Newmarket Era, 11 Oct 1889, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA OCT 11 1889 J New Fall Good J- Tender Wanted Heifer Wo Blow To P To Let n Bra RKVR LEW DPI BUT GROWS WITH FRIDAY OCT Our Toronto Despatch Toronto Oct fin end to tor An Sao- day Sod stotf window it ore r by ml killed Walk- jotf en trick with Tar lay split id Intt York fall Fair Fine Weather and Splendid Show- Coooty Fair at Newmarket over once more all unite id that altogether it was the Exhibilion that has held in York for number of year in fact the best oxer held mem- great praise for the exertions wade in every department to the effort of the Directors The weather was bright tut cold on Tuesday and the attractions in the horsering being more numerous than brought oat an increased at tendance for the first day In the team of Roadster the best time made was in the single Horses for and speed 14 and single for speed only The Farmers Race was the most interest ing on course during the Wing five to enter beat time in last heat HALL appeared to tho very beat advantage If there any one thing more than another which contributes to the of the North York Fair it is the excellent building in which all kinds of manufactures and fine arte are protected from the weather Altogether there were entries in the building alone The ladies sustained their reputation for comfortable homenude manufactures welt needle work beside twisting their ingenuity into every deacription of Fancy Work including the artiste brush which not con fined tocanvas but to have a special hankering after velvets silk and plush And while their handi work was tho much admir ation the sAffof life and luxuries of the table were not forgotten For the priie of a Domestic sewing machine- Mies Reynolds of Newmar ket the lucky baker of a loaf of homemade Bread among sixteen In Dairy Produce usual there very keen competi tion in fact one of thojudas re marked never visited a county fair in Ontario where there was a belter display either in quantity or than is always found Newmarket Fruits were of quality but licked ifi quantity vegetables Grain very better than ever won by Mr Bert but the number to not claimed the Town Band and the musical instruments on exhibition there wo of entertainment TBS BUILDING to overflowing and a better exhibit in that not been seen for Newmarket Brad ford Aurora Goodwood were well represented The Agricultural Implement wore mora numerous than for three or four and a good deal of animation was given them by the steam engines that kept them in motion Had SECOND DAY Opened up like in the morning we have no doubt but we have had an unparalleled crowd at Exhibition which was in every sense worthy of it but a very dull and gloomy appearance prevailed until nearly noon which undoubtedly detained many at a distance How ever the attendance was larger than for several years and the receipts very encouraging In Morses there were entries every class well filled and of such a quality as to call forth most flattering commendations Cat tle were flood in quality lacked in only entries Sheep were most excellent entries Swino medium Poultry choice specimens giving very close competition TUB EXHIBITION Of New market Uniform Degree under Command of Mr Robt Brim- son assisted Atkinson an entertainiug and attractive fea ture Upon the grounds we noticed Esq P J Davis Esq County Treas urer The exhibition as a whole was an unqualified success Prizes are payable after the Board Meeting on the The following is a partial list of tho successful compel day Suitu Abb S Stpbosoo Bnughsiu Trim for 1st Pollock style aaJ Wait Aurora 2nd Mere or for T Farmer rice John 2oi Pollock Hie A Autovs rd Alfred WhiUhaKb Aurora Sod Boy Frank 2nd fceL Saddle GfrillitDbury Pollock wye Oak 3 old D Steel Kith- Hill St Ja A- Boeg Brood muf 3 jrt old Stillioo2yra old John A Sod A Gwilliinbutj in Albert 3rd J Breed mere Samuel 3rd Win filly sod Mem moth 9 W Table say other 2nd Son T Sod Red A Sons 2nd Ten toes Redmond Simeon Celery 2odQeo Wo White a other CbuGrsnt Cbss Wilson feiru Bowery Wall ice Crock or Better John Cut Mrs Geo Hot Roll Butter A revick James King Ftctory John Kiog Botttr tab or crock Fred Bed- fijb Batter John Baiter ft J Carry fibsrotr Roll ft Terry A l- I Roll lbs Dans Newmarket A Wet and Day MANITOBA Of the was ad mired Mr of Toronto was in charge and distributed a large amount of literature The display comprised varieties of natural grasses 125 samples of oats in straw 100 samples of wheat in a dozen saiuples of barley in straw and samples of grata picked up along main far as Calgary alto the South Western- branch tells us that Inhibi tion Car will be in about the of this month and remain a full day OUR JJL31NK3 Were well so far as the would alio and contributed id a great to interest of the show Probably no display was wore admired than that of Domestic by Mr Millard and among novel was a folding which could almost instantly bo converted into a cabinet and Organs were also shown connection and visitors were never better entertained with excellent music sewing machine competi tion was alio- in by Mr Johnson and Mr Lee while Mr Johnson also exhibited Organs and Kir Forsyth of Aurora thwo of Dp minion make Messrs J Louse Furniture in- leresU and Mr Wright the and tinware each with excel lent displays faardwaro of Mr Cower and Messrs J A Allan Co deserve special men tion for their largo and attractive In Mr J bus had a largo collection and carried four lata and one 2nd Ho had Aurora opposition Thj Robinson Wool Mat also an ex ceedingly creditable It Park A Co had a sweep on leather The collection of Photogra phy and Animals etc Mr Art was exceptionally Cue and greatly admired connection with tho exhibit of photography we regret to that through an oversight Mr Jos specimens were not entered for competition and conse quently were not judged Mr J Kterens of Toronto manufacturer of celebrated cough occupied a stand In main build ing and dished out the candles in Abundanoe IH Till There was tho best attendance that the baa yet held and of the Fine Arts depart- meet was well Illumin ated- President presided over by Jonathan of Toronto and of Albert JW Sod QwitkBio Jubn A Kilt 3rl filly S rLBIOX Sta in It Iticbaicoil Hill K 3rl Plow Co A Mi or Sad J 3rd T A- filly Jit A J IJcaltvl A ia 3rd ring 3rd Spiiog Glljr Kte- 1st 2rd T K SUOKT Hall sgd Wei A 2 Joe ISoder Hill J 3rd Caw lit 3id Covtfsoo Ilcifrr old 3rd lUifr J 1tiMi 3rd John llfrdof Wed Short Boll ami Stctr III 2nd anl 3rd Cow or 1st 2o4 A 3rd Cos lit John Coiricsoa Sid Kd Haifa A Johg 3rd J Pint It is quite certain that had the weather last Saturday shown any of clearing up before noon no smaller than Agri cultural Palace would hare held thB crowd that was anxious to hear Leader of the Reform Party on political topics of the day An it was the town hall was comfortably filled not a few Conservatives hem among the audience who retired at the close of Mr speech Mayor Cano of Newmarket the dent of North York Associa tion to order and in a few well chosen remarks ilr Fisher for for forci ble Englisb He referral to lock which occurred Lower Canada previous to Alios owing to differenced of opinion id dashing This gave to the of part our present Con stitution wbich all questions which are of purely character shall to the but veto or power was to Federal of the religious minorities Liberals have always taken a aide of and no better fact of Ontario- when Manitoba sought a chatter or local rail ways members them wires to this and now when the Jesuits Act came up not consistently do any else He said I a const of people being it a new Quebec Four or five years Conservative Govern- arranged a whereby a pa incut to ho for the of the Catholic Church to It was not an endorsement ever referred to such Estate worth afcut wero in the bands of the Govern merit title was not and conse quently when offered there was no bid and they remained unproductive At tho time that Jesuits were suppressed the Catholio Church claimed that theEslatcs go to them and to the therefore it to have the acquittance from tbo of lie only authority was the Bishop of Home consequently there was tbe bead of the church one side the the other That the supremacy of was invaded was not opinion of who to frame that act It its third reading and no singlo veto was challenged The only amendment was to that clause which proposed to gio interest of annually to Council of Wo tcttant Instruction 9100000 was out and out to Catholic Church The act is inseparably connected with It is a local question it in the prerogative of the Provincial LcgUlsturo therefore when allow the Act in the Dominion lloiuo tho Liberal party stood to principle So much for the Jesuits now for great question to farmers Unrestricted During two the dividing line between two parties had been Cou pledged to protection or re- ttrtcUO trade and in favor of reciprocity with Every year when we find almost in every an fncrtato on manufactured articles or duty off raw material manufacturers invariably get what they want but how about the farmers They wanted somo of their raw material in to demanded that artificial fertilizers placed on lift but the refuted there was a manufactory a constituency and it made money out of the farmeress well produced inferior article farmers to duty taken off seed used so much for fodder or am Though bleed docs not flow through my British sentiment Is in my heart The of was not at per as it might boon bat the great struggle for responsible government cod ed in a decision tbst each Pro rince should Us affairs yet a principal antagonist to that the of disallowance He did not that bo to legis late in season and oat of season but should allotted to On had tho people assorted their will id a more mark ed manner tbsn on question of pro- rights Government of Sir John A bad always sawrtod the doctrine that bad the to local and if they found it to clash with their of rihtlhey set it After this doctrine in dealing with the Streams bill and the Manitoba bill tbo Gov ernment had in a instance that the doctrine which held was wrong with theJeioits Estates bill Upon that the Lib erals acted the principle they had always adhered to that the should be within their own spheres They plight havo had their own views open this particular question bat if Act was wrong give the freedom of SCienod and privilege to be if they to right In lf when passed under the of England I must say that she acted with my fellow countrymen sod Save our own French laws When were by took poaaeaion of their against protest of Owing to did not giro a rev- of per cent properties were decaying more and and was a set- matter that they moil bo disposed of- Mr had dealt with difficult question a manner and only for hit imfoitunata mention the preamble of the Act it would been heard of I wa born and op in the Roman Catholic teaches emphatically render unto the that aod to Cod that There was no thought or of placing the for if of woro to attempt it an act would bo no lecd treason The Jesuits Estate in the with by Coulter of Aurora the motion which with Ibis It a to thank Mr SI P for North Mr p for Weal Ontario and lit P Pt for for their manifest It thank Sir and Mr for ibstr vim York Mr Mr- ftrhn jostles to for bis or and Of will York their fall confidence In Hon Mr- or lbs great party of of bit to and thtlr in Ability rttr and to do lbojs for Canada and In ths futare Cheers for Queen Messrs Unlock and meeting a9bsiaclneifa JTOU8E TO RENT ul otl Apply lo RENT THE HO fV A Vllltcsof IQ Pulton E1FIR Lot I Lass Mo rib about sod owner CITY of liar it Hoot that plats hers next Uoo- J sparing to il and usy bo to judge from fowl will Liu to lbs of other by Stffics it to it will be lbs of commit are sl to mala order will be held in at LDip 2 and si to by a eminent dirincs kindly to bs sent bate post their tte of present Professor Kbit Orleans on of of alio Mr of Toronto is a tew days tbis wck bis patebts Mr- Enoch Lots basing to Til lage merchant that recently belonging to Jax his partially opened and bids fair to do a ban There is yet room for a tailor sqoit on night J a great deal of to appledrees In breaking very many limb liberals here eitend a cordial to be present at their reeetiog on the when honorary members nil be pre tent io the persons of Messrs Unlock ILP and J sad gentlemen or Kid tog A itstion Is to Isdiea Cemetery meeting on aseoiag sleeted the J Walton TtsaaW Directory Simeon Lemon J Watson A Hsmtitoo sits not yet been Direct ere anxious to ttl own one and comments Lemon was cooning other night a gander liks where the boy Is that went sway tog with a band ELUborn baa jut returned a trip to friends in Mr Armstrong and lira Davis are friends in Michigan Stablsy of bat late of Is Into lbs Jape this week Biogly has of the people in his sfflictjon which located in bis hip Mrs- and son been spending a In the city this week Aliases Winnie and Spink returned from a to friends io city Mr and While of a few at his father Will of West Junction too charitable to that sending a few days with bis deceived the people it must be that be had duped Immediately after ANTED I will by IbauDder kon Construction Id OTonartloo WJtb da Water Works In lbs Town of will alio hi for tics in connect on lbs Iians and speclflM or the Under not ions oan be seen at lbs lowest or any accept Cbatrtnaa of Coal FOR SALE BY TENDER SUB by Power of Attorney the loths Jacob or of Kiev York and oner by Power J sed or Kail part or ilonof representatives no Tliero wa9 no petition No Liberal admits endowed ai Act trap not taken from of It was money that not received from but iuiply from of these properties Properties to Majesty in did not go in to Ihu fond grant of money not an of a setunmig projerty taken by Crown Literals had boon charged with an alliance with tbo were had two a far a mew- went back or than SO years Quebec- bad al ways fought of Sir John and until they showed signs of allegiance to his Jesdersbipnoword of objection tramontane was ever beard any Canadians are broad enough to admit that man should bo to so of his own view and the Liberals support of tramontanes if chose to accept their principles io to deep commercial depression of paid a praise to Messrs that no power could mate country rich by act of parliament but the people were mads to believe that Sir could touch magic waud if ho was retarded to power and it would forthwith flow with milk and honey Farmers were to get for their wheat and laior would be in demand was I Parcel on Lot SO In the sbtpotKIni house stores a novorfalMnjcstrram or water acj about or West part of Lot In the 8th Seres mors or leas acres cleared re sit drsbeUss timberhemlock hardwood cedar ard some pins Parcels Is compiled of Moo Acres- situated On of W In Concession of wllb able and atb nndsnltned does bind ib eat Or This Department i worthy of your attention Our Fine Tailor is under tbo supervision of Mr Cutter whoso long experienco Leading Houses in London and Montreal justifies us in guaranteeing PerfectFitting Garment In with Department we also a Specialty of meats Dress Bodices Short Jackets Ulsters Dolmans Our Importations of Woolens for Fall and Winter Wear are now at hand Your order solicited to Address JACOB WALTON J fc- Newmarket and JnJ WANTED For Work At Hie WOOL WAT St OUSE TO Apply J GIRL J Mala A W ANTED NEW GARTER bi of una to deliver AU or Veto ftdbeHigenierrfs all for will bo rat Nswmarkt J A in l Apply to A central Apply Iart SHI 1S70 taxation lla our loss eitlltl Can ada wealth of He would not fiay that was doe to Policy but those who made these prom- lo atop of from Caaada Spoiling lnt on count bo could tbat was a French without its who proposed to rem edy the present of affair by a trade School JJEW 2nd for Mib JOHN BOND ST WW OUR STOCK FALL DRESS GOODS Is well assorted and great variety John corD ytftrl laU- J fimltb Nets market Ktsuld John pcUlors Alfred Whit church lVtWs Whltcboicb John fitU A Kill 2nd Whitchurch alabjsr Jed fa low slsT Mr a Land fioRsrUsts gess J Pins flmstoca J Wen IE Whitchurch iV whit WcDftsat lad Walla which this will not permit to riocn to bo reasonable and promised in alter wan withdrawn bo would try and umbo It but the farmers not received treatment would receive Conservatives say our phonic ncttl to hold our own If wo would permit foreign compe tition immediately all our tones would by tho United but they no in all tboarinir to thiacotntitiou took of our tiututory offer of reciprocity Sir said we wilt not let Yankees take ad vantage one pact and leave hut Kir Xuppcr soon announced Canada was to If the farm- era ablo to with all world manufacturers bo the but unfortunately for former the tatter tho class furnish the sinews of war wbsn it comes to a political earn- has not improved the waa of laboring classes the market and will take recipro city will give a market with CO000000 of the in world withstanding tariff mure into United than any other Why Jo we horses and l5rly there want our quality aud with a trade farmers wonld get prices conclusion be expressed pleasure at reception accorded Mr arrangement with Groat Britain proposed to make of England pay higher for their food to benefit Cana dian farther If there aver a shabby proposition that was one He did not believe the Canada were such they to bo when unrestricted reciprocity was pro He knew from the way they pull the Government by tho car that tho considerable back bone in Laughter chair man of inciting a manufacturer and he would ask if he was afraid of American competition Chairman No sir I am not Applause Sir said that was same reply ho had received from many other manufacturers only who inlht to injured the and monopolist In trade ho was cos mopolitan If he could not tell at hie own price to John Hull ho would sell to Hornet the argument that there no natural between Canada and the each raised the same kind of products by showing that a wide variety in distribution that we had coal In the and natural control of of the Now England That reciprocity would load us into annexation waa line of argument which the Old Family Compact used but Canadians would remain firm and resist of our country ha shown that only one reform gained at a time for representative Urown for repreicntation by and the ono plank which ho would flght for Unrestricted He- As leader the party was only one fault he had to find with his followers they would not accept their opinions Liberals were very ant to think for themselves and act upon their judgment this kind of men wore really better workers than servile and unthinking Applause After all it was best to have some ties In the management of the party lie expected and liked them do at yon continue to send such good men and the Liberal cause will be well represented If waa one thing that pleased him aboro all it was to aeo a man with the courage of own convictions of an hour and a half amid Mr J Edgar waa the neat sneaker lie told inciting that On of first acta of Mr as Premier would be to wipe out the gerrymander and restore the natural boundaries of constituen cies He assarcd Reform leader that If he were defeated in West On tario would assafo as that York gave to lie held Mr to bo the captain to the slate from shipwreck Ho his visit to Ontario would teach lessons of toleration and allay suspicion and remove discord between tho rscii provinces of tho Dominion Mr then addreasod the audi and that on another occasion Roril Si J or Wool I Wood for J A HASTE DO am bos Jr JihRobrl sad Amelia SALE CHEAP r3ixiOeort6 Or Waller Kllely trailer 8r Crawford Jr VnJ Bertie Hall Law Teacher A disastrous Antwerp on Sunday occurred in Great Bargains I FOR AT LEADING FURNITURE A NO Undertaking House A lttreSlwk to Walt will bo found COFFINS ROBES aa well lints Undertaking a Specialty calls rMltttnce All orders eieeuied promptly JOSt 11 A GENTS WANTED- ji For and to sell A to Aot HIGHEST CASH PRICE For delivery at ROBINSON WOOL MAT WORKS Slieet fw 300000 RICK -OUR- SALE Cloths for Suits m Arc Eetections of extra value We the BEST PITS IN TAILORING apply to fiawmaijiet P0USAL15 Two secoujhand Coal tiLovea on culled Royal- sio both lo good repair Apply J WARNING All turtles call and placed In ibe to I nil ihDdsIorcollcclloo ftnm 10 In Con of KlQtf two 2 whereabouts will to ill I ably rKfcjJ6d by Kettleby lion unsure at rccelion aoricr Ontario The English apeak to Mr without forming a high Liberals of Quebec lie fust as proud him as ho toon an bug llthmau sure ho would not do anything conlrary to our honor or con fidence Applause Hon Mr on coining forward said It no small pleasure to him to Aod the great county York might not be accurate In by the outrage gerrymander applause- I bis had boon cut up one could scarcely he stood- teas be that In the days gone by battle being for re gore the great that jrelonn by in w LaianUioa he found poop County io lament to Mr A tow yean EaUow Mr Baldwin in Ontario be equal grids by a Qoeboo bob wed to to able to go folly tho forming estimation of character and ability or man North York be said refused to be Inflamed by Jesuitical He bad no sympathy with who wee trying to sow the of political discord and hoped that they would lay aside pre judice that peace order gov- eminent might reign vigorous that he had ever Influenced action by any motive than what no to bo the Interest of hit did thinking and represented con who did their York had by but bad ed and the outrage and If the of a carried out ha had that ILc would still to bo Ha had a good dial more waa reminded by the chairman that It nearly train time therefore he teat amid applause Mr- J Booth of Bradford few word to on the A spU the of urrMi 9 JBhttipard oca Mils iitDiuudM of of a ou On avenue or Kerr allot Lax titouflville on Oct by lerof ilr- Josapu At residence Of Mr JuUo luiti by WUe ftcllle to lr of Wckerlnjt of bribes sutsr Or to tocoad of on the lust by Iter J il las Agues botu of the by at5nmuttfjWlil to ItanmlotU Of iDttaby Mr litverly it Auole of Klnc- of the lather on I cut by tan by KevAuUiaODMrJoUn of Co lo Ufa dsuahter air Hie watt Walker b Somb fllba Ross- years at oeueury townoa he lib her year the years s DR EXT OF CURES Mbrhus IARHOEA AND IT IS SAFE AND R CHILDREN OR COMPLAINTS HE BOWELS FOR IULTS ABOUT Value in Boots Shoes U nil you look WINTER Our own mate of KIP BOOTS AT Are selling like hot take J MONTGOMERY BOOTS AND SHOES RAISINS week Another prime lot of JAPAN TEA AT POUNDS FOR J STEPHENS North End AccommIattMi8Kti TO LOAN DAVID LLOYD for taking AnJsits or Mar Also aeut for Ibe lowlo Fire Insnfiiuc Compotes ol ana Uutrlct Life As to- 001 coOld J DUNNS BAKING POWDER THECOOKSBESTWl UNT0N BROS v I We have iuimonso stock of Wool Underclothing Benson for Men Children Good Heavy Shirts Drawers all wool only cents ported direct from Germany ft splendid lot of ILL1NERYQ NORTH All win Ial id NOTHING LIKE IT Our MIKH IAHlHHM In ft Mill a Iroklu ibuiilinnr on J srlmnt 1 Cats at J orders specially- GRAND School mm Wools woof Bilk Medina CIjcdIIUi Afsmd colon- GROCERIES SWEETEST FATTEST OYSTERS To wP Wool Shim mid Drawers These goods nrc the finest in the trade and arc the only Town handles them rents Fur Our stick of TicsScurfs Collars Guffs Socks c is the arid Nobbiest Everything being fresh and new j i- rfS s FASHIONABLE GARMENTS If you want a welt cut fashionable suit of drop in and too- stock of Cloths Tweeds and leauo your measure Our prices will be reasonable MAIN BTK5HT J 1 ia

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