Newmarket Era, 12 Jul 1889, p. 3

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NEWMARKET ERA JULY 1889 fll W husk is ox The Town Band salts an St Its or- low Tu of lift J- fir ajftbg J for ft ftt by Mr animal ttlU Officer Mr hinging fire goto bear rtfctt An Association match jiftiKsiriitttlworltoaot ijhtmn An sUetoS sib tluii dawn lotM LawTo return of v of of nan cam f Jttujiicil ft ml of ft In Newmarket of or about 3rd of in lbs ft but brilliant i W dath motif by will to lU y ijU A to ft of wbut Ui Ik in 1m one of i- It ill will ao of the ol toleun iitil- iv4jcli good jftntnl Those who are pen J ildiglfullj tcJ J Alfred ijlttMljHoa who if lh lot tit flatter or till A two- jTtflccIi to Mr- got tic finjo Ml ftbonl 1L1 wis i J iL to Commenciog ltd walfrmlDg Hi there rt fat ir l Hot- 1Uili nfri The I ll for the met fKi of wollid In good ilauJinp llji Honorary for J from f Sxytd t a t frill j Up fct hU It hole in lb it lit Ltd of Kid to it WDM- ilia ilotniJ oat st 4 all Id Lb rijfl lb front bat thai in Tub bo beta jeit lb at miking acd to It 4X1 J f It frJtoiwii a l Ufa inJ our iftnici a to St J Kill A amount box Ufa to ilia DitCfr uLixorhpro Vt1 1 iVi il flfftta W ry ohli tW tfM if ttat a A The cleaned ard impacted via foaad Mtisfictorjr after nuaf abt aad rannlEg al p A Fist Sample lut Mr a Webb a of High Gimia Fall biting a fine bony and The It will be will Tow Link West County Toronto If to by lb of today to Id l la tba HoUud Uarth It ibit nil com- Great prepare- mid la a big crowd id J a Rood it iho en band toll Ika mnila A boa will Cbnrch to fiom for or iboM bate not got of to wilting on ac- Of Complaint been a of big an in of in iha dun at all day fair runi Mr Tbo fiaM It la not mora from Toad and go re aoJ acl lo a to of Sootbody in that it For of year via a gooJ Saturday ud rating from to and choice in lb rails 11 Mr pel wJitbw baucb quit Hack dor lj lb to 30c Union If with f4r do iba to Big Itay Point and Point will bo attended and probably trip of MVra firattlui haw proaiUed ao will dagger horn right to perfect Safety Town going and welcome at and cot litr the Lamm Lawn before oclock left for as at day ww not bright bat It cat all right Next Sooday a CbOdreii he J Id will bo prortid Bcbwl Hill giro a A pro labia Lj anticipated Had it not been Lawn Party at An PhUUpa on would a grand It a fair crowd aod arrangement bad been for to Band bad finUhed flnt of and then Ike Band got proved to bo a day for loads frrn tally in for a picnic Mr School ill out hat cam tick w oil tea la ichor room the took thfir dejftuta Bind fiiel for aimt looked ibw asHobot at declined to go any further J opposite the Qoibim Woo lea weaving all of carpet at a git log era Masonic Lecture J of Toronto Deputy Grand Grind of de- a Tory iotereiting and Initruclua in It all here on Wed which was very highly ap prKtiled Tbte Sir toor to forty different pacta of the The trip coveted of over four vera at meeting Chi clew of tha tat to a rrput at Royal auJ com pin broke op a little midnight RegaUr aretlog and Ac- imoontlng to were presented and pwcJ being for For the mouth of there were on roll aod an arengo of to an araistiot for next to InclaJe and drill till Another Fly Town of a chicken It waa owned by Mr bat was handled ao moth by lie that it only or 9 days at the Eagle Hotel got atafabolooa price bat the termiaatloa of its pre rented bud and ha now preaeteea need all In but two of leg webbed together down to A Hot Webs oppressive beat of the iioce Friday was great ly modified by cool and According tba Toronto Monday uidToaalay were the hat- teat city for ten faring loo regiilerej 9t 102 W hot a noon and rim in the bronght A Satisfactory Statement The Towa Report for the belt of 18S9 a healthier atato of in bout of Wo commenced on lit of January a hind aod ifter laying oat wo bite a aocaof Aboot300bata on and on Water aod in over for ligbtUgalreelaaod Mod the and Hall receipt hire from ai LStitoia 110 Special Weenie and Towu Hell Principal aod Taxes Water SerricaaUot 120 Dog Tags etc So wonder that favorable altera been for new Water Works Deben tures which mikes rata of ioteret acto ally below per Wa are paying School and they hire FOR GENTLEMEN ALSO Mens Ladies Misses and Childrens and FOR SPRING WEAR NICEST STOCK YOU WILL FIND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF WOOL AND TAPESTRY CARPETS Art Muslin Sec A Stylish Fitting Lot of and Youths Ready Made Suits FINETAILORINGASPECIALTY The Nicest Stock in Town of Scotch and Canadian SUITINGS AND TROUSERINGS A EVER IMPORTED English Worsted Cut and Trimmed- SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Mn It I Wool io for Qcodi of Dry Before e the adraoUgea Co ring jour by w Too Hot- weather too warm to lw oxer a hot atore that the o Nor There were only abomt SO at Id on Slop Iba leaks was the tub- jeelt bat likt tba aodieaco it en- SHOE OR HARNESS MEN 4J4I IIiW pit 6a that Adl aty of ft dleiiUrnt9Kitrd7ch j that la Mae- the Lb or character oor pa of m tie off Mm WJk a hot the flowergardeq a flyMfeMl Mob- to fox wiy JmjuHc taken loto coo- tUiCM to liking ti e lovardatha the of the tt Id Mitotic acd the lair la the of the KitiluKd Aathadtlen of ttlrty atU frUldtre oo of fit- yiftealo Ward at the lo CUiuUr iher the New Lomk Rooms The A premise the Sink for tint tlua and they are la a man creditable alika to anJ the The ten dotatlr an1 finely floUVd to by J Millard thaCWela high chair bating carved the of lie a ahleld and anchor Is all end both members unrounding the lodge Order of oocapy Mills Aro now prepared to do all of custom work short notice and ara Completed excellent older for the same Will excel the has had aod is a the ill to a we tho patroQige will cell aoy at a to boy or exchange for wool J a Narrow The of ilhia the limits to In thru toluene Another which airfoil the to He elcreu oclock at her DM Slur a from fimitnv war heard Il lifcion of Mr followed mediately after by of tba face acO upon the aria the with which spoil Is ofieo receirl by Mies fa fraught with of their Urea An should to made of you paid your Next Monday Is tail day for iur of Water to the of the discount Mr the sod last week for another new bouts on Park small boy la having a to bother his head with aod nothing to do hot sleep and play of the Methodist another Saturday for oh of tha The Keith Yolk Society meet to morrow to the List A with been mooted Kind as last Friday and fol to Mr A Km for liberal donation apples will be in In two weeks mora The corporation pit on Andrew St 13 opened Monday which employment for mora than could without a job A meeting of and Engineer at the Homo tomorrow Timothy bridge is barred for repairs a Huron also looking alter faaa had a sale this week If let alone tha would soon clean Oraogemen celtbrato at Aurora Bradford also has a gather ing This Is lha year through country The potato bog the rose bog all this class of sammer visitors are now on dek fesliva musta Meiin Motley A Kyla in a this week new Baud seem to faro hard The boys got a decking at the night The pat Ectij of Mood todsy la in apple a telling fight after it is down Dont try It monotonous droll of what bother aod for New- msrket Court six oclock The docket Wednesday light one and the limited His Honor Judge Morgan presided but nothing of special occurred FOR SALE l 1 AT m m Manufacturing Sewing Machine Manufacturing Sewing Peg Jack BARGAIN Singer Baker very took place la the Old Survey King Mr Graham tha 2nd Coel as of hie milking drop dead very ImmedUtely He seal for Major saw there and that two affected The and third mm too far to bat the aod fifth Mr Win Homer discovered that two of fine youog fat cattle dead two others affected a simitar those of Mr Grahams Mr first dead cow gave every evidence of a weed which la liable grow to such localities the were but think that bare soma for which abound In that The psbt sua peeled foxglove or digitalis which grows wild la Ibis country and lo many parts of the continent gravelly on hedge and hilly laatoies It herb or with CIS drooping while on stems one foot high wrinkled leaves downy lower sur town to morrow without Kjlsa Parlor Choice of flavora 70 and Orangemen attended the Methodist a body last Sunday evening and was crowded atmosphere too was close Iter excellent sermon entirely free or flippant lauda tion hero of the Taking as a haul thought the monumental mony of any mutt his deeds this bo applied to men In history so teat of anywlrr or bolts He remakel tad hv an exittoca of ft would last forever Imiiiuiiofit will coma as of old but the organic to ear viva Is Church of living God It Is principles live teat selected present four Illimitable fields of thought Honor all men bo construed simply to refer to of the aama but embraced all mankind la our actions the line of veracity raped In fact equal to all In fulfilling the command be brotherhood the formation of the of sympathy and tot he reminded the order that the brotherhood elands preeminent The It secure promotes our highest intervale CcokIoj judgement and true principles manhood end government to the of land that liberty of criticism that It throb with the noblest and fairest nttefcnte Handily to fear God and duty of man to Him Vol slightly touched upon it being upon the ordinary line of service Io tbe fourth di vision of sermon Honor the King the nd made a noble to patriotism and loyally quoting from version teach Inspire every worship per of that faith to to authority While for our balloted associations tiooalcondltloa end standing Sabbath observance Iralloo of liberty sod frolom as to and pislso our own country It doeanot having a warm for other al personal should lead to moral watchfulness The service cloasd God Sari iTt t For Saturday rip letuoos I pplee dw And 11 rule- in gtbl line Onto promptly filial the Ikilon Entoancb Exams cftudidatcs rot at piper with Aaron and They said have been but Nawcuktt s follow S A Stccbiog A Stpheo38E Percy Newmarket 473 Nellie Coitio pirate 1 16 Arthur WittWQ 88 Clark 88 10 88 Whitchurch Hi Charlotte Newmarket 444 Delia 83 King Prank George Smith a Trarlai 427 Hedge Ironside Newmarket 426 Marks S3 King Beatrice 413 Chute Union Whitchurch Carrie Newmarket 88 i Millard Newmafhet 33 Carrie Dolly Treat rod ed Sydney Artie OlWer William SS 2 Stan 8 Whitchurch Georgia 6 Kiog j Graham Emily 8 4 AT- J SPOT CASH BOOT SHOE STOKE AUCTION SALE Freehold Property Town of New dmr of At hoar of Poreyth Ho lTw SUMMER ran PRINTS ihe 111 JOHN ALES PORTERS A Choice Lino of Colon and at Right Price Shout FANCY SHIRTING PRINTS The and value in also and by bottled by at m not on our others who in business but ATfcWA J Children Cry for tck Inftoil by Mr- JJn tote Uric ailuuprlitauHij la raovtAUuce Parcel No iliai Iwaitorey roouii Hire urn Wit Id Metal- rooT Air In lIabokUilr or ftLreta aud At ItotnU not legally P J Mam St nat3 money know application 10 from Of of or on GROCERY STORE Our Department will always to found stocVcd with lest goods can produce in Sugftrsi Syrups Fruits and Tobaccos Carry n full also of Hams and Lard PJ OMALLEY Main St North AT 10 GINGHAMS Wo all Leading Shades in plain and fancy to match showing something and now in Wo are also NEWMARKET BAKERY TO KENT a it -OUR- Pitchors Selling Off In order to room for chango lo I decided to soil out my of MOMDYSPEPTIC BREAD GLOVES AND J Ja JBIilTxY Y to CHINA HALL TAKES THE LEAD- Cakes Pastry Fresh and Wholesome COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Family Groceries NOTED FOR THE- LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK Dishes and Glassware at Cost NOW IB THE BARGAINS i DRESS GOODS- PURE AND RELIABLE FRESH FISH A Specialty Received by Express every night Fruits and Vegetables arriving Every Day Refreshment and Parlor Always A North and South Stores Main St Newmarket IN GINGHAMS FANCY JOINTS and Zephyrs at Lowest Prices In Town SHIRTINGS pF BEST y to Order Boots and Shoes J STEPHENS Mi of KlDf road A GUERNSEY OLD Information rewarded leadlsr to recovery a SI SALESMEN WANTED and stock work at good not afraid work can with J paid to food roood for WORKS BUTOU Kim will and ihii La it HIGHEST GASH VALUE Huron Of China Crockery or New Orange and Citron CurrftiJu PURE Candles Nuts and all kinds of FRESH FAMILY Always in Stock Give us a Call No Trouble to Goods ISA Prompt Attention to Telephone Order OLD NEWSPAPERS TO for of rtaiIoBtaA Ala or iba loTrtor jroBnrnaOoMPoei of London tad lalsaevalaofor lDlUhed rom Weal IDaianinciJant I all axea SuiViladad flcjWMwmarttSFOi M

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