Newmarket Era, 16 May 1890, p. 1

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imfflRW NEWMARKET ERA IS fifty Horning HOUSE REACHED SUBSCEIBEB8 TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ACCORDING TO CONBOTHNOH OTHER NORTH YORE INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol 17 Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday May Cash In Advance within or at end of year Real Estate Insurance Agency MAY 16th Money to Loan Properties Bought and Sold NTS ON Special Attention paid to Farm Insurance BE TOWN AGENCY FOR Grand Trunk and White Star Line Ocean to ail mod ALBERT BOB Main St South THOMAS J On Street liMWW Id Farm locality- LOCXT- HARSH Solicitor TO 3ticrrOR Etc Block y LOAN- Etc TO LOAN- Hotel Solicitor SI owl ry TO WAV OS GOOD US Home Toronto J and vomit at A IaiLuip CO a be Court Conveyancer At Old Office con per day ISO bed lor all fast billiard J HOLDERS Prop MISS OF PIANO AND In few more at Newaujkei or at pit- ratrelJocv- O If TEACHER ibe bo Mtowmirket of week will comma alette at office ml Bowl EetHebr of promptly attended H Back Cbam ben JAMES Public IN THE WABIT1ME fiFFlCKHOter of Wellington Toronto No TO LOAN AT LOW J Broker DepartmenU of Big Store am each of fiUedwilhotir Oof edTfrtijlDirina iitoimjUaad eo wo are it l IbabeetadTafilage libreper nook and corner of I We lore TUt thcUillincrf filled The are with ill ihr frfebnt rfickfit Straw ami Three or fear trimmed lleta of imjcrtfJ look Short list the Jet each Blooree the Boor id Staph a few at a never teas A wfll on to the at a worth Remember the Carpet All the teat mid by the maker In the world at low and an additional per for can find this The Campaign Opened TOE STORE T THOMPSON SON The New to 140 King St o i A OLIVER daring the two he baa Hiding wo record our member Mr on emmeol la the of and wd we with the Mr the of were carried and broke op with for Darin ONTARIO Branch Has A Allowed on IT UTtS DRAFTS ISSUED teJ old I rftto of NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT North York Falling Into Lino Meeting at New market D the coming ee aton my priocipilly to the WALL PAP I J ESQ BR NOMINATED weather was very disagreeable for the Reform New market and it pretty generally would be the to the late member the exceptionally email for North York between two and Mitrcent of euj which a most io all the nonfat pattern id TO MATCH Ceiling Papers Corner Ptcce and Extensions to Correspond Ttee with be and pnrciisrd ibe rt A ae fail to to intending puccb if managed iKtiooivlDTetMenu made VHC I M D lb of Attended on and At CESTKALTRLRniOSEOKFlCE 1 S Ave A J AoelfaAd Mela Street Kelw5toToA7MitoPMaod comraoDlcatloo to roiraet tut will prompt Money to Property JAftMATAKAOlI For York Co To roc to ff bo Store THE ACCIDENT lb oooflDlna luelfaxcJuftlvely accident for Aurora and conveyancing lociD opened no clock of FRESH FLOWER FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS From the nibble having fit we ere jnep to our villi which ami una to etu NEXT TO POST Drue more Alain and and NOTES DISCOUNTED TO ioAJJ federal A tit OK Jess ved On feinl at A removal Dental Id iu tall Air for Extracting NORTH END BOOT SHOE SHOP I of Newmarket euriouuiiinff and ail da- of auu I u a and done- Over a epeclallty AH work J- a Kelt to man fe LUMBERYARD yrk Ateotie Bear of The Manufacturers Insurance Companies- Toronto I HI WMA igtnt Wff Af1 Constantly on Hand Mooting ftiid DRY CORD I Proprietor Leading Photographer MAIN A LOT LIFE SIZE SPECIMENS Work Guaranteed Mm BAYLY On the Bib April lalbo beat Mr- AUne QUEEN STREET MUSIC PUPILS own If UERRIE WISHES to Inform intending and i Jm generally that he ha opened a and prepared to manufac ture of LIFE CO AHTAI I DOLLARS AB THE OLD RELIABLE SL Id any Repairing Don IGHS bo and Promptly Hotel Newmarket AN LEADING HOUSE iwi Largest Best Stock LOW It to tt draaUa of Infante and Children Worn 1 I Boor fM Uep M atftAK President o Reform called the to order and the Secretary A Yale of Aurora read the of that fijGtciu of by ticket bad realizing that lher in favor of Ad- wbilo laigbt not bo regarded of the Reform party For himself ho would Bay that bo of Ihfr today than entered its regime enough timber been wrested from the au thorities to pay government for years white in region Iron and yaluabB yet to bo developed Our liuvo widely cared for Mr proved himself an able atatostuan and it to gov ern economical were then by ballot and tho returned following list J no Win Dr Phil Cane J J Green A J John Jactewi John Robertson E and A Taylor two first named declined when bit of Aurora called to and ho halfhour speech Ho raid Tjuio with brought to of and of of old North York wo will not turn our backs to the hour psraccution iagonoand in fair Can- man can act according to his own conscience On last elec tion Mr Meredith his raided cry of Protest ant ism in I Danger to their inability to record of the Mowat Government and having no policy of own speaker gavo a do- tailed account of the circumstances of Ilia Rota It receive to aod but the cry In lis for ItUb Wic- to tbai were net treated but that open them and lorlJ I op do more of grb The Lit glfto us sad and this tba it Ottawa to Rite your Mown wai sod ha ibe wis Id to a hfrte foe of oiihjp yfif sib a vraiccol itf ana wclKkaowjj JUlo Ha to Scarab to li all lie f Kblbli MX Or Sir tit as a eoerxr sod ad aodeslE04 by aod aid retired Us J regarded as a tot to bis tot staled be bad la of or could bs a rti on aide tf truth justice was Dime aod bMi he rot to t J with looVtl lit Ihr- u the gift of Ha was aliy great of the hot did cot his apjvrorat at irafd no oid reforms faster then its foltovsrs wow or A oa differ and ibis Mr path whom intend to is accord with oiy view I ttpg by and wanld by county couutU tiit York an the tba outer this Ha a uoUe to county Union has tWfuoctiooi of doriog lb With touch ability to bo a peep spplsuu fcq but he thought it must be ioetiof alto rettca in favor of ir livij He his to sspwato ibe of presto wider that the of- as a whole the political fog Ko a by tho or faciei strife It would give license to mors dagger- proud a bid of not delist to a So clear bid Us that ill attempts si to to old prejudice lie a arraign of the cotd of tfii Meredith aod deoiid ra any fiiceiUy He bad as of Mr of Wojtiheir and now the tit had a Trot rat hot Mr Ales Morris sod in ha ballot Schools and it trie to be a crime for Mr to decline to upoaPoblio Schools- Lit Luru fiborit as ha hke ha declared be Meredith sod they the Me Meredith unlets a of Sir John hut Sir Mr Meredith There enough 10 hi le Ho asked why feared to Hon Libia cry pointed out thit in School and School Ministry had prompt nil ft My ill I hit might spiSf the louder sloes lueunrdt cut Ida KroiiLtt To she of the lbs not coo our ha from of of of Ids year by the Oalstlosoa braces an sra abu and a two iho Of Its i primeval it Is iy that tbo rut of it of its most of 10 1x14 for lion tod or every notable It to come It to show up Ad at titraua Mr chased a timber limit for which he sold for and Mr RjWit corrupt arl scandalous lo s 1huUror8l6tCO srbleh lie to Ms seat lo the Is admbht tloqthstts of cptortog and me It t suit Ha likened Mr pmieatattooi for of of Ontario to lbs lbs of snytlihuj to do with an lo atlced be 1 ids to stew sit and administer rffeclosl All lbs other the A Curious of the War A veteran of the of Volunteers the oaiata nsd heartily of Mr by A Ma Davis wis tod honor of a strong Qotsraiolut aud to of own York through of cond ing the to the ud it would to out of tor a to frequently bo bad from the door of tie was opposed to slew limes oipreed wo ta Ufidrour sysUcu stiou bare the our which not tho case obi eUc- loral sad alfmuUlettd by slate baring soch as displayed by til jiiluOin to the of Mr low heuiiv through a larga of to tbs by which a ternary out- sua of the case which bis returned to Use of our own prorloce laxgo of mousy the the been of lei are three of the tight ou ptr for tbo to the 5 per triune the per wile lucaliottl and its alio clearly iht froia that it was transferred from the of lSd at the of Dr to a of wo bars bid better Khools aod 10 the of superior to soy other ss exhibited at Pair at pbi It charged thst price wtj too high but tha srbitrat of Judge retried three- torn of the the pub at profit that they could net at the As a lo the pbplsoutcf dealt rosds built la Parry aod aid given to last sielou of wadevolel to art Indus- trial Home with of slUcbed it clearly our ioligeut see fur in insoHor lb County of York already into sty from the of In 1335 Mr In some or SO school Id French was taught iu four years Ibo to state of that English in io every school Mr Dana heartily thii policy The with hut it ten trouble a ilia the Matt Mr deuced to the billot for School compulsory li st time of the Ho schools of Ontario of ballot Even at wit buck the ballot to the valh The fJiiilottfttecJTulecJiog to the of liquor licenses o but Mr Daris from hh when ihey weie to get rid ft dioea been under the of the IhssUuilird Is the of lbs act Is by year Asa whole the Is camped of ablest men fa ibis on putlie milters lm fcurilulf vith a sodbjth irb a ore cot of men tbst and In of this statomcot Lincoln from History lo he the duties sod as Stiudrdlteaitt Jo log elation and asked for of the party to bis parly bitterly wlthoothops of decide a will chide but the such a course I bate lodolged Jo If elected no dm discharge of duty but light and flay to alb Mr J Dickson of seconded by itt Robert Nortnso of Klo mores That this no aiiembled a pleasure iho its sod floacis this after amount the the lace the direct taxittootby cartful and economy the to tba bo sod a half millions of dollar thstdotiog ihstnsuT years in which s arced wisely Wll been thai In limits aod lbs fully j out fear or fat dealt Justice wmmrnd already the of for a period ban other to soy nation it to ths most ami lo world John A of Sut bury by Jones Rears of That this tbs In which local member Mr- Darts acquitted himself In that bis sod sua Connecticut at of Con- officer srhlch was never worn by any one except ly himself and to which luootbs or of libiirty if not lite itself was a tailor before the civil war and hn was captured on ft Southrrn fild r mm of of Egad I me now suit said hie dingy cloth lace end bright buttons were brought to tailor prisoner who worked away at this welcome ecu- On the the fcoit was to bo delivered however bright idea occurred to and soon what wag to all a spruce Con officer walked the more in that part of Dixie History kindly draws the veil over vented on nutting Yankee for not only bis liberty ho earned that but for that precious cost bo hundred of good Confederate money I Harp Magazine- year is mills Whew wilt rote on a for waterworks held ft At Homo last changed hands three times inside of a month- the Old Man to As now things am coming up for in language now things supplanting old it will toon bo to arrange and to model old sayings completely For intnucc of Hob The pen is than sword must bo et down The typewriter mightier than gun Again conic lead ing words in ability azd an tap expression Froui cradle to the grave will get rest and will be conveyed by From the patent to crematory remark of 111 My kingdom for would ho more realistic here if translated to My pull for a special tram tho midnight oil can hardly bo refrained into rhythmic phrase but one might convey the samo meaning by remarking that be 13 student that lets the gas dicker till down or flashes tho arc light till light grows Even the action of the has changed that new order when revising old gag sowing tho wind reaping the whirlwind for it will not intense exprrssivo rendered drilling in the am harvesting cyclone It pUin that language must modern- ireil A man would look in vain in a viry recent edition of Webster for and a host new Id nations of letters which scientists have tacked on the exter ior of tbo dictionary Am I My Brothers Keepor lien A few points worthy of consideration 1st What proportion of crimi nals brought before our judges find jurors arc directly or indirectly through the of strong 2nd What is oft repeated ex- of judges and jurors on subject 3rd What miseries do the wives and children drunkards on account of intoxicating cup What effect has it on children of parents who spend nearly all to buy intoxicating Rth Grasp in your mind If you CftQ many enormous evils on posterity of Physicians managers of It know that being deprived clothing and food is greatest remedy Aro the license feea largo as they may for all ibo consequent upon liquor traffic Why it that Newmarket placea sell spirituous liquors as Aurora and Holland Landing Why it that no other place in North York requires a shop ltcenso required two I 101b Why isitthatwhilttToron to with a population of I60 require taverns requires six What changes be in our law courts jails in our hospitals- in asylums and poor houses liy dm total prohibition of the Independent of miseries ami crimes what would bo the saving to the country in the law jails hospitals asylums charitable iostitution poor houses Act Who responsible for the evils of tho Intoxicating cop Sorely Qod will not hold them guiltless Wo may say as Cain did Am I my brothers keeper But his answer will bo voice of thy brothers blood unto me from ground Mechanics Institnto closed with 110 and on hand hand day concepts and takes up a silver collection public school is overcrowded an addition to building is contemplated At St Catharines assize a matt named Hippie was ucshI for kissing mans wife Mechanics Institute had I IB last and up with in the At Wallace for forgery to and P Crow- for to six years in penitentiary bylaw to wite5000 for the purpose of purchasing fire- appliances for of Parry Sound will bo voted upon on tbo There is good export move ment in now going on and prices not very plentiful and dressed meats are getting higher Jlr former years old living near village of dene gored by a bull a few days ago white watering cattle and has since died Kilty two anarchists been arreted at llarcelona Spain tit their reveal plans for destroying dynamite and for setting firo to factories chicken business is a matter of wonderful importance to tb tabic comfort and financial outlook of American farmer Government statistic show that annual expenditure in line 13 and despite tbo menso production of eg several million dollars worth an annually imported to meet deficiency the home upply can t- Of all of wheat qiiotnl in Mark high a our own Canada- It is at dp shillings per quarter lest laod and wheat which enmo next in fall shillings 0S East live This ought to highly to the people of this country and ought to act sis big immigration incentive May Mrs and her two children had a narrow from death at a Grand Trunk crossing going to roarkat Ibis morning They croaked track in front of a westbound train did not notice the eastbound passenger train although signal man warned her of her danger Mrs managed to clear cross with the youngest child hut Olive aged was struck received ugly wound on the left sidu of and a fracture of J Stanley of a close shave from fffttting hi bun burned one day last On coming home from drivo ho was smoking white unhitching bis horse and it supposed that ho let a coal drop from bis for coining out of ha found that the was on immediately ran to rescue in severely burning his fac and hands neighbors soon gathered and by tint utmost exertions iltu firs was confined to and the buildings worn saved protend of good well only thing that enabled men pre sMrt to the property Very can to having a burned tho barnyard and buildings left uninjured May The Chen- ango County poor inssno asylum locattd at Preston six miles west of Norwich were entirely con- lost night Tho firo was dig covered about It oclock in north building where idiots kept There were no provisions for extinguishing flames Thu keepers and their attention to getting oat 125ptupers and insane and lot building burn Eleven idiots missing in ruins building was high And built of wood asylum also a wooden building two storeys high and only separated from the by a drive way property was worth and is Insured for Yesterday afternoon a woman was idiot department smoking- She put her in her and soon enveloped in flames She ran out into yard was secured died from about sun down Sho had matches in her pocket and wmo of the idiots sro to have got hold of them Out of a of attended the annual Meeting last J M Walton Kettleby appointed High School Trun in place of J A chimney at Mr Baldwin residence brought out the brigade bat their eerrioee were not

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