Newmarket Era, 20 Dec 1889, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA DEC 1889 J New Advertisements Merry Roche Co J J Leading Price J Montgomery Notice to -TTTTT-rrTTTTT- Bra lets WITH IKE J FRIDAY DEC 20 Our Toronto Despatch la lbs to of Toronto for nd Mr Pater qHV lb for W P Ibcre And cl Rt n took I re of to Hi tad 1 to lb Tom It A Itpttc that on of I lb to by tbt iht ftflW lmletlre on w guilty of to llfoimpritanKfat f6 lbi Ax Wtwfc fcj Don of the of 1 1 to In Overflow Locals i f aw t- Politics Stirring Up- Politics have been conriderably a general movement made week Hon Mr Premier up hit in Oxford addreuoa and Government dc of the now ragagiog Some hit Mtbuiutic On Thursday of Mr McCarthy appeared on an Eqwl platform at txfoto a large and and while still chiming to the party and was a supporter of the general policy the Dominion tniDipnt yet on the questions form ing the principal of the or Third Party- adherents he toad opposed to both the Ottawa end All el the Toronto daily pipers gave Ifuthy reports of Mr McCarthys speech to say all thre- drew of comfort bis remarks regarding it as a sort of ssiva spread over a soro place and accepting it in a patronizing way of compliment to the adherents of the Equal parly On Monday evening last MrAV Meredith of Her Majestys loyal Opposition in the Ontario addressed bis London con- on the prominent issue of the day in Provincial politics The gathering took place id the Opera 1 it is said attended by about or His speech extended over two according to reports he frequently cheered while making official declaration of plank after plank of the platform of the party he has to lead- He arraigned the for for their to the Separate School Act denounced what he con- red the of the of in regard to French Schools declared it e to hand over the management of our school to a political pronounced in favor of such to the election law would vivo to the people a secret ballot in reality a well as in Million in ititexls of the working and suggested auch Factory Act as would letter ilia circa ins and of employees declared the reionval of all com Municipal rrxprosaed to the of on lhir lion and leaving the control of affairs in of the people objected to the system by which a of the political of the while bono therein were wade subservient to ruling powersand a ha in favor of equal rights to alt end privileges to ho church stale connection with liberty and freedom in all that lain to civil and liberty the will go to the country election but possibly may It iwvesiary to withdraw of the planks by reioovinihocauia of issue Mr Merediths speech ft as being double or Mb sides but The Empfyc regards a crushing of Ontario Government the Mail with the latter and takes pleasure In to the and French Schools World outspoken and Mr will go- It says everything points defeat holding Cabinet meetings ready for next of the and acting as though he was not anxious shoot result of the coming Ink Drops- to all cor New New or Trade of Kuril schools on And Jan to blow at art The Horn Wiog for wood Club year lbs most it bl Two new pal in JUsds sre broke up Mud bub deep 1st i Doing nh9 i School Carols and au address On lh by tha to the of lbs floldtrfrs so tail will redac Mxt Sibbtb Municipal There is Tory coining J aodO Ward Klag alUrvtorn the by all Cut for a fiht ad Mfm lit Mr for Sad Mown Jobu IVregTiap Auitin and for may be opposed by Joa for Nothing from tb RUiag Nomination a from Monday landing the oar grain bat dona a button and Ibo month will probably any month for In tutor of flsla wrw hen awaking It it ceilalu Wit fiore any local mirk as people their loads of Albeit labombenr on the ilf Brad and milts of White Aurora fact and the can by if for and reputation of Mtabtish for la the art making dull wither Holt Circle olhff year aka baa gat and ad baa atari fill with agalo Ha already a Mr oca of to Irwin for to population ttr Jcaepb Boater a ilea Wo la via ting bar a few days our at at lb WHAT TO ABOUT At Colby by Si wmlfflddl Mavecttd will da- f on ttia of mora pteUottooi projuttons of lbs baa of York aolf id to to salaried along line daring pat and aodar wOl of Toronto town Toronto a lima- Mr nicg John of of Wellington a aith Mr Bailiff South Da- date of write warm y filled to congregation but tie wia br Re W- W aud Alex ainocg ft a apiead by Grand Jury at St Charlea Hotel in Hill of King aton Sunday Scboo on of next wUlJEJ He chair A of who fif4 with her Mra Luciuda during wbieb time latter birthday left for her homo on Walter who baa been laid upfor siren principally from partial hit weak for fino weather a breath of freak air Mr Fred of Saigon of a the town after ao of year Ho trading Indians and A baa been teach- dpiriuit the School during the teitn left for blahone at Vatlarjaat bit here bo many Meade who admired bit geelat nature Mr- SVattlcg a the Elnirt church pretchfd two In here lat which were by lira sad Pireaaof yeibodUui- Jlr In to cootrMhtthre that left the be rape to Major with Veterinary lift- for city j hit of the Mr here will teal of the Ibe TbtatiBMei Sunday by iba Hair of Scamar to tba tba and afuruMo at a bug He by which bad effect In a treat at4 A J in School as St Euclid wan jargon liar o add a tor Iter ft ajiS drvaf by A It a friend tat to at that be Will filt with and honor to and of Geo Kiel jr J of AdttLi to Mr by Wit by her Laura Field and Or- wat Alice recap ilo at fcrldaa Mr- and on their aaldlng good their friend and a pro rice forroer cithern ills of Whits Rote degree of Sou of held their new lodge room the Tarn Hall large of the were added to degree All preaant anra pleased Indeed be for J baa no alca In fining up lb lull ferwbleh It la aotUog left out lo mfort or uMtttilOoa a of bad omUaUtt on for to Iheaatoouof Mr an arjojabla tlmt aoclety which fut Io aod will no dotjbi an by fa an Ko is so that Santa will overlook hat were rough at they ore In it a wo hare not of ft wai after they and did not fiulab the a very deteriorating effect upLQ rrat and clothing iu particulars Now time to y what yon you bad the hint A merlin of School called for nut lay the Ag meet In wind up for of annual araogtod- uatured that patoed for prcfn2 the holiday might I ait all round room in Public to bare a with after for The town the Works out There suites bit of tick- people tha A of Id at flOt at Book Store for Tinier for year Others may yet jin if Cbmfuai fanJwictts Pleasant regret TOrymucb Valley la about to tutu of tla persona of Mr and aspect to to or la tool ibin and a lut Friday of an a very About tea oclock supper aarved flua tjta party oolemma bad well filled with too to me The JECety thin waa At the or tba tapper no appropriate Tarty wbtoh war and vera about to toaatbaffi Sunday will and raoulatetbelr a album by Mr Aoarl1o praaact Mr- Id repeal Reboot which tbey lulaivat Wo a and proa future Items Mr week A from out formerly of t Mr Harry borne uu a weeks auit if litre Toronto Bill and Brook The Tfcukfltering taken up io the church afid to iu lat bate reJ of It hat to J9D and mart I a follow yet My War Hoary Hud Iho School Sunday attended tirvt Qirefiarilla Sunday Schcwl for la third Sunday and Monday it It that Mr Hill of New preach Levi of for a vetf tjpctj to hit Ibla Ve that Dat strongly J cur lhcojutfti will a dii through of tho friut what wacauheari wcfuld well Mr T Si nor eoierptutoy to for the ajEip lb fining- year iir iu the yen electa at poll ibis oatwoUoo tbOdt rtaohaiu etwi iba wr fry and form to fcut In tula lnj foe ihn f in of yoau of or of pr or Wail I ifitailowo worked and alt aciiJ pVDr1nr on bate was abU flikJ by athwart Hia prwrmpi an aiiMiiHflkw rarr were by oiaappaloiod about ibalf rarer my fcvnf Out Toronto It Wh do Joo do do Pane do do Hay too Knipr dozen pound tub do bag bag Woolprcvmod Tories lb at a a IS a a ICO a a a a 00 a 08d a a a a SCO a a 0 S3 TV JO OB 1 fiS I CO IQ Egypt At wwa by local board that wets a behind at time I lbs lSiht eighty of age and baa a widower laataqdha ettwru at almost About on A- him to him wifa or to the A for an at calm If a bo held tu rttfaef a rautU Church fa had fogolteo of be said f a of prayer a locality jolt now Bait were oat shoot- Saturday And galling lot of game inch It i Try Mr left Win- crater whera hi rialUng foe about SmoDhh Great Bargains I lit BE CASH AT FURNITURE Undertaking House- A Block Id wJH foood a at wall ai tbacbeapar Undertaking a Specialty to at All dniara execute and quietly J if Town Cbunoil a Mount Albert Hope Sabbath achoolbtertalomect Ifopotcbod It to i4co on the Kib Intu by Elmer of ro Shrubmouut Mr Tana bad bit While with a at quite aud loaplomtut at which befooled to Mr who vary auddanly j vicinity have decided to aeh fur their to bo held on Now ready QuoensvlUe talk fanning a Joint another in under IViu held tut Sunday a the r are mora freely will alacdaabj likely Hill took a In the lbUek ovu aha It up of only but abflutWOltn to aao as How that lor York Holland aaoruK at Mroft unknown fl to ha rarerrlNyiuiejaur Mhts half a wt rtv loni rfernilol Wr- faU cow on aVtoad of tbat Ita that baa with a reward for lha tr- aw r a fur to 10U AUrfaUalllaaiptcLadatlbelluyitlatbs baa bora f hue at 9 lie awarded It aold Albert to take A uaxkatUantioi- pill aid bo each FeMay A at Morn abd from Thorns and up for that A ycongccopla wtrarnadabappy at holiday and It Thaaaba if Sir He were aud pticei Mr IVjfg was out this lookup with for Jeimb Robert Harry llyiou i5 eu KoVrt Woodcock frVnrh 1 A3 Rowland W Amy 2nd tfas All Atica It Mr raw Mr- who ha a- rnrt faithfully lit Council iijut thin Wbnl think are not trid Willi him flnrt lie nor Mr it- riti rfVj but beat all baft up Now llVnoe young bad what Mr woo hi want an rmil poor rliawt ojuU fat the At a raalielaacfiie lndaaliiriut riuthriffxUufjmtiJt a ool Mir raorecowawantT vqu biDJ Id eVctloo OK Deputy Ere ftolfry CouuelllDOOLotolttaapaaaed H- Randall wood for taaao wood for John bulla for St Jot art 30M lfaeuby tallow for Wo WW oar lint euppltea to lockup ISJj Labor la aiUoc to be to Elt and labor la with Slain repair a and to Fife Water Mrrl6t S3 or J- referred o to 4- WW r referred to lira A Water cow Baklff and paid referred to coca to ex aeulae A- nJ account bo to A Water com ware heller and a Or dered ooltedora report uncoil of W a and were ftud llmoexr United till to laxua depntaUno Uruti upon oouooll to a resolution far a of tax wor- from pub- aarvtoala held be dealt with A half ilia be remitted wlmtttiog lhaV a from source than lmpftranc3 free of town bill to Mr Iok0nrfaraemberofthe2orth arree A election w dackaou minded payment Terrell two Ibe on for paid nfulttbaV laxea of ISf ltapoit but so araulae to and to I till Monday to report East Council a w Heeling of bury council Held day Member all of read received commitment of Albert ivwrduf Health It aulhorlrad to com- tall Albert Tbompeon to for treat aa and after report of ordered payin follow tit David ROaOUOUislD loal wlfoof John of a of by OJ A on Air IStblnat by thenar at Mr- wood Black Lawoiblp by Ibo W A puntinetr Mr- to ilia ilar iBVh lha Rev i1x- Euhtato to allot Bin SirioAtQuo1ptjopi lent- brother of Jt9Sutberiauu of tbla bit year At rfeldeuce tip Tuwday iTdayt In Aurora trc has Haadfordi At Dec fliouarsA beloved wife or Air Forsyth M tub nth at yandaU wifj a and Ida 0 a ilator of J Janahteruf the and EHiabetb KtvrOlo of and Pretty JflSaxtoiTftKJ J MAIN WKARKIT All order will find On lTuiHy lXMNka C 1IEEFER- upon lot It b- Hi Jsl a I1RIFKR to una a4i Sharon church a aocul Hall are A ryitaia it prtiared at at a If no doubt It will well attended left week for Utafojd aha CbriatTOM who fau ill ultb for arua piat ft now A Friday afternoon clean church which greatly lu away an bar an nual to lira- at flydttiharu Mr bat obtained a at where durlnt W Hall her kin tKol thla Will united In lha it Wlnay to Wtllu tba all In fnlure UK A Vie bald bara Mr Cbapal wuducUd Ha baa only a to Toroato He lft tof ftaM I made a trip lUa I tobara of who km for Ibo Church of ibla place daughter of Mr Nomm of Oak who oalyalt ao hvl the by balnctfarowofrous rig aud Io tbout over air aua Mr- Of whole ii- ley In their cecal Many aru nil In part Mr Mr Arohla Mr wl acrelit raid la which ha Aurora ha still calf wood lumMf Sir vnluabla and Chat- of White to City of who a treat la real aetata Mr a anduodbt wllldo araalerprlaiDa Met and family Intend to Aurora vary Mr John hat farm of lag away la February are will doubt do a baa from city Mr a Mr fibauk waa Mr week purcbate another Tbtevaa from a flock called Peter Mo all and mora tared to him redlnf all winter took from all and not to aren pair to load ffuoa are loaded lu aud a guilty partita baud- do refund of labors F do do do lumber do Vi Adam Mark a i con dcm do do y do a JoebinWrJdon refund of to taw ftha A do Jm it v oof 3J3 2 a 10 40 40 WOOD WANTED SKA lit Id elrj up to nor Homo All to body wood THY Spice Of -fiir- Cattle Poultry Bold by M a tlou of aaacaarattor John Walitoa to that of to crave dog tax Jam a Itora a bylaw to for election to held at Hall Dm oclock Election Jan l at the No wbleh will held lu bona Holt waro appointed Deputy lemming Via IO Irwin No John to Hoove Monday jury to tho into court with their verdict and found ot murder and to for life Kunro tho li riiftD three yeara In and acquitted In the of tho condemned men a motion waa for a now trial Out gi Kail a do it do do do 4 Hay par loo do Hotter roll par tub do bat rjraiaad Ho a par of Hear par a par BttMHiiiii act pr par pair legulll partial par pair a S xuoi Known her SIS ruaaaa a vr a a a a a a a 14 a a a a a a a a CO lit w l 1 to flt W I V I l Wish their Customers A Merry Christmas r I T ESTABLISHED vv Apply MRS a 1846 a largo well selected Hon of Pun and r LEADING PERFUMES day Atkinsons bottle or bulk A FULL OF TOILET ARTICLES Id seta or ftinglo Shaving Sets Soaps celebrated Powder SMOKERS SUNDRIES A targe and selected stock Pi pea Dye Stuffs and Ground Oil Oake Meat R Bulls FROM TO P Waal BENTLEYS MEDICINES REPAIR SHOP atnl tut a a tiler SIcCKACKEKS SHOP XeCl till CAM jut im al cirxt rfcw I vtwu all Drug Store open Sundays for 10 to 11 Anil to PHARMACY MAIN NEWMARKET LIQUOR STORE fill or WANTED Jail fall a Brandies Gins Wines Whisky a Porters An4 la wood and for lha your GOODS DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN P J OMALLEY CASH GROCERY A foil of jott for It in fiaisins Currants Peels Prunes Sugars CbtM i all Pickle bulk v V P J Main St LOAN DAVID LLOYD itr for Inking Miner or ur for lot CM itlriOitrlci In mi for iriiionUlraln Toronto fiJtrlrvmecorcrof r BRU IIYiWi I t i 3 i itctmj from f at LOWEST PRICES KNOWN Al J Notice to Creditors In ie Kitoit of ifi We have the Finest Assortment of Furs ever shown in town and at Prices that Will Surprise You are Very Suitable for the Christmas Season Nolle above DamtsJ nutuinint to of vl198iof Mount iii of and for tilt A rortlng of the will bo litMat Hot in iho or Yntkon Amy lsti I ih of In fgf irje Idic to AHCrlltriaoftha iIoilrg loifdora lata lirlr with moat Of r On or of IiijitiK of fur part m or fllJ- JOHN J IhU J or rton or bar nut mint be J i In this department we have Nothing But the Newest Goods and at the Very Lowest Prices a at V SILK HANDKERCHIEFS An Immense Assortment All Prices Dont Forget that We Always Carry the Choicest Stock of Reliable Goods at the Lowest Possible Price I

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