Newmarket Era, 28 Jun 1889, p. 3

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NEWMARKET ERA JUNE 1889 fell Local km fiajtf to TenptM WMJ Reft J Bell fa expect to Mr win so Stare fa itf ft tea te I the of for bur anaal tie udaUh ft the Instead of Unit spend in i It li eat to ft fcfcf fog Mr Ellis Hugh rear to SuA D IftiWlMtlSu similar jj f anPiot tV Sronuco part by fet What Expect lb P l at rtt twJi Jiifitbi wLcw in inch next In order to mike for a bug fa Mr J it b od it How fa to of J too for ScitcE V of fcUff fa t fftbtr if bdl f 4twJ it it A of took It for J pnesL Band icled in to tint A load fa belt pnlso for tiUfc3 e- by wo- cboiob elliori4 fa front to Wog by IVrnJoIoa Eb1jm on Board Iba and wy School in town will tfra woeka A will Mtb Www do The ftid BHOtomUt on til lb ct the lo Mr- Cuba villi fot ti the ftiM of WT firm fn wo the IckU hoe it print 4 St a 14 IntsW National he tike of JnW bo- tod is Lt -iron- v I i ft f Last Pri- JJ iltjor Ifaiu f Drill iTJKpwtiLi StBjwlV link tti pfBrif of JeiIE the SI Toronto ftnd Utiiljn Drill in foe tomorrow OurU A Icj a 1 f pltw Ttrii fill iolo Uch lib tunc b who do J finit to ad a ha upon trooltnteil of An r tan In ba and of moon doc Toronto mem- log THE ii On afiercDoa 1- bedrwm of Mia t ud two dollar bill oat of bar Eodel lawn in from aboat Urns irai bat baa am of Iba do baa mid- A Trick day a of from on Mr paifohded trick flyurotd boy wbfeb tad clip tell of aMtloa of boy bid iJ adibotftiiB after be bid lo bad which bf bo in and cried lb A doctor 4d to for and ft Ufa coaU bo be la cow it for of Iba at tb that lbs fidiih irick St Gaols A Lactam fau been to St by a pariah- la too Job Bag iii ft wIngi which a at for Bible bar a of two feel it width TOM OP IS Or JOUK 53rd Io ill ico of of and the of a my comfort Mr ttoch an Matter Mr A and the loiliuoJaoUl fio abaa4aocWrJSGmatedlhaEDgll4h and of lb TaVIag of Smith as ad a of Ufa a from which tad toon iq Sir Uy of GltoriUa urqa hi of wti at spare bat pitta- Hit 1 alt bo an ajeUcot Icfaoo admirably well part of Bridget hy of leaoade which by all who were aot onto a and literary Meat FOR GENTLEMEN ALSO Mens Ladies Misses and Childrens SHO fc FOR SPRING WEAR J YOU WILL FIND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF W001 AND TAPESTRY CARPETS Art Muslin c A very Stylish Fitting Boys and Youths Ready Made Suits EVER IMPORTED Tne Nicest Stock in Town of Scotch and Canadian SUITINGS AND TROUSERINGS English Worsted Coatings Fashionably Gut and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED j fc j Slot- fttpiiJ for Goods Ttwro a la at ban J lins good ha beta of lb pi Ifaa by of cows Odd of their moil Shoe No fan what a boot of ttsld by firraj it yon at not by aonly a took A iL JlAhAUaH OR HARNESS MEN f Mr Joho winl Hit Koltftdll rfd rfMil lit M for U rt it it List Ma first list of Veto fir Eta ofSce tS it 4t lor lb of It and a an i will form or iij KiiUaauDttiy EUtloa Kery Tola i or I and if lite aUcr Not erf j CO aba artijwjitl Ibc Im If uth4 fciiil akr mi iu at vi iMi lU Choice iud tn4 t h to York Society WHt In io ftf lit J jHTiKi- ltd ibit W mod will ihf d ffori lUt muni A Whom two wetkiig lurried la Eulxrotl1itliDg of W- bid of who toil IkiL torn lb of It Mr Totoiiio of it Ifoi be We aWixj If our If 1 web He of ad jfcflii wt to tie 7 lilt FiTdftj Landing flftl ttbcal foDojr- bt QafcEiiriltfv Hop tad oBlaiwfMiiiItiw- from Jo ftfUTttoon id lbicjlf i didflt gribl Hill lit modify aioil MV40 fur Of- Jh for f tie ftfitMOon fiofflbif would 50 r Mte of Kuasn i a t got lie bo WuktIai it for mad Mr The tfWifc WwllU King JJUfaLii oKrriiw itr3f TUdtjuittti jf to ud Ji lit btfwe I tie wiUfitloD tb CommWicMrt Hot oaly fall WwmiUoc For In On of tbU ocrdtotbt depeitM FriJr Doming 94 for Cue -fir- Ibwb tfUfldiftboat iioootwtll fell betfr1iriud oclock deTnl ftnd mfTHifontbt be gQ ptpdil all tt km d ecttrdDglf lVoomilHTM- Hind 0roVd to be ttnuuiy to ueied fdformd SHgUyUadJAta Of n4 J a rs ibf decor- cMeiMle In relieved pot la e ei7 ind jeneltd Mitblpg lik floul oa owutaltt -boj- next more feroubU and thb ibe Wiy be nrwf4 trill- fttor A riy kit ft of ifco The ftlffed bad ft betd flgbt ft fev to keep torn gnu tbtt were with wwd dAyltoornbgby We drop word of of tod eome Ikt to by toy ttjen ljy eft of tod Dbrclexe to in ry eel iog or eif0g A word lo l Sin John Miller of a lend of yets lslStUi- raeologa A dignU Hi ioKibittbe tip fire ibo of Bitot eff Wbtn bo for It ircwa eoine vilely bo hid ond fir end be with ft toiler of people then be bed a boon rfaw people Of going to Aurora Ciinp Muting crop clover fint of new Ha ftod lb ire mnch Io Dorttj at ft of to bo by fa Ibetiowoeof a be fell feet llcrjlc laWlWolnaivtty otIcfd tltlegetidaietUvgiaQlautaUa afoo aiTbalUlyi retd lk Id fttflbatoo Bend eie rumor eterted line ago in las of for of The Matt that a at Ottawa that Iba application of ha for an with the tba of lb Jamil will fa waka ofPeantylraDU of budlacarded by role of in thu ami by a of a total tot of It IT repotted put trill be tba Mr Smith la Beat Yolk at aoit Icclloa FOB SALE AT A W Sewing Machine 1 Manufacturing Sewing 1Peg Jack -v- Singer Baker AT- SPOT CASH BOOT SHOE STORE j Our Toronto ISS9 per JOW a Wheat do Otto fin Wheat do TO per a do do a I do Children Cry for Pitchers per HUM pound Batter tub do Potato per i k Mr Wool par pair tlniilillftlU a IS CO 0 13 a 0 15 a OCO a a a a 8Sa 18 SUMMER 89 I l9beHi3erqejfs I FOR JOHN ALES PORTERS and Quart dozen bottled by at the Brewery and on our as others have said in but not legally P J OMAILEY Mam St North FEINTS IMAMS A Choice Prints Fast Cobra and it our FANCY SHIRTING PRINTS Best Patterns aod value in market also Light and Medium- Prints THE NEW LIGHT BINDER TUB 1 at Ilia rata of a lU lha Tor in Thoroughly Equipped for Handling all Kinds of Grain GROCERY STORE Our Grocery Department will always bo found stofiVed with tho best goods markets con produce Teas Coffees Sugarsi Fruits and Carry a full lino sleo of Hams Bacon and CI1 and see for yourselves P J OM ALLEY Main St North heavy Crop Beat Id Medium Cop Light Steel mora Light othir at Ea Light Crop Brentford other Simple Sara Km mala la NEWMARKET BAKERY CELEBRATED BRA FRONT AND r legged all I be the King to meat No Excursions idea seem la hire atroek of the thai Ha ant r trouble of gelling op local to coapaa what they carry- fag hut at which be Than they very that total of zcaraloo ahall m aeat Uoatreitaad la a moolh ha at the r of the Jtj Co until mall gaoled Ei baled The forgela that a aodrty alack on aifa to weather FORD MOWERS CUT Meadow a day being TuboUr Drill la the leadtoa lo bit Id tbe World Haw Iran Hi made NONDYSPEPTIC BREAD AT 10 CENTS- I AM SI bvo all tho Loading in plain and fancy to very and now in Wo Are a- GLOVES AND HOSIERY J -BELFRY- Successors to CHINA TAKES THE LEAD- 9 Cakes Wastry Fresh and Wholesome COMPLETE OF the- TJSE HAY Wool It Ukc4 lis pre fiu tiro or lima trip to up it lute uj elfatijw comet down RItf to lo bo JrtrJ Jiouj from Hot of aNor I iotormoio txcailont JQriag tba tenon Since tUliqoiiipvKd telO In of twit of fir oar to will bo belter rtw It ad of Id lo no jo- old l bod to Of com It good on of IKhott TlfE CELEBRATED ftbtO fell A PLOWS band f A fall a toe of repetrt Agent yVlSS ily Groceries PURE AND RELIABLE SH FISH A Specialty Received by night Fruits and arriving Every and Cream Parlor Open A ROBERTSON North and South Stores Main St LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK Of Crockery and lor PRE ENTSJ fc ELECTRO PLATE itl SPECTACLES ALL AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES Railroad and Steamship Tickets all principal points A solicited L ATKINSON Oovr JUCO 7a 1869 Floor w mi do do do Htm do do Unto per ion Kjiorl do lie aaa I Applet per a a a on Cilia 0 OCOa a lioo a co a CO a a OH a a a a a a Notice of Application S of lllbtttvOOj IDe deunrlhourrcfftioJrJooortbftCoQi- lTofVoklrtbiplppslulHliaKdUoOI 1iaAbelbHboUODaQ mo J a 10 of if l- Orange Lemon and Citron Peels Currants PURE SPICES I Candies Oranges and all kinds of FRESH FAMILY Always in Give us a Call No Trouble to Show Goods SMITH s Prompt Attention to Ortlors ASTRAY sx BUSINES GOOD rJytoti tii Town of ihrowAuinaeVa Aft to CHANGE bo ihrlttof opplliLDOeOooMWiM 6i7Wjt4 fc r OF all o lltUl to ibtir J LOAN a i eix par PA VID LLOYD J Coram iro lN

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