I THB BRA -T- LYMAN at mi steam printing roi emulation of lbs Ess already SUBSCRIBERS 0I7B MB THE TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ACCORDING TO OTHER LIBERTY NORTH YORK INTEliLlGENClR AND ADVERTISER ONTARIO BANK I Vol Slngle Copies Cents Each 1 Newmarket Ont Friday Nov Terms Cash In Advance I within or at end Newmarket Branch AOZMCRALBARKIRaBniHIBB Allow on Depositor DRAFTS ISSUED tails at Hi Real Estate Insurance Agency Money to Properties Bought and Bold RENTS ON MODERATE COMMISSION- Special Attention paid to Farm Insurance TOWN AGENCY FOR Grand Trunk and A White Star Line Ocean Steamers Bald to all Petals Canada Untied States and Britain ROB Main South Newmarket LEGAL A St Notary Loan Oft iecortiy- IOCNT I VO Public Of Block m MONEY TO LOAN- J and LIT MONK AX AT on wajlty mooall Post W FOB Louden Insurants CO At Old OfllwOor slain Etc LOAN- Dominion JTACAES A J ACHta ABRItTCBa Br x TO lOiN OS GOOD SECURITY A J a Electric llifak Aeoommodauon for flOrSE HOTEL 111 and 113 York of King TO BY from York Hi rehire flBMCBE ATI CIS J AM Eft ROCHE Court So MONET TO AT LOW KAT1M- for Ibe of Bales Promptly Attended to Mm 7 CHINA HALL KOTED FOR THE- o LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK OE Crockery and for New Orange and PURE SPICES Nu and all kinds of Always in Stock Give us a Call No Trouble to Goods 5 A- SMITH Prompt to Telephone Order ALBERT Tit AVIUM LictvsatD KM the Of rami Sftln on to to kit will prompt ftfitnttM ST ICENeEWAOUTIOSKEH Asolfortb r KeHlriXor Hard i Store AVa a FALL surriNes AM A MUHUEON IN DR A J- NTVABT and Scotland Toronto Oat Umber Council if lu to W P aod some beautiful patterns English Scotch Canadian Also an of to from selected Pattern in Checks and Call for bring your friends with you All goods on the at Closest Cash Prices Only Patronage Solicited CI D MUTCH Jfext Door to Atkinsons Jewellery Store Tailor Gents own cloth made up neatly and cheaply A Candidate Im Jul a mux with got In in jut tela I Id for him Kin Kin km or iOApUfli Ban it toy pall for Rear Kin Lho or girt a ttli it nuke a foi people that my aknH Iflli troth Im kind for Anl froth do A I dont know Aft J sftfest into for Mr Bowser a Little White washing on His Hook SCOTT D And wrfwu or A fllMOM ati A- Oxide at ffiD BiaATQALT Id America for and loiurmnca J Public Aurora NOTES DISCOUNTED LcdViui MONEY TO LOW d ActounU Collected Vim Oil lHh Of Of- bolldlaff Mala CANADA LIFE CO STORE OUR STOCK OF- FALL DRESS GOODS It well And of great variety -OUR- Cloths for Suits Are fintclass selections of extra value Wo give the BEST PITS IN TAILORING AS Co J MAH11IAOE At lb Era V OAPITAb AND J A cd ftfur J BOOTS AND SHOES OF RELIABLE MAKES NEW VALENCIA RAISINS ThU week Another prime lot of JAPAN TEA AT POUNDS FOR STEPHENS North End Accommodation Store TOEOU EL TAB -AMD- LEADING HOUSE YKAHB I Iidj bfar Best Stock brfiriuiai I ilopurcnit niK Leading I MAIN A LIFE SIZE SPECIMENS ui1 f ii Work The Accident A CAMPBELL imji to FALL STOCK Lowest CASH Price irj it year And iQlfttdi I ft- Coil I bunt Coin jatnl4v VltvfrtildtbltOex lUifOf Constantly on Hand DRY I Box Worn tin far Art Garland Stove Mora a im with Home w Air Wpc FURNACES TINWAREI All promt attandaJ to kupux Mvla for ft I D J 1dU I to U J SPAVIN CUBE KENDALLS SPAVIN DURE KiTOxV25niiXoobVijr4iKn SOU ALL There were Tittle I wanted done about the fall and the other wee I engaged a colored to come And work for iajDpIeof day It happened that ho came the morning before Mr Bowser had left and was greeted with Welt duo bio hired to work tab Who hired your What to Well lady has changed her and doesnt want you After the man had Mr Bow ser came into the homo and asked Did you hire a colored Why yea What I was going to have him white wash the vegetable cellar take down and clean the laundry and do other odd I Mrs Bowser I dont be lieve in such people have done about one hours work and charged you for a whole day dont believe he knows any about whitewashing than I do about the harp Certainly Did you ever boo a negro who say anything to suit the occasion WeD hut- j Thereiano but about it If there are any little jobs about the boose Ive got plenty of time to do them In fact I need just such exercise Such work la a diversion for and the doctor recommende it Do you mean to say you will do the whitewashing I do I dont do to save a dollar but for my own I always liked the smell of lime 1 wish yon wouldnt do it You will get lime in your eyes and you will me for it and There you go What would I you about If I get lime in my its my own Mrs Bowser you getting to be a good deal of a lately Well if you are determined on it dont say that I asked or encouraged you Thats a funny way to talk to me Are you ready for the insane 1 think I run own yet If I am willing to peel off and do thoao odd jobs I ought to be encouraged instead of insulted I was quite sure how it would end but I nothing more and in the course of half an hour ho got into hit old cbthes and went down cellar I followed him down to give him a fow I words of advice but he didnt heed them You go right upstair and ait down and enjoy yourself he said Heres the brush and pail of and If I dont whitewash more cellar In ten minutes than Moses could In all day Ill never try It Be sides Mrs Bowser whitewashing Is not the slouch work you imagine it to be It has got to be done by a person of taste and Intelligence or It wont stand I want a blueing to give It a tinge It must be well done Certainly Two coats all around Justao liven if you all day Even if it takes over half an hour which it wont show you a job hero that will make a black man turn green with envy Just run Up stairs and yourself comfort- I retreated up the stairs to kitchen door waited for results which I knew woro sure to come Mr Bowser dinned and dished and touted stirred until he had the liquid to liking and as bo began cm the stone wall I heard him chuck ling I said minutes but- Ill go slow and take 20 The Idea of a colored around here all day to do this work Lets see I believe Ill tho overhead first I held my breath in for a long minute Then a yell from that cellar which jumped the cook out of her slippers and made her cry out For heavens soke Mrs have we been struck by another cy clone There was a second and a third aud as hurried downstairs Mr stood In the middle of the cellar hands outstretched and jump- lag up and down as though he had re under his feet For sake what is it Mr Whitewash lime fire I In my eyes I Im blind I Ive burned them I cot hold htm and led him out to the tubs and set water to running He had indeed got lime in bis eyes but it was more painful dangerous He could hardly see daylight after we had washed out all lime and as I led him upstairs be said I shall never see again never see you or the baby again In my life I washed his eves with milk and got him to Ho down upon the and in a couple of hours be was pret ty near all right His were sore but no damage was He was very gentle until he discovered this Then ho suddenly turned on me with Mrs Bowser what possible or- cose can you urge in extenuation of your conduct What do youuieant What do I mean Thats a cool to ask me In view of what has transpired whut hate yon toaavt I say that you wen foolish to undertake the fob I warned you how it would turn out Mrs Bowser he shouted squirt ing tears of limo water out of his eyes do you pretend to deny that you encourage mo to under take a task which you knew would put my whole tutors happiness if not my life in peril I do air I did all I possibly could to dissuade you And you are not to blame Mot in the least And I brought it all myself You did Mrs Bowser this too much too much I I could forgive one who had wronged me if penitent hut when they attempt to brazen it out it time for action Wo will settle the amount of alimony right hero end now But wo didnt After blinking around for half a day he went down town and when ho cauae borne to cupper ho was as as pie I got a colored man to come and do the work end two or three later when Mr Bowser happened down Interesting Facto cellar I heard saying to him self YCBVitt a mighty slick job I did on this sod Ill tackle that stovepipe tomorrow Detroit Free j A California Rabbit Drive At Fresno Cal ifornia was largest and most rabbit drive ever made The mound of the stain at the end of the drive was feet deep twenty feet wide and forty feet long and con 12000 dead rabbits Three vermin numerous and destructive to farmers that the wholesale mi nation of them imperative It is that five consume as much one sheep are particularly fond of young grape vines fruit trees corn and ether grain The drive was made by stretching wire netting about three feet high and seven miles in length shaped terminating in a smaller end in a circular corral into which lha animals were driven and readily kilted with stout a Feck of Trouble A farmer came into this other day and lectured about the farmers needs fie said affairs were in such a bad with that something had to be right away Farms are and not paying interest farm ere discouraged Nearly crown on farms had to sold in States and a duty barrier to climb that took all the profit and part of hide besides fiscal policy of country he urged must lo changed Instantly if hope is not to be abandoned It was a most gloomy ami dispiriting picture and for a time our feelings for the poor farmer almost us Not doubting that odr friends own lot was a hard one- wo asked hi in if be ever had to suffer loan of any duty on horses to States he knew men who had How about barley Well ho had always grown it and after a lima estimated ho had always averaged or cents per haps more for it for years past Never sold any lumber nor any stock for breeding purposes Got a shave on his Under that cut It down below hope of American competition Had no but knew of many Started a poor boy without much framing Is now Airly welt fixed We felt bolter after these details Now here is man who started with nothing and who never tried lo breed animals for export but yet who got rich growing No person can call a good farmer or any other man who does no more than grow and hay to sell off his place and the only redeeming of whoso firming Is in fatten a few head each winter Yet he Is rich few business men in any other line of trade have done better with twice as much ex ertion If our friend had Invested In some nice stock ago and always had a and a fat sheep and a fat pig and poultry to sell and keep house and had secured all the other advantages both to packet and f arm which comes from lots of stock ho would very likely bo What we tried to argue upon this man In the sad was that farmera of his class begin to study politics to makeup for what dont know about farming In foot farmers who know or nothing about farming should not blame their failures upon the fiscal policy of the country They would all be better off studying up farming than political In our wide acquaint ance among farmers we do not call to mind one good one who has always been sober and Industrious who has not done well Whitby The Examiner publishing a History of the County of from which we take the following ex tract The Northern Railway was not opened till 1854 and until the year A few small boats and one schooner comprised the entire ship ping of Lake la became a depot for military stores in transit to the posts on the Upper Lakes and about the time an armed was built to sail on Lake for the protection of this military storehouse and the transportation of the stores The in creasing influx of population and the consequent growth of created a want of better facilities To meet want the halfpay officers who had taken up estates along the north shorn of Bay In formed a joint stock company and built the John She was launched in The Sir John is said to have been a high pressure vessel and appears to have made more excitement thou speed as will be seen from the follow ing ot first vcyeg 11 The trip from Holland Landing lees than a week a day or lyo of which was spent in forcing the Narrows at the month of Cooks Bay Proceed ing along tho south shore calls were made at Jacksons and of the present when craft commanded by Borland endeavored to but could not pass the Nar rows A day was employed her fuel hold but for want of a sxfe place wood had to be brought off shore in small boats her course west ward along the shore of- lake halts were at cabin of every settlor along the route as they we re all in thoeuterprise and only too eager to colobrato the advent of steam navigation upon Lake so what mattered the fact that a weeks cruise necessary to chain the two termini was uofc of and even though it had been many of the settlers kept a more powerful on tap in their cabins which accounts in soma degree for the length of time spent on the pioneer of pioneer steamer over the moat charming of inland Canadian water Sir John was sold in to Thompson and seems to have increased her speed with lime for in Waltons Directory for we find that the leaves Holland Landing Mondays and Thursdays at oclock in the morning passing around Like This vessel gave place en lake to the Peter whose name afterwards became The Another steamboat Ihe Beater was launched in the summer of 184 We learn from Smiths 1840 that During the season the steam boat Beaver leaves the Holland River for and every Monday Wednesday and Friday returning on the alternate days A new and second steamboat Morning was started in I860 in opposition to the Beaver and when the Northern Railway came into operation as far as In July 1 the former boat ran in connection with the rail way The next steamer built late was the J Morrison- She was built at in by Captain Hugh now of and launched in She was commanded Captain during short period of her exist ence From lho Mirror of April 1886 we derive the following particulars with regard to this well- equipped vessel She was feet fitted with upper cabins and In every way magnificent steamer for thorn days and of fifteen miles an hour which Is much faster than the majority of steamers on our lakes at tho present time cost She was called after the lato Judge Mor rison who at that time was Presi dent of Northern Railway Com pany routo was from Bell to and mak ing daily trips This vessel is said to have been handsome but after she was launched she look while at wharf at and had to bo set adrift A young lady was sleeping la one her cabins at the time and was with some rescued All ablate and drifting the water for some time she finally foundered at thn of the bay near Allendale Following J Morrison tho Emily May a built at Boll by lib same builder CMsholu She was launched hi and was owned by the late May Emily afterwards passed Into hands of the Northern Railway which changed her to the Lady of the- Lakes She in turn bos given place to other steamers after a long and useful career and her hull now Ilea rotting at Bell Swart Germany Floating Exposi tion Out A Manchester England firm has contracted to build the projected Firth canal to connect the with the North Prom an economical point of view the great International expositions have heretofore been considered the best means of disposing of the over production of different be cause extend field of On the Other hand an In creasing number of voices has of year been raised against modern expositions naming as their chief disadvantage the great expense con sidering lho short duration of the exhibitions and the doubtful molts In regard to exhibitions in their usual form and the buildings erected for the reception of exported ample experience has taught that only tree way to make foreign tradesmen and is by convincing them that they will find demand in their own countries for German manufactures and to open business connections with the re spective firms Considerations of this kind long led to the idea of building socalled for samples The verein formulated a plan for a Ger man national Boating exposition which should bo continually supplied with novelties and should visit all the principle ports in regular aion opening its rooms not only to business but by the variety of attracting the people- of the town end also of the surrounding country In order to carry oat this plan a committee was formed included a number of well- known through whoso the completion of the exposition ready seems assured The floating exposition will form of a gigantic without masts or rigging but covered with large and a in all structures towers and cupolas The enormous which is to bear the name of Kaiser will have decks German will be provided with all latest improvement as well as best appointments for comfort that it in itself will bear witness to German industrial progress ft will bo the largest seawotthy vessel for its length will be about its breadth ft and its height ft exposition rooms eight large high saloons with are to on the middle deck the sleeping rooms for the craw and passengers the main deck the dining room and restaurants on the upper deck while the ladies saloon reading smoking and music rooms as well as the various booths will be arranged on the promenade deck All the rooms are to be provided with proper ventilation electric light steam heat Special care will he taken of the exhibits so as to pro tect them from atmospheric and other injurious influences and they will bo arranged in such a manner as to make tho most effect en visitors There will also a suffi cient number of motors to show the machinery in operation The plan of the exposition palace waa drawn and will be carried out by Bernard of Berlin an archi tect who is well by his work in line of decorative art The management and will be vest ed in a board of directors whose doty It will be to attend to business trans actions in the names of exhibitors unless they prefer to represent their own interests or to send it which latter cheap passage tickets will provided This exhi bition will equivalent to a number of international exhibitions and it will be lets expensive for each exhib itor to send exhibits than it would bo for him to participate in one ordinary exposition Besides special object new steamer will In every respect facilitate journeys around the world for study or pleasure It expected a trip around the world will take two years during which time the steamer will stop at each of the ports visited about eighty in all from three to fourteen according to the im portance of tho place The starting point la where opportunity will bo offered interested to in- the great undertaking Ztilung A Modem Tyrant Penelope All right Jack you may put that ring on my fioger and well call it engaged but It must be definitely understood that you are to have but one kiss a day And one dance at each hop for you dance horribly and I dont like to kiss a man with- out a mustache I am to go boating or walking with any fellow pliMse daiico as much as I and flirt with whom I please You ore to give up smoking card playing and wine and finally yon are not to teg after roe all the time for Im not going to have my enjoyment spoiled because Im engaged Jack slave Well but Penelope tell me what I can do Penelope Yon can read Tennyson and think of me TAB XT SOT VIS to is to have a news had another small fire hut week Ont will become a town on 1st January It Is supposed that One people perished great storm in New Mexico Special revival com menced in tho Bradford church A social for Grace church over on Thanksgiving evening By the fall of a belfry as Olabuijfalu Hungary six persons were killed and many injured Diphtheria has become prevalent at Indiana that all Ihe schools have been closed A named Wilkinson fell from a scffod only seven feet high nod broke his ankle The powers have informed the Porto that they will not interfere with the policy of either Tur key or recce CA The Orillia Red Cross Hos pital and Home has been formally opened for the recep tion of patients Willie near Ring wood had hi thumb badly shattered by bursting of a on Thanksgiving Day of has an order for lmckboerds for Brit ish Columbia und a carload of vehi cles for Island An American syndicate of capitalists has offered to make a lea- portal The is being considered An inquest was held at Alton on Saturday and the jury In their verdict recommended the appoint merit of an of dams Fire Sunday morning destroy ed the furniture factory ware- rooms at Oxford dam age to amount of 1t was on permanent of the French of Deputise receiv ing out of volts recorded Patrick Connor a laborer going home on night from Milton was struck by a train near the station and instantly A social event oc curred at residence J Brod- lea exReeve of Whitchurch fast week A number of young peo ple from Green River and tho vicinity wera Invited spend the evening party up In the best of humor and with well withes for their entertainer The Thanksgiving Supper In with lho Christian Church Is acknowledged to bo the most successful entertainment given there for many years After all expenses ware there was a balance of over Mr J Armstrong of occupied the Chair speeches of Revs Baker Brown and were full of noble thought and lire songs rendered by Esq of flllod the house with applause and laughter Also the Muses Baker gave two solos In fine classical style The reading by Mr amusing practical and Orillia Nov David Sander son who shot wife In the wrist and breast Friday night was this afternoon committed to jail to stand trial for shooting with intent to kill Mrs Sandersons wounds are not fatal are six children Mrs Sanderson is about years old and her husband a trifle older The Beaver Valley reservoir In San Bernardino was constructed la 1886 and Is at present the largest irrigation reservoir In United States and the proposed Increase Id Its capacity will make it the largest of any kind the new resrvoir will be increased nearly and will Include a body of water miles la length mile In with an average depth of feet The present dam with Its canals cost cost of the new one has not been estimated a million and store water sufficient to Insure Irrigating water for acres land for three A mass of Roman Catholics was held In Baltimore Sun- day evening in favor of high license Cardinal and other church magnate were present Lucas Nov 16 barn sheds and stables belonging to Eli Bio In the second concession of together with the contents were burned down about eleven oclock lost evening the fire not known Tho Hastings Star says no loss than two of frogs legs have been shipped to Now York from that village past four at eighteen cents a pound average paid for them they would cost A young man was accident ally in lent week white two companions were examin ing a selfcocking rovolcer The ball entered body just below the groin and bis from instant death was moat providential A night watchman in the P shop at place misled portion of his lunch every night One night be put ton oil on it and next morning doctors services were required to alleviate the pains of the thief fcSjT Friday night a man named met his wlfo from whom lie was separated a In and fired four shots her two of whlchtook One ahot entered the womans breast and may prove fatal Sandersoii is under ar rest Building operations have been unusually brisk at Owen Sound Over houses were built this year and still there is not a house to rent In town to spend a million dollars In improve ments at their yards and docks next year The Pacific Is almost ready to inaugurate its fast across the continent which will carry from Vancouver to Port- land In four days This witji the connection on the Atlantic wilt bring time be tween Hong Kong and Liverpool within daya A boy named John Collins while at work with a sawset In one the tables of Ramsays csrvisge had the misfortune to lose two of his fingers and to serious ly injure a third accident oc curred white he was clearing nvay refuse which had accumulated law Woe Cooper the grandchild of Mr P Whit of the was play ing about the yard on Monday in the enclosure and the child went up to pet one when It fright and kicked her In the face knocking two teeth and cutting her lip severely A travelling sold a Clinton Mich farmer a for add percent to the weight of bis wheat when he went to market the farming signing a contract to pay the pedlar half the money he made of the extra weight givon In Ma The contract turned op a little later In iha of a note for which the farmer had to pay out of the proceeds his whoa with out any added weight from the dearly