I THE -MWD- Every Friday Morning LYMAN Q JACKSON XT HI PRINTING ma SUBSCRIBERS I iMoiMJaoscliarlaccordlDi TO KNOW TO UTTER AHD TO ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY CAPITAL NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol XXXIXNo Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday Feby Terms- Cash in Advance yioO within or at end of year Branch AOltfiaiL Allowed on Deposits at DRAFTS ISSUED pat ailh at su roots Mid Firmer J Newmarket Real Estate Insurance Agency Money to Loan Properties Bought and Sold ON MODERATE COMMISSION Special Attention paid to Farm Insurance TO tfn4 AGENCY FOR Grand Trunk Railway and White Star Line Ocean Steamers TlckcU to q Stile od ROE Main St South Newmarket CHINA I SO Ah II AS J ROBERTS OX Public SflSCSLLASSO HALL NOTED FOR THE to ln on good Farm A Kill Solicitors TOKO N-TO- ALFRED Toronto fa HJACK Etc ONTARIO BASE lo Block MONEY TO LOAM OORKs Etc Ibtj Hotel IRWIN A SI next every LOAN OS GOOD 1 1 A Civil J TO LOAN AT I FOR London luaraci Co CEO BELL Ac tfFFliUia market to loan M or itleoUci lo Old Rrtiurr Office Cor J AUCTIONEER of Farm Sales Attended to 3 rru for Black- lake pod about 111 or February Work and a Specialty ALBION HOTEL TORONTO fix fflwf USrABUSlEUlH7 ISO bed room lor all CAM billiard J HOLDERS Prop- V- of will Id ffewoiftrkel or wlblof toplacotbeiDilvt will Aurora or at rilcrt lk LHA Court Solar IN THE MARITIME TODKT lb of Jl No LOAN AT LOW EAL ESTATE Broker negotiate Col aud made Ok repaired LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK Of China Crockery and for New Rabins and Currant PURE SPICES Candies Nats and nil kinds of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES Always in Stock Give us a Call No Trouble to Show Goods A MITB Prompt Attention to Telephone Orders ESTABLISHED Mid P iirprinKox JAMES IIUOWY A IN 1 CAMPBELL KlUf 0- tor A AJ hId Mirett loura8tol for AUCTION EK tor Farm Hal Attended and to lxz43Nw- at will prompt atitoiloa OT to Farm Property For tbaCouatyol York Tor will kj tftoifr ttrue eft roils TUE ACCIDENT lUireiclUMvely General for Aurora vicinity at Hit loan and Notary Public Aurora LIFE ASSURANCE CO -CAPITAL- AND FUNDS- 10000000 DOLLARS Annual Save in stock a largo and well selected Hue of Spice All ibo LEADING PERFUMES Of day Colgate ly bottle or hulk FULL LINE OF TOILET ARTICLES Gets or Spopges Sets Face Powder the Nursery Powder SMOKERS SUNDRIES A largo and well selected stock of Pipes and and Cattle IS round Oil Linseed BENTLEYS PROPRIETARY MEDICINES Always on band Drag Store open Sundays for dispensing 10 lo to and 8 to PHARMACY MAIN ST SOUTH NEWMARKET J C QUERRIE to inform intending purchaser and the public generally that ho opened a Shop in and is prepared to tnroal kinds of CARRIAGE WAG SLEIGHS C In any that may bo A AI rmov1 hit Owt tottj- Tr AllnrAltlON A ftfter la force Ivo J Asol Repairing Don Neatly and Promptly SHOP OoBOsite Royal Hotel Newmarket LIQUOR A Visit to a Mennonlte Washing Era About northeast of town of Newmarket on of Georgia a North and there is tho village known as this if a thriving vil lage It contain two a poet telegraph blacksmith and carriage shop hotel school and There is also a railway station callod although that vilUgo ia four miles of Hearing of village I concluded to pay It a and above what I learned- I also found that there was this a aei known the it I have had a great to to know aboat this soot and on the day of my arrival this lody was to hold quarterly meeting and feet I had an opportunity of gratifying desire I was not alow in taking advantage of this bo getting my din ner I proceeding to Church the Don and secured a good scat The church was coon filled and tho service What I saw I shall endeavor to relate meeting was conducted by j Mr of a pleasant looking man having a good delivery when speaking Before the acrvioa I asked by a friend if J had strong Upon asking the reason of his question he told toe that there were in tho church Gome who were in the habit of getting what is called the power Bay why it called the for in my opinion it altogether duo to vQua excitement The meeting opened by fling ing led by a gentleman who I was informed composed a song of burthen of which Today you had better repent morrow you die After the ling H over they bad but all at once a good deal of yelling was in- in I received no benefit from nor I ablo to bear a word as the excitement at ita height I to hear screech in fact such a never before beards Nor I only one affected by it for looking around I observed two turn and look as though they would faint Fortunately the pray- ceased and recovered Prayer being over Mr- read a portion of Scripture from St John chap His how- over were sensible and pleasantly delivered- The or rather the address being over liberty given for any Ouo to their experience- The principal feature of thU part of the was the high of excite ment into which they worked them selves One in particular giving her experience expressed her desire to have to fly away to Jcsufl She worked into such of excitement tiat after fritting down arose to her feet throw her above her lead screamed at top of her voice Her terrible yell and grotesque tionn reminded of a Comanche warrior on the warpath notions axtd were of getting the power Some jroni have a faculty of working themselves into strong excitement before begin to An instance of this occur in this meeting An old man rOBO to apeak and word began jump Ilia agility io old but the effect on ladies was not altogether Two of those Bo frightened at bit actions that thoy were on the point of fainting third young thinking perhapa the would her hands full it the gentleman did not coon take gently pulled coattail feet old gentle man stopped abruptly turned quickly around tared a moment said a words and took and NOT ArVjnUCnllecu4 I Leading Photographer MAIN A LIFE SIZE SPECIMENS A ALL INVITED of Inyt Work DRINK LIFEGIVING Typo Setting by Machinery The substitution of machinery for band labor in sotting of although long delayed may now considered as and day cannot bo far distant when typo sotting machine will bo the principal reliance in all properly organized printing establishments In tlii city the Now York Tribune wholly up by the type machine- In Conn another form of machine which proves very valuable and effective has for boon at work and is thus described in Hartford Post Tho besieged from all parte of country con cerning practical working of wonderful Thorpo type setting which nre known to have been in operation in setting the type for thin paper for nearly three and for lut year or more have boon thus employed to of all hand composition for reading matter Tho Post has four of these perfected machined its room though rarely more than are iniUP iw a singlt wilt to two hour easily Post has given the the possible under the raoit condition with a viow to discover ing fill imperfections or weaknesses and all caused of complaint would be likely to develop under practical and book olboca or wherever set for printing The result is all that could be wished and tho is prepared to fully and heartily as being a perfect for hand tabor a of time and in room It bo of intert to of the Post it certainly will bo to contemporary pnblishertf to a brief and not too technical ion of workings of tho ting aa used in daily production of paper The machines era started every morning i email motor alight power needed Each has a keyboard liar to that of ordinary typewriter and at each a- young lady operator her is spread the copy which she is to put type and her finger with rapidity over keys la ablo to set much typo on machine in given time or four competitor would in by hand Her always full for the inachino automat keeps itself with type and thus no in Should it bo to copy any moment or at any number of times it can bo done in an instant fluid the interruption of rushing in an item tho list mo ment when machine to to causes not slightest or deity With mo or no arc made itself not a mistake and all errors that occur result of insuf ficient attention or undue on tho of person operating it Every letter is deftly directed to roper position by ingenious tile packer with as mush deli cacy and if it with ap- parent daintiness of touch as to Injury to beyond machine ia simple in its de sign and construction pnrta arc all easily and it runs hour after hour without giving any trouble beyond supplying it with copy and taking away after galley of perfectly t typo which it produce during the eight working of every day stated ma chine giving perfect satisfaction here It has proved equal to all emergencies of ft daily iiGwfr paper has to occupy in the regard if not the lions of connected with Post which could not bo filled in other way It to slay it gives better service than handwork has over given on his faco was so comical WDl because it does Ita work will seated behind LUMBER Prk Constantly on Hand tod The Great For Hale by P J OTflALLEY mm Only 10c per lb 3 lb for P J Main St North AE-J- DRY CORD WOOD The Manufacturers Accident Insurance Citt1 literal it A ULllZ7Z stfBSSS HIGHEST WORKS ttiJAs4U Usrsa tun for Infants and Children Mum Bo- f that it caused him to break into laughter The cot- washing was the part of the service I doaired to boo moat of all watched proceedings It was by Mr that washing of was a of and that grated another with a holy a token of brotherly love washed ladies feet and gentlemen washed the gentlemen performed tho ceremony in twos each washing feet During cero- a woman who I mentioned Retting power alter having her foet washed and receiving holy began to danco and Bint Oh Lord wnd down fire varying by giving vent to yella redcinbling Indian war dancing was done in her and due no doubt to feeling of lightfootcdncfid on washing of feet The preaching experience meeting and feetwashing occupied about two and a half After it a sea son of prayer was held which minded mo of a great Indian pow wow or bedlam let mooting nor did I in any way regret It A valuable bona belonging to Irwin dropped dead in one day last weak Robert Armstrong who a resident of for about years died Saturday last at of Mr Mordeo Ho to old ago of year His romalnt were Interred In Tribune or four rapidity of ordinary compositor and it a very largo per cent of coat under the old method This is a great deal to of any machine j but tho pay roll of coin posing room and figures in such do not prevaricate A groat have first and last within via led Post Tor of observing of typo actting by loachnery number of prominent edi tors publbera and fit principal printing industries of country of whom have machine for immediate in their own Tho young who at Post not easily an noyed by who welcome The of typesetting machine it upon as keenest critics now generally admit Em ploying printer fact in the steadily in creasing number of for the machine arc now on that company books fnr- compositor hold of and keyboard iu ah- licipalion a demand for printer operators to to fresh hands the stam- of publishers to Mint in The Outlet to Lake Superior Lake Superior the greatest of our wonderful inland seas has an area of is in length and foot deep oat let is at the St MaVy river a narrow dangerous stream obstructed by falls and rocks improvement of thU river finU begun by the State of Michigan in and in thn look was opened with a depth of 11 that lime the general government has greatly en larged locks and improved river and the commerce of has increased Con gross now aaked to appropriate ivo a half millions of dollars for further ami improve- There an few sary public than and none that promise such returaa of the coats in to the country An able address in advo cacy of great work was delivered in of United by Hon- K of Minnesota from which wo make the following extracts from city of New to at head of Lata Superior miles of which are deep water navigation by way of the great lake Tho only outlet from Lake Superior River which mice in length fall this is foot inches nnd of Ihia IB feet inches at the falls only now navigable ii for the litat mile below that so tortuous that through it at night unsafe ia for of diaUnca to Huron navigation is good great increase in number of vessels and in quantity and of freight convoyed through lock demonstrates that beforo the present improvements cau be com pleted lake commerce will bo under most pressing for use 1839 number of vessels passed through lock wan freight tonnage valua tion In ISS8 the entries at and clear ances from port of Now were registered entries registers tons clearance total year the tonnage locked through tons States expended six and a half millions of dollars iu deepening the channel at mouth of river and into the gulf- In this it did wisely error was as hero that the work was delayed too long total registered tonnage en If red and cleared in all porta of the United from end to foreign countries in was toux year regis- through lock animated about per of amount of entered and cleared in that year from all porta of United States in foreign Consider the of a city during year city of shipments of iron oro from that point were tono as against tons in increase of tone in one shipments in 1831 when export from Minnesota iron mine began were only tons This of the quality It produced from the Iron Ran go of Minnesota These mine ago that region utterly uninhabited It now seat of mining rapidly increasing It tra veled by railroada and have up in wheat received and shipped from that port in was bushels Thorn wore received 18310605 IratheU of Hour in were barrel in there were barrels Nearly all of this product of greatest flouring world those of Minne apolis whose output baa in six days been barrel an average of barrels each day tor capacity is 19500000 In 1883 the coal receipts at wero tons a againfit tons in 18B9 The arrival and of vefiKoU tit this point in Mm Wilkinson School master who has been hovering bo- tween life and death for about two weeks with la grippe is recovering Mr who has been vis iting his parents during the week to city on day young people of church have a series of parlor They well attended anil increase sociability for which Methodists noted now jail is completed and is yot without a tenant A Young Christian has organised io conn e- with church and meets Friday of the Baptist church wag agreeably surprised last Tuesday evening A company of friends rani of Insded with of all descriptions at a pleasant wts spent Scarlet Chapter of tbo District of King was opened hull of O on the Nth of Feb Sir command Two dates wore admittixl to knighthood after which election of officers whs proceeds nil at Kerrys lUbiuil Scott Lies to intl and cot bis ItVr for or Win J Ad A J s- liooceivl re le line at Mill toed of lia sod ef on Hue tils lot 1 sctoi 100 wjusorlrd to be printed for Mr tha Click to staotd read tuil at slo pLHog of for- formed a psnt l bills loir toll soil iron for DjiuVI It spikei A com Sin re sad for Town il J for J ss col at of SotUD A Snowballs HOT IS at Martin wood a coed at Turkish Government hai to construct and ftretnal at For without licciiso an named Smith was fined A down tho breaking two rib A of ha been and ia ordered to waters A ioup- of P It trams coiliiUd at tnxiuii wrecked but injured A tnanj will this year publish roll How would look in print i boys on Silver I broke through ice ntjd drowned ti lies and to it lisndicspa man who truth but by hid head no high A young man who a on of coup- card Oho day week Statute Labor The Grimsby Independent reform matter of statute labor it out of existence The Independent right per of fitatuto labor town- but a farcx get together talk about crops politics and the weather Then they a few cloda of earth upon a comparatively good road and for rest Then they tako a about European flr and latest neighborhood scandal Then they go home and labor Id cases out of ten work has road worse instead better But it wilt bo matter to in duce the raan to to A reform He like to put hit band in pocket and pay out good money wherewith to make good when in corner two or days during the summer have bad roada hope Independent may bo to reform statute labor but it hat ndcrtaken a mighty task Hamilton f 3564 of registered length of thft flock lino the length of dock 11530 Ten railway tptOM connect di rectly with having an of 1C mile hut of of a single city of Houghton Ontonanon and Other porta which is output of iron and copper mines of ftud Michigan goei to vast by operations of and lock Then can no doubt that a of urgency by pres ent Scientific American begins in can is spreading Throe abori gines many convicts have boon attacked A treRcdy at Kingston on Wednesday night ins private residence and children- were burned to I When a Retailer Is a Failure- When ho does understand hit When he la too honest giving than ho When loo anxious for trdf Kiting credit When he cranky or tempered When depends to buy bit for When ho If too busy to read trade journals or daily papers When ho is better postod on pedi grees of race horses than on goods When ho buys snide goods them for When ho allows all his clerks to handle his money When ho i his neighbors borrowing their Instead of adopting of bis i How they do Business In New York Recently French traveller deliv ered lecture the Paris graphical Society upon Nov York man find his rapid way of getting thing done M the lecturer visited our bustling city and paid particular attention to of work adopted here- Time ho said is the motto of American man of and ha acta up to it He describes representative Now Yorker seated a of two telephoned within easy a typewriter behind a shorthand cleric within distance a telegraphic tape trickling down into basket at his side inn- in awaiting the tup of the belt find clerks in an ad joining office All Is in readiness for The postman enter and pours upon tho desk a peek or so of mail matter At once all is in A dex terous opens each totter and place it chieftains eye In response to ho apeak through a telephone ho answers another dictating minute to the short hand writer j a third requires tel graphic fourth of a district get on a he hastily scrawls a word or two and sends it to a clerk to bo answered in foroi And thus in a few miautes a mail of prodigious volume and variety is disposed of Wo century behind the said in conclusion and yet when an lean arrives in Franco ho he is transported to another age Ledger A about ad vertising of years is gradual In truthfulness of it People learning that it pay to He In an advertisement any better than It does any else riot in Jeriiiniiy nigh eel eh rM i Has is Lic into with ho A mart Smith at Lon don night killed his wife murder is similar to that tor which was last week William Trie Company who tell from a window of Owen I on is dead Hannah Cole an to death in a bam at and AUthbrittffl oro to find William who with the murder Feb Vara Motiving to Adam three miles from this place burned to with Feed and fithlit aiidtsevf nil implements- No TJi lire nd it Ijktly arrest will he WhilA Mr fidomusoa and his ton Thomas driving through Landing ran when the bridge wagon came in contact with raiting along it Both gentlemen were thrown out the mentioned having his hip and ami broken latter escaping with ft fewbruise It was a narrow escape for Kth of them and will In fieri bio- to Mr Win Edmonson was laid up for months otm title ago Oct Feb About four oclock morning discovered in the fine brick statin mill belong I ho jug Company- which waa completely deatroyed Greeginfl Was promptly on the scene did excellent service tho wharf storehouse which about 16000 bushels of grain stored and steamer Favorite which was lyinu a few rods from the mill was with great difficulty She was slight ly scorched on side a mystery how tire originated insured for a mistake to suppose tlat the uneducated laboring not worth general and that con fessedly circulatn in this field un mediums poorer person is of tho less money lie has to spend but it is frequently a tendency toward extravagance that keeps htm poor it id a notaries a servant for wilt often indulge In which mistress would not think could she afford Approached in right eles advertisers will find in classes chokers A from Aden ay An oh Peninsular Victoria ward front Auitralio and Ad a plunger instantly and tower- the crew clayed the order forward davit slipped from of hi hauling it crow number thirteen fell into the sea- A instantly lowered with craw of eleven This latter wis in perfect safety and in rescuing of thirteen other two together with unfortunate suicide devoured by sharks in full view of horn tied The icfl harvest on felt my has and wo lively time till har vest id Curiosity was excited Monday itmrninj by a largo posse men building fenco on the bay a a opposite Allan dale A iitloM of vldoli that Mr feeizid that part of bay virtun of a capias It turned out that he was acting for a New York represented by I II of that city who are going to cut acres sending away a day till the is over and will stack at lout torn to iubaequently have every appliance In tbo ay of machinery modern invention has supplied- They bring their own and engine and a is laid for their accom modation It is said thoy can load a train cars in half an I I it I V 2- i 1