Wednesday Andersons band of Toronto took first Domin ion Organ A Piano Co land of inanvillt second band of Toronto third KfcTuo took place at recently a which was having seven toes on two thumbs on each hand infant was child of Samuel TurUtt all ii- tftt Over divorces been granted in so far this to water by horinR at 8halburne have futile after expenditure of Indiana ravages their fied of insect iflilcti been identified as the gtciQ was against on aocoant its Mj written and pelled it to out a Howard convicted in Sow grand larceny with Sugar fining Co frauds was sentenced to years eight month Blag Sing at hard labor A boy nam Davis shot and killed John Ron a lad of eleven near on Wednesday evening The sons of farmers and no whatever is assigned for tho terrible deed excepting deviltry of Walters Kalis is but thirteen old and third class in the Collegiate Institute Owen Sound At last monthly examination ho stood third highest out of about hundred students sneak thief entered meat of Mr Jos and four bams and fire shoulders which ho had prepared for summer use old now watches his larder with bow and row and will add scalp to bis trophies if ho returns of Richard Wilson of Gloucester Ont caught and Mrs Wilson and her two youngest children burned to Wilson after a desper ate struggle managed to save children but was badly burn and con tents wero consumed In 1873 a man named Wilson who lives in Ohiwa was robbed of a gold watch and in cash and thief wo nover detected A day ago Mr a pack- by Stato of In find upon it found with stolen together with from of rouncry A man named hi on of ohoat oclock one mobs eged

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