Newmarket Era, 15 Nov 1889, p. 4

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NEWMARKET ERA NOV 1889 GRAND RAILWAY it mm 5 i IM Is 111 nil si ALU POINTS BfiiTlsn ad PACIFIC fltt Ha 4 call on write- ATKINSON International Lessons DAVIDS LAST WORDS l He wilt me cowMiit in ill d 11 We bite few not ft jjioje of bat ici J otter Ism to tie Spirit of bica It the or Io which Holy hot whom to well what to cirri won J must be id tot to them ere for mom of in riiKI tbe matt bo with end of a if mart be rooted op by ironbook fiie4 to tbe or tbejr be with fire Joflovcce of lut word of good eod friends bite often deep Bat it is eerred life of eicrediODg There it eod force in To commit to memory to the eotj Of bert end by ell of tbe profit ble mtAni of grace 3 Tbe two la the of an ideal ruler ere few of If these ere be U1 ud He will not neglect of of tbt king ebill end flonriib e here pus prophecy He more of too Solomon He by fftUh lb the of hit Sod enjoy lat good in diffuse perily bid sot or in a with picture he bat of by the good pViire of firm Acrid til oar eelf- etUI oar G to lb in to is in Chnit 6 of way like tborai burned with fir So end the Id I To for hut wee one of oar men Iwa for the two months to end to celled ud by Capldi firry we led to thit he to the end Mmmit cot for J Thelidfeeid we held J Mat on ere We think is if plied i Too for last Bans Corners posed off in P edified la The crop oecared far the winter end lotted better thin expected Bleek the In Mr J tbie week A tea from peld local ity a hot did not proper in the of cooiowder People In ibis ty from who dlan tare to be fnads Too tor A PA I of cot He tbor- ihe lb following ii J of to work fciog done both u fco of 1 j b- too good condition of fwtotr wtufiit- J to know Kbool the ci to a iniige Of to If tbe parents tteoJ misfct for it her borne io Bond Ttere on Halloween end quite a nnmber of played- bat fr as to go on to The Sir her ae far Toronto many friend of Mr will will be Rial to heir ebe from a recent tilt to for few of Miss met at on with taw together with a folly worded of tbe efficient rendered aa organs to the great euuUoc Her of tbe the Chnnb Bell Stbbitb end an excellent eermon to e Urge Notice Ltoluet that will well and to morning re- with Done of worn oat be where or and Burdock SltUra Indication above tic Ik Editor WHAT UK TO WRIT ABOUT comet from on la to l that theCpPlt Co a direct Hue from Toronto to North By what route la not mentioned For Lime Back Ride or UaetiMoVePoeuaPUator Price Arttuna and laborlOKmen are liable to accldenta end Injuria a and To all we would nag OH the and core for out nod Interne LI meat And Core guarantee It Hold by Kelman Beat Ewer Mad troobla and djapeptla Let I took two of end end got wall I felt better la my life Uy bee It a mo Jieloe Mr Vten cried foe dang Whan aLa Lad alia gave them Mr J Robertsons at tack on Roman Catho- To ii Bra After Mr In io to the of the America Act la priog the Dominion Par liament the Pro- legislation Reman He mail bete been at bit letter to an un warranted ettack on their be the Catholic the Cbnrcbbraperior to the In mitten welt at In air matter it ii frctlicjt in pur Dominion which the no doubt to remedy think least he hare done bate been to few the practical operation of theory in referring to the be bother put not inch to confidence in her dealings with who differ be the upper hand It cannot be denied tiateome of- the crime and hard committed two ago but tbe were not now and mind were more easily inflamed by unprincipled pert one for political pwer and if bad a of of time which bid not it and cowajUy for a gentleman In where leat the people are in with him id religion to hopeless minority at late day about which may bite of ago and it to bis Catholic the of whom and I hope be Reform parly that be to before be in tbe of intoler ant bigotry which bat Unit cot Catholic has been by no mean remit is taking tithe from jmtiej bid ding tor am fritnls if he any aill net think him for opening up the question of taking It only ye am Cilbolio of bij or their in Ireland had to pay the tenth pert their produce year to the to which he can claim a certain 1 b a member not only did Catholic hare t tithed bnt were for and yet be will not let bye gone be Whatetr who lived ago who lire to day cannot be for keeping lir- which occur between two and three hundred ego iu Europe we thankful for that jog majority of cor friend are of the opinion that no real Chrlatien filing their neighbors by who take part in of of Ilia aUtement Sir McCarthy bu cut loose the petty u the of letter It is a well understood fact that present Op the Ontario no chance of defeating Mr at the neat election on any relative to hit the affairs of the party hope to defeat by making use of Rights through Mr floeacew I will quote from the Toronto Worlds report of Mr McCarthy delivered at the Rink Toronto on Oct 10th referring to the Equal program Mr McCarthy And one of them Equal Right ere would demand froni an account of hit etcfardtbip and if he did cot carry out their wiabee they would put elie it Ma See idea In might y that there are In the world mean enough to try and get Parliament by inflaming of the peopleswatch 1101 powder Absolutely Pure A nolreimBDM Met onomlr flixllOMT kind M bo with ml- powder IT THE LEAD The Light Running School October Id order of merit Beit Fred Jane Fletcher El in Clara Cain Herbert Mildred Freeman Allen Cook 2nd Bertie Allen Barker Allen J Teacher ALBERT Jones mood Mann S3 3rd Amy Frank Woodcock Chan Rowland William Allie Annie Sibley Maggie Mann Iff Empires Ottawa that weltloown firm of and to fancy at Toronto ft in trouble with the An Hon the firme bit the feet that been for The of the firm not made public elated during year up to lit4f0ftUr than had the Department Agrirultoreat grantiog trade and of growth try laainete end brain energy The remarka It la that Adim Brown i either Is pocket or will era bare already congratu lated For time been circulating but the may not be made till after an other eueloo of the Dominion A Toronto offered U grateful of of on Thankvlrlfi Day there It a battle to gratitude and of a only the people of tbtt city can Imagine To ordinary mortile ft likt pertuit from the purport and Extent of the national proclamation Toronto qwer things Couoty Council of large acd County of be decided op era erecting a at at m flfetNtbltaum tjian York County Independent of will upon the to the city a new that la to be Oxford County fa ee IU couoty ieooncemed from and be cured If rifbl aooiblugf beaming and make It to every family Llnlmtnt for Uooplog Co a Kb Immediately by Bold by Jat Kelman I JOT I can recommend Burdock Blood I had It for four year nod bid at one time that J a aoUd Ukea tlte am entirely cured now Pipe Oat end lability will try of Liver OH with will dud relief nod benefit Dr if V Molt Cat write I have great advanUie Incaaeeof end It la very palatable appetite ptraU Frtco and IS par bottle by y belter remedy for and than Yellow OIL It turn lumbago tbroet and and genera la lime B J Kendall Feljt eon the traloeble work yaiwtyaendlngtbalr and twoaot tot riMwedtoraMmlted period trail wilt of obtaining valuable work To lover of the It lodlajpenUbKaalt aJl the animal I nominal Iba Uoitvd AT LAST A of Original Wood Cook A True Weakness and ration of the Ostein fellow and worry and roRerig to to The terrible of nervous weakness arc Cray in the luck and of lost nd ilrcngtb axe the of and trouble This is be way that Paresis and Do not a moment linger lime it will be too lu regain your health and vitality Celery the eyes will regain their checks will grow rosy the become the serves atroog and your and appetite good and health and happiness ml lake the place of misery and suffering A the of Montreal utiles In the summer bad to very hud and to Celery Compound anil the contents of felt like a new A nivbtt rest foe the of the day acd instead of to ft i5 if I bid a days vock of being about one started in gol spirits feeling and strong My wife and various to whom I tbe meJicine bare been benefited uii in Compound is a word in our TO BE HAD AT- WRIfiHTS STOVE TIN DEPOT MAIN ST NEWMARKET ALSO The Novel Standard The Home JeweL Wood CU1 end Wood The Home Standard The Family JeweL The Early Breakfast The Home Cook Wood Cook Wood ALSO STOCK OF- Parlor and Sail Coal and Wood Stoves FURNACES ON JUNO I Always in Good Order- Every AND TO Town ii gE At FARMS FOR w it Jobbing Work S FOR 10 ALSO AGENT The MENDELSSOHN PIANO i AND THE ORGAN Large Stock Select Sheet Mario Book TO RENT TO J SALE AT A BARGAIN B MILLARD the Hotel RENT A or to NEWMARKET Liquor Store FOR PURE SHERRY GINGER NATIVE HASLET ESPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR We also stock the far famed St Mineral Water bottles and On draught l STORE 7 j FOR Ddubiocfof i3 applet eta to Haw L -J- CASH TEA A SPECIALTY IN 3 AND 10 FOUND PACKAGES We et that knock Tea Billy a and be convinced P J OM ALLEY Main St AULL AKD ASSORTMENT OF 6 FT A r I T CH PEARSON C9- 0 QentS My daughter hod severe cold and injured her spine so she could not walk and suffered very much I called iu our family citsn pronounced it inflammation of and recommended IN- LINIMENT to be used free ly bottles cured her have used your LINIMENT for a broken breast it reduced iniUuiuiatiou and in days Mrs Silver DOES THIS CONCERN YOU 1 Wo offer yon an unusually attractive and extensive stock of GOLD SILVER WATCHES JEWELRY ELECTROPLATE CLOCKS SPECTACLES C Qodnla Mabel Br 3rd AooU too St 3rd SadMabel Weal Jr Anh Sidney Good via and Frank KitthloK- Part II sod lit Claw Chapman and A The the honor roll for Otto CUMAtoelU sod Thomas eooa Katft Jr 3rd and Alt aud Walter Jr 2nd Ida Pail Crawford Gertie lUrUrt Jr Part Fred and Law Tie attcdfsg of achoUra la for the month of October Jr 3rd Ids Hartal Jane Timothy Clark tad Edith Ads and Part Ethel Jones and Coobier Jr Part Clflea tad Part Rose and Jr Ait I Geo Draper Average sttfndaaca for tbe month la Pass Teaeber In now designs and at prices that cannot be beaten You will beat servo your own interests by coming to our store and inspecting our Goo of Goods before making any purchases Note address ATKINSON MAIN ST NEWMARKET HARDWARE Barbed Fence Wire Builders Hardware Sheathing Paper Taned Felt Pitch LARGE OK CAftPENTEUS TOOLS Bar Band Hoop Caniage Wooden wore Trimmings Jacks kept for Agent for Repairs aw la turn well Par up enquire of w is 1 FOR SALE North Lot IS Coo EOacrc Coo J J FOR 8 ALE OH PlIKflriloliiii Brick House Victoria of Mix A RARE CHANCE To porch Vaihitblft THE hive OUR- Bread TAKES THE Cakes Pastry Fresh and Wholesome COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Family Groceries J A ALL1N CO ft ARE A FULL LINE on TDK Us fcr- on a sol train when death t lrMKloo blot fro i uareailMpon are Uo becKo fluib lol of La enpt up6n hold timp irii Go PI Ml or MOdjf Of Of this Of If given a fair trial iart to tat or in of or mono for It will to a 1Mb WO aid a Ms SEASON SPECIALTIES -INCLUDING- Saws Hand Saws Chopping Axes Hay and Straw Knives Mechanics Tools Building Hardware Table Pocket Cutlery ALSO- PAINTS OILS PUTTY GLASS ETC Eiamino Stock and Prices J A ALLAN CO a PURE AND RELIABLE- Fruits and Vegetables arriving Every Day- A SPECIALTY Always Open A North and South Main Newmarket THEWMCitIBSr CO OF by Olivers North of i Ih or lb fcboul lb nil ho lu4mf a for For forth to to V BoilOltort FOR SALE j ftDj lhtVWMWpo Ibi Coo 9 Xb II i no I ith 10 Mb tarDDdlbiHlircidthfcoD ft rood read All tbHft ftMrlermiof pimtfttwuiUctua Alio bo mftrktls FOR SALE BYTENBER THE- Power of from iba lothe Ibi Jacob of Count ha laud etljinraaler Parcel of the tf Ihffllb Unndsad and frame alone of aewbnibUoJDiakDtlhianrWJuifuta- of part of Lot SO Id lhtAtbCoDOftAnolKlr Acre about aere cjeeittetf raaloderls ail baritwoodcedarsidcuDieplca J of Acres Booth- of of with able good order will iba a ISO bind to jACOWAt- LIMITBD LUMBER LATH SHINGLES Klau Wood WANTED the OK PINE Wit CaHfAJOKfHfcMUfACTUflJSCO ROW for of Ja 4 UffMiiC Children THE BaiAR8 FARM flultoa West SIIOATHOItlVS ibrtf Bow In Doulfetoq eaarn EMERSON AND DOMINION- ORGANS W on hand a very targe and Tfany are Warranted and CoQStructtoo For our city w have Wo sell at Lowest Living for or Good Paper When In Toronto remember our There ii Always a Wetoome for you us at any for Prices and Old taken In exchange j a J S CO No King St WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH I MOULDIXG ftOORS- sash THANKFUL FOR THE LIBERAL PATRONAGE PAST SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK a a a AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES 1 THE WM CANE SONS MFG CO J 1 DUNNS BAKING POWDER FRIEND WORM POWDERS toot nrlwtnu DYSPEPSIA Of ACIDITY OF THE STOMAL DRYNESS And

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