NEWMARKET ERA JULY New Sato- J It- Selling Off J Stair The Best Baking Powder Properly by Auction J Notice Webb OntUe T A- BsJetmen Wanted Homo to Let a a Heifer Strayed J P Servant Wanted Mrs J Bra lit op SJTD WITH FRIDAY JULY Our Toronto Despatch Toronto crowed Uffa with Itfii old from in a pot Ina two called a nd no teriooi lit plum of day The u- which nun the Chicago t Doha whin throagn the fint WW bank of operation ten- Bank took drjtora for thu gel km Tat Central held a cm Hug kin week been In for id England Traitta of a lira- tee at of Ink Drops- TowtCOBCnk week What Soeist is Doing RAPE ID la Town Holt Circle a Ilk on tamed Wt held Mr Tal tCc toe edlbto- called mar In wHMlgim and Colore oiled ia Be a aOf gA7oa a irjtnd a lnlr Ml pocd 000 is lii Sit WHAT BR BIB TO THt of Elgin Art At 1cliop i column m riw Bach a mine oi in to w It Id com elicit u to outcome of red it Mr Idiot tfce Federal he on with lute Com- Lou Slock Co to fnndi la 1cm fox He will to tbt otter Ml ad it 5d cue will be wrUd to the before It for tbt una to be held In To ronto on tut hit decided li for of Aid condi tion the EniUing ndaitxr log In bond d fl or floor 8 of pi In roller 10 the ttiulein flour Till Libert on Tto QtcU there were Sir Row were on the occasion the Ho with the of and Boa- Mr- dcroted hit to J School The of enjoyed Mr- Peter chili rum of the corn- tod with gold the Club la the At of the York tire held Mr- of the chosen to the Ufa Smith tt the st There were dele- no doubt tot tht wilt ell troQod him in fi Eut York Vcder the Act from Toronto help Mr Gitcn to the reel reform time lcl Office Jbictoftte lor Toronto DitUon Into tod Mr to of lilt or Mr to tod become PO for SCO the of Mr office The Collector It P of thtt city will office next patttl election Ffidty Mr Mr Wat Toronto it On this Robt end kit week from Toronto wu rifling Ettt Fox Sandty Him of Toronto Domin ion with Mitt Keith been ling la City Ja two Mr engineer town hit ftihcrV Mrs of iitttrlndiir of Ate rit I of Toronto at Mr ot Sandty Mrs J P Hnntcr children orer in wu Mm A Hendry of risiit fox few weeks with her titter Groom A fwiwJy titherina of or plftiut it Mr RtnoiW Mr J Gardner the on the of the Church next Mr Jot returned from Mr went for Mr II t on berry Mr Fred of Toronto to on home ririt with in North Mr of ib liitertftUtr of of tows left for tad Mtetml on the of Jane of Kttwick ted ex- of North here on on hie to to J or tar of were of Toronto on to Hem- ud they report moot ud qn of oar lut week it the new Mr eon when il here The on were only to Mr At he fonr in mile only three The mile ilea won by the It wu reported town Mrt wudetd hat it leoot tree She my low tad recovery doablfal I lite of Eta Elm SL prior to ffting to Tcxu He to life with him We with them their if Mr Alex iznpoo from Men ilobt on Ho country looked very bat hue he left Winnipeg he ay of Into Mr Herbert from the Atlantic tide of York on dm to of Tear life with him- On hit home pitted through tht ii t eight while the leach it The of end Dr left for the to enjoy breeze Point The of Bioker Kojji coed not feel he will to the foot- office heir- It wu only hit thtt niutriy morolog Mr wife In on to where he It ettlionid year were pietacf Mr J P Belfry will for week by of her old We the Iter mach improved in the work with I QaeeDBvUle Bom of to And will roon ftx In tteoiot wo or SdVrPOTe wDot wad here tail wfc trt Mr tnd of fttai PorMr- rnon u ftrWl lilt week 1ttoccJcO Sbaron of Col- J Wtodi Mr TJ Of ibtterTictntht EnflUh Bon- farewell tor for the motto jir- luxury In mo toomtelrclobr one to on Moo for wife Kim not roc people other there not t A- J- tmxata IblfweeX Willi A of fmm -Sutton- of increK retired ihelr flrttdtyt J AnnLt i raoa Hatcher Boy jl a A 1 J I J I J J I 1 I GO- Ltdy 1 John J I J i being KtfenertlutUftctkn public rtt were recocted Mi I VWOBiOdTf SUB Chief- Jot yfafriDtiit weepy Jim J J Ctortlt Time flOi t I fi Ivor Brown Chirpy J sail xa ftflLlx langt and A- of luiJtndTO crowd epent Point- other The ftlltook Lo Ibe ftfaoroind Tboorctily for til ibe School Art week- W wiib terming oommaaliy troboty bey crop which reedy Among who parobul fur coming birr rat ore Jobs A roMtlox catted her owning cost of a Ap pointed to of tulublo tiled A trtet of people from part Meeting tt my Rumor we Are Co hate new keeper end la thori- Mr- John Cook recently ten of lotMlalheWbCon from Mr Joel Morton of Mr A nf Toronto to Toronto Jno of lut week with Jennie of Bond their of ho lib llant of Toronto Truing with jicr Simeon JUecoOn end John gone lo good den of tod lo their them ti mtklor them raocb mow A few or the of ibU tu tended by a In bub on white the In langntftoof toLhe Ter the Hike evening of Oral of about of the member tad of the King church convened their putor with of for Lbt inner bit The Elder la hie And nil A board and pbyikbi And after Met J Mr MTerry the which to la her her advent their Alter extending them their for yeoie the dltperfed the of tho night letting behind them a liter tad toy fond n the honor Hit for 1 cJ ore Sr 3rd- Harry David Oldbtm Bxxtlel Reed Geo Jr Donor roll for in order of merit Br Mary Br 3rd Wilton French Samuel J and Mann Ada Teacher EAST for Jane Names In merit fcaite Pewter Percy Herbert Fred Alien Jr Allen Milton Car ton Allen Barker Ataman Samuel Violet Stick- wood Herbert lltrtle Allen Allen Proucr Milton J- Teacher for June WWlewi Irwin Al MorrJe- Jr5nlWHllO May Weddel name Br tod Eddie Alloo Jr Noddle and taal Annie Lake- Br Ft llltobt Boyd Herbert Boyd Jr Fred ior the the Average at ed ibe year I 3rd Two JonloradStOHn1ofPtlIand to Junior Teacher Emery a farm band Orchard Rochester yearold diopter of fanner with a club her parent him to too her g delegation who looking for wwfoj for their homo end QoMrorornt to for them tea for five ie getting for Clarke tho boot to billed for ttiroo but two with an of forty to satisfy tbo that ween not Two unfortunate last the Bradford lav toll Pint shaft of throwing a of out of work for a week next the rod of the engine of the Yanked gang gave way and caused ft The latodt ftwiodlo it ho fil ing of the farm exhibit at very low figure from the ladiea get ball in cash and promise to forward the I goods when the remainder li to be paid- Neither the nor the ribbon heard of again Star On of last week railing Mr barn at Qottbley look place repaired tho labor of about men Alter the work was completed all hand in a friendly of foot ball for nearly ah hour and a half when all retired to barn where games of descriptions were and highly As and Mr Ferguson of King were from the funeral of the late the became frightened at a cow and shied upsetting the and occupants over a bridge which the west of St Fortunately no dam age we done except their clothes thoroughly with mud ana the rig racked somewhat There was an accident on the Northern Northwestern of the Grand Trunk on Wed nesday afternoon near A special freight with lumber and shingles coming south ran into a handcar loaded with The loco motive and seven care were thrown off the track which was blocked for twentyfour hours during which time trains to and from bad to go around by 50EBttAXtD tQlboriied Hazard of mm a lbt a Julys raoa or Miton a itt Ktn Cora of abort ritwiDronnailon of Waal aid Of all with xpi iod of a aiaiii teqi whit MiD pot red Im Id lb and Any will 4iJi win la oxt i Co p rained ray leg badly that I had to be driven home in a carriage I immediately applied and in hoars could sen my again as well as ever NOTICE hereby lo IS of of lbt tUtifJ ltd or Ontario ail Estate of Mary I of lb ilH ilay pfAHUiraroqolrSloDorbrJoi Wwinfidi ah of to by tXCL0T Of llat5 Mary a Ilj of lb1r add lbt trvj taMlhdByorAuxul tJtowiied dlitrlbQlsVl tDtUId bavins oplr lo wIvM nolle Habit for tbf Of lermvxHI Habit for tbf Or of claim Great Bargains I v IN V AT LEADING FURNITURE S Undertaking House A Slock 10 toltct ram Freehold Property Town of Newmarket f w i and Colored Id win faa At ft Id Mr of of at Jlaghw JlcJ to ho took la acj te to lha of tut lion At Mr to hit of a a in Mr UrEou ft to nut or toybc4y who to caate a with their at the July with ill for or hart art tltattad oo a hill of Fairy of aod ai to op with lAht4 au4 iht Kama ly all hf to of A of latt trmpffttsCOeaitftaadttvllDEdtaott- of Cauda Kill tod addrct4i tin fa of Iht otalo tod a tuanicrt au4 Life The Him of Sabbath Id ibowor and doit nicely am wod lha tchoolt Id alladaixo At 10M aioNeariowD Rob rlrit Shortly tayllWMookmanaIUchbUIaod bill put Id IS oclock a by lubaDdfdJlYro NUoo by and to At Lbt and frtb lint of tope1 School I ftVookmaoa- w Corbel UUy Itorlo and Kara LLArltOJtotiU ud J- W troclor- WSthUoo and VBibbald aodWffi a number after dtnntf Jro Bond Hon Kin ltd all about a grand tola of JaO Jjuncboou with Id all dot oclock to form and march beaded by band to After children and poodle by la with by Mr of bond the A of Woodblock vho account of program oat lotht of all of to kttplos bit and ttcbool of la hoolathatKofth York County In wort Jihad larger at and that them all had a vary largo and or wall tolly A of a ttjit ably by or on by of good TthUlao- wit in bu to a by A of beat annual la King City A iwept on Monday Hat ley tho at home of lilt brother J- oodBuplol King Oily Invited lobe achool ooaofthtUfg3land term atar bald village alto peatul of Mr Belfry alto Mr Jobs rot 3rd llntall df by and Mr tang very tor about an hour great CUM largtat rcbcolovor held tlceo discount crowot Of tbo On gentlttoao ttatt- el for bo will notdiijreat of about lUroo than to Toe lit of July all old lino vigor Ibert prtAtot day Ilia laoudtdagood and good mo that ha vo lbt or prlreciriboAt- tool a Moo Aorora tocttodaMr of lhtQooV who all wall till match Juua Aurora weal on failed to In on of Now Bailor IboAujojaHltloClab grcil iim wbothot Lbragbt It great lor their mat down op- pot I to nam of lbt I not been of Ibo great bead who it look of reatod bid Moiboii at to woo lbt OrH to band of groai ebooUr Uul bo In a wbo upright man bad before tola great bad to to would only do tor sfhofatwaa la tlroAuiora not In gaimaiMiaand found above and now Aurora to Hula LOT by men will not low In dot U a of manhood bow to think lLat game Davit public- Wo for buttball Live a Of Alti- waa bant waa from back fell among tome ft few a John Iba girt no Natl A Walton lag brokon below of doing Sale fluaoAV will bate a fcalo and U Con of mot credit on at The will altoWotferod July will town at lb oclock an Tug tbo Americana la tod a of Rood ya IriVnjj duty on tow S3 to per thousand Ihe titer tht tie ttepi la right A brewer been for celling beer iulcso fifty teacher tailed for York on Saturday to gpend their at well a lbt cheaper Unto Undertaking a Specialty to All executed promptly and JC3- J If lb of July At tbt tfokwk am Hotel raxed Two wllb ld6GrMlntlreetdrrcUyoproiiierorijtb note ill by and toll water on Brick now by Mr Jobn I and Tinware ood Water Sort W lomak of lii room Ibre if 111 beat Hot Air Furnace la He roof dwelling it V crop in Great Britain and Ireland oro reported so that even farm on stop pcdgnimblEng a population of and Annexa tion of which will a million laoomlntlonon Friday Juno wife of Mr J- of a At Baltfuilruon the wife of Mr of a ton nib Jca or a daughter jv AbWtNSOoonn At Trinity on lmlntoo Day by Mr Mr to I July Mr of Mould tha par- the of duly by Hot W Mr or aon of laloUtDlamio of Terry lo of Mr Edward Otto Of both formerly of Aurora s j m MAIN ST will receive oo lha corner of and on Water by throe TttzagofaalaUaMentbdownon of talt- money to from of by Further known or on A iov a Cow NEW LAUNDRY to Inform lbt that tbt but tinned a of St given and all White BOOK NEWS DEPOT SALE look to I to commotio u store will lo told to that the will tha benefit GREAT BARGAINS RELIABLE AND- aame of unU Wbile Tea Set it St piece fed Room fiootq Set Gil I fi a Urn Stock of FOR OVER THIRTY China Glassware WHICH TIE AT TWENTY PER CENT DISCOUNT 11 of oar School Book Auto od AlbonmTcrt Willed Work Cut punts sod tod to WW TELEPHONE OFFICE Largest Most Stock York LOW to amis 9 aid v Saturday grand indicted men in con nection with tbo case as mur derers and Accessories fivo are in gaol A camping party of persons 4a a row boat wore truck by steioer near Satur day midnight and upset two women and a child being drowned The LeiaonviHo will hold a garden party on tho grounds of Mr Cook on Saturday tho afternoon a will bo between Nino of and by band Three clouds am on of great import to England First Egyptian question over which Franco ft bow ing her Armenian outrages which tinder treaty may call upon England to stop and third the rail way concession which open up a very with Portuguese Government Board of It I Board of Trade I and re solved to business hereafter In that town at 8 in each overling At what boar of night or morn ing they have boon In habit of doting canot learn but if clerks most until oclock they might as well make their and remain for balance of night Eight do Whitby Children Cry for SI A ply to TO LET Ao on let J On of A OLD rtvtrJer fttoctt otk it Any act Air Id to tan aocec4 to cool ratnjho Y ui ROBINSON WOOL MAT WORKS if lo lb HIGHEST CASH Pitcher Gent and bur ASTOHISHEE Wo this Beit Boot in World for the money So you will say you tec it MONTGOMERY THAT th neccmlK Ration Tlio tilt I There known meo iomkut CUT UU Why ore they t Pjteii Did It come or al at It was puioil positive They overtaxed Tlicdmln on tbelr vitjutyj their ihcyerailiull under It The thing the JU to bring this sad fire the nine that we done w ibcAxumUof men and women It not to name them nil end unless or regulated College knew fully when he began resulted In of the Celery lie that pirn of the brain was our great National He that brain mid intern mutt fortified to meet the peat Hum which life bring upon it- He uw that becocnlcg deliliiated and by the and demands of life IvekctijiddecoYcicdthcremfdy Celery If taken yrpl renew toe and build op ai fciit they fcome liner si It eonlalm no It It t humteak The chancier a guarantee ihla and the of chemical BRUNTON t t Boot Shoe Department We still lead the van in Boots and Shoes and show better value and a larger stock of reliable than any other house in the trade The only way to convince yourself is to look at the goods and compare prices and you will be astonished how much you can save by buying your Boots and Shoes from us i CLOTHING DEPARTMENT i Our Ordered Clothing Department is a pronounced success every way For a number of years a great many were forced to go to Toronto for a good suit of clothes These people all get their clothes made by us now the cut and finish being equal to the best Toronto make and the price about one half If you want a good Stylish Suit drop in and see us Van a 1