lr ERA TRUNK 8 a SOH as i IP s R T ALL POINTS ADA BRITISH COIUMBIA VfTKTED nd PACIFIC Bins and Trees r or write ATKINSON International Lessons Sam OP LORD Golden By and INTlODCCTOaT Tbt of tha for a king luring grant lb next 1 Up Ibe of to office lo how bo the to tie lb firtt of of fclngi Seal did cot sUrtsla from antnr to Sim- Bo sot pot by in bd not thought of ridaiJfor coly to hire did not own mo- to fulfil will for to A to biro selected for It high politico now to be He guides u the of It is ip our in SuDadX Gal tottb bo bo Sunt no kito Ho In moat For til who ud to Mire is Spirit WHIT HI TO ABOUT The town of SaritVt bo U of cutoou a port ud rorrtj ite rollKtor of at tbo port of Born In the Flood A OX THAT IK A very baby who has had a Urge experience into hi brief for England in Oily of He child of Griffith with hit wifo d little is retortiinK to their former home to Wale after baring their live in the Johnstown aster The baby bora amid hor ror of that awful night when the flood down Val ley and thousand of Uvea en gulfed in Amid tbo death cries rising to Heaven echoed the wail of a newborn child The little fellow who baa been appropri ately named born at 3 oclock Saturday morning Hi had before fled from their own home driven by the riling to another place They went to the of a relative on Lincoln atrwt The flood over took them They were driven to the attic Soon afterwards the home from fonndationa and began an awful voyage down the torrent the railroad bridge waa reached the bridge where rose the faeral a the house was wrenched in two and the family were divided from their friends that part the wick which they were being fod by the prepare of op the creek which flowed into the at that point and there the baby born He was wrapped up in a piece of old shawl his mother wore It drenched with rain there not a dry thread in tho attic They had no food The children end wept The mother wai almost death Between six and seven oclock of the second help Mother and babe were lifted to a abutter end carried over the of the houses to a shelter on the hillside I think Providence mutt hare protected my little family said Mr Williams yesterday The father a sturdy man per haps thirty years of ago He was an employee at the Cambria Iron Works at Johnstown where he settled when ha came from three ago mother is a little woman of demeanor whose wan young face traces of the fearful ordeal of that night on the flooded The old er children John years old Ave and Howell two are bright little fellows in good condition but the baby Moses is the star of the group He is as jolly as a grig hearty and rosy and the observed of all observers on the deck of the steamer before it sailed July IS Lady Toppers reception last night most success ful Over invitations la med Princess Louise the Marquis of Lome and Earl were among thoee present with a large number of leaders of London society and many Canadians A axroET widely reek lire a wis to be or executed Cort for story is authentically this week A comes from the West Mr Charles is likely to be of the Liberal party for to fill the vscaocy occasioned by the of the Hie Pardee id the Tag of Hamilton taker- to tee if Haves liog at ogs at another sod at a third Of count proprietors all off to csteleit emplojees the of the no Ittstbansfeo it tentttry to be This to I over Like the who the lets to Atnetica sgio both the Cotfin this BaalnesB Notices Liniment for Help Wauled who from sick ate do time In Blood HitortrnIsWraDd tonic It Is a acdpertoDtnlcara for all of liver bowels and Cored and sweet by tfbl lobs Remedy free by Keltnsts MyrlicWonls 1 can recommend Dr of Wild for si I Tor two Oib like It Jan Taylor Mystic cores all complaints was tick beeCutorta a CbUd cried for be Mi V bu bad soil nndocorrett J by MseiTstitejonvosH tbt the to help at the next local If this be realised it It quite tho Tote may at the appeal to the polls Old the for Fowlers of berry for alt vsrleUes of adults It or That Can cured by Cure cares Colds Taylor of Toronto been log Fred Sjffotd Mr J Winner of to- wm In town Hit The Kef I Percy of Pott ilwray J and Walter Percy of Out re their vacation In at the home of their father Ken Percy Mr Prank Held Toronto Tutt ing la town Mrs of bis Mr of the end Mr of iTt Dr A Ur George the School at is borne for Well bt Amor Jin uutti Id cd fan U report creji fan Lwot1 for the t ud to held rt Mm- mIihu cm The tcxoi of crod4 with on It of lriu vei with ChbtM ud by credit for pitd tit to he on the MObtofthtlrH of Vt two nd wen b lb tht fcont eaddaily took fright MegehU Bath tht thrown rig bom J wdtb u to ma m the linn wooid tightly him to Tot hot loth ooAUrmhlf op On the Increase exceedingly wo call attention beet blood podQer alterative known via lilt all Mcrsttos pliapIolotUowoxstkcroruloue wre Made miserable by terrible Cure the remedy Hold by Kelmsu to Bride and Groom In hoar after bridegroom and demand a solemn vow of bun and ft tow in one another never in to with other whatever pretext with whatever ex it may be Yon must contin ually and every moment clearly into bosom Even when one of yon has committed a faulty wait not an bat It freely And as yon keep nothing secret from each other so on the preserve the of and heart from father mother sister brother and all world Every thud or fourth you draw into it with yon will form a party and between you two to each other Re new the vow at each temptation Yon will find your in it Your ouU will grow it were to gether and at last will become one if many a young pair had on f wedding day known secret how many marriage would be happier than alaa I they are now A Brave Little Dutch Boy The country of Holland in Europe almost surrounded by sea To be sure there nothing In that for all islands are entirely surrounded by ae But Holland a low coun try and if the people had not built high to keep the water off whenever there a storm or a very high tide it would right oyer the whole land and sweep away all the and drown tbo people The Holland folk the banks many years They are called dykea They are not only high but so thick through that there is room for a broad atreet on top Tree are planted along and it a pleasant and airy place to walk Men are chosen whose it is to watch these dykes and see that the water which alwaya trying to break through never doe It necessary to be very watchful for if there comes a break ever email it must bo stopped at once or would grow bigger and bigger and it would take but a few to bring on a flood And even the smallest Dutch child knows danger of being careless about the dyke evening a little boy from the city of Haarlem on bis way homes walked fast for it was getting late It was a port of the city and there no one but himself on the street Everything was quid so quiet that presently he heard a soft gurgling sound like that of running water Ah Hans knew in a moment what that meant it meant that some where the sea had made a little road through the dykes stopped and looked carefully and and very soon he found it a tiny stream that rippled and ran as though it meant not the least bit of barm to anybody or anything fiut Hans knows better than that and the first thing he did to look about for something to stop it He could find nothing What should he do But before he could get one the stream might bo a great river He looked up and down empty street Well theres one thing I can do said Hans to him self and he went up to the great dyko and put his fingers in the hole It just filled it Isnt that lucky thought Hans And now Ill stay here till somebody And so ho did twilight passed and the night come on The came out one after another By and by the moon up in the east Very slowly the hours went by It seemed to little Hans that never had there born so long a night Once ho saw a man walking along dyke too far off for his voice to reach him Ho grew tired and cold but he did not give up Ho thought of the stories ho had heard of the done by tho Hoods in times dykes bad given away He thought of sisters and brothers at home and of other happy homes that luixbt be swept away should ho leavo his post to ho bravely it seamed to him sometimes that ho should drop down bo was tired Every in a while he would call out and early in tho morning a watchman heard him and hastened to spot And it was not long you may sure before others and tittle break was stopped was carried to bis Dutch a bravo people and have fought many battles in past to their country from enemies but among them all never was a braver hero than this little boy who through long hours of night saved great city from Men do than they ought do all they coo was count said an old American farmer the other day to a sympathet ic and minded neighbor POWDER Absolutely Pure- This powder A maiTvl of Mora economical than or low to or IT THE LEAD tfcUtiiy TEAT TERBBLE a Nation Of frightful of I ri unity and how The Light Running There are many men confined in our Asylum a short time were prominent amoog our business ana Did on at Not at all- It was a gradual bat They nature The araip on their their rawct tissue loortcat and thcypad Lei sank iL The to twig this sad tod sic the same things that ue being of men and today It is not to name They all unless jftot of knew this fully when he his experiments which resulted in the of the Pained Celery He realized that of the 1 jin was our great National He that the brain and mutt be fortiiicil the great modern life bring upon it He saw that men were becoming debilitated and women weakened by anil of life and he and the Celery Compound if rightly taken will renew the brain and build up tissue Cast uthev become It CONSISTING OF Spades Shovels Forks Rakes Hoes and all kinds of v Tools Annealed Galvanized And Fence Wire Builders Hardware Sheathing Paper Tarred Pelt Pitch LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CARPENTERS TOOLS Bar Band Hoop Iron Sleel Carriage Trlramiogs Jacks kept for Hire Agent for Repairs Always in Good Order Every Apply to TO Co SI FOR YEARS FOR THE PIANO v- THE DOHERTY ORGAN Large Stock of Select Sheet Mqrio Booki Etc y B MILLARD Oppotitd the Forsyth Hotel ARM FOR SALE OftT North Appyco tts5 ACObr ACRE FARM POR SALE lift 5 turn EMERSON OX KEA80NABLE Brick House on Victor property FARM FOrIaLE BY TENDER OF- i AND DOMINION ORGANS It contain no It It The high inLp and the of and absolutely of its prove The Mont flUcor KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE A DAT EUS have on band very large stock of the above Fam Organs of Warranted Superior Tone and of Faultless Construction For our cogtomcra QuUidc city wo have some Special Bargains We sell at the Lowest Living for or Good Paper When in Toronto remember our Therois Always a Welcome for yon Write to at any time for Prices and Catalogue O Instruments exchan J No 68 King St West l ta i- kj The has the Stock of J ROBERT80N from the Truths at a rate on dollar and the whole will tie cleared out at LESS i THAN WHOLESALE PRICE tor lb wen COO- Of Bank AH 111 If ll nW9J ireeI Ia John WtiiSaVaSS WM wen ftSS SSVfi WATCHES JEWELRY POLLED PLATE Ox fiwilii I would lite I KENDALLS SPAVIN CURL I to glee of for foucnJ ft ft it Troy KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE Cornrr Dec 1553 jour I of ILioj KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE for ill joiner It BY ELECTRO PLATE KNIVES FORKS SPOONS SPECTACLES ALL AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES a Railroad and Steamship Tickets- To all the principal points A call respectfully solicited ATKINSON NEWMARKET NEWMARKET BAKERY For the inontbV STOCKS IN ONE to fain CM it ftt once i- V tT J A ALLAN CO LIMITED L M LATH SHINGLES OUR- NONDYSPEPTIC BREAD TAKE8 THE LEAD- DellCAle dully uJ JMoUf CM Uirr la of It All WillUKotTcr to core you- by A la Mby very of Wild tttmrbf try not do without It la gam nd tad ao An bU by uJt formula of a tor lb aodper- of and all tbroat Loog radical tod aJJ Com- bating lbOUAabd4 dQty to It known to by aada to with fall aI at mall by IW A Itf of forooDiUpailoa asd auta It ooradmtt would It limit tor It aaoU ill fttbffi 1 toll ye an tuck nowadays If cm aim Now there my randy all I can do to git her out of bed by half lour of a an if nine on weed out ted an in a day of fitovo wood for her ho think all do till brcakfui it an at not vrantto Suit work by of an I tell but rum a going to through the eternal of their way Indeed an list Tho caual In the world think a one bo mentioned In any book or ft a canal long and Hal in north of England and ii underground from pod to end In coal mine arc very half the country being and many ago the of manager thought money by coal underground- Bo too canal mine and drained at the time Ordinary canal are but power by On roof of the arch aro and men who do the work ot on their back on the coal and with their the ontheroot Six or eight men will draw a train of four or fWo and fa there are two with reluoUnt brook and meet Womanhood and fa a typo of ot who from tbclr Ihty enter upon UIl excitable irritable by Unknowable within Item each a unto our most laving ovenirbtftnd the aid of to carry critical during which In too many Uvea arc of to tbo itut boon to womankind will ail or euro them IT alrtadyMtwdavfcttttu Woman owia It to to and to be to vcU and m Cakes Pastry Fresh and Wholesome COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Family Groceries PURE AND family and to to well and then not cure FRESH FISH A Specialty Received ly Expreaa every Fruits and Vegetables arriving Every Da y Refreshment And Ice Parlor Always Open A North and tioatb Stores J- ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH SIDING MOULDING SASH AND BUNDS THANKFUL FOR THE LIBERAL PATRONAGE OF THE PAST SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE CANE SONS MFG CO NEWMARKET ON a lefltJuute carefully by experienced and Wilful to It purely In and perfectly In any condition of Sold by for Dr PIERCES PELLETS rculAo the bowels are purely On si Dose Bold by tt a tannel other U1 tend any or The war Wp 5uan which ruck a rock and sunk near Malta some months ago has I3u who seem determined to find to say About every person habit finds lis objection able expression in a to cast aaiplcion on young ladles whom ftbsolntelynotHog can be proved The dearest possession lady can have Is a good tattoo and no man or woman has to say a word agalnit ex cept on something than or hearsay Just this toy when you are tempted to talk about the repatstlon of somo whom do not know depending entirely upon told yon Tie best and safest sray Is to say nothing the character Alfred Patrick Ottawa received a letter from hit son giving particulars of tho recent dis covery of rich coal oil deposits In the Rocky Mountains Jnly The Stan dard Oil Company is endeavoring to get control of the natural gas land In Indiana evidently with the Intention of controlling the entire gsj field ul timately Ky My Keely a negro who assaulted Crow wife of a boss on Kentucky Central Railroad was taken from gaol by a mob and hang ed to a bridge near this town this morning A received here announces the at Sweetwater of Postmaster Jim and a woman who lived with him as Ms wife consists chiefly of a station contiguous to a number of ranohes AverlU four years ago tooVup claims and the woman took tip a claim adjololpg the town of Beth were recognised as hard citizens The a daring She rode man fashion the most vicious brutes In roping could take her place with average cowboy For a time both have been under suspicion cattle rustlers Richards used WARDS in my family for ears believe it best medicine a the as It does all Is to do Canaan John Madcr Bay informs us that was cured a very severe attack of rheumatism by using THIS LB CUT AND PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO FINER THAN B EACH PACKAGE I Children Children for NOTICE L any Ealtor tutc lor Job it toy pardon ftom Lot bflloof tlr WRIGHTS G Creamer Cans a Also Milk Paos All of EAVETROUGHING Acd all bobbins Wet PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO n MMial In par ill io Mil RtDalra to tin wart done hop to merit a woUduidc of in lb Thanking fMJt attanuon S WRIGHT A COOK BOOK I On July 2nd and or Klot A to THE BRIARS FARM Sutton West SHOUT by it by iVi Bow ibe In AT THE ROBINSON WOOL MAT WORKS will flod that their but as us to pay CASH VALUE call tha Wood or Stave Bolts WANTED pries fo OK J jkXIBM A RARE CHANCE Vituibls market all under ODitivaUt hi an in North Half of lou b Wt SJ io to and uiuula ship Ail 1031 ood lermaoi jit Lou Id tf5w market tor FOR SALE BY TENDER A ACRES OF TIMBER Mostly una Ml Of ooa year its LotlilotMbC of On A FRAME HOUSE AND bard nod ion lrtararnnnlnsicroiLocfojrucf- of dir In Ota loBpt- EXT OF lWILD TRAWBEM cures- saw IARRHCEAI FLUXES OF THE IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE CHILDRE OR ADULTS lumberya Park THE RELIABLE -Asn- LEADING i Largest York which wilt LOW will lo the loilopurobme toglvctnaaciU Hand Constantly on DRY CORD WOOD DUNNS STATUTE- Si