Newmarket Era, 16 May 1890, p. 2

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lit ERA MAY 1890 i A New To J Bargains Smith of Tor J Haiders Wanted May Bros Situation Wanted Hunk B Cemetery Bogri Property for Bale Tho Friends Wanted Milne and vs ITER I SOT AMD SI OB TO J FRIDAY MAY Oar Toronto Despatch to Sro At IhsOtj atea- u to lha Saturday toward far od propo for pobtfc atallolr a for fee being Dak it lLfirwt a Nigrum Fall will until and to Toreoto it 000 thefltt flbtn ttbtOoTeninot will will OlUwt body fcand flticj In Monday or ihfl water at Ma limt bald x- wilful with Ha mm tod la bid become rdict of Diora ma Gnotj William drowned In on aI to cd Ms mitwd bid Afar A abort tbe body In Swede married Ioa PcUrtoD at New Ha her and a few ago with bim nearly of while a at red from earning Montreal baa concurred Toronto la of otdlta annual meeting of w Monday It tbal aboold bo played on Monday prior to a farmrr of entered an action at Ball Albert of game for for It reduction under of manage of daogbter The Grand Trunk and Canadian In wblcb been by grain all grain In mutt Id ewe of rendered the Doan for aappljiog lioor to plaintiff aou Judge granted foil In act a of Mad Hardy and apeak lo of Ida Tor- roc took a of Id In Frank In of act baa and Ballioloo Booth ifred from Detroit at andweragiren a Atiny An accompioled to aodbh Hit patty Mi In a1 Monday It decided to two men la field for To tba Armour AM- William Bell lit of nL rigbt Ctatbollo eUrton tba balkt aJwon of aebool lloanv law to Oh In all dot fib to of all county ft calra eaohu direct pro ftli tie At lha writing do Intima tion candidate- and It bu been tie to he bo nocopUbl not to baft ftlto to the Bqna How inch nomination will be to Che general ranlt to be teen Some confidently their in doubt- The for North York re- J J E- Officer on mora- log nd the once repairing the of the the Town the of May et one to foe the if a poll the will on the fith of June IxH aalnit Ontario In fljdn data of day for tbi of and of at Now to wrong Imply had of own would bo In attendance at wore than and without of Thi ftemlannoaj of Provincial fiahbaVh on of wai Iba and meat for many Vr tba general a report we appointed to Pro will bo held City of York by Present Webb And A very took it the Mr Monday in behalf of the church Siniag and gumee were la the evening by ell Another Fa to be held evening their being en of provuionj pro- Tided the former Election are very hem si bus to warn announced In the night tbera were no looking annexation Newfoundland it again nominated floo on party tba approach- or election It waa at one ridlpg wm Jwcoxoing aatlafioi with lt la way when of tat aboma beneath and each local Agility in from ho would In tba of a falling bam The meeting of the mem- ben end director of the Institute on not largely attended The fol lowing re the officer and directors Appointed for the year Librarian ell Secretary A- Treasurer a a I Stewart J Scolt end Powell will tomorrow Premier announced to Dominion Parliament would be no extra on aoocont of length of aoation Ix South Ontario the lata representative Mr to bo by of Pickering big atcckratar la no doubt bat a run log fir will up all along Una till polling day ii gulden of Mr Adam for Victoria from annouorad Monday lul thereby creating a vacancy in A new election will fellow altnoat immediately after the local Tbk Tomato and a wxuer nilway id that city figure Indicate that mo of railway la much greater than many people bad any conception of According to given fot year ea 17593 receipt profita ML The chatter of Stmt Railway Co expirea next March and of ia taking for taking great troat at Special of of appointed to the lou of waa to week It vary for hit connection with traduction Gen will from the in put it will not do It whole doty the to snake Mm pay tba loo Bremen by It la gratifying to know none of York and or mtu are with traofr action An entertainment of more then or dinary merit it to be given the hero on oven the under of the Sunday The talented Mr Crawford a fnvorite with Toronto audience will be by Brown and Mr P L Sinclair of Toronto who come highly epoken of with the beat local talent pro gram will include recitations duetto quartette Scotch organ etc A fall is A goodly from had the pleasure of attending the on Mr Smith of Newmarket a few here laat week Leading ha began with protpeatj of the old look new We are hnppy to toe old friend Albert and Bark around the tillage Oor mail in the la to Arrive half an boor earlier than ff will make it much can get ready for more claims at the next meeting On Wednesday morn- Jag of week two ran toto a of on the and killed air to John Jar vis which he valued at wo two mora that are not ex recover also more badly wo coded belonging to Ed on the coil Every home within circle of mile by Mr in the hope of the of doge but without incceaa At on Wednesday morning of Mr Geo Reedy qosntity of lye which placed in the back Tie promptly given Olive Oil nd pure which the meant taring life SPRING 1890 AT D1NG Undertaking House A lATtefitook in H CUSTOM TAILORING FOR CASH Tux Gch authority for that for teaobcra at Plaotagtnal in Pactt and a auccoas attendance of teafhtn in baa from in January at teaching all dona aud Eogtlah will bo tJoth legulatore baa Wen by Lieut oor and a la fiatd fox of poll log on the from that bas rttolvod for Soqavtuturo Coooly Political fat into antagoniam In OKI moil nil ralivt of is of Lit coant Victor ft withnpwardaofltfOinperbeDgrarioia to Ibo of Africa A of from which atiro to an idea of and in a to In an decision been rendered au aclioo for EL J aoU her lquoiafttribeLad lit to do so of Court went to Court of Appeal where learned iu hot aioce certain a waa ratified by Ontario aud paid aod in all amouotiug to Vn will take by decUiop and hereafter not sell to forbidden to obtain from fo fight la Mr Collie noniicco of Ifcio Guide re refcrcuera toaupfort In county of Mr although formerly live la the Equal to to nominee battle respective rattle eojoy of lvJ fellow week aloe the opened In new the of the struggle week Mr John Charlton P a prominent of Equal Executive to Prindpal hi for refuting to the Right of Mr Charlton tba docutneol uofftir Inaaniuch It reference to Jewit It doe net him on the French question To those Liberate giving adherence to Right platform think with Mr Charl ton the ground taken will afford for Mr in lbe campaign filed Lake Items The people in the vicinity ere eeedtogj dec viuting in Toronto tbia week The first deputy baa his fine driver end op a Sire still very ill not improving hope will be to bo around As the Knights Hollow wrres- to know the location of Lake it would bo edviaable lo have new drawn and hive like Lake Knighte Hill Dale and marked on Rice on the lead ing road from Sharon to Mount Al bert between Union street and con and surrounded ever greens an island the centre of We to hear from the Hollow cor- so that that important place will not bo overlooked Hope Circle about pic and have not decided whether to hold it in Sir- bush or Rico Lowell Lodge prospering ioitiatrd eight now members already quarter position of which long been vacant ia now filled by Miss Emily Scott of the I choir follow ing the officers elected for quarter P Maud A Emily Scott Mrs Welle J E member purpose a Lex social their hall the May Maple Leaf Foot Ball Team of tin have already commenced a by kicking a friendly game with the Aurora High School Team on Saturday last Notwithstanding unfavorable of the weather and wet ground the kicked for a of forty It reaultcd in a victory for by one goal to none While the were practising foot ball on Saturday night Albert got kicked on tho eye making a deep cut above the lid He will be around a few this is the accident that has happened it it to bo hoped the will take warning and more care ful Barrio baa organized a second foot bill in village which is called the Lowell Hustlers J Ho says that he will soon bo in trim to challenge and kick the eleven iu kbit iMrtmni win bo of An Undertaking a Specialty Hooded to it L All Od J1IILLAHOJCO U ARE SHOWING JlvS h 8loofffttl n May lnS Bolton April Mr Taylor of a Mr of on 1Kb Mr- DrJah Mirth of a ion J VAIN SI Or will rteclv M NEW IRISH SCOTCH TWEEDS FOR SUITS NEW SCOTCH WEST OF ENGLAND TROUSERINGS- NEW COATINGS AND OVERCOATINGS We pay a good salary to a FirstClass Cutter and dont aim at cheap work We believe this is what you want DANFORD ROCHE CO The Campaign La North York the of in in Suw on Saturday last at which party lor re work campaign boon on with a degree which betokens utjetiui in Polling in commenced last Monday aud lcn uigbUy all tho week A grand rally ol Air support ers of good govvru- will hold the Temperance allernoon tbe nut at oclock when re port of the throughout the Town Lip will bo made the or Air at all and will be preaeut at party for tomorrow at Weit Friday evening the hut lateral for and York Aleuts J Davis will hold a joint meeting at tne doctors on the political Issue largely the present the Province both to iuwt- at aud alto people Open free discussion will up the political atmospuere aid la arriving at con elusions now till the pollLog day so doubt political activity lu this log well other the Province will be on the Increase Present Indication lead to elusion that North York will decide by a Urge majority In of the liberal nominee and the meat which he support the camp of the Conservative too considerable of a it being made A a or this riding Is to be held this town tomorrow To on which th asked to TtIB Is the jld la the public tbt la das jests tfp but not bilog It We same lo sod Pull rs much eptciiUj tor bat there Is of West of Ranted- A fill tlT job mi iirUote OK lift or en- io my WMUttJ Wool Mil from Hip lender It IN CANADA COAST MANITOBA I Hit AND COTLASQv aiii ft Libert MDrcotloa tJ Aid u Mr If it briber of Hon Ac- Jo of lb tvroClirWi parly Aid figbt will bo felt od wo not bo put for cuclog luia fcx aui o time op In Mr to ftocliixig loop- lb end Mr Alfred tbo Flench lo pin of hi lb kit sAueurtl ibo pttbfr tot ibo tiro Utter oil i hi to in of biting o todtrwlwd Mr Unlock ot when in lut tbi frOaJC outllcUot to him life I Holland Landing Owing to removal of Mr to the to fill in council takes pines on ioiCj and if a poll demanded election will take place on loft Hart man- The former in bio vicinity are through tediox with of come low ground The of the fifty cutter boo purchased and mora with be to do a season two northern on turf again cutting a Swain formerly of tbia place with Joha Pollock a for the best Boy colt at fairs at fciuttOD tor year- 18D0 and as public do it If a local papr was a tittle won news item it would do that sheet no dsmsRO la the public jheppard has Iron city to his Keawick each improved their Wo aro aJway to see their roluro to this neighborhood Everything very here jus6 now Mostly everybody la at work doing what they can between showers of tho farmers about discouraged as a good part of their lond too wet to work and frequent shower keep it so There not any as yet Burg aod about to the question Where are you going is Fin to plant latere I zit9 if it dont of Temperance talking of a which doubt will lo a Link is putting in a cedar pavement in front of the Queens hotel aod ia limiting a very job of it Mr Geo no better and bit recovery wo to say Miss Wright daughter of Mr John Wright been the point of death last few small hopes entertained of her recovery Election matters nro very quiet around hero fur a you will hear one say hie hour has Wo would to know what caused rapid exit from last week Prof It paid a visit to bis parents in Toronto on Saturday beautiful grounds and resi dence of Dr were scene of a very enjoyable time Satur day Afternoon it being the occasion of Miss Blanch Pearsons birthday A largo number of her companions and were invited lo of an excellent tea and Iota of taffy Strawberries arc down to Rochester KJfc of broke her ankle stopping off tho Pell ford flour mill into a bran chute Tuesday and as smothered The heavy rains this week have caused the flooding of many base ments cellars in Chicago K district will hold a grand picnic at on May Over attend A quantity of a new exploded in a day near Turin Italy killing four teen persona and also injuring a number of fined week or selling liquor without a license and Lennox of same place for selling after hour Wis May 14 fires raging in Northern Wiscon sin In vicinity of Kings bridge lumber camps all their cod- and a largo of have been destroyed Thou of acres of valuable timber have been burned over nothing but heavy rains will other timber tracts Willie Hunt a of Mr Hunt of Coulsonli Corner while a jrolter in bis fatlicrsticld was thrown toll front of rollers horses flloppcdJuttM roller top of Iho and there ho tcitibiued till found him time perfectly A ad ftccidcot occurred at on Monday when little boy met death boy who only about eight old the weat put for cow returning leading Iter by loog bo had partly wound around bio body A engine frightened and it away dwMog poor out CEMETERY will at to Mr- joborODi W- A OP iJAQSlFiCESr S P TO AWAY ANTED on cat territory territory ftlvt Write At LA for Era far three A Stone od WaWlstd Good end Wawcamiauioosv YORK RAW ATTENTION I No will drill on 1 A Church Property for Sale- OP m will alio on he on of uur ftid wHK ho loin ooemue from The Unbolt or jTmtu bait wen Pork Que andoae AH and with riWsTrvfftrwiilcsltowfarftJryrtFJ Value Still 3rd Value fbeio are not aralUoicu- quality mid by all flt cwra Id- p1atai or prcitmaAtd acta to I op ad of SHOEffP Cheaper than Ever MONTGOMERYS Change of Business and of Stand to auuerwi he bid It be low into a liar of Initial lo tbe of choice WINES LIQUORS ALE AND PORTER or on Draught grille of the will la of soil SI Star is I At Hon- Mr- a of Mr fco lie mm tile floiU of ihiii be I Ite in we ft or ire eat eoawioa to a If bed be a ug up rigbta ftKsi ftod I to fill ilt at present staylog with her Mr jsj are to say tbat her is The at Mo- Mr McKay the scrvicos has on river and txJag caught Ai Meeting of comes on at Dry Town Mr Hint has hli leg up again ho bo about the Election are very quiet around here around hero aro to agitato tor a Post Who the to get out petition There would no trouble to get plenty of to it as they to go farther away than ever lor the mail now Children Pitcher Trouble Id tho North There strom that a party who resides in Prowlers Park keeps a and rig works only about ono day in tho week but lives and well have a good dally income or night and latter is most party secretly accused stesHng a stove and selling it at a In Newmarket iteo trying lo purloin a fat and in company with another person was afterwards foiled In an attempt to raid the premises of Mr on the con Recently Messrs T and Rose have been victims and as they have a clear caso it is hoped that they will not let it drop The authorities should give them all that law will allow If tho constable In is not equal to occasion let constable Gain of New- market the warrant and- ho will follow them over to Port Huron need bo The bayrack lifter got out of Northern village in a hurry on the lost Ho Is medium sized wears an oil cloth coat to cover his and Is void of good manners boon guard to give Kim a dip per of hot water The other day ho Called on one of liens and In- if proprietor was at tbat he was absent the scoundrel made ose of verv langasgo to soy woman who thought anything of her character but did not succeed in He ought to have been- lifted with some cow- hide A warrant was luoed lutlho rascal doff out of place great haste and- he knows better than- to come What about his board I Will Oar Newmarket Markets ISO Flout to OH a Wheat buibit us ir Peas par bushel 0 CO bag Woolytrlb per lb per jlr 4 TO 80 w 81 II 16 0 II a 10 a 00 10 8W a a a a a a a a a a a a a lint lining of iho COURT OF REVISION For the Town of for rear l0wmUhe4rtttbo COUNCIL Friday May30 which nil ibomiol ccvrtfoalf May lip iho Town of or U fluo and FRESH Vegetable Slower QltOftEItS AT RUG SlMg- CARPET WBAVINQ- a OK account at the In thj lino Carpet carpet a p lot fihoc And Provision Store NEXT DOOR CONTAINS atock Family j GIVE OUR TEA SUGAR A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED J BAKING POWDER FRIEND THE BRIARS FARM Sutton West Out Choice of Head of all from lis sod Hard Book- Inspection iQYltsd Aurora BRUNTON BROS WASHING GINGHAM A 8c per yard Our Toronto K0- Wheat par a100 IN Wheal per huihcl iKthwhd pit bit par lb on a a a a a a a a a a a UO a a I A A A to out tor or WARD Kill be paid lion ol latsortbs sod or persona I nation M will Isad to ihs Town orNowmar of fc BLACKSMITHS GOAL par pals Tuikaraperlb a a a soo ObO on 14 an FLOUR PEED 3 for cents SJ Silk Embroideries Beautiful Patterns FROM 30 TO I a NEWMARKET

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