I NEWMARKET ERA DEC 6 1889 My Local OS IK A TOW roil There to- cbfMcttt rtivtiui bold ociil at to A collection will be drop In the cannot vend box J SM with rf A fall of it Tf of A Dip It a of good file of cod bin will to comfort- thermometer from IS below la different of Owing to Lot 4 Church eg Oa y Warren got tab- l find both repaired bid to be dog oat to get it but the good cow for It Well The by hill wbicb callers ililiictfioe bite worn oar Dumber offer in while the letters we bar tell ci the En the eqddoaat little Red Row- not iKhcl on a week tie of Street Perk in ell the The other the of a Mr of York who took finii in kind few wimble which till Ml be fotK Sure tod will The SouTnTAXNiRT- During the jut the hire work p in tare footing they do doriog the they here jot id together with fix to beet the nd ill wilt We are lo tote growing prosperity As Owing to the ba Engineer till p it been to the in Irioging oat ell et en bear to ring the Bel the chug deemed it proper to try tbe for tfit If there it to be done do it next or hold peece Odd Lot Knives and Forks Krt eelliog cheep Store tod Depot t of the here wfll the for Mr Co Regular A fall Baal- Bill tfon a majority of All parti Photo finUt for iHll lit idtUo Its next tea dip mm to frir to fiolih Call at and for Chrittmaa All ctk fitattaat ji4 alaraya on hand at aNot thou Sand UN Lin More wrong uiwert to owing to tbe lU qaeilioa i- fioNo Berthe largo packed with goods end be they be eold in Nut week the of end Model School Literary Society will held on Fit- Dec oclock will be ta the At tbe extended to women will between two member of the Young of end two from the to No there will be of the tour We will be pieced to etrtogeTS or id Hl1ol cell of Tiijdertoj W Bogies QUtj y aaa kipped was going eroood one lut vk m mod on bid departed for unknown daring tbe Idling The not eebg of life the ptembee fore couple determined to when he bed been of two end two piece of old fnniiin the Utter is oat tbe rent be inclined Mitre there in intccr sear at year eve one keep of enj yoamele et Sutri VSBV of one fowl her beta the of on fluting bridge in night eatf when the owner of fire floe the the It it end wetreot in the ftuiptcion pretty well there too mncb delay for while feetbrri were the only were Mr a pretty end the that ere pilfering eVain bit will get nibbed jet forget it With your Merry by tending them nice card The place to par A to Inclading ell of end Toyr it hud lime wek At th regaler of Cbipter of Arch held here on the following were elected the emalngyeer Ex Com p T H Camp H A- Boo t Dennis W- EiComp J Vest Afcout noon Settudey a ted took place at the Mr Mean of North Into ud had jut got hit whin he to bottler to come to Mm u be felt went be wee jaet Id time to catch htm he fell Mr end in Ice two lire extinct and Scott were and an was anneoeasaiy Heart the hit year and hid been very hearty and wai pioneer settler of the towmhlp widely known end respected Saturday a dt here tad it Ion than of were at the hotel from different it the time of bit death The body wet placed in charge of an and to hit borne eriaing- will be greatly being one of the prominent Reformer in tbe end a leading spirit in mature as well a ell that woald affect the welfare of community For pail two wMka the this town been domiciled by tad paper after a by the the interior is changed that place it The decorated with bine and gold IwrJen which form such jet quiet relief Tbo are painted cream The waj axe done terracotta with a very pretty frier while the Choir but dif ferent which nicely with the other The platform also newly in cardinal The here made the of the Aid and although lor gentlemen to preach on the next following Suudeye they do not to any from the but amply ask for literal thick Excellent way expected neat of Parliament Street Toronto and on tbe following Mr Kennedy a who preached here before with acceptance hit his Luge rangre gationa ere looked all will be cordially Now is TUB To got jour Peel c J J Belfrys HERE IS NO USE DISPUTING THE FACT J J WE ARE DOING Davisons Fall Stock J VERY COMPL EVERY DEPARTMENT AT I OUR PRICES AND 1UUU1UIUUUUI RELI GOODS MUST TELL JtJiJjJtJjJiJiJtJtJiJtnjtltititititltltriHtUitUUUUUUlHH r I J all GOODS CLOTHS 1 LADIES FURS COATS FANCY WOOL GOODS SHAWLS OVERCOATINGS TWEEDS i READYMADE CLOTHING GLOVES HOSIERY WOOLEN UNDERCLOTHING SUITINGS TROUSERINGS HATS AND CAPS BOOTS AND SHOES if- Presh Coffees and Our TAILORING Lively and giving the Best of Satisfaction to our Customers ALL MARKED AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES CtEAS Off llov it that ere to Jo lio- Aboot tbrM-qwr- ir of the Town eoxioQl Ibe Snow to the to l ibdilrnj ibe wcclj tfaeirncigh- vim but bu4Ucd BOk etk to ot oclock etcb will faUoir ilif UboQt hu tie to it rj la froitf ibece if a A Good Day Id lut biooabt toe to fod Market It th to e tbe t on Jej like lb wrb pU t to in on t lot com ffpire4lTiieI nutlet Ihietw ielr jjr I to Ik If you tUlfefi tor Tbeir ftimiaU tbclceeodrt Deatu of Miss which he or more ekt took took to bright end which recked with Jog io aDunrd to the tomb en The took piece in the Church were Weil wire well Both A id their ejplbelJe bed experience which enjoyed comfort of perianal Her to the power the will for life with ore of her dearie ber on To Meet the Next will Ep League edbpted e leu J will work- con et the next While crowd from the Priiey feiofed little cmihotioa for few i The end will taw the euyit bomei winter iu of pige It to much birder eod iuttrstinc I Soodey to the weethtr for of wetki At we glow were eft inclined to bote will door killed pig for Toronto on Foartnore Sitardtyi thiiyier like the lest week would be a boon to pat the la ihpe Ad Equal for to tike pi- the Jest might I tit a Iter iote wetk lime for oae to go from home to home The children of SL School for The foot of on wee cerly ell by the rein on hot tbe frost setting In bottom for of to Winning week to gether their to ell of Mr erected touicriel in front of shop docs him Correction author of the letter the fint of iuue wee omitted It it Mr John reben of Toronto Fbou A car Floor for If will yon faction Iry You will find it lights sweet end Satisfactory Contractor io Town on end ftheua of the liid wattr which proved The lion ell when it wne found Covered the coel of which I J up to tS A given for emouot eud the will ncuil work is fit J by lie Council Nothing could be Piti than of the ex- with of the which effected the lucre thin corporation exceedingly Mr Blitn proving himuH to be real Just as Said Tho weather much colder now what fliineleend These ceo be bed fa great A J Distinction for Newmarket List week the Wool Met Wotki received the Qod wesewerd- recent Loudon for collection of Wool Mete el from the honor of nub distinction tbe iu Lad is vened 13 are plaited to tbet for ere more the supply tod week Mr bid coo machine hit own Invention which tires good of time end lot of herd the with They to thou tend week to the Detroit egeccy for Our first consignment of Chfiiuu0ooe will be opened J arc determined to get your trade in the above mentioned goods if Quality Style and Price are of any consideration to the People of this County Our Fall and Winter Goods will be found complete in all lines Our experience since in your midst huB enabled us to judge more accurately tho wants of our numerous customers therefore this offer you a large stock of goods which we feel confident will meet the wants of all in regard to the three allimportant points STYLE PRICE V Having bought in the early part of the season previous to the advance in Rubber direct from Canadian and American Companies I am in a position give EXTRA in Shoe Rubbers Rubber Boots all descriptions of Overshoes Call and See before purchasing elsewhere SIGN OF THE RED BOOT MAIN ST New Grant During vitioD of Coantr Cootcit of end King to Untie interviewed Id refer lowtrd tb n the on lb Towo Line After motion the from county spent from wet by e drcldl end Mr 0luted to by York A fag of lie J wot will be fcrMet eo Jij t for eootrect When It It ft kg bed to the by York cm In better if now log for itieriirg to do to on with the et ogee 9 Uk A etef4 to filtby eeJ vnrv t lo notice ibit be At of i4 ivk I wbieb wee of they bete mere or rliit either or to ad VMylfjrpilcIii n Willi with no eccly end le the on to tickets In ttrir leUltw iby KtbitiiltuMelbletbey ilk Ike free to their Town Co- til the by to of the I eUllon Is lute enl to the eod re- of welting W locooteoleotty erreoged if quiring to ere tbedeputuicat pi get to or occulta rooms ftidtttntty to plltlMj2 A- to 4oUlet4te the on l of of the Jfck layedUUly of the llt The Not 79 ere lo tfA get Toronto en bend Bikry la with a notice In the nomUrof the New nor- met the Ton n ibe Fire Hell o thepteu licet W- il end of hiving the Towo by one of Tec re wee little interest ffeted ia end tome by Mr rattler Mr T wee celled to ley the for the of Joint Slock line of patent goodi which eccrjjvy tele In the United The wee worthy end wu to Com mittee of to which wte eded gentleoea It J DeTleon end to In the Town of of end committee e to be to e at are A for the oclock errn- log If ie Committee find the peteotgoode end ceo egret- with the there la employment of of people For I Star end be tore ea4 I eee the ere In new The lvi1 front- 2 ego occurred iu out now by the luedlcp on Toeidty cor lru decided to Col lectorefor Society Tree I Society end wftk collector there to week in High ccrupttlr f the to lhtrrOtirot A It a tlucr a a of ei worthy tttte TO with Intlitule weic el Ull the the door from W rktt fa I be FIRE FIRE fonted of the end the el the dote It wee to tileRt the deiiure tnd lion the The meet fetlnvee the fill to tie In fug both the Pottle end High School the Wend by Ma el ClMi of JO wu the of while the nolform drew nie to their The word drill the High School wee the end greet for Ibe upon etete of They kept edmlttble time with orchttre In their by Ulu end tod Ml The on cue In the e dlflicQlt pUooforieetOeo lion while the eod Flood wire well T J eod doriog the Jo of the of the Ubrtry were eold by The lo be on Ing for eod it hoped the of new FULL LINES IN BUCK AND COLORED HENRIETTAS COLORED AMAZONS CHECKS and PLAIN MELTONS Fancy Black Colorcil Plush Velveteens LIGHT WOOL SHAWLS A LOT or BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT We beg to announce week that our Large New Premise are now Packed with STOYESflNWARE Damaged by Water IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY AND HEAVY CLOTH WINTER MANTLES m a Sizes Not Kir io fold AT ALMOST HALF To Clear Oar the Slock also an aMortment of Childrens Utters and Wool Suits Which wilt be sold Very Cheap for cash A lot of Plush color and Beaver Felt anil Velvet Hats and Bonnets in Latest Designs MRS L R BON D Agent for and the American Dying Oft A and Urn Pipe a link D WRIGHT STOCK Fob In I lo part toiceD w Books Stationery and CLilitraas Toy Toys Chios Wax aid KiS Dills PJclwa Olasse PLUSHY AND LEATHER GOODS and Cae4jUdlaaConif4iiIoas JlwalOsats bat jon want CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Oar Profits Quick Just Arrived BARRELS FiaarOUM WiS AES1 WANTuluonicniraaicaa Iahl to is FUSE ffuaniftlf liON UKOS BgeismED Youiitt nUBEHA3TB POWDERS Art Hot If a saia WW FROM TO it tin Coo that J of Lc4 tojr Of ualcut Jutt received some pattern to English Scotch Canadian Also an of to from specially elected to Checks and Call and io for and bring your friends with you- All goods inado on ih Closest Cash Prices Only Your Solicited D MUTCH Neat Door to Jewellery own cloth made neatly and cheaply Fa s V