Newmarket Era, 27 Dec 1889, p. 2

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J NEWMARKET ERA DEC 1889 Happy New Ox Fine Tailoring Bros Drags and Medicines Mrs Farm Property Cow for Sale Arbn Selhy Home and Lots- W Spr Bra LIT iKn FRIDAY DEC its Elite WHIT Bits TO a fear wrk apoa lbs ptosis Oar Despatch Dm TladrcuSM T a HOI ccarietioo Tea chir on a Jo closing op IciiofM called lbs lea fakir by Cllf Tenth named Freak on Centra 3L i amifcd A was on Mm wait aod ala bin tod aod Bros of Co learlog a The Caitohcs Ibis to St ant tort a Grand out to make after tfct cot added a part the order to obtain of Wool of lt tweed a thereto o the llfrtJihdlaai to the treed of Mr took chars of the lt and Life tonal Ml A Happy New Year- Time li on wing j to ft cloete and in the world will Live been pasted another line of Esx back put months wo cannot pot remember the dark of disaster and crime will ever remain the record at the floods and Japan horrors the Antwerp explosion the railway accident the starving miners the striking dock laborers the Quebec calamity the tragedies and the thoosaod and dread happenings that month after month been simply appalling bat Canada has much reason for congratulation We have been spared many of the evils and internal national troubles that have earned widespread we have enjoyed a peaceful and fairly prosperous year let us be thankful While people generally aw forming good resolutions to lire more lead a better life it may let us hope that the year will prove still more to oarcoantry and we sincerely wish all our readers much prosperity abd happiness for Ax wsllsd on ud Urn to a time Begirt who Mr- repUhS to on iwMiB to ths aod now people for rMltotlon- AT of hit Lord Stulcy of of Tide a did Sir J- Aaiyunrwas st of Qacns corenwrvsWJiWgOMla Bttw5b and lifTtMS folio If SCTtltDw sosld farmed In for Its p- from or to o Isoi Be lotimstd tlut sjisla be a candiJsIs fa if fas Jit He was Wars Ao lowrwilof wlt sTjiicipslw-3- wrrfdfromloT A or as To IVnefB V Ada Adams RlcrUeao To UUCaoDlasof No It is lo Mr- is LsmoBVlltstctaOol as fas fan pail and has bis woo lb- lota of his as as and a1l LI- of to coo sosx a jut Bloomlngton- Bscco of who a wefts u a pail t lbs of Bloomliigton st oclock sftsr Mr L of tcaji of ralog Oar Qatst J of Altsrt to effect Hiss Mtsclioa will lbs spent sochrs and dice- Log Untie was by sad Moss Items- Sad Rocd West ud Walter Frank Cbapiasn sad Sid Goodwin Sod Erica John sad Jit A Town convicts at the Kingston who were pat to work on Christmas eve in the bibory to make the final preparations for Christ mas dinner attacked over powered and bound their and succeeded in making their escape They then broke into a boathouse carried off a boat and are supposed to bare crossed to the other side of Mr Editor did la UrpHdlTf of ro4l lham am of their with so J Misisilni of all M fnim 111 j I as cows ft In Is almost any The anoaal School aoUrtaliamsal Messrs- Cans f Boos to two ItaaUnt of Holt shoot aroond premliti two vnt in Mrcb for it at boms two stacks aud than wbaa doj not far tbs Mr was his eud Mr Chailss both tot ft at Holt lWbowitbsilt Vow do aod for amiraid will lart bkladlbsrs Is mors In stills and svtat John no on ealardsjr Ihrouib lbs Chailss tooslwsl mat to Bears Deans Bslfrr Eves Cans bills wsrs for etaWtloc jurors J for of Id connect eou wlibtbsFtxs is firstrises fur Mr War this Report adopted as of was to for Co his wacon report- which wars ordered to bo printed as the statute directs- of A aoeoonl 10AJ WSf rtal to be A was lulnuled to tot tor wood for water works thjaa JTOUSE AND COW for sale Apply to J ESTATE and Financial Broker leetlObaInreataaenta and made a renewed Tmidtyoriroaio sold en last for is to pay l for and King lbs of for of St Lawrence Market- By as epfetrs to bail we axe led to sslboritss not to a recently mid special coromillM of York County Council til to free the sboliab toll Bat ibe Is slong and will be feet Indeed we very the of county if Heps us not taken the to btb Ink Drops Sew Year I Tom over a new leaf new Hep the Eagle New Yesr Em Who should torn the key I come oat will lately What Socisiy is Doing Sjinron At the close of the public school Isst Law all home a aUtsd the Is not much for a but have fvd Mr J nil of Keswick be Mrs Add who for wHh lll- wai able to bs one cut and Is A andeom llvelr ex pected at the celt Shrubmount Homo of farmer been lblrrt Mr but Jiick of what left now- Mr of Toronto who was III been a few In for Mi bis been Intra few week frleoda and re i The New Year arch and Entertainment Era will of song recitation and alio choir- The Rev Mr Is to be there Von had belter sossto cat crowd la Doors open expect oar parson will bare a in r a couple of yMD folks of this place of no snow li the drama Charcoal Burns for the this annual Two departed to that from traveller rs- bean disease The other J and Seslsr was Qlssstendar and for many rears Hs or tort deatb three by that dread dlwaae Ho more Beads had and dnlL I Is aelltag has opened a Daw meat ahop sod Hor A bars a on Line we are log a aptaodld lbs marsh of the Treasurer for I out- The take the MM iaa of for uear and a of so will be by acclamation Ha IS lo school much decreased The to loaded a Very ride so wet a da For stoaling an overcoat At Orillla a man got two months in gaol and for selling be coat another man got one month Win Foley a man belonging to was run over and killed by a train Saturday Ho jumped off while the train was moving cue of high way robbery And daring escape occur on Brock road about three miles from here on Saturday night John Carry than of Town ship while walking home met by a man who has boon hanging round vicinity for some tima He mediately jumped on throw him down and rifled bis pockets of all he bad some nine or tea dollars reported to Chief of Police who sent Special Elliot out The special found his man at about mil He told to consider himself under rest Ap parently the revolver and baton failed to scan the as when half ho defied the constable to arrest at the time pitch ing into him and a black eye The special rtturnel to tho city for help but when ho got back to hotel tho highwayman was is still at liberty LOST from Jot it of about lt of a Black atiJ Hound wild a under uil black ear tor ft aalddoa after tola nolle will prose- a according to law Wish their Customers OR SALE A comfortable on weit pari of lot I lo Kins OKI Bur Try of a Frame and aupply of and water OnaaereorUod wltb bearing orchard In to ZKHAH A New Year Newmarket lO Anunal MraUggof Iteabury for lb sTscUoqof sod other will R03EMAN3 HOTEL Mount On day of Jul 1890 It ecreUry- NOTICE 1 ft Mount Albert a The Grand Jury and Social Social and bow to deal with them is one the iUtea- municipal have to fohv nod one which of times find very difficult Jurys at the Court of General SeuioDS at Toronto lost week nude a recommendation with regard to Louses of ill fame which created some convdereble Wo give the io full to that do misapprehension may obtain with to the of their present- lbut six tot tit lht4 la Koroma at mo roach ciiiue of cur and fill tbb lit Of frllOL into ihp u We thai do m11 on In reply Toronto papers state that Judge spoke of various opinions prevailiog this question and intimated that it wng a liter for the to deal with It would hove been more sat isfactory to know what Honor really did think of this presentment and it Is a genuine surprise to find a Jury of metropolitan county of York a recom mendation in favor of licensing a crime against society in direct viola tion of the teachings of Holy Writ So far as legislation it concerned we have statutory law already on this question Section 489 of Cap gives municipal corpor ations power to ptst bylaws or suppressing disorderly sod of illfame To change this law into a permissive enactment a would asking the state to a for a violation of or chastity give the of to a wrong society In direct to the No the characterised tho as a sensation Not a in this county neat January who would favorable to bouses totally aTirso to any such notion To break a mirror Is by sooe considered unlucky but when of Newark J broke a mirror other day and found an title to an tract of land on part of which Iowq of is did not regard tht accident ft aaUfor- has passed the fakirs operating in that cottfidemoo a groat harvest tho Call fair and to a like of had two of thalr number was shown that had roocdr d a from autboritle to heir work and of To ronto op for A ere- the ruMmceof J Qaerrie i ndicg the JST at i St It J of the A Mr- Winning of Toronto Cbruttpas Mr John jr Mr soil ajxDt Chi in Throats Mr John T Stoke Mr- of- Sued ay la Mr end H t Mr J A Mr Csaaron and Mr Kelly Mr and bride of Toronto are anlixK the holidays the home her Mr Mr of Oakland suites the feinilf are all Fell which uanyottbeU frienda here will to Tbe was by Mr iy kindly the Mr Biiley from le Prairie that ttry bare had a Fall to far end all the of health Kar Hill coDLrM to id Ere A la cud a the Hotel en tftnt4yj tut Tied vee Tern Tote day or way to to the holidsye at here Ml Jot of Braotford wss to ytftordiy He Icaroi the Old I -gaum- Mr of to two cud a of Mala north In Id of from Mm three He of old Mr to the He it a la of 11i market were Montreal ana Tea Lloyd Willie Aitbnr of London of stride Ceil Lloyd llratitford Wat Toronto iter A Lore sad to resist to say very la the that be obliged the of aeceeitslu bis borne During a fear In New- Mr Lore woo for Ibe a rial raafXet of all who bad the wbits ward of God was eharacUilied by that and seel ataiy choice for bpva We bat sentiment the whole regret the of Mr Mrs from town sad the rest and change easy staved health activity te Linton Kara a dance at office Although all hare thirty were went The were ttefolly drcoitlvl sod with lajleroa Dane i a m and firt by Mr GUI of Srric sad Waller Wood axe leave Ibis in a Kioiil but all join is In It I thit or three of the ihiauX Iijht5 In vicinity enter the Jj UielniDony Juricfi by of Mould bind in Everybody in nalbborhool who to at of Mr Clark the agent it appointed there Children Cry for Pitchers la Juitoow aronnd our little buff but wo cant will continue ao One will he a time we had a hut far ihle week It hia heeo than quietly soy Importance lahlns place Mr re and a to all ars or recovery HI and lanoleipectedtore Mr Winch It ill at pro tent reoovcrloa we pleased to learn Mr Johu badly hnrnpej with a acre ihla wteki to of canes for a day or two win and Will a In telling fruit Usee burins lViinney awl to last airs sorry loee hawse a kind and and we suocese in his new home We are to loie our teccbar bar here as well llk by everybody sad her a bright and whatever tar lot may be cast fl- tots one teacher tor Our on Friday a aucceai the the and it a or In sod of and beer treaaJ piai Over head of poultry was at fair a of the butter market was one that any town be or Albert biota al though so recently Organised with credit to their teacher Mr J I Graham or Sharon and them a elves delight and estlafeclloa of the 1arera and others noblr In gelling up band have In paying all Id therewith op to the prevent hand siren three aodoceror little WUUs who kettle drum Mr William oho thai there no In the tho market and the be hat decided to and la now a driving track aurveyed ad farm which he lolende to make to none to We notice of people who have away are arriving for them are Mr Me Klnnon who In of the past Mr- Arthur from Montreal Mr Earuait hottla7orth few yea Mr Co bo org from Whllbr Mr and Frank torreitfrom Toronto which wee for Christ raaa Bra waa on or rein and quits a Wiaa lek to Head to at tend the of Muplc1pal talk la Im1og up In aid of and work or the free- council lis There of from aide them we meuttoo Mr- John Crone Mr Itark all Orel clsieuieo Great Bargains I FOB CASH AT THE LEADING FURNITURE AND Undertaking House A Block to from In Department will be found a of COFFINS ROBES well the cheaper a Specialty Night sUemlad to at residence All Ordera executed promptly neatly and quietly JOS J v a Ujeatftgtet rjouucstnet io Aurora He of place for alnsja kind udat- the wants of people fa has for a lu d of a circle of Perry of will cuj7 of the iltthlnt Church of place at the lUttal Lima Jjalf paet etx It la to see ace the Iter a our neighborhood lie for sous mouths yut been college lu end at bis with Us has to duct the church this one week J KUeUooah will to hear vf her at Dr of who hopes her The weather Is wet roade ere bad vary doll Indeed La part lot teat la lnr the as It la of tuao iba hart to fiHt Holland Landing Early Thursday afternoon the paieula Church of have wending their the wijh well filled I were tastily sod The sparkled They pley no Around the table Oliver ttrrueelvea on as they Hat their alien wai directed to baskets yet filled try Vicente rather more it J rough to inter Mr In bhalf of imm- hers sod ibis Mb by Vagi fowl The entire by did net koow to He heartily referred Ihrir seta of he came and them look Well to their church sod SabUth After a program of songs etc- close by Save the Queen who to keep his room for three we to enjoying outdoor life once Mrs John while on a stall to her mother who not been lire for iotas time her Utile child tittle bibs was boiled at on Tuesday Muter Walker of Toronto of week with Jemee loads of hay were Toronto this week sad last Mr Holmes returned loourhainlet bis si Yeterinuy CoUB the wife of aeon WitLaos lha of the mother on Mr son of Mr of Whitchurch near Aurora to Jean of London Oat At the realdence of ibe brother Oar iter J Millard of Mr J- to gall of in by tho Her at realdccca of the father of of Ui bridge MOftttbO At the of on Day by Hot A Mr of to liloorQloglon on Wednesday of diphtheria nole Oliver the WlU oou of Villi If Morti wifoofJolio and Mrs Conway of town Funeral a S J kprf All will rscelvs careful sad a Our Toronto Markets la of f 111 of of Ontario and having the Eetoto of Thomns County of who or or of November are require en or before day or January to by Henry the of a la their full particular of duly and lb mature of the rcjrUUIH any held by them and further that and after J lb of ih aU of J thereto bwlUf Onlr to ibe of which the have rrIvM notice AnJ the taecutor be liable for Or any pert to ay of whoae he not Lava bad the Utuo ofdls- ald IhH d Of tret AUCTION OK VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY and by virtue of Power of tale a certain Indenture of by It tiliabttb Adeline the her Dower to Luther Draper d5l the day of and which akOsueJ ald Luther Draper lo which aalinioeot wblcb will be at Hois of sale and which default payment beau Oil Til TUE TOWN OF J the York on Saturday let Day of Si the hour of lo the the fullowlor Jaoda prtnliee the North In County of and Im vines of Ontario Seres be or corn that rati of number four lo township road scrtnieald lot laid out by Pater of Iota two three four and In the and by bylaw of aodofT sod wife by iUy of A and on Iba day of November as No and now by Miller and except oue Sore heretofore by the said Lutber to Lha eatt career or laod acre described In a deed of tame dated third day of July AI day of A as No The above property the farm ing the v llnuof which a fair slate Have stock a largo well selected of Pure Drugs Chemicals and All PERFUMES Meyra 8pica Of London and York for Horses Cattle Poultry Bold y lit door Of tho day Lubius Colgate by bottle or bulk A FULL LINE OF TOILET ARTICLES Id sets or singles Sponges Brushes Shaving Seta Handloir Powder also celebrated Nursery Powder SaUlteta SMOKERS SUNDRIES A largo and well selected stock of Pipes and Tobacco Staffs Hone and Oil Aleal BEHTLiBYS PROPRIETARY MEDICINES Always on band Drug Store open Sundays for dispensing to to 3 aud to ft pm BENTLBYS PHARMACY MAIN ST SOUTH NEWMARKET I HALS atate of loam adapted for mock oo ilia a realr peroral down at licreor Ml- For lha trrcui will be ai ilioeoraalo further to Jacoei KavauatlJ auciloueer or to m VMiruraioiclUtr 8W4I Adelaide Hi KToroptO ANTBD A Apply lo Mitt A at tt- I To Kdllh roller UlsDle roll for MaWl fit Lock Ada Yoaag ad Shipper Dee Harlot do a UooaeSVbeJt do do do do Hay per too w do Potato per par baa Woo owl lbiekaas per Mir Itirir lb par a a a on a 11 a a a a a a a a 1 a aw a a DM a a a 6 0 Oil is J Oar 36 Si CO oft do Wheal do do 0C0 a do obi a do a a CO a do ab par do Apples per MfSr spp SCO a 10 W a 114 OJ IT AW 1 IVIIlT F YOU WANT tbe lertf fall of Ao otfcrcO i LOWEST PRICES KNOWN At J MONTGOMERYS i i i I WOOD WANTED SEALKITESfDtit ff9 OBJ 1ST of addrtued to the on Home with All to J AUHAGK i Our mast a of llak anal It aJUQHtNorDi ACRK fcARU FOR SALE ud a portion Of tut Dear leabricx food repair ianoealofood watered or liquor store 2CInS LIQUORS Jmt recclt a fall lb la the Brandies Gins Wines Whisky Porters And Alia la wood end for the holt lay trait your a Old GOODS TO ALL PABTS OF THE TOWN P J OMALLEY CASH GROCERY A full atock ml for trade fiiainB Currants Prunes Figs- Sugars Roll all and UlieJ to balk P J Main St North PROM 30 TO It REPAIR SHOP rilUaCucJnfDadbratolQrrtolhacllLaul of and that baa a north MCCRACKENS CARRIAOB SHOP Street North It exteula all or with end it 10 of all farm and wood- work of It WANTED CORDS 01 FOB lha a JW TO LOAN JAUIairesni DAVID LLOYD and l fiaaalsororisMafisraaBLiri vat I NEWMARKET Our Ordered Clothing Department is without a rival North of Toronto Is first class OUR STOCK of Cloths and Tweeds is very large and Will be found very reasonable aVBBBT

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