Newmarket Era, 9 Aug 1889, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA AUG 9 1889 Advertisements Owl AgenU Ox Big J To Contractor John Stokes Tenders Wanted Farm for Mouingtoa Wanted J Opal to Let Lapp Lot for Sale J A Farm to rent Major Stevenson- for Sale Gallagher TTT- LETS I DOT ASH WITH FRIDAY AUG Oar Toronto Despatch Km rtlarnM Blitz two and ExblbtUoo baa his roll Jul now vnJ for lair It In all lm- fcruic to oar a EMmt4 atTeraaj acomaioao A Utter the hex thai mod iUptoGUjei torncd Her out of to the mod It Uut aba will remoter The tbo tinder tbe ample of of hi WtUUm wbUo working to the Friday aitcraooD Dow by abcjotS ft pi of of alibi caJimseJ J loiiAvouodiyitfteloArt liut lb to lEter- Call Of wUa Of Mr A oil white St L ul Friday With elf auruitHl to OTtiycoolTabl IflWMt An Old QU1 fll Into J the was drown Ttac Tucker An 4d by on their lo fritodi in and at tb Hotel blew on and the aarothCiX Ureal A will held after- dood fcdidden a who to bare by In No The Party The announces the plat form of ft new political orgauutattoo with Educational Reform chief plank new open the arena of conflict with the avowed purpose having DO the Jew or Samaritans of the parties and like a true ion of the Emerald Isle on an oil day at a brook Fair will hit a head whenever without respect of persona A prom- member of this new organiza tion informs our that the following is the platform on which it will appeal to the country it be Joty to child a that faitbtr duly of il- in all aid ibe ml and in for duly of tlu all are aulbviiztd by cation the no be in or at J that to to people at tbe The are also auuted that beside many men of city the now party has secured the support or encouragement of Mr Mercer Adarn exMayor and others It also slated that a candidate will be put in the West a few day a ami work will begin ti3 jjublio the Frty will be placed following riduiga at an early date when dust of battle will In vu HoutU Kent South Uruce fciouth Huron Huron West North Wat Cornwall South ud Wellington North ud great diibuulty with all XorouloniRtia entertain notion tht Ontario alt Ontario Ibey think that the electorate rural comtku- right to bo about their little Xhey get together hold it caucus late a aet and then fancy everybody thetr fada without Ho North York jj concerned it will be quite time enough for gentry to torn their to riding when their tdvico rtq ueted and we venture to moat of the other referred to above are of the mind North York V were in Bradford last week and eight pur pose horses ranging in from 76 to In the poisoning the judge on Tuesday charged the jury at groat the tenor of his remarks being adverse to the prisoner The jury remained out all night and next morning brought in a verdict of guilty Mrs was sentenced to be hanged for the murder of her husband- No such trial thU been in Eng land Cor thirty year Madeline tried prisoning her JW Th Rifihts Deputation wait ed upon Lord Stanley of at the last Friday and urged upon him the disallowance of the Estate Bill Principal was the for Ontario petition- era and briefly bat clearly endorsed the argument ret forth- The reply was not encouraging to movement We giro it in bill so tbst our rcadcra can judge of merits of the situation for them- In receive each a as importance of the em to a precedent At lime do think It too The difficult to self open to the for or In bWh lie dpata- lions are with toy I am to 1st di- whit lb of the cae as It to There to those tiled If I fifllbercoo- ehcold drift In to might be attanslty fttf id the or about detr the of Qactxc the Act in The he JmqiI EeUlfo ii o well that I need not refer to it detail Large of bid Wo the bid to sell uli in fact cone would Ma title with the rieir in jrooreecoodparagipk There re two of at If to the It was to to whom should be and to s be accept all it true the Pope as an authority bath eti of called oped to or tbe propped RoEDsnCslholio woceroeJ hot appears to me to relate not to the of the the but the food aft they bad paid arutblf that as a sutler of S3 is no reference to the sit in the por tion of the Act case the to naQioally by way led to the of Mil And that on the to out authority bad been on of the Holy Sea to which the The of Fops may sod likely to tome as Fro- as it in the of a of facts hid J and which course could set obliterate or and as have stated Is the body Act I did not consider authority or or that was compelled in the exercise of my duly as her to disallow the Act that scout As to the of that la not one on which feel at liberty to an aad am to my belief by whom Act tins my powet of for the Act doc eppeer do more to seek to restore a certain So ciety not In tied hot in money portion of the property of which that in yean gone by od it profetes to a la mosey of which had become of property and waa profiting by it As to recogsU tioo pokes in paragraph of lbs I of the Jesuit Society to make it tome that this Act exactly where were It is by do for the to recogohe a moral claim ssd lean apeak evanesce or twelve years sjjo it constantly that of escheats and other forfeitures of the Crown the moral claim of olhr was admitted sod remissions were not as a matter for the of the Crown was but as a matter of grace There are also many to be caste it seems to me each be decided own Its Aa to psrapaphs and siij will I am concerned either to admit or to deny hot as a matter of fact do not findsof eri that this Dominion and In nineteenth the of Jesus hire been or lojat thin As to six It appears to me that status of the Society was settled by the Act of to which Utile or no ob jection was taken cannot see anything neons Hi that in the piy of the money In toeSxUijr duly by law both by the law and by the spirit the is to be the advice of Lie If be with them on questions of policy as to tbe of Her or If he believes they do Oct represent the of iatlii- it bis doty other if he IS satisfied that those ao summoned carry on and the the As to the firat I caonot that I with the court which under the the hare from best antboritlei to which bars access to be const Hod The of the by to the asms riew I decline to go behind recorded votes are elected as the as the rrprcecotatms of the people and it la their doty to themselves ac6rd tolbst wbieb they to be the heat of the which have to avoid she majority J that tbe where Si the thirteen represent and the body of sphere to bare voted for of have iboUh not by you to tbe though advised by the Jdtnialcie though to the Would It for a moment that do so It commerce or of finance or of I There would be some of my being held up a of Apptsl with it Is my lo work In conceit Then has been why not fscthuu mature by a refer ence to the Privy Council believe that my have a perfectly good answer that having no doubt the their they a good eo been asked to dissolve it of Commons in one of the to which I am replying A of of Parliament In Cist Instance except the and laasrvatloDirio not be pronounced except upon the advice re of of the and expense to the country aad to It Is a remedy which should be only as a last resort I must sajj 1 do so ptat to present tbat of and dots to bits any feeliox in this matter such as would wamot to ass remedy I the influence the two pro hot of the I may personal hope that this Parliament may for some time to come a wis affairs of the country my answer been to the Other have been to ma For reasons I ban I unable toboldcut to you soy hope that I shall disallow Act You cannot suppose that taken by my and approved by Noth ing bis taken place to alter lbs view the the reversal of an allowance already Intimated Gentlemen 1 cannot conceal from youths personal regret which feci myself in and WroingsuchansiaSaelsJ it has been my to do to the which hue been preaented to bet 1 to avoid atd I cuuooty hope that docs will dose an earnest appeal which by already am yon and that that a this wo shonM as far to we to be for welfare of the Djminlon fcnrisg late rs we bars hop ed thai which Innately railed In former years bid disappeared that the a a was on the of Jrceperity and I call on all the best of Dominion fax as possible bile their opinions to be tolerant of those and neighbor to live hi lire thst we In time to come may feel that we the aoj welfan of Dominion and the maiotenurce of loyalty and devotion the then drafted Ibe following was unan imously adopted by delegates Esq address on the Jesuit at la Prairie and was followed by Ft Attorney who spoke fa favor of the abolition Separata and French language In Leg islator sad charts as well as all documents Iq French the and AvsocUUon of Co the nil addressed Chaa of AgHcnllaro for Ontario praying the Gov- to tssnppoit to such ameaauvt as was Introduced by Mr last to give aid the farming community by way of cheap money end lending to tbwngh or be deemed over lbs channel last Friday occasion being a to His Imperial who area to land in for lbs fint since to ib lhronw The of fleet as spproacbod wee by the firing from each of the wanhlpe drawn up In and is the smoke it an jigbt of of War by men The said bean to be forgotten and Was magnificoni reception to Porte month Town A and Mils were ordered to Junes for JohneaTSforo pairs to water Huron creek a moneys disbursed to levels fthleldsaa of sol ny or tha cbool Board foe lory of was EuincaOoin chairman of lbs sale or wv loo to The port also stated various levels and of plpoe are to be iad report adopted nJ to for tenders In local and oily paper tender of J Madden for layloa go AND LOT FOR AXE Tte Hard bouse above toe Apply ro Vkt THE TO RENT- loaacres Klor toed tor Apply On to MAJOR ffTEVKlVBON- K OR of nd8LQ Of Apply to J A AflM TO LEX ra ta acreaaboot a or nuiti- idy Water wLLblo easy bpuq A ilowiux hai roue a Sir Min of its membors of lh Ontario wltb the that Hie IqUchbU Ids bis that any recuavrki to ihooM avoided reply on ulTlMOE Id effect already by lbs Opinion alreMf lawn ihoronaHt tbe oarnd uiifelcnedjUslehmeLabd ircrttUaSt been advised that would to the opponent of ibe measure from OhUlc is opinion of that Coart of Act Id view of LbeavppUltockiaIrt4jJy mad and extension of order to carry out the principles of and of similar Province vie to ihe elation and to adequate lloDOlihIr Ink props- week Band not yet arrive School Board meets feet of new laid ibis Veiy in Wednesday NEWS BY CABLE The Dervish Defeat Editor TO It is now stated a effort wyibetnsds to Lake railway to Albert beow snow dies AccorJiog to all the is behind Wk are in receipt of an log the of a few of prominent live stock exhibitors at the Interna Fair among them Cnadaana from North York however Ttlltduty collected si port of Toronto during month of more than con responding month and ill with of Collector and salary Wonder wholl get the berth I Ax of Liberal of Weal Wellington held si on last day Jul Mr Long of was to oppose Mr next for Lfgiils- TuEcbujes In tbe of money into force n 1st of this matter will facreifter be by car only except iu usee with Under will be secure of sponsibilUy from time revered posted noli It is deliv ered to the emu to whom it is addressed POINTS Miss vUjtlng at TheCdaw Mr Vnt ussy of was In Iowa last Friday of Toronto Is vtng at llr A Wilkin of the last Sstnrday Mr of Toronto was in to if of days week Ma to Thorn- for a to with her aoo of Sunday with Mr Geo liltts spent a me at Horn test Wedoiay next with Rev Mr Bell of Point Miss Ida left Wedoesdsy for a months vials it and with Mr Ballsy family leave Bradford for their home In Manitoba- York and her brother from Aurora are for holidays who bur recently retimed from this and Toronto were la town of vxi two from James at North End Mr 8 Wright and a few friends at supper on lbs evening of Civic Holiday Mr Frank washers aeonple of days week and Me Bell of the place with The Expected Engagement took The Rebels De feated with Heavy Aug Orenfell yesterday sad completely rooted them the Foes was killed and wounded lou was Besides Nad-el- the reia on side twelve and nearly all the fighting men Fifty standard wi colored by the Ejp- Genera out of at firs oclock the a strong force of cavalry and 6lose to Dovish The cavalry of effective and the Kauri killed After seven of hard fibttog lh were oompletelr rooted are of lhaPeivlsh ihe river Later dead at ihrowlng Ihtmelves columns and quarter The fighting British will now In The Khedive has sent lo Ceo the Egyptian loss a killed sodlbit teen Bervssbes were rasde lolelUgencebaibaciv received of a between and a of wtre killed lt curort- COAL Best Quality Coal Wood or 1 At Reasonable Kates FARM FOR SALE I BY TENDER will be received op to fart Lot IS lot be of North of York eieared attend property- to I ON THE COUNTER ON THE COUNTER THE 10c COUNTER -tt- JON THE REMNANT COUNTER WALK IN AND TAKE A LOOK AT THE BARGAIN timber on the Lot It I toU and Do bedding but A of wm aVcm factory- Addreaa Tenders Waatei THE EXTENSION Op THE WaterWorks Mains the under- sliced up Id Monday noon up follows Uydapts Mr Win Edgar or Montreal Gen eral of have len farcied wllha printed and Illustrated of lydcifgDtd for ma of louriit Ittsorts by Trnnb Hallway are of Mountains and eastern cities obtain a y of this on to a recent of lal In ChlcKo dUpnte be the and the Canadian railway reduce to extent of to per cent The Southern Pacific this proportion on liisl for l0 days to ou notice of withdrawal during tint time No one will be reviveJ so while holds Its ootite of withdrawal in Minister of left llinie on alilp Ontario He will spend Id Parry Sound and to see what kind land Is district and the thai are He will a abort time In SnJbury and will then to Port Artbnn In this vicinity he will Ibe minis and examine of for the land the valley of White Pub He will by wagon and will go on to the to ei4Dbuloni there He gone about a month la to a elate of mint A despatch that on lath 18 men who fell Into hie the other day were shot and others bad threats cut the wble As an ant of who ordered execution of all eight la number the same manner a command of 0 of go outside Ibncltyln the surprised enemy All were killed or captured except two who bid In the bush and they saw ihtli shot down In cold It seems a war of extermination and tbe country is ruined tf Winnipeg with the that there consider- able between the lieutenant- Govern or ud the to former wanting to go into careful details In ell mat ters brought before him which Inaoms caaee great delay sd ministers to hare not Urns to collect for Another aurt4 of the S Is tha of she Governors which be to PabUe it Mated that will out off tie hop- pUea nail live on tbe salsryr friends here Mr gifted left for a trip of two or three on upper lake4 The last trip improved bis health considerably Jot of Toronto in town last week bunds with old ft fend He a few on St the guest of Wet Unlock Mr Jos- Boa worth ffierly of North York will be to learn that be promoted by the from at to Chatham congratulate A of School passing Toronto with boners In French Mr who been to erowd four years Into two at EDtrket School was unfortunately plucked In He lo complete course at Kiogitoo Rev J A of the ChrUliao Church Portsmouth New tod of II will preach la tie Christian Church bete next Sabbath mora log and Triton lUoote of Is with ehler Iter Mrs for a of Neil week Rev A aud wllo together with a i and alNltf It in diet p4ted tilth highest honors the Depart of Toronto Normal and will during current year the position of Director at IeliaUry Mr end Mrs and two children of who hate been at way borne and of ut Mr sotV Mrs Wheeler la bitter at who el tended school hero for thfio lieoJ at the Itoyal hotel Mr- ilcCllotvck WSJ running It If Us it Hell sit last 1- and found her improving nicely It just a month she came from The completely her and her recovery almost Uet fiyuday she was out of for the her return Her sppetlte is good now and she la gaining strength She to boat ride Sunday Her many friends will be pleased to learn this aging Intelligent In the town of evening it oclock loedaikened room lamplight there met In the home of a few of many to wltncas the of Squire of to bee only Miss Addle Halt Rev place of Eld who woes ahasnt The bride waa attired and waa by cousin and Proeaer The groom attended by Mr Ed Henry The many valuable folly attest regard for the bride by Maude Mr In fairest Aug A very destructive firo occurred herd hour first discovered that were from the the hotel stable being and a wind the flaoicw apread with tepidity to driving of the hotel all Tte next building to take fire John marble factory and dwelling of both place were saved but the were completely The dwelling occupied by Blue with great difficulty caved The follow ing were The Dominion Hotel and coo tent and driving fthede by If for at marble and dwelling stable and P stable Mr dwelling partly for 6X- MrB- driving and 13 Mr Ough badly about the neck rcccuiug The is supposed to been caused by 1st- For For laying the Jioi For l lo 11 J complete price per foot for Piping anil the price each far loweatot do other Tender patUculara apply to lboF4 WiCOflt- SHOE TRADE A hustling one when properly done During the next weeks we will have some IN FINE AND LIGHT BIG BARGAINS AT MONTGOMERYS You are losing money if you buy Shoos where tban from in our own make of KIP BOOTS FOR Worth Now is the lime to bay MONTGOMERY SUMMER GOODS In order to reduce our stock and make room for Fall goods Dont misled r our Goods and Prices before purchasing i MAIN ST SIGN OF THE RED BOOT Oar Newmarket Markets lour i to In neighborhood Urines dajr for KT young People hate a AuiokTor Great Bargains I FOR CASH AT TUB LEADING House A Block In will li A ROBES well lb Undertaking a Specialty Night to All oa Joa I of wr- trimmer of iUUfbtor At or of Jly of to of nines At on A loillt of Wnmi Bui- it A lia jrif of MO Of 1aU iJurojOf to of John of M4ftWtli kp- of JobS mo of 1 mot lOYoIn lb A win the yew mo of monUt Jib 4Jtb7VMJaiyufl T at oclock noon S J prompt TO CONTRACTORS VJH Pitting up of the Attic Story OK bo Homo at work lodftel for bo for lhimprjUoooftb6 at of two to John tl ly Order CO Co lfctf JwV by of Works System At Homo irtc Hoc bo at Mr- oeooAiflHapul J History of British Columbia to Now itcilooil tod A book fun of aod ihrllllPg A work by auibor of rcatroputoaadU alio of a oit Agents Ranted In do Wheat do do a a i ikiltn vis a a a a Oft a a no JO a a V a do it 13 BaiUtroU par a par bag broaUdllogi parent 0 30 a a a a OS WW OH NOW GOING ON Our Toronto buibol do J ft ilta per bushel U IHlllltllllll il jO Itf 0 iMftMIIMIIIIIII Jm t7 lay too par tag jlay wiuuhh par pound do Applet per a pound in a per a J a a DU Mi a 0 a a to a a 16 on ICO it a GALL AND SEE THE BARGAINS I Ten Thousand Dollars worth of BOOTS SHOES OoUrp tbalf ail know aawallMtb6lrftlDdavaoil Who do lUralia lirti it tbo and of bltloy Prom 6 to 20 a day Id fclitory of book It In liiooal pracUulDd apply iur ti a and eVrrWatVi puarnrteJ Wo Of MftiolrittjiVititJiA boo ril i and Ait vi me in THE ajtar to Cop- of IbiTowcibipof uihaaoouoia S3 will awmakaU OLD Bala IhJiOfflo- BELOW COST FOR ONE MONTH ONLY Brunton Bros have purchased immense stocks of Boots a Shoes for the Fall Trade and must make room for WE WILL OFFER EVERY PAIR OF FOR LESS AST POST FOR The Public are aware that our Stock of Boots and Shoes the Largest and Best Assorted North of Toronto ana w offer we make now is without a parallel in TERMS CASH AND ONE PRICE ONLY MAIN The Great Sale begins Saturday July

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