Newmarket Era, 8 Nov 1889, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA NOV 81889 New Bargains J A J papers Starr Executors Notice Ernes Entertainment J- Astray Tbos Bennett Fowls for Sale Alex Henry rrr Em WITH FRIDAY NOV Oar Toronto Despatch Nor Staler was Wore the of lIiog two o owe from HOI of of Whit church Ha to be tried by bat seat to the next of Central bail la two of Anon Robing So released on bell Finos Thomas committed for trial at lbs a of Monroe fanner oat of thirteen of potatoes and coxBmlllirg on James of An- The of Toronto In the Chorch of England bold from the Slit to the fait is- In which many diitlnjoUhed preacher- will take pert Allbomh opinion of decided will bo made till nut Roman of this city are MrtcslO a grand Dr Geo of said to be to remove Injaitice complained to of fas Court cat is tried time occupied in determining on the docket nod the have the presiding Jmtico a warrant upon the Treasurer of the county in which the arose for inch an amount of coat as would the direct taxation in con sequence of the trial As the of jurymen out tables is definitely known it li an easy matter to ascertain almost to a certainty the daily cost of these courts and hence their need bo no of wrongdoing as to these coats Possibly some other method may be reached or devised of red this grievance equally satisfactory this is for the Assembly to consider Aa the of Newmarket observed daring the interview refemd to with the Government last winter it was not only the duty the privilege of to point grievance it won equally the duty and the privilege of statesmen to pro- ride remedies In case Local members should act on our suggestion and move for such a Return as above indicated and the result prove that only this judicial district is materially laboring under a disadvan tage in the working of present system then it would be in order to proas the Government the propriety and justice of a money appropriation toward meeting the burden borne by this coun ty This is the cue in a nutshell a large grievance and one easily remedied tb rank or CbUeflsU on last fcarr Ann a to lbs In ward Juautod roommate on Taeadaj moral A rtttsw of Sir iroa moil What Means lions TO WB1T ABOUT CO in the Jetaif Estate At on Tats- Rose now it will Divtr go bark to lbs treaiarj The taxpaying people of the Coun ty of York are being continually re minded of the disabilities under which they labor in of connection with Toronto Applica tion recently made at Osgood Hall and the prayer granted for a change of venue from Oxford County to York of all the entered against the Railway arising the George disaster when it is remembered that the actual cost of running an Aaaixe court in this County involve a direct tax a poo the people of this judicial district of about per day some conception of what the above change of venue means may be conjectnred and al though Toronto may indirectly reap a small moiety of advantage from tbe money which litigant witnesses etc may spend the taxpayers of tbe county receive no return During the present year the Reeve of Newmarket took action in the Council with the view of re dressing this grievance and through his exertions the Council appointed a committee to interview the Ontario the question By the aid of our Local members a cooler- was arranged and daring that the Premier admit tbii had a grievance and pportd that Tier by Hon Rota and Mr Hep tat ires from City however did not feel like any charge as they co- Toronto reaped an form litigant and witnesses spend ing their money in while were being tried in Toronto courts a result Government although admitting the injuttice to people of county told tbe deputation they did not care to the responsibility of pro a charge so long the corpo ration of Toronto refrained from join ing in the demand an in stance of positive grievance revolting from with Toronto what makes the matter more in tolerable is the fact that to remedy the evil as on that occasion have relieved both Toronto and the from a bnrden these out side cases impose while at the same time would not hero interfered with the city reaping all the advantage imaginary and otherwise now enjoy ed Making the where cause of issue for the ordinary of trial would not in any interfere with the existing privilege of changing Toronto were that they could not be to com prehend the Am a result ratepayers of Toronto as well as York are taxed hundreds of dollars annually that should be borne by other judicial districts of Province Hon Mr Rocs understood the situa tion to a nicety and before becom ing a member of the Cabinet proposed a motion direction of remedying this grievance and within two votes of defeating the Government on the question then Hon Mr has been made a Minister and he too being an old County Councillor understands the question thoroughly and Is ready to sustain a change demands it and the ratepayers of leading law like Toronto Hamilton and Ottawa are looking for dreas from a burden they have no right to bear During next session of the latere we trust our members all of whom are sopportert of the Government will take this nutter op and by united a of the disability more for a return of all change venue capita tried the several of the Province during the past or Ave years where the of aroae and to what also if pos- the length of time on ash Data of a character roold be reliable and found that It appears electors of Weil a lively lime over the fight on In a to fill the lite lion Sir ML Hon Mr- and Mr Ryan ftbooooced to deliver the likely to awake a lively iotertet is for nut action of Dominion GoatU a notice of the id- Britiib to apply to meat for Act At the Boaiii Victoria Collie held almost carried that all to left to a uteiiog of Gceral aad that the incurred be Killed by aibilxitioa the of the Town of time put of a election for Ontario before of the hers Refer ring to these the of reached which that bare on of at once If infonsetlon rovetrae In addition to tbe local Province now and firet la next free sod iadepea dent may look for plenty of excitement iu lbs near future neither denies a warning note the World before the even are both alt up fa connection with the fecttbit recently a writ for in we think will be held a bet we look for a general elec tion fctfore winter and now get resdy for it Equal at Newmarket York do rccA It but the Ems in to trad a report the know that will an of the The OrttmensprooesioQ a Town Bend and Fife Bend both When Mr Brantea took the chair ihaatMcdUKa and the the evening not much over larger of whom quite a num ber were lidlea of the firet speaker to the afternoon meeting riling he alluded to the day upon which they had met of Nov If ihio etrifa ha would but the of won derful wu luted by so that people would guard again a of like He die any of wounding the feeliogt of any on their rights claimed rijtbte for them the he eojoyed and ha la the platform the Hon to At an instance futlfilment of this pledge he reminded the of the a few ago when the in the North of Ireland of tho South laboring The cry the Orange Institution simply It an body ha declared Ho gttUt proof of or- needed then that the Rights an J greater today at any time in of Dominion His a common to preacher with while baring no fiecal of If politics interfere with hie moral principles it within province to raise voice it la the Dominion occupied mora or with politico hut of he not out of stand but tod jut- ice criterion their not fight in the right Of God and for the the country Mi whole but Will this be beet for It i the Act out of moral then why not all alike How can claim to property thin of Eoilud to Clergr this If the Jeioiu bed morel bo contended that morel on inch could be Iu matter both political parUea cut before the Romeo hierarchy It is not question of dealing out to Church of Rome an avowed attempt nude to teke certain that proved It took the astute of Hon Mr to remark on thattn Quebec they had the kindliest regard for ua hut direct the re- reus when he got back there As Ills in Rome supreme power all leicpcrel and he must hive by thaqne6ton unto etc render everything to the Pope lie to hear from of that that convictions were a mere accident of birth Shall we not exercise our judgment in whether wears right or wrong Because a man born should he remain one I la the principle which actuated Luther in greet reformation I The been without consideration and and I declare com plete severance from either political party of both Wonld that electors of this men that will acton principle and not party And now I ask rightthink ing men to consider educational utos- Erery auneodment I to the school law daring the put ten years Commission by to of Pro in which German bat repoitj and from which wo German children ueinattendsoc of which number are learning These are located ai follows loo County Perth and in County Coiumttsiocers popils on entering school are suf ficiently with the Eoglish to be and that the of did not ap pear to Interfere with the of the poplUio The text books were used In all the echoola were in but in other they were prepired for schools by the not of the State were as had teen for nee of Roman pupils- Inst rcc loo from ths catechism given lnfonr and some prajert to the la Lords were In In a few schools emblems of a en plttnrei In Ro man Operate Schools were to be seen The Couirnijeioo rKominended that Readers In be author feJ to take place of now us Of the teachers employ etc alt but Certificates to an from the Voucg Liberal Club of Toronto Mr an to a audience fd that city the Aftr to hU with Toronto prreded to dtee the of trade relatione Canada and tbe United with geofpspb- oUtaeliu to te of the and facility with which trade be with the American States He also refund at considerable to the of On Wee t and then dis cussed the following the policy rsdproclty to natural products reciproci ty i union and annexation remedies for the present be pronounced to be within policy bad bee weighed the lalucs and found in products be by Can ada reciprocity an of tbe principle of Brown- treaty of would Is very desirable but ftcnlt of sltalnmeot the slly of trcstymaklng of the mcot union Is fas- Me He regarded it not promo tire of bot the surest of OaAxoiviLLx Nov At the hero this morning the trial of Atkinson with man- wan resumed before Mr grievances do oust endeavor IJuatloo His Lordship to procure such legislation will I proceeded to the jury spoke for about an hour afid prove remedial On this line the County of York the shortest and moat way halt Jury retired at and return ed with a verdict of not guilty after an hours aiaeveev of ilowsls administration been a sop to Hierarchy The not only what shall taught in Separate Schools but also dlctstee what we shall teach in public Asioci- demand Rights and in this matter ell christian conferences presby- and hare declared that the be free Tbe worthy tbe spirit of from every political intrigue end setid true to privilege received ass from our fortfathers die with fativr as a martyr rather than give up liberty Iter Mr of Bradford stated tbst be In accord with the by and urged charity and lore principle in si men He bad no deters i be with any political etty but he would declare against the of papal ell msnkind It was a light between right and wrong on tbe occasion of the Gunpowder Plot end the speaker proceeded the relation of today with that or 160L by their allegiance to another claim eqml The matter with tbst have not enough stability to openly maintain their at the of blersrchy this end the tales the Dominion Parliament Be as loyal to four convictions tbe Roman Catholics and Jostles will What we went Is union man will do his duty The chairman stale led the commit tee the opportunity of throw- log light on ibis subject and titer the for their dresses the meeting National calling the toeder the chairman the of Mr McCarthy by tele graph not able to present owing to Rsr- A Newmarket who detained illness Mr then that he bid been stive now- prepared to party for the of the country end stand upon the equal rights platform Vea afraid to take op this be- what their may so- tioia that the jriociplc Unfortunately for who represent us In there tortpreseut themselves great pleas- ore In Introducing Douglas Armour of who In a and spoke for an boor What Is the trouble How It ease What are the molts He back history to Francs whin the world Catholic and a spirit of freedom existed which rac William of and constitutional reforms which were after conquest of At that time no decree of Pope became until sanctioned by people be not appoint a in Prance nor collect until parliament said so Iu other words of Rome to and obedient to France then The speaker than explained the or beyond doctrine referring to the which op the claim that no king wu king till Peps end wu then Jurisdiction Into hands the power to lwaOwfawq raeptt Is we by derrirte that VIH tw K but the people of allowed f I I power to be extrcbed On and now the question is Canada be gov- or not The Canada by aim It noder of the church- The case of La books the Mechanica Institute that a not and when he died ihe church prohiblud bis body from buried In consecrated ground- finally before the Privy and the of ewohslisiionsof militia the law of executed not the canon law of the church of Rome The elections in were cited the to have a right to which way a man vote sod their threats of onethird of the elections bat the Court set the law undue inflaeoca- The Act is not a patty ques tion Because 3if John supported on National Policy no authority on ibaauamptfoaof that ftoppoit What did be mean when he said that do could bo which dared the Jesuit Act It vat that the is they cannot Quebec- Why did Hon Ed dtfjllow mow Acts proportion regime than Sir Jehu bis altogether 1 the of La liberal end la yoke of slavery the He ap pealed is audience cut politics to the wind and vote according What docs all ths fitcil policy of trade relations amount if wo to bo by the Church I tiling of the people of this of which not been since this iail Rights The then proceed to show number of singular for which there la no so patent this esm via of the statutes records of Manitoba and also and reading of of a in alone Schools in the of Mr QntiM he intended handing oxer the to the Proteitant A the to en- quire the French end Statnte in this Province in correction with Mr said there wrong bsre shown some part of this people were more French and than Quebec One hardly meet a that titk the teachers but since the position the wrong it will hire support of the Equal What are is not to oppose Roman protest against you dont press this Jesuits Estates Act all lbs of the church will bo visited upon you We tbst men be free to vote and to act according to conscience Let tho in telligent voters of Ontario freo themselves from party shackles and the forthcoming elections will be grandest victory over prejudice aver achieved difficulty that Romish Church is behind and Sir John but with such a of power exhibited iu where the Equal had and also 1800 in Huron we are to make Influence felt The ques tion of abolishing Separate Schools iu On tario sot before the Association when formed but is not the principle correct Many Roman Catholics send their children to public schools and more would do Priest would nut 1st them They the a better handicapped children if to Separate Schools The question is Is it the duty of the State to draw a line which separatee the people It the duty of the State to a good and not sectarian education people hare a right to say whether there be religious teaching the pledge of the Crown Is violated Lands by lirh ae by the until are to the not a lend but of settler He the land to ha by men of their own religion an that It return him tithes Tbsprifldple what ought a be done mast be applied and lu the fccbrat of charity relieve that from such an Influence lbs power hi said It a good thing out check on legUlsban Act had driven both partlu to on the Tito question If veto power not used rightl It would not sooluhths but the men who mod It wrongly today wu not wu the power to continue bat how shell It be end Then be aome link the provinces If this country to to a It Is by being thoroughly with rights and to all Is there oo common ground wbloh all Christ- Una could Protestants end say emeu to not grand n Both alike the Lm4s prayer had a common eel of morals He re- in holding a common not teaching the Cbriat- Ian that Roman and Protest- could be together That wu the He took strong exception to an ab sence of religious from God forbid that there bo of edncaUou Ha would stand by the Roman most dQOitIoiL lithe Roman Catholics would leave out the any the out avnd Uethcdlits would out then a of be awrvdapotr At pTfnt be this was but be would remind the people that what ought to be done can be dope- Cheers Chairman eald ha hops the mull ef the merlin would the of a branch of Rights end that he and in the the oclock a the Equal W by a number to Sir met with and White be erne feeding air litem of ihtro crowded orsr end Mr Merchant to 11 Hant oven The beck In wiQiih hipbone and the result ha broken eome of bouts so the human band on reports on the a fraud tot Inrttoys geese and dot on It there wUl to good turnout It has got to be qui to targe and subsujitlal room by thin time combined navecauaed tubs dog a large ditch outside carry was to the arilnx iIio tea 1k to oar tillage- Reports at bearbetog In The Ravemhoo aaln Ibis not a bear bunt I hear of being played on loween not likn used to be sotting mora mat great many lefts for It I will a few trades that would do welt flnd a In reap nearest shop tea away maker and iOSkcrwohld alio flnd plenty to do alto good chance for a grain- farming country a shipping station no within a being the feuturea IN BARRIE Life Us Hub government has prohibited Salvation meetings Ottawa 3- a painter 5 wont on a Inst and Friday niilit faelpieasly W a hotel whero waa allowed to morning the manager of the lioUl coming down stairs found Loyer great distress Id a be MANTLESJAGKETSULSTER Slightly Damaged by Smoke in the lato Fire at our Store in z f Will bo Disposed of at a CALL AND The Other m Mr wee leading bind the It became and Vat- ssainat the hind to pieces Mr Cow- out hot lbs Injury relt- waa a sprained which Ivm boeo painful We would remind of tbe next Friday neat of which already Lanes on all in public schools or not and a compromise could be made to after a cer tain lu the day no such teaching should ho and be resisted and at as the people esy It will Key DJ taking remarked that be was not in attack upon the Roman the In a charged them with disco and the Montreal brands the of tbe He had a many on from standpoint and not oue contained a bigoted high moral pre Tents It Tope claims to sweep away ell rights lvl I end of his sob- ere cot hare no to our fellow- citUeue and not but ivj ought to here equal rights for this therefore by such these papers wilfully The erects that ate jirore that Ibis sentiment did die out when the as was predicted to New Dfcnswlckand Nora Sortie resolutions of the chsrseler wire paeeJ In the movement It was nut a worthless sign a protest though In He It baa put new life and spirit the lVoieitanti of Hers the speaker read a pott cord from an man In Montreal which contained Is a triutJih for us The Aseo- has interest in national which will hot die Politics art of govrnmtot to every but pittlxanahlphai had a baneful law the Jeauit were forfeited to the Crown but by canon law lo the After working In a quiet years Ilia this Do through their f a foreign owr tooveMule British law The should full in all temjir- mature bo the language cstltutont no disloyal be There is a rest difference between the German or and French schools of lb Province at latter to pry op the foundations of cur free Instltutlona The very blind and will have Harder work to change Its course now than years ago but he was Inclined to that the Government sets the mistake and will remedy the gKerancoas soon as possible Hon Mr he was a true man and If had mors them a dif ferent of would there but his alliance with tbe he could Thsre undoubtedly equal Importance before Dominion voter not any candidate who will not lbs firet plant In bis pisiform are secondary Free British free and free civil action all we ak If the ihraqnlty set against the CalhoUo community this It was not from choice but from coin- pulsions If the Roman people In sist the of the hierarchy there left hut fit them with the truth and at the polls and not lund over to the few Pro of the doty or ibtdMyoftbatprorlocax ha would a by which wonll Haw lbs lotroduoed eastern It Is our duty to stand by Unrest Home lo oonnectlon King Christian off on Tneedey Oct nDdw9 grand A upper was served oclock by of after Mr- was called Co occupy chair- of an then given the Revs Morgan and Percy warn tall of noble thooahtand were well racolnrf- the sons is rendered by and UlfSM Ailed with laughter and encored- me choir some recitations by and Crawford were ended Is alt to bo the bait Homo In tuts were paid there was sTarmera here have about completed potato dig Mr Doyle while In potato field other day vers dlscsOTery in the shape of a gold which engraved In memory of the good old days of It about has nearly recovered from bis Ulnest baa given up hie stumping business for this fall aud baa taken out an lo sell Washing Mr J- got a tank full of water at night to bays an early start threshing neat morning no fun In getting It but some one thought It fun and let ibe water all out again bore are revok ing Great Bargains v IN FOR CASH At the LEADING FURNITURE A UNDERTAKING PERL lutbla will found a of Acs as well Undertaking a Specialty calls attended All orders promptly quteUy J iihilurd Newmarket and FLOUR MBi I WjSNB tor promptly oca care ANNUAL- Crublf Hinder Fort on the of OakrLdafej of Wot no Wedoosdar Oct ib IBs at the real- by Rev R Air J Of King to daughter of Mr- the brides father on lb Oct of Julius Ottawa on the 2nd Merrill to eldest of Mr Fred Barber of this Town formerly of Sharon Mrs Walls and her liter Julia Ox- toby left for on Thursday lait Miss Intends spending winter Mr Engllth church scrvtae hero Bu a Thompson of Toronto paid at borne a visit Sunday Elder In the during not to keep Up appointment hero at present funeral of late Mr Ella Doan attended on Friday of tail and bad and weather a large concourse of rel atives and friends followed Ibe remains to lte Newmarket Cemetery Mr Pine milts lies business and Intotbli Is visiting In market James and 3moa Kin on 2ilh relict of Oliver yturdyagM years mouths S J Purchasing worth of Goods will rewire a ticket when tickets are atl ho Winning will lo published in the VAIN orders will receive careful rind Owing to a libellous circu lated knew what wera alining know trying to disqualify Mr has not yet been changed but It will only delay of a few If Ibis petition granted It bo as out of tbe frying pan Into the Are an la to betaken matter and that tried to sign repot at loo will a of proving It There Is great need of a com mutes 1n this vicinity as Ihelr causing the arrest of the thieves who helping them selves to four George Micks flock Are of Ota Hallow Een off quietly around here nothing worthy of taking placo there- Wat Intereslloc time the that evening that Mr had taken a a few clays and Leys look advantage of used were shot guns pans and gave them a warm Mr John Draper eon of Luther Draper of this place returned home last visit to ble parents an absence of oen deb turBale vc r A ASTRAY lot In Die of Hit sad ttlills ayniwn TWO VtCAIIO win hi Any MiTint till da ifoicuui I If TOWN HALT Friday Nov ONLY MKJW or In Ms unique ENTERTAINMENT 1 AN Mimicry and VOtI Look cut for Happy Doom saKSaMIU4- TALK Value in Boots fc Shoes look tbrwjeb our Aj WINTER Our own of KIP BOOTS AT Are wiling like caka J MONTGOMERY EXECUTORS TO CREUITOKS of JN- of Charter of Ilia All Hie Eatfttoof Joseph Mo or f County Sbt iih til duoc she of to send the M a In writing ft and rtddrc ilirlrc duly allotted and ruiturs ihe lUa If held thtn And fntitier take Quite WW the tiny Hip sid dinned may rig only the riolw notice And wIM nut r ibfiSMiuoriUiYptH ttrnd fsr- son who rt lm ilm coil tho of Of Slid October of following Valuable Articles 1st 1 1 anting valued at Engravings Framed valued at 3rd Hanging Lamp valued at 8 Rosewood Writing valued at Boo Stattoaerv and Fancy Goods is I the Most Complete Town Any intending ol any of the above lines should tale our Gift Enter- prise as we just charge the REGULAR PRICES to win one or nil the Prizes Call Early and Dont Forget the New Store J Stand Opposite North Hotel a LOWE Iwfl Tiy lr aetatlly cow at DAVID LLOYD ArjtCnMcyiocrr iMuer of Mar- Ac agent fur ornpines lnoti a0 I- rd Milium ill lurcinto riffle raid itr- Pianoforte will Is sat a place wilt tBrnornr teat him at lAsr fliiart week ROS flrp Landing a a tr lioa who faaa t Johns Hospital Toronto for son lima a baa bona lad to that aba Is so Shields ratamed at looks A atUodaooo An paid lbs a ibuwatk of flaws It Is a tat baa Kit can said tohafa Alt la ths fiatd Who upland do plaoa la villas Why Economy do ttb tat Mrs Jno AMoore of sou Dont worry hit Is Mr of In VlUate a company formed to i The laloruealosr order Why J fl nay tie at km EXECUTORS NOTICE Mftf York an jncrahontinetweolydret day of sane poet In motitr tali t we r to ftf lTT aoaibesmsQJmenitheretA Noll eels ESTATE OF la County wbodledo A p deliver io of Id Si color lb said Cal vin on or before ISftta day of At and full of of their and the of If ibempfoperly Termed And liiaUnr lbs date aUtdKxeo- will li amoni the entiled recaiUoniy to tho of not be lo any per of wIiAte claim not nave been reoclvti by time rrriucb1JiirrrQllon Whitby ibis lib day of A Whit- by for lha twtt HILAR IrcluU SALE- ly Its Cow youoj ow reaWrtd alio a It is fully recognized the only place in town to a FirstClass Garment made to order is Our stock of Tweed Cloths and Overcoatings is the and Best Selected in this part of the country and our cut ter is acknowledged to be the best north of Toronto All our work is turned out by firstclass workmen onthe premises under the most careful supervision and although our work is so superior our prices are as low as the cheapest JW I Our Boot Shoe Department is still ahead of all rivals both in quality and value As we purchase only from most reliable Manufacturers we are able to tee every pair of Boots we sell BRUNTON MAIN

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