Newmarket Era, 20 Dec 1889, p. 4

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NEWMARKET ERA DEC 1889 GRAND RAILWAY V a V IT t2 a a a- i a I a C-j- mi in HI Mill Si S3 Ill Bo 533 ft TICKETS T l -LN- nuntan fcTATKf lTrrriatteav write ATKINSON Qnt lflU G What Was It what hit tod o and nadir A Wl What did be Ufa Id bit peek A rol A watefcVrT in two A flbliocfc in a What did ha Mi packet Girsbfd a whistle A rail two cod robber What he fcaee Id hi I More ha lor rp awar M of tolc ft I What the Old Man has to say i Talking to Her Dolly If 60 bet 4tltil f KpcpfQ In j gluten me yea To nil yea my A I Tho Jiutr4ilk With AnJ Mil W4UI I To juit vliti ltur fojfU JcV neck A oer To til ki Hill TiKhtfinirrgajikia Mr look all I Urf W At joo tit chair trt by a Co Dolly Cbtiitmu NEWMARKET BAKERY International S S Lessons of Golden Text IWd of lb cutter fill for I of nun- EccL THE le ft it febooM ttkfa folfiluitat io rtbHia of the try in Ettittit rik to id lif bat lj fafrl opiiEuwi loclititiifl to lot t lino of Joceat- It of bis riot y A of to rjotfrl of oar tint git I 4ou WW l fioiib- itit is with hoi J qui NO Y Urge the 15 eight S4oaoa fell cut row of of lb to Vtbbi of Off of for SoIouioq Tbr not from Solomoo Tbo why It feat fa J of faten Tit row of Etc row for row of d of tb of un happy re the of terog to so without yoke They child a they have ire fathers before they ere proprietor of Ivo pairs of pants end the little girls marry are old Wore are old Occasionally one of these gosling tarns oat all right but it is clear cftse of luck If thfrre was a law young galoots sparking and before have cat a sup pose the little would it some rfy But there ought be a against it It is time enough for bantams to think of finding a pullet when they have money to buy a of lath to build a hen But see a jjirl who is and they if mid there are not going to enough to go rotmdj and then they begin to spark real and before tbey are of relation are for and they own a cook stove a they have got to get op in the and go after doctor ao frightened that they ran out of breath abuse the doctor becuto he not run tea And when ihn doctor there there is enough itx to wrap up the Baby Star School UAOK of To td Williausk to sod Alice Mr of IW to Sot The numbers or lbs of Ibis IdUgI tie ltd to it Son of lkfo a to be Mr Fazio wtwbat tjt atf mo till to bit cecW wcti f bill to an J t the topi bill Haul hi MiillwliaiE a ill and Mr- tut wjr tit isn VI dh bare fca To Ed- and Era Utile Jr Emily end drr S3 To Ji lj to fib from Stance So fl J ltd Luqibenum Christmas Cheer- rUBSlSBED DK3T AUTHORS- are the hearts to which Obriitmaa J brings fc a of and How many old recollections end how many does Christmas time awaken write words di6taat from the spot it which after year we met on that day a merry and joyous circle Many of the hearts that throbbed so gaily then have ceased to j of the looks that brightly then have ceased to glow the hands we have grown the we sought have hid luster in the grave and yet the old house room merry voices uid smiling face the laugh the minute and trivial connected with those crowd upon our at each recurrence of the soason as if last had been hot yes terday happy wins us back to the children of our days recall to the old man the his youth that can Bailor and the thousand away back to bia own fireside and This season when the world is gayest not ex- natures suite brightest but that the very air we breathe to on Ha the grand old that unto the world a child is bora- Ob wondrous Message can lao- knowledge thy power- I salute thy for surely good must have been A strain that baa received its purity eigh teen centuries of has been the glory inspiration of humanity while dynasties and generations have crumbled to more than of roe The birds its my heart today while and bigotry slink away How poor and mutt aoul bo which cannot expand beyond that narrow region of when it know the earthwide reah of this pity all such souls- To them the brings little grace and if there be children waiting on their tore with what and disap pointment they seo the cruel stone where bad asked for bread Unhappy the child Christinas a cloud so dark 5fjner The forget The debtor an of debt tub it vers Absolutely Pure- A of lha iu lOS A We MINAPB LINIMENT best in market and cheerfully recommend use J II Hospital of Peon- Ira wit Jon- Dyspeptic Dread TAKES THE LEAD Cakes Pastry Fresh and Wholesome Family Groceries pure reliable i Fruits and Vegetables arriving Every Day- Prof MEMORY DISCOVERY AMD METHOD both Art USE ASK YOUR Grocer Lloluient bland iCioitateiUBt we VeiiwtJ vlibsivai tut burns chapped nan Wo J It to be lr Abel Dd dWUUiiiNJ lo ars better i1Ua uimutoM This all of curt- In rows- In tho Market First Turkey Why didnt yon ask to be spared was too ex cited I quite lost in fact 1auiU1 iricopal of pabllc I Tot lot Id Hominy A of ImbjloUu for ih- 3tfo of of of to be used to After tho uHtlns to u4 delirerlig a short tte called upon tows of rider of tb took the aft bid fiolihed at stout which raised be the aod great for his btatert After hid thoroughly tbtcbslimto ff decided to at early tut talk of a sfojfag winter to Detnjr it a perfect con for croup and lo to 1Utemty la JLumber Camp White a nX I trlJ yrj eured me II Joo Oct- lire Jatt so ni btcoi to ilia ilio Lol of ela bad blood of origin Baby wu a cried foe I Wo to aba fare them elt- er aadcQlttrata the war Stanley Intends to whence he will to and arrive In London In the Kilraln waa aentenwd Satur day to pay of aod to lie Imprisoned fa the county for two months The case applied and admitted to bail In the sum of life time hj are a where en speeded a OA appeared tome time a J- J KetxUU Vt our wars so work rata by to J a iurop for Maels for a limited period We will atall of are lover It la elaa mabutr the tbte aot0al Hutu Canada it euoderd SSft Wo all moro or less in clined to turn around in church if any noise is undo in direction- of the door soino through feelings of annoyance at the disturbance and others again through curiMity A very good story is bearing the above of English who was much an noyed by the number of his looking to stock of late corners After enduring for said on entering tho reading desk day I regret to your attention is called away from your religious duties by your natural to see who comes in behind you- I propose henceforth to the trouble by well person who may enter and hope thit the will then be allowed to proceed without inter He then began Dearly Mom hut paused to interpolate with his wife and tor Farmer looked rather surprised but minister wilh per fect gravity resumed exhortation and William The congregation kept their eves studiously fixed their books service proceeded In the most orderly manner the parson interrup ting himself now and then to mime some now comer At tat be said still with perfect Mrs of the Hon In ft new bonnet In a moment he felt his but it fetoinioe bead in the congre gation had turned round CHPEARSON C2vr- A IMOR Ma fl CANADIANS Work too Hard I I Diort ullutrndrtetn Ending in of worked men wearied wutcis mechanics tried in parts in 2 terri ble Their are weak they can- work in commit whit our Inline iTiis the b of it ii too hit It removes usult virility whole up worked brain and llv detpair but use thb an health the as wis Mr I- ItioElHTifil who writes t 1 hive in ending tern run loivn I not fit for could 11 at night and irnjoved trame- now to my etui iny Amount of ecile- ttiif led Compound any ict battle If he should not order direct WILLS A Co Montreal a v A A SPECIALTY Refreshment Parlor Always ROBERTSON FOR BALK Oft TO FOR SALE- t itjltnme w qan UOU Apollo for a SALE AT A Itro Mo a Korth and South Store Main St iy TO Northerly V J At lb p ana Of apply MALL PLACE IHAAO V A4aatIal A UntQnoAirh twi- Now on felt ibe PORSALK- lent fcrj With fcrMle well a a AND y t y t 1 r 1 Damaged by Water IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY AND Early and Select tho best goes Stove Pipes a link i- WRIGHT Annealedj J Ana Barbed Fence Wire Shenlhlng Paper Foil Pitch ASSORTMENt OF CARPENTERS TOOLS Hoop Sleet Cnrrlago Trimmings Agent Repairs FOR SALE ON Brick House on Victoria It bout roar iMoy iti SALE Jacks kept for Hire I i I KiilUallllifllMT lu miction of FOR SALE v Just received in English Scotch Canadian Alto an of Pantins from specially selected in and Stripes Call and mo or your frtands you All goods on at Closest Cash Prices OnlyV your Patronage Solicited IS Old atrtCf In t bile IU tut- ftj- 9 rf it sib ftb Tol lot J biro and vin goo be Several of market iiJit Atltbtieu Door to Atkinson Jewellery Store Merchant Gents own roadie up fttiil cheaply Kt ARR SHOWING A SEASON SPECIALTIES Saws Hand Saws Chopping Axes Hay and Straw Knives Mechanics Tools building Hardware Table Pocket Cutlery I ALSO- PAINTS OILS PUTTY GLASS ETC Stock and Prices J A ALLAN CO BEAVER Roller Mills It railway will reach Brandon next Cry for Pitchers WAITED to colore for SALESMAN of one will will my JJJ iriiCiWO- Will ew3 or every week A COOKBOOK IP A Mult cotnlQf r of rollLj- 1iit are MIMifif eoiue- fir If with our It It nor the thick end Abut tutor lite it to bear llio of tbiu In all cum of ten Tin MiDK lick ration all Dr IUrcge to of u no otter medicine In the Surrogate Court CATHARINE from it will lee Mttifoctlon lo pud for It will be ixo bottle- omthti teCbtprllOoftliA of Ontario IIW7I Itliert by l In the County of widow died or required on or before tho let Omj or to Lemon llio ibelrctiri furotbee Addrrut Horn loir pKiictjiJittf or a of eoy titer tltdiiiliiUIu or IU proceed todUtitbuio lb of notice in uld lit Aod will not be lUolt fr the thereof distributed to or not Ijm a the time of of dm A En lu the Surrogate Court OK TUB ALEXANDER Deceased to chapter of liven til creditor tuil pet Mint erelPAt r of Hue In tlio County 4 who dltl mi or of October if iulrtd r before of to by m Titwn or Newmarket t of mm thi ftUtioient bccfiUQlPi of If Any held by riHl of ihceand the of whten tball And ibe eIU wit bit the part ivroim of tllitrlbtittoo KLtZllKrHnt8t Ivd tfll BRANCH BIBLE SOCIETY I Or PIERCES PELLETS tbt liver floiDub MONEY Or h FOR ALL A KooJinrtetlooaeiQ Hour vfrrl lor ck rre WAV LI tbe ctTraoto tftlntt i ooto bfTtUoSitlMi to Kya- uatbj and lot toy eonelderntloD St GathaflnescNIaeara Central COMPANY lbirfor for mm tod not being JAMES OAR SALE Ktrl bred by tettbtt require Mb btvlos turn try mi Of bit HUM toother boa lbo would given wilt be ptriNtiliDt of Ceo- intjc it an to time tut lhutnmrueprmtont Alio of lull FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR or Money Refunded Straight Holler 450 per Barrel Flour per Barrel your Order Mill or with my Carter tod euture V LATH SHINGLES FOR SALE TENDER Power ol bile ibrftiwublp York lrlf now Crr enyforaite Em one Hands HI Atm With frame iro wii Of at 1 leiDJood ol i tbf e Arret OHtfet ll flrclt timber met4ue Acre rtioMHlcnies 3 to the Klitf JnvtDctij coat will Ibl ltl Vat deceit buuni or AJtrM WAMWh POWDER TIIE COOKS BEST FRIEND WORM POWDERS Wood or Stave I WANTED BASSWOOD OR PIKE or a WE ARE NOW TO SUPPLY OUR MOULDIXG DOORS SASH the Hem tt l lb or or bMil the by City far purpoww- Co t IC l mo A will be te Iq or the Wia boost ftirU rwltta HIM t in rJ4aofitoi Of THANKFUL FOR TUB PAST SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OK SAUE WE AIM TO UpkOUT -AT- POSSIBLE PRICES THEWM SONS MFG CO WILL CURE OR flEUEVC BILIOUSNESS DIZZINESS DROPSY DYSPEPSIA INDIGESTION JAUNDICE SALT RHEUM STAtUt-

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