NBWMABKKT BRA Friday Morning -BT- at SUBSCRIBERS inline GIVE TO ABQUB ACCORDING TO ABOVE ALL LIBERT ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol 32 Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday August Terms 126 Cash in Advance within mos or at end Newmarket Branch AQSKKOAl Interest Allowed on Deposit AT DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALLronTTS old Newmarket Real Estate Insurance Agency Money to Loan Bought and Bold RENTS ON MODERATE COMMISSION Special Attention paid to Farm Insurance TOWN AGENCY FOR Brand Trunk Railway and Ai White Star Line Ocean Steamers njoak to all la Canada Culled State and Great ALBERT BOB Main Bt South Newmarket TXIOXA9 I 1BRI3TA At Farm -I- BJJLDWiar HANDS Notary AC TORONTO WCWIDDJFIELDB Block TO LOAN- EIc M ON BY TO LOAN tKiKet door Sooth or lb Dominion Hotel a ALB BAITS SOLICITORS AC- i roio So Toronto 8t ox good IT JAMES KOCH of surr Of 15 ttlWcol ISO TO AT LOW uciroR3 n A Mil a J A FOB Fir AT tf TAX on iiy Ota LAWmiB FOB linden Co At Old Cor AK310JI HOTEL Term per EJpcUlCHibt- ISO bed roonn- AeeoumodAllon lor KO TnoiTt Co banc meet rtntbUllard parlor hotel lit US York 8L doom I TORONTO Proprietor from York fill IN J and IT otfand if ft tfrmfr Council l SCOTT if t KtMenco Street of lit ALBERT of York Farm Sale AUendcdonSboriKollco all to lrit ttlbliUfflOfl trill prompt to IropexEy AS KATAKAOH For York Cj for kept on band lima office to ACCIDENT dm BAtQalt la Ajenc for it ood J Public Ill AM A 1 Oxide JOY A HOW REAL ESTATE OFFICE WEST 11 JOT end ood NOTES DISCOUNTED at If TO LOAN Note utf InOaudiitArlbe IMh or HALL NOTED iOR THE- LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK China Crockery Mailable tor New Oruige Lemon end Peel PURE SPICES and all of FRESH in stock Give us a Call No Trouble Show Goods A SMITH Prompt Attention to Telephone Orders- 00 TO- Main Street Newmarket PARIS HE Old Farmer Old la Ihti To lo rfoi to pinch ted toiiw ot HU loots ftw iwJftd drop of oft tod And lo lUi loiL for ltd J not car Bold Jtriji At yield rtoro cm From bin Would You cut oat iron pot ma o drodgw And In Ml tad on felt to bo oen b nd A bud Then in lit 11 biro Bit ho took no of So ha wis nd TUfftl 4 vrAjnPirWrVvaM Dispensing Department Furnished only the purest drugs etc ftnd care is given to the of PHYSICIANS FAMILY OPEN SUNDAYS FOR DISPENSING 10 A P P ironld ud cJ in will for to Bali d for WbtooonDtiog to But Dot fitch From Bat rich would Id a ditch All ud it dank la career lib ud to to nor to The leuoai bid been hit sad died Old Mined Hut ismi And laro auU wed- shook histoid ia For he with and til Ihtt good for took of In a For nertrm word of To her from In From homo mora JhofiTmer boras And though little lo comfort uothu be more tot Inclined fox j rrri Air for TIN CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO AUTUMN FUL received beautiful in English Scotch Canadian for and an of Panlings to selected Pattern In and Stripes Call and bring jour friends with you All goods made on the at Closest Cash Prices Only Your Patronage Solicited W MUTCH Next Door to Atkinsons Jewellery Store Tailor Gents own cloth made op neatly and cheaply T LYMAN J JACKSON LICENSES CAPITAL AND FUNDS- DOLLARS sod la two It- J IIKAKCH BIBLE SOCIETY at slSTorootOp Leading MAIN A LIFE SIZE A INVITED TooVllatQKlIrrQli0HpvBoi of ffffDklDAl0l Work A JADING HOUSE Best Stock low The Manufacturers Companies OOIfti Toronto Clg AMldtDt or star John A J Wo lfl diDlTndQrt Hank and terULryTriimr J A OOAKT vsrb BEAVER Roller Mills ON ENTIRE SYSTEM Ahead of all other Roller Mills THE BEST- M ahitoba Shortf Chop ud of on hud Gristing Chopping done every day by mill and promptly to t V DENNE DRUG MAIN STORE Tried in the Balance A if LUMBERYARD Constantly on Hand 1 I STATUTES DRY CORD WOOD pure- Paris Green White and Insect Powder Plant Food Flower eta etc PATENT MEDICINES CHEMICaLS Horn A solicit aoeaHaaww of lb Mint MRS H SIMPSON when we company and yon arc to go to the piano it my that you I cars not what you make bo that you do not play before company young girl to whom this cau tion really it a was given was a Kolden- laugbter-lov- with enough of frame to her a vigoroua healthful look yot not enough to destroy the fairylike grace and come liness of her form had aeon eighteen years of lifo and years bad brought to her not much of the joy and soxuhlnQ which bad been lot of other whom she had known- Ell a May bright was her name an Orphan only child of a distant of Mrs lady who had spoken to her and with whom now found a borne But It was not a blessed heme Far from it hid taken her out of charity she ex pressed it and be sure the poor girl worked her passage She maid to the of the liouao and a slave to of the mistress of the house and mis tress of the mlitreu was her own and only daughter Isabel master of the establishment was Judgo Addi son as Associate Justice of the Superior Court very very proud but not possessed of very much of this worlds goods lie was not in debt but there was a mortgage on his home stead which galled him not a little But the of the judge was as nothing compared with the pride of his wife and daughter He could speak with a mechanic bat not jod they the spend- era of the money However to have no fears to borrow no trouble until la married And having said this would look as though the whole question of future weal and prosperity was forever solved and settled And we may well state here as anywhere that both the mother and the daughter bad set their hear upon a certain Richard a young gentleman of foor or flve-and- twenty who had recently followed father by the death of the latter in the sole and unincumbered ownership of the extensive Machine- Works and Edge- tool Factory in that flourishing town Really and truly the owner of those establishments owned nearly a half of the village and all that Richard now owned being texod on almost two millions of real and per sonal It was an extraordinary case of wealth to the bauds of a single youth but let It be understood that Richard had been the business and that he waa master of every of it and all this In addition to a Mb in all that goes to make up a He spoke French fluently could read freely and peak it well enough to bo plain ly and he also a dear lover of and a very fair musician And now we come back to the be ginning It at Of Ibat Ella had sat down at the piano Miss Isabel had been furious but she hod been very careful to show none of It to Richard Ah I let alone for that- She knew that bo was warm and hearted and exceedingly tender and sympathetic in feeling So was she not to herself in the that her mamma to speak with Ella Tour playing in contrast with Isabels is too ridiculous child the lady went on If you could have Mr in bis sleeve you would have been ashamed of yourself Did Mr laugh at me Aunt I asked the girl flashing and quivering while the moisture gather ed in her azure eyes in spite of her I wish you would not me Aunt l I am not There now dont go to making a fool of yourself You may call me Aunt as much yon please when we are alone but Isabel dont like to hare yon do it before visitors you know your mother was only a second cousin of mine And do you know I your mother did a very fool ish thing when she spent her money in teaching you French and music and all that If you had learned to do all of boose workreconsid ering your position in life it would have been better Mrs spoke the girl strength and spirit and with becoming pride 10 of housework am I ignorant f I have superintended all your- cooking for more than a year I have taken care of your wardrobe I have made your husbands shirts I have Olhuibl Foolish girl I yeu will tha life out of mo I Go now and see to the dinner I expect the will bring company homo with Jjin and I want an as the French Bay At that moment Isabel entered the room was certainly a beauty regal end queenly She was twenty of toll and imposing with a face like the face of the Hellenic Juno wry- and luxuriant eyes dark brilliant and sparkling with an air of inherited her all Yea ebe was a beauty and she was very fairly educated and she could be as sparkling and bright and could talk sentiment and poetry to satisfaction of Richard and no man loved true sentiment poetry bet ter As she came into room Ella scon the poor relation was out of hearing have yon spoken with about piano as I told you Yes my dear How did take 01 dont think cared didnt care bo much for that she did for my telling her not to call me But never raind shell forget all about it the day Let her forget or not as pleases it is time that she knew her place We have been making alto gether too much of Mercy sake I Mr Oluey seemed to regard as one of our family He asked me questions about than knew bow to answer she most bo kept out of way Really shes got a certain style of beauty which some people might like and the might enjoy homely music plays but wo dont want it in our drawing room Hal whats that I As I live I believe its a beggar coining right up to our gar den door I And a boy with him I believe bos playing blind I Ill give a greeting thatll start him In another reotlon The impudence of wretch On the same afternoon Richard Ol In office the great machine works was closing a contract with a York party for the manufac ture of half a million dollars worth of He was a remarkable man Not many at that age could have carried clearly in their heads the amount of business that be car ried In his and yet ho did ft easily and pleasantly and found ample time for much of social and enjoyment and culture Ho was a man Urge and strong with a face which be trayed not only surpassing intellect but robust and vim my health Truly bo was a happy man and now in the morning of bis manhoods life ho was looking about him to see how ho could round out happiness by securing a fond faithful Isabel had been pointed out to him one who would suit him Tborowcro who thought was just the woman to preside over bis home Ho bad her and certainly had one all sho could to him Ho thought her beautiful and pushed and ho liked her but somehow ho could not fall in with her Ho had a great deal nearer to falling in love with tho mild eyed gentle dimplecheeked Ella though he had not acknowledged It to himself On this afternoon Richard Olney closed up business with the Now York man and then went with Mm to railway station and saw him off after which ho took ft Into his head to stroll up towards the dwelling of He might find the young ladies dlsen gaged enjoy a few moments chat He did not think of Isabel alone of the other If truth be reached would been found nearest to his heart though he bad never willingly given her precedence In thoughts He approached judges mansion by tho garden thinking to apply at the double glass door that ont frCm the rear drawingroom had just reached the corner of the where grew a thick clamp of lilacs when he a poor blind beggar led by a tittle boy ascending the piazza until tho poor unfortunate bad gone or nntil he could find opportunity to hall him offer him help He heard the man knock and in a moment be Isabel forth upon the threshold He could see her In pronto Who are do you want here asked In a tone that struck to Olneys heart like an Ice bolt Lady answered the man lifting his hat from a head that but slightly clothed with silvery hair will yon give to me a morsel of food I ask no loora Food I We dont keep a tavern hero I And why didnt go to the Didnt you know any better than to hero to this placet Pardon lady I am blind aayou may see and boy who leads mo did not know any better Look my man If you are blind and a pauper why a in you in the almshouse where you belong Good lady you are severe The is my home hat I have come out on this beautiful day good boy to guide mo for which Heaven him I I out to enjoy of a nature which I can feel I see it not And I walked farther than I thought and bother I and talk your rigmarole to somebody else 1 to the servants door if want food I And with that the doer was in poor blind face I stood aghast and confounded watched man with tears out from sightless eyes tenderly led by the coy make way down steps j and he was turning to go the way by which he bad iofcie when a fairylite form came out from doorway beneath a en a soft small white hand laid upon the old loans arm Dear old 1 Dont go toe will you food- and letyou resU loia- They dont like to strangers to door above But never blind And Ella led poor into the clean airy porch and for him an easy chair and a fitool for the boy and then she went and got food for them with a bowl of milk and she drew a scat for her self and talked with the man while bo ate And her words like sweet made him se that bo forgot harsh and unkind treat ment that had gone before gentle tmehearted girl mado it sum mer time for him and gave him to feel how beautiful world was when and tempest absent and sunlight felt uncloud ed And when he had eaten and rested Ella went out and plucked for and put thorn into band with a prayer end a blessing And the tears worn again upon tho furrowed cheeks but ah I not such tears thoso poor blind shed before I And then Richard crept out from glided away seriously pondering upon what be bad seen and heard Two day after tho visit of blind man after an early dinner Judge and bis and Isabel went in tbe largo carriage to visit friends in an adjoining town and to spend the Shortly after dark on that same day rang very mod estly aodpresontly servant In and informed Ella that a wished to sob her Ho In front drawing room went in Anil found Mr The folks are all sir and will not return until late virtues was willing to swallow her bitterness and join the throng that basked in the sunshine which she could no longer dispute How to Help Your Town your Toron to Buy of u often and u to some other place to Ret your printing dona what information yon Wo to any but your homo paper in tho downfall acta who to fcoild up plaice If a coca to town him orocy thing pro- diet a crash of town In near future you cat got and anything of a public you can got out of It directly Patronize to 10c- of your and then do- then for not as large aa city papers If you a merchant dont in ho home papery hut bo a rubber and that it may a few and look if it printed by in a one New Grain THE It cost a for refusing to pay poll tax Majbricki sentence has been comtaated to penal for life The Wilkinson plow works are going to West Toronto Junction from Aurora- My dear said the and ex tending band while a look came over Ms face and out from eyes that caused Ellas poor foolish heart to stand still- I did not 1110 to sea that are gone I shall not I called if you will permit mo to say bo on purpose to you and my dear sjlrl as I bo opportunity it not often afforded like unto this I must improve it and make the most of my time It may 1m that the weal or woo of a lifetime Is to hinge this hour Do you give me permission to slop Poor foolish heart I knew now why had so often Colt a sud den thrill and a palpitation when Richard Olney had looked Into her face with his steadfast honest gaze and told her how much her playing had pleased Mm But ho hold her hand and would not let ft go until bad answered Mm and beforo he left tho house had answered him another answered with her head pillowed upon bosom his strong arms hold lot her and earnest eyes down upon her radiant with the light of tho first love of his manhoods life I We might make a long story of surprise chagrin the wrath and tho terrible disappointment of both Isabel and her mother when to know that their household drudge had given herself to be wife of Richard hut there is no need It can he imagined as well as wo could tell Our story to bo that chance Trial In the Balance by the man was enabled to select the pure gold and castaway the dross and be sure he had made no mistake Isabel never knew by what art her insignificant rival had captivated Richard whom she had thought of good sense She declared at the outset that she would never visit the newly wedded pair but wneo in course of time she found that the homo the wealthy millowner was becoming the Mecca of all lovers of society and of art and that his wife was acknowledged on all ha as Dressed fa a Day OnJune the quickest work in tailoring ever known was ac complished Sir John TrockiQorlop a Berkshire baronet had offered to fay a wager of a thousand that at oclock of a particular even ing he could sit down to dinner 10 a Wellwoven well dyed well made suit wool of which hid been on the backs of the sheep at oclock that morning Accordingly at 6 am on June two Southdown sheep were shorn wool washed stubbed roved spun and woven the was- scoured fulled tented raited sheared dyed dressed the jailor was at band and made op finished into garments and at a quarter past six in the evening the baronet sat down to dinner in a com plcte suit that had been thus made wager with an hour and threequarters to spate Of course every possible pre paration had been beforehand but still the achievement was suffici ently remarkable and was talked of pride by the tailors for year afterwards Three dwelling houses and barns at were burned last morning elevenyearold son of conductor had both legs cat off by a train at Ottawa EST of Bond Head was thrown out of a buggy In Brad ford her arm flour mills at Catharines were burned Friday morn ing loss is estimated at Daley of West kicked by a horse In his stable and remained over half an hour L steps He thought he would drawttoQuWol Beauty and a sWal Killed by a Playful Puppy By a moat accident a lost Kentucky John Howard is a farmer who Uvea about two miles below Ludlow opposite Riverside His wife while engaged in her household duties sat her monthsold child on the floor Tim little begun playing with a puppy that happened to be the room time- Fastened around puppys neck was a long light chain that dragged on the floor baby and puppy were having a lively time when Mrs Howard heard a bump She looked around and sate the play mates tangled up in a heap the pup py having pulled baby over The mother started- to pick up the child when aha was horrified to distorted and its body limp also found that during the play loose end of the chain hid in way wrapped around the babys neck choking It to death in the presence of its mother Every effort waa made to respiration but it too lata Cincinnati in- Habit of Some men seem to have a consti tutional inability to tell the simple truth They may not mean to lie or to toll an untruth but are care less careless in hearing careless in understanding careless in repeating what is said to them These well but reckless people do more mischief than those who intentionally foment strife by deliberate falsehood There is no like your well- meaning busybody who is continually in search of scandal and by sheer habit misquotes everybodys slate menu This carelessness Is a sin of small magnitude A mans doty to God and his require to bo careful for what and common sense given him 1 Of course that other malignant scandab mongers who take a fiendish pleasure in promoting who de liberately garble mens words and sentiments is In minority and people a decided opinion regarding them Most men misrep resent because they dont seem to think that speaking truth Is a preeminent duty effects of this careless resenting others are seen every- where Its effect upon tho individual is to confirm him In a habit of loose distorted and exaggerated statement until telling truth becomes a moral impossibility No other thing causes so many longstanding friend ships to be broken many dissen sions in churches so much bitterness communities and so much everywhere It an abuse that calls for the rebuke of every honorable man It is getting to he the fashion now to condone Iniquity of all sorts under plea of oldtime have taken to themselves new names more congenial and leu appal ling and we bear now of three yeareld boy disap peared from a berry patch at Port Arthur is believed to have been carried off by a bear conductors received instructions that hereafter hooka or articles moat not be sold on any train on that railway Band had a very successful blowout last week and salted Some COO people were present at the garden party United rovenuecut- Hush has two mora schooners there is a renewed out burst of indignation at Victoria BC One of Baileys circus trains was wrecked near Pols- dam on Thursday night and 2 camels killed dollars in two gold watches and silver knives and stolen from two who work at Bradford mills afternoon last week A haggled for two hours over one cent on an ex- press parcel but seeing it was no use aa they held he reluctantly cashed up copper The Dominion Government is trying to obtain from New York for money doo Cayuga Indiana for land they once owned in that Slate A hotel keeper paid a dollar other day for a sealed envelope containing directions that would sell more beer The advice Dont sell much froth m Thousands of vessels Ho Idle in the docks and the Indian nialil steamers are detained Four thousand lightermen have struck Mounted patrol the streets California fruit growers who to throw away their peach pits are now editing six dollars a ton for them are worth this for fuel They make a hot and fire Mr Webster Dominion Gov ernment immigrant at King ston who boa recently been in Dakota reports great failure of crops through drought in that and much dis- in consequence 13 hunting near Eldora Iowa linker was acci dentally shot and killed by his only son George aged Mr Winer was the wealthiest man in central Iowa being very popular and widely known Bradford lockup pairs Last week a prisoner for theft crawled out of a hole In floor and when the constable entered with bis breakfast he turned the key on him and escaped The conitablo was a prisoner two hours are reported in tho St Lawrence this season One trie charged upon tho tag Dauntless the other day and on leaving gave vessel a slap with his tail which her quiver from stern to stem effect of the destruction of trees Is now perceived forcibly by farmers of Southern California who find that their efforts to their lands hindered by tho in sufficiency of water in the rivers That insufficiency of water the Sao Francisco Call states is caused by cutting down of the forests on the mountains Another method of utilizing has recently como to light in the Ottawa district At bricks are being mado of sawdust and are known as terra brick The bricks composing of the printing bureau at Ottawa are of this kind The flooring Is all arched and the planking laid on top saw dust bricks are very light and porouA Riches do not bring mind nor dots culture The rich aa he contemplates his accumula tions sighs that It Is not more and that as it is he may it scholar delves Sleeper for additional lore is by a desire to climb higher apex of his ambition Each one of these is un happy because there is that which ho has not got and strongly Hut contentment with what wo will bring serenity and happiness While a had been to hold was cleaned Instead of tbe Scripture definitions out in the stow of Wall A Saunders theft adultery and lying This morbid sentiment ality begins to the church and what may be called the cloak of is in danger sometimes of hid- a real StUettd a About the only birds that have not been driven by sparrow are the the eagle stiaiAllUrd at Paris a tarantula as big as a ho man fist was discovered The insect was alive and well so much so that ft made an attempt to attack one of the grocers who however gob away from it without It then struck for tha river and has not since been seen although It Is rumor on all aide that the creature roaming abroad Seeking whom bo may devour