Newmarket Era, 27 Sep 1889, p. 3

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a NEWMARKET ERA SEPT 27 1889 Laconics flOlSO ON IS Forget- All entries for lha Wright and ftMMNi J Tho Rinse u col The Junior I- tied of Richmond Hill to in match did of tie by foti pau to in fffit RcmiT rtit Artistic Printing Those my kind jiia l aid malt rial ct to to beat Every Kill renting for the lx year now We Work- The Robinson Hist Air Rob- a fx Detroit ud Windsor we bare o A demand for bar tbe line be pone to a agency A jts Following are the iW iolirg a t dii by September 1-ltoJao- tail and golden plater lit quail October 1Mb to September to September lit to March li mink reindeer or sat killed till October ISM 1Mb la Ml i by tie lis ilea ihtir worw to lJOtioe Piltcf in rcMtrtiiiou taHiog An livnittbilii K J up uik la fawpiH iwfffliicl to of bold of Home A to St Cboctb a Sad Oct tire fctmoljr of wraWblwd a number of fie I- WlwJ ly a by AC To Ooowber- ri A Bill in ton bu flr Pot Hut In a The in iha Chorcb Oct tb it IWBiwn Tbe ixpecUoglugbrirgcf vU rib boa nseMiojj A special tag of lbs York CSooodl Cbftffiber on lloctaci for to Mr to kit Moke Oars It is reported in rail circle more freigbt to This will be neve to find in off it time Tboeo neglect colamci do not an of it We allow to will get in the it of a Ret HU1 will deli a Tbe whole will not VOTSRS A of Voten Lilt for Town of np Otic on it be d by wo to do- It prove method prtpuiog or the lut ibit it it log nd Iter of in The who fawn lecture President year will no be to bear him 1q with abject be will alio the Those delicious and io direct hem the are expected or at ilwky old Call Rooms tod get hoi a advantages of coin an more and more u the end go and farm en are then Mr Chit tell of at Sct which tie feet rvucil ud a cf col Reform York is to be Saturday of October by a the Rebim the Town the or Her coo- wdIcJ to political the Cant at oclocb and will be opn lo tbe It- lots t be by ocie Of leeaUi d wo If auction it of at the porch lViib acooditioo of fcj the debt on J aw in of there tie i Iota of At Mr J- for this The it at band of ant go to bin aloded net fm- jriiienT aU t fcbiB of not tofttfolty an entered weapon at I J I fate due care when be mult it bit a by leaf and tie the a deer- the of on ftoontfa progrta J Are reviy from St tot and the and beginning la the ichwL The of ilk yUrJ Wo that the will be ere Id Will be idy it week It ill be liUated father Sooth thin at drat Mr Sat 6V a and tellers Holing to eii pair tliWa a Iamb 1 15 l0jef lie- lb elites 1rnJ W torn Me- per ripe tern ft5t leal iupaf io ari him vvi lift the Captain to on and tie old led eto3 up fT a bea fcltMctf up IlnrJM AMI end you r Judp and lie inaval for a the all the iitflrtton tin bitn Irate ow Wae Opening lv tin tiv WV on a b In- the filling k end under eoptrvliton of and It buttle farter ate trying the labor eo far eipecM that wilt Cut half mitt Prom I lit no ifuabMlwiiPai if in- HlliUf it that of bridge iTjgtau the have to plaok the la Wist Souethiso To keep yen warm and Hear well buy of those at BelfieyawJO and extra widib Law A small mm horn that would tip the atapciot put looking for tie Friday he bid a wagf the being for a that were ago when Id benefactor Ifaa and That about the way generally cell that a fool of The cite come up aome oversight given by Mi of tie American Hotel aaa at North York Fair wee not although wai placed of being a near in and not the the the Other here fee the faraere to know that be not behind 3tigowl for loobe for a nl tbtlr of keel here Mr bate bcrij in mHL J WCOr their fice piodmt4t the Fair It it pot known It ill Hi hat ak to In tbe Main 1 1 It tflll to ex charge Tbteilglre a apTcdid of and root 4 HHKAlh From quality ftvur at Old Stand Tsi Show A of the Committee of the York Fair called They will Thla will be for requiring apace in tba Main to make hare the championship match In Bradford aeaaoo platoon Fair after- toonbell t bo faecdat la aa the home team defeated their opponent fa the lait that counted the for John entered a Uatcb J j on Fair Ground afternoon waa rather diaconragiog to the Teller aay where waa the Mayor a and the force Such not be Repeated maternal prorid- hare to do wiihoni Da ripe and Arrived The and beat Grape of at Bakery Already the magni tude of Factory In order to keep op with the demand for and been until the washboard de partment baa been crowded oat and to that important branch a addition 20 feet is now in the rear Soma more new machinery ordered expected to mmm for tako place at Qoeeoafille on the of Oct printed week aod a portion appeara in another column of the The of been largely former are favor able for one of the boat Township held the anspoMof the Society will be made with Mr Rama- dent Albert The With the Now Era Baking Powder are lt go without getting at a A Scotch Wedding The Toronto of tch folk gathered in to the of Chriaaia a wellknown aioger at Gaelic and meeting and Tboa Dr Thomas performed ceremony and after many for their pair lefl or a tonr fa the Eastern Statea The Gtobt adda wm then treated to rare concert of Scottish dancing bring keptnp at Walton St for a few boon Removal Sale to Ibo alore by Mr Saloo and aaro lime in moving will sell alt wheel stationery fancy picture frame at that will be nta to them a THE The tQDaway couple from who were in three agn ooiled in marriie the girl to give etidvute thatwooldpdd the yoQDRjiao of her choice to retirement prtwn walla wai more ever the problem la no failure after meditating solitary for two weaka so little Marion bloomed from and walked oot of Ihe her lOxerind the will cjojo to eontlinic expeaieoce Wool At alb Not All are not in town Mr A of oar a lovely of Dahlia or eight Tgrietiea day week oxer a tot kelfal of the and meal Mr A A a of the new seedling which wa can pro nounce excellent The he la about more of Hebron waotlog a change of make a note of Out- The wire broke near the Fire Hell at Wednesday night left the town in and wi HERE IS NO SE i A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS I i DISPUTING THE FACT r DOING ill ii LEADING THE i i I i i i i i I -s- OUR PRICES AND RELIABLE GOODS MUSTTELL ALREADY FOLLOWING LINES BUSS HOODS PLAIN AND FANCY With Trimmings to match Hosiery Frilling Ladies Woolen Vesta a great variety and down to Infants Fancy Plain VelveU o Wool Shawls a lot Scotch and Canadian Tweed Suitings Worsteds Trouaeringa and Overcoo tings Our tailor is giving the very beat of satis faction Leavo your order with us and you can rely on getting a Perfect Fitting Garment and Properly Trimmed GENTS FURNISHINGS IN SPLENDID ALL MARKED AT CLOSEST POSSIBLE GASH PRICES a T Death of Dr WE LEAD Our are Eight Our Prices the Lowest Quality Considered Our business is successful for the following reasons 1st Yon can always find in slock a good variety of Fresh Seasonable Good get them to sell not to look at Our moderate prices take them off the shelf 2nd We always make it a point to make the goods move olY in proper time so that superior to goods place to another to ells not Till limit A now mIrllla The wilt ihowloclic comlcK ww King to Mr en Nor iitt Balk Ht on were templing 3cmett S froit od cl ioee be of it Home rattti J iU of oA M it t week Trgo loaX per y kit low Hotel I pottlvg f lo Hotel WooJ Shop Ml of new for ebow The oJ 0 for 1 ill mote are on tbe Of t Sale jpttntHr- complete A Iba Mo who ft atrfet to autocall a a word of t Co ill Ihillall Oil aucb to n Utb la KDg to The baa tt and Irca tocflJtQca ftcd ftffetlloa of ita for ft it ftwr la Our comfort d on ofortfcl of what are it long ftftDloija ftol to ftui will ucillojJ not that aril Sod ftuft from bom TtoipUlloni lark la of ry a If and to bifpft will Tba fa axa box aa to worthy doca aet ft tig ftTCDloga ftt w wn food of wbc40oca p4Dj arldboda to your aroologi your uid not w atfoaL to ih A- will bo tut Mala harp moolba An Ao- on of will aom a at Mr- will a frtock tcoo it aacoa over Jlo doty Win moil of Iho between II oclock Dr 111 will ft head followed vorultlD of would before bis aemfd lo but ibroagb bo tod ail atreofttb w I bo la my in ho not tot a drive ii- bad anticipated a mile cbllly but be le a baarly Iq a confidence of it 11Ute food of had a aobool bla Invited to Dr participated and ate a be lobed In early that was Isai be was over hoard for vbea brother found htm about vomiting a peculiar attracted All bat medical aid could do j avail aod ibe tout took Ita became nest log It ibo commu nity Deceased nan born I educated and la not without and get of honor own bad no be an exemplary loved honored mud reipcctcd by all who bad the of and alike- Graduation public under Mr rapidly through the acbool In and acertlfled Ut or member of Ontario College of majority medical remarkable he patted float examination In the Col aodrtoelvcd diploma aoUilloz him practice la May In of the After a a torm at he took of atore hare to After Lb of about nine he applied wltb devotion to proved aooonect that be rapidly grew to the of the ao that aetvice beyond atrtngtb of endurance He of aucb a kind aud ayinpelbatto nature blui- Apart from the doctor took an active ftffftlra At Ibe of he a an a Iba AOUWaud of DrliciuIeBlaothe and lie 00 the Health for three and repreaentcd the Town of Newmarket at council took pUco on Hun- day if poo pie to pay a petting tribute of reaped to memory of decried at In which he held of HI the foot of alaiidlu lo Hie being occupied and many unable 10 funeral cortege through Mew being followa Officer MUaaona Clergyman CASH J Shoe Store fete JbLi i Otliera try follow A confirm this statement is to Our System of Business is Squnrc Dealing with young and old Our Marked in Plain Figures and one price made to all ticketed outside found inside All sizes and the same price same price Goods are are to be I NEW DRESS GOODS- Now for the coming Fall and Winter trade Our stock will be found more complete than ever Our PRICES LOWER THAN In a great many lines and we an inspection wo are always willing to show you through our stock and do not feel annoyed if you see fit to look elsewhere before purchasing SIGN OF THE RED BOOT J MAIN ST Knjjlish in It lies ilicovfinl that during th at Milwaukee people had a narrow from pic- into ly sliding down of a DRESS ROBES- In all the Latest find German Styles Brocade Bordered and Silk Worked AH New Shades in Plain and Stripes Plushes Trimmings TO ilATOIL- ULSTER CLOTHS AND COATINGS IK TO SUIT ALL In Plain and Fancy Hosiery new cat Choice Fresh Groceries Always on Hand AND SEE J SucccBiora to Our Market TKklelllt if Allan typhoid favor at The death roll of ho now Joseph Kiiup who was under hours wn got out alive reaction ti ho of wheat afloat to and a 1000000 he la now than at year Railway Company an- preparing to a now lake and rati lino Chicago and tho ichoard way of Sound It it aald the hew will It a wore the American Hu Mr West who employed op to avfow ago at met a tad death t week At felon on Paw good era it R eomfttiifeit had been performed of tbo wJcaI Over harmony lib doctor and nolo aUMocaa of ibo ware lather la ibo mound by the our ibu oof day j J of Lit ftdoaUhIaaud4adtfVla la a UtMJM aUU will do and bono ibao iba of autTtrlnja u lbaartIotboNIOK Mr ratal rd Ma a a IS JO rt a a a 10 a CO Ifi a I a 17 a 14 a W a 9 lMih Wheat llrtni do do Ityo Hay par too do flutter roll par Applaa Mr bag pair a a A VIS TO Our Toronto Market Toronto I Mi Kail Wheal do do h do do nay per tea pound do has wr par per pair Tor aa per lb IT I A JO I a a a a a a a a a a I OM 11 OH Oil 1 nortlUM to In suited In death Diphtheria on a tad accident from Ottawa river Two lialo Noire out dqeka when by blan der younger ahot brother klLHnghlra The jog ltd crated with TO DAVID LLOYD for tskloi Inner of tot fol uid Original Wood Cook TO UK HAD AT- WRMH STOVE DEPOT no some in a English Scotch Canadian an of The Home Jewel MAIN ST NEWMARKET ALSO The Hovel Standard Coil Wood The Home Standard The Family Jewel Co Wood Wood Cook The Early Breakfat The Home Cook Wood Coofc Wood ALSO FULL STOCK OF Parlor and Hall Goal and Wood Stoves AND FURNACES OX HAND Work a Specialty to from so re Patterns in Check and Call and for your friends with you All on at Closest Cash Prides Only Your Patronage Solicited Next to Atkinson Jewellery Store Merchant Tailor Cents own cloth up cheaply D WRIGHT DRUG A COOK BOOK FREE Pitcher COAL Best Quality Goal Wood on to itf lown At Hates kr O Sato at AT m ERA will And UuU I aa a ara lo HIGHEST VALUE HiantaoaU to lha STORE MAIN STREET Pure Paris Green White and Insect Powder Plant Food Flower etc Toilet Powder Pop Jewelry Pant and A OF liana PoaJam Hall ate Ratter Pop floor and Cap Doll riren at their a of aim MRS H SIMPSON

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