NEWMARKET ERA AUG 1889 a GRAND RAILWAY IRA IT Tim 5 5 n 8 ZZ a If a R ALU POINTS anith J call ox ATKINSON i ct Out S Lessons Anointing of David 9 I MS Golden Text Mia at the col but the Lord the bent J Col It it It that reign d Pint till epfOint- the throne Iftnc fcut id loyally to tbe King of cd rejected He to toco ten fear iff fcfcl delivered to him of A time dee not Mora mother who a after leitoo actonat of fiithltw high fa bio hot to of filings Ij foleititcftttictabf tie choice does oat depend I bo he for God bt Holy Spirit to will ten Lines do not weep though God A from thy homo Ho not but la bit heavenly home do cot wwp it diwn or owning When hit yon Tlio eyes behold him Yet spirit bo watching at the nightfall When no other than God will for calling mother yon near Boon the will There will bo a vacant chair For him and ho Ho waitiug for yon Do not took for hidden heart Christ who Can comfort Would yon giro a faded flower While lUiea were in bloom Gcd has passed the withered And your precious only ton Oh how ho did struggle Battling through the swelling tide Christ did beckon and he followed Over Jordan river side Yon could kiss his pallid forehd could smooth yonrtOTtdoneabrow smooths his Ho is waiting for him now He will meet you by the When trial of life is And with him reign forerer And with Christ forever more Br Height of Great Sea Waves repeated experiments made by an experienced English jtor at on north coast of Spalb showed crest of the lea in a prolonged and heavy gale of wind to be feet high and allowing the for depth between the waved would make a height feet from crest to base The length from crest to crest was to be 3S6 feet Other mates of the waves in lantic daring groat storms a height of feet for the crests and feet for length the North Sea the height of crest seldom exceeds feet and the length feet Business Notices Liniment for Crowned or suOtxln or dyspepsia win harbor a sick By in aroctlof tbe torpid Urn and sick nutter tow or It may Search the Scriptures The Bible the m06t book fa the world It is Clods book for He told good men what to write in it It tells God That Hoi and what He loves and what ho bates It tells us how to live so as to please God If yon want to please Him and bo tared ton mast the Bible It wis who said Search the Scripture Hedidnottay Scripture To search means to read slowly and carefully to think about the words It means that we should study all parts of the in parts of it there are good words We should search the Bible as men search in the for gold looking even for little bluing grain We ought to read a portion of it every day not on Sabbath only but every day of the week The beet to read it is early in tho morning the beginning of the and then again in the Bead a chapter at a time or if you cannot read much read a few verses When you the Bible offer a little whisper of prayer to God to it plain to you- Read slowly thinking about each till you know what it means Ask yourself whet each Terse has to aay to you what duty it tells to what of conduct or tem per it shows you for a copy to to do or bo what the Bible says God want yon to do or be After yon read the Bible kneel down and pray God to help you to do what he has told you in His book to da Often during day think of what you read in tho morning and keep it in your heart Every young person should memor izethat learn by heart many passages of the Bible If learn chapters or now in this way you will remem ber them and they will do you all your life writer of one of the said that he hid the Word of God in his heart that he might not sin A lady opened a drawer full of garments and a strong odor filled the A little grain of musk hid in the comer had gone through every garment Get Gods Word in your heart and it will fill all your life and change it into good and beautiful ways Search the POWDER Absolutely Pure A More than kinds and la lb mot STORE XT TEE LEAD The Light Banning Kinds of low test Our Agricultural Societies- The followicg article which in the WcrUot last week en fctad b and too much loiUid of a in all cor We trait that the the article may hare the de sired effect of miking local Fain To a j c from to local Agricultural date the heart of the A it now the work fint left to be done and Mrranla of the annwailed with hard their work deft not exactly to expects take only aof Gelt at iatemt n the society to on wear a larxe badge feel as imjcitsnt as a hen with chick and secure a ticket for a free There are ether who attend the one at which the list la in order to some point they are ioterettfd may a truth but troth it i are on the oM s ticket year who the mouths a word fat the tilt tut who the fife dinner and all do they cm the work worth as it is much to kelp it aVnjt a it for utipsHfv do to iyjh That dollar a J if tint not tfcft Can 1 to with firmer pay whether he to win iwn uiotev to Indues bis tort to pay at make an effort to hare to show fanner to to himself or fcifir he do Rood for soy- ir may tot be the ll bat to find out at the abow it ery My iT Hut- lift it is AftW will latere will feel to ih wb thing As remarked if the dollar freely tith the if there are Mm men with the she filter dnrir local I the will the For Lama Back Hide or Cheat Fonts Flatten Kslmao Liniment Curt and Bel table I Wshly Dr Fowled of dys entery and It la safe and reliable for and older per- ions ai not P JKTt jdlfolaacajoortanyoeatajil it all very rwjjectfQlly as J KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE SPRING GOODS CONSISTING OP- Shovels Forks Rakes Hoes and kinds of Garden Tools Annealed Galvanized v And Barbed Fence Wire Builders Hardware Shealhing Tarred Felt Pitch LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CARPENTERS TOOLS Bar Band Hoop Iron Steel Carriage Trimmings Jacks kept Agent tor V S GOITER I OB Always in Good Order Every FOR ALSO FOR THE P1AW0 -ANDi- THE ORGAN Large Select Sheet Booke Etc ci B MILLARD Opposite Hotel JARM TO iIfSft H OR SALE Or to HENRY JWO FARMS ih- io ni new TO LEI la a J my cl from infla- Scan Mutt ffcUltaUDto rooocdalyoarvntxiilKxAaaoqatd on IM wre KENDALLS SPAVIN CURL IS keep mkI ibey In wtl yoo b4 two of NEWMARKET BAKERY to toCT in Tout K J iwd aj 1twj on jk im CO SOLD ALL Western 1U owns and controls nearly of Made Mother Strong Is for ajtLUf Wei Co J etc Forms ad of ft nib tor an Dord by Burdock bit ten t to unequal for U of ihotomacb UiWi fibilobViCoali ot a Hold by Timely Timely Is by who of Lis no of Croup IcouiMlUtely by UIOArflVLIalmeut Four liver AUtl four to an Ionic Whitchurch Council Council at ki to from county rM whoul for Home fill a litem VidNotnci council to a ud od ha Ijav to thai July fur year on lliiC4 of lpwhlp by lift iin mi 3rd by IfcAletMytiirarc wDilVj A llaiDCf fin Hoe n for Coon Walker of for rtj A- acrvt for road pfnuJa That Many colt a If to may hues ScotCt Oil Will Out only nop cough heat Kit by thousands of pltylrlut Try ttol by alldtuxfUu a Venn Iu your Fowled of aol wot perfectly cured vat yetr after fcctlycurtqfrbdiiQw I Vertker laCattorlal for Of tutu torotbir Narcotic It a Cat- tor OH ft Vkjnut Kuarabtf a yean by of trcvcim vomltloj Hour curia Collo fro regulate J a Childrens For a year Ball Co will keep Midland supplied with eight electric lights Unfavorable reports of the Labrador fiihiing seaaon re ceived at Johns There over Ice landers settled in Manitoba and Canadian Northwest la at bridge seven of the per crossed to the other chore had another last Saturday morning Machine shop foundry dwelling destroyed St Catherines News is by electricity being first newspaper in Canada driven by that power Threshing on a farm at Man- has shown a yield of 30 of wheat and of barley to the acre voted on a bylaw ap- priattng Si for an electric plant for town 178 for against Tottenham more and Helton peti tioning the for additional mail service OSolIivan Chicago ice- man charged with in Cronin tried to hang him- self in jail at on Monday A San fctanctsco despatch of a rnovetnent to secure control of all sugar markets of world capital involved boy named Smith who was in employ cut his foot about two weeks ago and died on Tuesday evening of last of lock jaw Wo learn that bag comprised with washing 800 tew than the mortgage given for boon for accompan by and bis dons a woriJcigwil It Is only fa TralwRcoootSleKbidcoPlKUU coma low I cmiirxoi wt the IMixi uinf It I bao a ftDdrn Bleep My ai x- Of a Paines Celery Compound and A and InlaQrator It GIVES HEW LIFE am now year tiled tirt unlit I It lean well Ai frtl iter lite and iiruca demand value to warden Bread Cakes Pastry Fresh and Wholesome COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF 1 Groceries 255 FOU v PURE AND RELIABLE The ha Stock of ROBERTSON from at rate on the and tho bo out at LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICE A Specialty Received Express Thursday night and Vegetables arriving Every Day and Ice Parlors Always North and Stores St Newmarket Extraordinary Bargains For next month TWO STOCKS IN OSE to and Be it at once SJk ALLAN Call fclrtnifltrtiis Ito adJ wo- NOW GOING ON LIMITED LUMB LATH SHINGLES men to Walu CO UTAIAIft DIAMOND DYES to WOT AWX ihfl the lrKflAtiof council Cod to amoont for for A w the for public top p public two third Jamb Council at iu the public tiTtl M tJ hair of tbcocurHteonred ihe the Id iiiituwiuta rebuilding by fitebtt on the a rtltcrAJIcUlmt by on tha Coo- water lot AtiUjoruiogilie to repair on ra- Urn toobip by It bKl iiUaoUM such a heavy- at lat week bat cucumber and pumpkin will he fall Kbarp aro reported north era portion of Quebec and Monday Three person at Mo Secretary to to ecuro a tav In cuo of Mra Oat Aug Butler of Hamilton to a on from that city fell off train near ton Junction thU morning and bit head completely severed and hit body badly mangled by train paiilog over Aug Walter colored lynched at Pool er et of early tlila morning for an upon Lulu KlMaan a old girl yetrdAy and tagged for hundred muked men harried him to an open field where up to a and riddle with hit body a paper with tin way our home A young wan at who could not afford to bis on wedding bought worth of for round proceeded to rido to their content Very account fiEven of wheat in land According to received from vatioui it to row lire up to twenty per ctnt more tbaa last year on the a bonus of 000 and twenty year exemption from taxes to Railway and Navigation took place to day resulting as follows For bylaw against bylaw 101 Arthur 0 Chambers of Bos ton left that a week ago to se cure as his wife Amanda law of Halifax Ho stopped to ace an in Montreal took scarlet fever died dying ho Ms will leaving to his Intended wife Office Wo publish the following rules for guidance of public If you ask for mail told is none say ought to bo then go home and send rest of fatally At different times during day Dont your letters to the mail closes then corse the postmaster for not opening the big and putting your letters In When you want a stamp on to It on If ho dont do it thrash to you put it oa yourself hold it la your mouth enough to re move the mucilage It will then atop on It dry If you a box stand and drum on it until hands out your mall it makes him feel good especially when he hi watting on somebody else Start for the mall when you hear the brain will then have a good waiting for It and can aay How alow la CALL AND SEE THE BARGAINS ha her with emotion Pro to ImaiU of old Ibo till a I not my liWal lit in uiWU but when lit the of mi to ha bcr of for now lnnrfiailon of lipid upon IU victim wo of it apprtocli Helical thousand of must too tar la to tlmoftoJ will mono paid It will or bo lire At Co it aa Ahortuott and l M an Cm Ml JJ tit cad lot iU mild ootblox ami pro curt wont no CO DrSaituaCftiiurti mild fcnl ft Aiia For the Era TO K 00r AC I fint saw your letter la I not think It a helcf lnt1uoJ ly our ibfolloiu you a would to oo your of you od your pilot to yon Kiouoda I you then to our it you will allow mo j r did sot to wo you lbs lei of July It then out to go lo to other ogtlaet you iKs areoioKfibe 1rubyterUu might none but how could no you a we to kick yoo J go over or oar liking tome la tbeti lo another for boodle your by I ucdttitea4 much iy wo hired your to lei lbs boll go well leoraltforlbtoa looker to decide It did or not by wy tie ball went through Wine did get ycur you un teat and day a a fair game of football alio what for you did not find Ql your Is skill or alrenjth Tell ui Unit when the men of will allow to sad ilea we will and lei you know two or ibee weeka ahead will down Will OH ftEUEVt BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA INDIGESTION JAUNDICE ERYSIPELAS SALT RHEUM HEARTBURN HEADACHE DIZZINESS DROPSY FLUTTERING OF THE THE STOMACH DRYNESS WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO OUR CUSTOMERS WITH sash and bunds FOR THE OK THE PAST SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME AYE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK Hi between Aurora aal tat lbs a -AT- POSSIBLE PRICES THE CARE SONS MFG CO NEWMARKET COAL Best Quality Coal Wood all on and lo an At Reasonable Rates Newmnrkel Mutual Life Assurance RATES fleourfty Profits to EXCEPTIONALLY nonlooiaro apply io A Mriotu the and railway at mom- killed two bar died of their Injuries and were dangoroQaly hurt Advices from Honolulu bring that on July natives made an armed attempt to overthrow the Government The Rifle called out a which were killed and twelve wounded The rioters were at compelled to surrender long of baby car riages icon the on Jicr return from Itland hopefully of OrillUvs future sod testifies to preclation of the of that resort Why bo about thirty of them J exclaimed an by the other day he the leaving the wharf And It was not good day either or hie skin And averY noibf OR A MILESIAN AMlM Co have MINARDS my family and it beat tho market as It docs MI It Is recommended to do Kieiuteau Forks John Bay Informs that bo was cured of a very attack of by using AftDa LINIMENT THISYEAES MYRTLE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO FINER THAN EVER B EACH PACKAGE DR iTBWBERRYi Iholera Morbus IARRHCEA YSEHTERY On July Sod of road A HEIFER OLD suitably to V lio AND ALL SUMMER AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS 1T IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS I TBK RELIABLE -AMD- LEADING HOUSE FOR YEAR8 T Largest Best Stock tbeOoDQivol York will fflOUBHB W2 partita THE BRIARS FARM Button Went Out SHORTHORNS by luktf by CUrtate Dii la the Dominion Aiyoucg ROBINSON wilt flua Ibis best wo to VALUE Wood or Stave Bolts WANTED prktf yewHiMit- FOR SAW TENDER ACHES OF Mir or ob year at JO acre or Lot A FRAME HOUSE MM laloaswliuioofeoUlwUio- Jerln Ho aeeepted ode AJdreas IVjI OR PINE on lb Hallway I I ff dunns BAKING POWDER WAMTgf No t I iTW A FOR BALK Brick a aaibt Lot on la i J bIjsiSessItSd AND DWELLING For Sale or to Let MAIN ST or If water M EA0thO FARM BY TENDER DEW U Wo up to I ubii about IS will viMiruZ ivro in JJ5 Of Temienelo muj 4 Want ftJdrM A RARE CHANCE To Vailoitle UMi lontl fnn occur iflkirkl ibe Of bull ilxUUW- all in iU6amofwataDJ FARM FOR SALE 1 BY TENDER r will be up TUESDAY For North to in Li rib Cij York U A IU The eI or lttlt tbo it JiCkwaiVolot c4JttlWlt Addrtif sfatWraWHt sale Wl LheTowrutilpaf WffULttathe lb tt ll u tb w jo fim i a V Ail good or win Several tote We For V