Newmarket Era, 2 Aug 1889, p. 1

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a Friday Morning -RT- LYMAN JACKSON ft Sirdr expert SUBSCRIBERS MB TO TO ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE OTHER t 1 ONTARIO BANE W0M wr NORTH YORE AND ADVERTISER ln- and Vol 28 Single Copies Cents Each J Newmarket Friday August Terms Cash In Advance or at end Newmarket Branch Interest Allowed on DRAFTS ISSUED at old atUndad JBBODOH Real Estate Insurance Agency Conveyancing Money to Loan Properties Bought and Sold RENTS ON MODERATE COMMISSION Special Attention paid to Farm Insurance 17X319 TOWN Grand Trunk Railway and White Star line Ocean Tared Sold all Id Canada United Stale and Great ALBERT BOB Main St South Newmarket LEGAL c OrrCEMlo mo to i on good J BALD WAX il 16 HID Sire Toronto A It Or- TORONTO AtroaKABH- ffC A ox bank Of Block MONEY TO LOAN a Conveyancer Elc MONEY TO LOAN- Dominion Hotel a ROWClTORd AC So 81 mrr WAS OS JOHHTBTOHES AROUIXEOT Enlncr York J A BASTED and TO AT MB fl I 1 If BELL Ac Loan U Lowest Rait On im Id for rapr UIock gOLlClTOR of in Court e tfreb0U of No 15 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW A London At Old ALBION ga a lis room Tor SCO tie- HOTEL 111 York TO HON TO Proprietor from Nor ib York wilt For fit Farm on police TOnimuDlcilloj Ixvz4Sacw- P ibUOlBcwHl rewire prompl Money loLoauoa feBB For Ihfl County AfeotfortbeMa- Store rbro attended to 00 TO- PHARMACY ilun StreoS i -FOR- Insect PIS PARIS Dispensing Department only with the And to tho compounding of PHYSICIANS AND RECIPES OPEN SUNDAYS FOR DISPENSING PM PM rr revived In English Scotch Canadian an assortment of Panting to from selected Patterns in Check Stripes and for and bring friends with yon At goods made on too premise Closest Cash Prices Only Solicited W MUTCH Next Door to Atkinsons Jewellery Store- Merchant Tailor Gents own cloth wade neatly and cheaply- 18 SUMMER 89 A C0MCITOH9 Notaries Ae Toronto JAMES BROWS A IN 1RAJNTUABT Vnlbof fCTftfr Street THE ACCIDENT BlR Managua la Agency for sd ftt and lnioraac uxbaMd and NOTES DISCOUNTED Land VftJuftltOQIAC TO and Collected s SCOTT Vran4atTXOt On I Mil Of tore uor FOR JOHN LAB ALES PORTERS Pint and by the by at the Brewery and not on our premises as other have aid who in not legally P J 0MALLEY Main St North GROCERY STORE Oar Grocery Department will always bo found stocked with the goods the markets can in Teas Coffees Sngara Syrups Fruits and Tobaccos Carry a full lino also of Bacon and Lard Coll and see P J 0MALLEY i Main St CANADA LIFE CO CAPITAL AND FUNDS- 10000000 DOLLARS Aooatl BEAVER As Oxide Milling roomi corner of lr KxlractlnsT UMCKUIHTAIUH A LI policies sod world Ids alVt li J to fe J IS Agent LTHAN SALESMEN WANTED TotiAutrsBurHpNlalltfS and Leading Photographer I COHNElt MAIN A LIFE SIZE SPECIMENS of Roller Mills ON COCHRANE SYSTEM Fully Years Ahead of all other Roller Mills a BEST It Chop ud of all bind Gristing Chopping done every day j by mall ftttodtd lo V Work So Mil It Any fill to trot tun iuo4d bid to good for ttrim The Manufacturers a Companies TorOUlo Cip Ifjjol Accident lota JUtCl4lO ilaa filr A VlcrridDtOw UrllVlC4FMiU I Local OR RUiEYE DIZZINESS A0ACHt DROPSY OF THE STOMACH SALESMEN WANTED 1 km Wr Sd- flt or lUalt Oct- CHASE COMPANY DRUG if STORE MAIN STREET Joes Way la For Jos to u4 to wast joa 14 tie nlted so Do they cried Ill work done Not till he Tbej till tolgbt of I thick will bis a to do I like To do Work Int toy mjs And bsi I say for I thmt lit boyi With and I firvV ut til the time raii I But Im aoI ft to do put It off nd do it bid fun Bat do it right NB A promptly nk ill mora I A Timely Warning Pure Paris Green While and insect- Powder Plant Food Flower Pots etc PATENT MEDICINES DRUGS CHEMICALS 1 Stuff Horn Sponge Pop soj Jtwelry Poms sad A NUMEROUS ASSORTMENT OF who bam jtD as tbelr of ths Mint MRSC SIMPSON for Infants and MILESIAN tor 8gR I so o k thai To CKvuoa The afternoon was drawing to an end AS the young Count do Leon and bis thick in Franco were by two well armed followers for Count was on his way to land the wedding bis brother and carried some costly air is Rawing chilly said tier gentleman Wo are mile from any town I do not like to think of sleeping in the open air but what are to do When once the sua sets we shaft be obliged to journey Riding All would be aothing but to in such a place will be disagreeable I wo would cleared the woods before sunset bite mistaken oar sir replied the That turn we made was a wroog one But it has seemed to me lately that have seen a through Any shelterhowever poor would be better nothing charcoal hut near by At least wo will ride toward the smoke Following Francois the count changed his coarse and soon they were rewarded by aeelog a clear- lag in which stood a small house from the chimney of which the blue smoko was slowly rising As tho foot of their horses smote the ground a stout woman of forty ran oat of the at them made a civil to tho sad requested to know what she could do for htm My good dame replied the count we have lost our way in the woods ana do not wish to aleop out of doors If you giro us sort of shelter we will be thankful If to this yon could add something to we should be happy people sod we will well for what you give The woman made another courtesy As for that she said not keepers and do not know how to the gentry but wo can give you simple fooda few eggs bread and milk and the gentle man can have a clean bed and his attend itnts plenty of hay in the barn There are only two poor women here myself and a poor deaf and dumb girl a servant if one can call such a creature by that name good took her out of charity very kind Wo ere both too charitable for own good But what can one do when there are so many poorer than ones selfl Alight and walk In I will you somscouTee if yon wish It is not always we have some in the house I am afraid you used to so poor a place monsieur It is a charming place replied the count 1 thank you for your hospitality How peaceful spot I How different a homo here from cue In a crowded city Ob yes monsieur sighed the woman I pray to in a crowded town where there fright ful people who do all sorts of wicked things very day Hero wo are hon est we are bumble we never dream of looking our doors at night If monsieur lias somelhieg valuable in bis ho might leave it the branch of a tree few poor honest men hereabouts would never touch it As for my good bus- hand tho only time ho ever whipped one of oar pretty little boys when he took a rod apple from neigh bor the charcoal burner To bo suro Father Bran said bo mat ter but it was the my hus band thought of Let great and rich prey on each other child he poor be honest and brotherly He must bo a good man that of yours ssid the count Oh so good and pious replied the woman But I must go and make the my little deaf and servant Is not used to it Francois who had always a to finger In the followed the hostess to help her prepare the meal In ten minutes he returned however Ms face was very and he approached his master Sir he said Ihave a discovery Oar angelic Is a fiend in the kitchen As I went in I saw her box her little maids ears poor thing cried out Then our angel abused her Evidently the girl can hear and am she can for she cried out Ob dont I dont the blows fell But what moAlvo could a woman In the wood have for saying her servant was deaf and dumb if shevasnot sot I am willing i to believe all men are liars bat there mast be a motive for the He I dont know what to think sir said but another thing for A woman living alone there arO a good many hats and guns about Boon the woman appeared and with a sweet smile and a low coortsey invited the gentleman to enter My men can eat the trees said the Francois you sup with me Francois bowed low The two en tered low room A neat table was spread with excellent food As the her cap the count said Yon live here alone madam A great deal of the time said the woman My end my bods find work at a great distance sometimes I am never sure of them For I do not know whether they will return tonight or not But in this honest place bare no fear Francois looked at the portman teau are thrives every where I believe ho said Ob monsieur how badly you think of the world said woman Sir jou wish to I will show yon poor little room which however clean and she took her knitting and scaled herself At this instant a thing happened At door behind the woman appeared the and hag gard Jaw of a girl Horror written it- made signs to them to he quiet went through a Rest ing head on her as sumed the attitude of one who lies down to Then suddenly frowning savagely appeared to lift an imaginary in air and some person with pointed to to the unconscious hostess and before she glided away signs seemed lo say depart What did this mean the count himself Was she mad I Had she soma meaning in Francois touched his foot tho table in warning to keep silence The count finished liis meal and the woman took the dishes away In a short she to show count to his room did not look very well pleased when she found that Francois intended to re main in the same room with bis master When they wore alone Francois showed count a letter Which young slipped into his hand when ho passed door in which she said she wna captive in that den of robbers and that the whole hand were now in the kitchen waiting for midnight when they would warder and rob them all Good I cried the count a merciful escape stairs Francois and see if their is any signs of the robbers in the home The robbers aro in the kitchen ha said to bis master on his return They outnumber us by many and I fear our doom is soalcd Do not give up hope Francois we can warn my thebsru when darkness comes let ourselves out of the window and try to escape But we must not forget the bravo girl who risked so much to savo us An hour latter this plan was car ricd out nod as they amounted there horses a shivering creature crept out of bushes and begged to bo taken The count took her bis horse and soon the party was safely out of woods Returned to ber friends the beauty and freshness of young girl re turned and sbo- is now the happy wife of the whose life she saved A party of armed police vUlted the but in the woods hut found it empty Under trees were found graves of many murdered travellers NORTH YORK PRIZE LIST Etc Wagon by Boo Society By Society Boggy J amp Boggy Soggy Surrey Spring 9 Vehicles v Jotter The Virginia Floods July from West Fork and Henry Fork a sad story of and by flood Every from to the of the forks is or reined Houses fences and crops are washed away and several lives Couriers from bring a long list of houses and pro perty bridges and culverts gone The list embraces every farm on tho creek Hundreds bankrupt and will have to be supported tem porarily by estimate loss in ytato at half a million dollars At not a single house or bridge stands on its foundation and many are in woods Help fa needed Contributions are being taken all over the city and appeals for general aid will bo made Your Wires Feelings If your wife la sensitive do not ig nore the fact Refrain from with fitr upon ft subject In which there is danger of wounding be feel- fogs Remomlfor that she treasures word utter Bo not speak of In another mana wife to remind yonr own of a fault Do not reproach your wife with per sonal defects for if she has sensibility you a wound difficult to heal Do not treat your wife with In company it touches her pride and she will not you more or love you better for It Do not upbraid your wife in the presence of a third person the of yoar disregard for her feelings will pro- rent her acknowledging her fault Do not entertain your wife by prais ing her beauty and accomplishments of other women If you have a pleasant homo and a cheerful wife pass your under your own roof Do not bo stern and silent In your own remarkable for sociability elsewhere Take your homo with you A thunder bolt the steamer while on in a storm- on tho making a report like firing of a canon Tho en gineer and of the passengers received an shock and the compass demagnetised There wsa nearly a panto among the at first that had bunt M till Pleasure Sleigh illlllllli Set fiobSlelgbs tor farmers SCO Sod woo BOO Entries for articles shown Section Glass the Implement Department at the of the do prizes be b will lberrorbteoeti for exhibition col be entered on only not in competition for mas Secretery In the same manner In Plow Beet Collection of Plows Other zod and Dip Class Mechanics Manufactnres Doable t Bid of Leather given by Park A Co at By Set Light Single Bridle Upper Lea iher Kip Ski Leather side Collection of Hobos Wool Mate of Coot to all 11 Work 12 Moulding i Window ShMhpxit IB I Washing Machine 20 Shoes from the hammer Sewing Machine tor family to exhibit Sewing for ii Organ i Piano Extras 2 100 ioo CO 200 100 IOO 100 100 w Domestic will be awarded to any article ibis class a first prize hve more once before Sic let 200 1 Hooked Hog Chamber Toilet Set by K A Smith market valued at By Society Wool pair v Blankets homemade pair Bed given by Brown Piece Work goods given Goods by same Log Cabin a pair of Bails given by A Co Bay if Toronto valued at with added by Society a Wove Coverlid 1 Qoil ted box of Morses IS very day Soap given by Mr Taylor valued at i By Society- Crochet A King stroatoait a Coal The Tew veined at By Society 11 Cotton Bed given By Bros By Society Wove Wool yards ft Bag Carpet yards Carpet 16 Union Carpet cotton and woolen yards Shirting Flannel 10 yards homemade Plain yams homemade 15 Flannel for Dresses homemade a pair veined 19 Factory Flannel 10 yards I Factory Cloth five yards Shirt handmade given by 3 8100 100 100 100 10Q by same 22 Babys Dress by Brush Co a pair of Balls Corsets valued at 8125 with added by Society- 23 Wool Stockings pair Socks pair 1 Cotton Stockings pair Wool Mitts pair 28 Wool Gloves pair i 29 Wool Vara pound Factory Yarn Pound Extras 2 2 100 too 100 CO 1 2 60 Class and Work No prize will bo awarded to any article iu this class that has taken a first prize here than before Sic 1st Oil Painting on by professionals OH Painting on canvass by amateurs a Piano Stool given by Lauidowna Manufacturing Co 86 York it Toronto y Oil Painting BAC Corsots given by Brush A Co valued at with added by Society Painting on Plush given by Kyle Newmarket Society on Velvet a Perforated Fire Screen given by valued at Society Painting on Bairn given by half Photo graph large sizeJ Given by ball dozen Photos vaload at Bilk 8 Painted Panel Jewellery given by A A Co value By Society Painted la Oil Water Color land scape Water Color any Subject Jewellery given by Atkinson By Society Pencil yon Drawing India Ink Sketch j Collection of Photographs Bead Work 17 Worked Etching 19 Embroidery pslr Corsets by the Crompton Corset Co York at Toronto a By Society Silk Embroidery 21 Cotton Embroidery Kensington Embroidery 25 Kensington Painting 21 Ribbon Embroidery Table Drape Table Scarf Mantlo Drape a sot of Cake Boxes given by SWright Newmarket valued at 200 100 fio O a By Society 28 Araceno Work Raised Work in Filoselle Chenille Work Work Raised Berlin Wool Work Plain Berlin Wool Work Berlin Wool Mats Cotton Antimacassar Woolen Antimacassar Wool Crocheting Cotton Crocheting Point Lace any other kind Fancy Netting Darned Net Tatting 44 Braided Pillow Shams 45 any other kind a pair of E Corseta by CM By Society 48 Braiding any other kind- 47 Sofa Cnihion Work 49 Otman5 22 Finished Foot Res fM J I A III 0 Scrim Work Twins Work ft Worked Slippers Worked Brackets Work Wax Work Collection Coins moat varied Case of Staffed Bird or Animals suspended most be given by By Society Cat Flowers by amatearsbcoQet or other Cut Flower open to all any design Collection of PUnUopen CcllocHonof Geraniums in flower Extras the largest number of Entries on lbs rjsnlsr and bringing forward for sxhiWUnn a pair of 100 so 100 100 IOO 100 100 60 100 2 100 25 25 100 60 100 75 ICQ 100 25 100 95 1 25 300 100 100 hand Sewed Balmoral Boot valued J such articles as New Potatoes Transient traders io Acton pay cr Trinity church Bradford baa had its silver communion sot stolen Trusting to lack Is name for trailing to lazi ness one- raea r fct work on It Ihit thd crop of year will yield way bat it achieve The total of ding presents to Princess Louisa of Wales is Oxbridge Driving Park As sociation will spend at first meet on Monday Aug offers of Milton per for gallons of water per day E The newlyappointed bibfp Toronto is with Father of Montreal It to a a woodpile will pull off coat and Ho ia Out of the udl- who for fit Bradford pJucked Tho Karl of who duke by bo tho jt Duke of Lieut KcbuUz UU to autograph to the School Board a prominent farmer in township btnged lyaru found guilty of a at km to meat Toe baa banks much tou and incalculable of Toronto wabt Sir John Macdovald lo ibo troops Tut huh frontier and ftlroady tlic number is said lo be Leaving post kali tectcd when enacting arches coat Bradford A came to griftt Indian treaty Wing paid out to tho Indians now throughout North- which hay arrived at from had ao with a licet of i7 tbd way baa cowmoacod id The wheat not headed bo Ihibkly as but quality la repotted An five of thd in J for the to retain interest t toot lato Col at Port Hops to to un- vfrilcd on tho 1th when Sir John ilacdouald will deliver the A serpent that boa Lako Winnipeg mariners waa captured Saturday proved lo bo a seal that ago escaped a t Wednesday pat train up ran over kilted ft cow and calf belonging to Mr Henry at about south of Aurotn F organist of tho Methodist church at was surprised other by a company of friends and presented with a purse and flattering Both France and the United States sro ahxioua to obtain of a small under the juris diction of Ifaylian Government entrance to Panama canal EST A young man named Ives fell against n circular la Scrip tures niilli at and had his left arm cut off and leg so hadly mangled tljat amputation was necessary Mr Anderson To ronto visited Barrio Jat week and bought the acres town paying therefor Land son has farm a gift to his daughter Mrs Sirs Brown is of six children What a it is for to their domestic troubles n public very littles sym pathy and great deaf of It is moreover surest sign of vulgaiity and illbreeding your home may bo show smil ing fsco to the world Bear in mind that if you laugh World laughs with you ioep ami you weep lias been discovered WAt- Nelson farm lot in ilW concession of Whitchurch stout a of Mr tested farm and it is to In bet- quality tlmri that of sons is In of considerable Mr a Wells tho Queens hotel is great interest in the find and has secured samples which he for warded to a chemical expert in Chi- and If it turns to bo what expected a syndicate will no doubt be formed for the mine Wo no hot what His genuine i

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