Newmarket Era, 16 May 1890, p. 4

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I I- NEWM AY TRUNK RAILWAY net a Business To good health for all from ft disordered tick bead lout of all Wood limb Burdock Blood of their and t tie ftd or it tor throat tort Yellow Oil It cure I For cold drop ftppljrrieoUexKrBaUfaTacv tftnud if Society Register or before ftUpoon I Pyramid ibo Aotrw A lib In MocdAjin month month Adapted Mood and the rttfoTiltojr and of especially adapt for acrofqlout Pro I tot bottle will tore all Wood from pimple Lb Cow The of mother a to Ererytblog we could of tried liberal avail- encoded pweared firt tictftd Doom Hop laejttOnoQtb a KelUebjTtrmrdr flUbU For CHI Children ttmtilric St wbtt Dr A- fllck or mj Lifer l for cae of doit the obi la ftc for lull of nd do1U lateniAtionS The Golden Text And ibere fiog tar Soo Ifim Ibo lade 1 dli In the of fiidop tod fietvrd din a feet tore the little Iowa i toppled of the recorded took more the of prefer set forth Sirioor ftiro eimp God of to the of people kingdom peopled AS 000 41 The iDOtr of bice otto of two the and one Aor if St Tt- row of qj after lb multitude row the tie jopI followed Jwc4 aud the he to tb fiie a for of fall to ground to Arab will with Me right baud l touch bU with ft a or a wall where the of the air may it aaj ff under foot gilt The the fcr which the bed to row of wbith belonged to that which did fcr tbe who came at Hi row of who eat down together row of a Dime applied The row of wu the where and twelve met after the of the letter from their tbrcugh the by for tiblog It la a It to the and bolatcr It bowel quiet pita cores dlorrhOM and dwLrOJi aootbe child It tutor Ibe the Our annouDcmeDt wbJcb la our time a apodal with Dr Ik J Kendall Co of tocaboni Vermool of A Hone were ob tain a of toil addre to Com land a iwo- for mailing a limited period Wo all avail opportunity of work To It aa It truU In a the wblchatfllct throughout tbo State d matte It ilcoUor atfldlcg far inli The Tokyo Tragedy OP LARGE TO JAPAN TO WRIT Hey fiumher of Our baa lo hand filled with and with the Fob come from to the that of the old Amount be tween the Dominion and the of Ontario aodQuibwia likely lo effected at nearly du- correct t Dele of will aril e at and the fitit week They will turd the fa Sir or Tuj Kit Forifge Wwi epOu of Mr at feeling the generally hie faror of tbe It lo bold party J lake acmtUttu 4ct a lu the more humble life of that eboald hate a high judicial on law fact regard Ihe Jwer but caeca that the Borate the Act only tUrtytwo m cohere toted to 111 women York fiaUl he of mora and fix- than any to America baa been the editorial of an editorial writ will one dapertmente the in a A letter has by I Sutherland from Japan in which tome particular concerning tho mur der of late Rev A Largo were stated Accompanying the letter were several of containing accounts of tho tragedy at Tokyo and the details therein supplied are complete following account taken from Japan Daily April A terrible tragedy occurred in Tokyo on Friday night suiting in the ikath of A and the wounding of bit wife Mr Lifgo belonged to iltthodiEt Mission of and at time of bis death was acting as assistant instructor in divinity at tho largo school by that missionary at Tokyo Mrs Largo is lady principal of the girls school which forms part of the same insti tution deceased gentleman lived with his wife in a portion of building used for a girls school had been away at for tho Easter recess and bad re turned on a day earlier than that intended Tired by the journey retired to Led at about oclock The custom at tho school is to have circuit of premises hour by a watchman The man went bis rounds shortly after eleven and had retired to his room when a few minutes later two men made their appearance Both bad their facta covered and the of their Jap aneie robes tucked under their girdles They wore tight trousers after fashion of the lower orders had Jap socks on their feet and were judged to be youths elder some or 28 years old and other three or four years younger- Making their way to the watchmans room him bound him hand and foot and required him to indicate the whereabouts of money box The man directed them to the place the safe was kept but they appear to bare known that without keys it would be to possets them selves of contents without to safe asked watchmen keys were and learning that they in lady principals room desired to he con ducted there Climbing the atalrs the burglars walked along the corridor pawing the doors of room in which two lady the Misses were and entered chamber of Mr and Mrs Largo With what definite they went there cannot bo known notil are arrested may have tuppoeed it to obtain without disturb ing sleepers may have re solved to possess themselves of the keys at any cost At all events I their movements not so that they failed to Mrs Bitting op In bed bat not having any distinct of what was going on about her she found herself nutting the nan what 111 A reply came noaiflua in a voice which sounded famUUr bat which the lady could not Identify- In narrow passage a lighted ker osene lamp hang at a height of about five from the ground The burglars hating left tho door of the jroom open as they entered light of the lamp rendered everything is pretty sad the Hew quite ilw Largo aeo aiety I war latho room that of medium height that they clothes those common and that they carried in their hands weapon which to her seemed like long bamboos with sharpened points but which beyond question Japanese do not usually carry naked in their hands unless mean to nso them to be apparent from this part of the story is that burglars either intended to Mr and Mia id ob tain keys of the without or that they wore actuated from tho first by a murderous pur pose a hypothesis inconsistent not only with all reasonable probability also with snbseqaent of the Scarcely had Mrs Largos question been put and an swered when Mr Large awoko and sprung up- Tbif apparently turning point of affair The burglars on effecting their by such a show of force that all resistance would have been prevented On the contrary saw confronted by a vigor ous young man their weapons and their superior numbers asked no questions but proceeded to action at once Unhesitatingly struck at him with their swords and then for door He wounded as doubtless was by those first blows followed the burglars resolutely and coming within arms length of them at the door was again struck Still pursued them and grappling with one of them in the narrow corridor bad nearly succeeded In throwing htm over balustrade of stairs when blows of burglar disabled the brave Meanwhile Largo had joined in tho struggle and endeavored to interpose person between the burglar and her hus band Sbo received a slash which laid open the right side of her and grasp one of the assailants Weapons two Brat of her right hand almost cut off and the third finger was deep ly But happily end too quickly for any farther dis play of such and probably fatal courage on the ladys part Mr though in effort to throw the burglars over the be had received two wounds biting to bone on hie left and terrible cash the Mill with dogged bravery per sisted trying to close with who on their continued to cut at while retreating It was of course impossible that tho strongest could have long stood up against a shower of blows delivered by such as swords skilfully wielded A moment later Mr Large fell and death came iutantaeeonsly Ilia slayers re treated unmolested by tbo way come Meanwhile the noise bad alarmed Miss Lizzie Hart who slept in the adjoining chamber Opening tho door and finding with two men who wero rapidly with awords naturally shut herself in again But a moment afterwards a scream from Mrs Large made tho young lady forget her fears- felt as stated with frankness at the iaqust she do some thing to helpless and unarmed ho passed from her room into the narrow passage at the very place where she bad seen THE OF NAKED Almost simultaneously Miss Nellie Hart also came from her chamber They found Mr Largo on ground in pool of blood and bis wife standing over Mrs- targe that were broken young ladies to raise her and they although saw that ho was carried into room and laid htm on the Mrs using her hand and of her own cruel wounds washed her husbands times with Void water and resorted other means of re storing But terriblo truth soon forced itself upon her also and at becoming conscious that was bleeding to death sat down And asked tho other ladies to apply a tourniquet to her arm ex plaining to them how it should bo done These incidents related in part at inquest make a of helpful bravery which compels strong admiration It is difficult to con ceive by what motive Mr Lirge was inspired Wo cannot fathom secret of such fearlessness and must be content to as another of that courage which earnest of Christian faith has repeatedly been observed to inspire for Mrs Largo and Misses Hart we should like to think that many Englishwomen who would have behaved as they did dcceatctl gentleman was un iversally and bis wifos long and ablb labors in causo of Jap anese education have awakened a widespread feeling of gratitude horror and indignation among all classes of great and it is generally asserted that tho of the nation is concerned In meting out punishment to tho authors of so cruel an assassination chief of Tokyo detectivo police is himself a Christian though that truth could no in bis Wo aro happy to say that Mrs Largo is doing very Thero is no quietly at and her wounds healing rapidly the sad Tokyo tragedy attracted a largo concourse of sympa thising frteuds both Japanese and foreign who assembled spacious A tabu Methodist church In spite of fitful showers and unsettled weather building was completely filltd among present being M Minister representatives of Germany and Austria first secretaries of several legations and Mr- papier and all leading residents of Tokyo according to tho wish of deceased gentleman expressed when ho little thought how soon It would have practical effect was of simplest character It appears that Rev Mr Largo born In in Canada In an earnest Christian homo that from boyhood he had aimed ftt high standard of life and service and bad won for self In school and tho repute a pore Unsullied rendered still snore social and musical gift of an order of deceased addressed the aawm- blags in and was fallowed In by Eon pJralwa pi of the thurch In wbkh the lw POWDER Absolutely Puro A marvel of Mora economical Ibau ai Wall Street MH5 CO Having L1NI3IENT for years in my I attest to its being the beat know of for In the family wo used it for every purport list a liniment is adapted for it being to us by J L Webster Person ally find it beat allayer of pain have ever used Titos Proprietor Yarmouth Livery Chronic Cough Nowi For It is soar DIM intra ti SCOTTS EMULSION Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and Soda aa Tar better flc4baruJuvr SCOTTS EMULSION is in stimuli color tic r fry lav St A BOWSE E STORE I nil ItlClIAItDSOK VOW SALE AT A Ml or m th or f THtW J IM A FULL OK AND To a Sew to behrs J HOP TO tt EST control portion of IS J A AILN G Annealed Galvanized Ana Barbed Fence Wire Builders Hardware Sheathing Paper Tarred Felt Pitch LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CARPENTERS TOOLS Bar Band Hoop Iron Steel Carriage Trimmings Jacks kepi for Hire Agent for Repairs JAMES ousau Ifrttfc vhh7acrcot lor liutadonoriimitrcei inihotoHo A to ILMOtHtK llouM on MrMt two rani from Wilt bo ti a tfsrnr ctt to Newt JOHN F OH SALE or lot tjurjr ftbjut N ruinlttc of io4rJ Suit 10 IatllulUul 1255 v MVO ARE SHOWING A LINE OF SEASON SPECIALTIES INCLUDING- FARMERS ATTENTION Saws Hand Saws Chopping Hay and Straw Knives Mechanics Tools Building Hardware Table Cutlery ALSO- FOR SALE llalfof Kill Mi liatrlck IrucllltK area nil Well wvlarot AH A BTOBT appoint ihoDtoid forgot- lirwriaouKht forgot ten Out of Dr PAINTS OILS PUTTY GLASS ETC Stock and Prices- t ALLAN CO Had It for they of tbo Or I Ittl Iuuao tucootca and J to Md fcwUojf only 10 the It will or This baa the bottle- for many or as a In and ail Tut up I J or an of DOCTOR PIERCES PELLETS Pill ink One Cura Kirk rAdactie of rtomach and reliable by FOR SALE Drain Tile of Various Sizes BSE Ty A from for aala at a by ILuiod arte it rarely a matter of ftlwaje a of tor Tin rcrinon ninny fail ro few iuiu wilting to pay and bard work Which success Judfio lit If half what the you in your a is by hi hair ttun your honor haint got nil Tho a good to look for of borer In orchard They pro rosily detected by Of of fiuo floxihlc Into hole better than out with a knife Watch tint posh their business during slack times end you will discover ihr y rsUrnl nature and that people when tluici ore hard and they the and men that their trade anioog mora widespread man and while It awraa to upon but It I thank to much a lady other day upon given a hand- plant Oh my Iho quick reply too anybody for alp If do thy wont grow Children Cry for Costorla THE BEST AND Buy Spring Wheat m Direct imported from Manitoba for by V DENIM E Uiil4rilQLl otter ftHrent or Ma fclUlt of ltu which a lft anil brick with and toll wr aw a girt with 1 tioroli The IA111I li very r retire 1 uc flintier particular POU SALE I9 1 it tor in of on ftUivd lota I TOR SALE It- PUKE DRUGS OUR SPECIALTV AT THIS OF YEAH IS SEED DEFT Now by by Mir in drivrtmcnlK a a nffivifrnt lbt THE HEADQUARTERS FOR SEEDS AND TINWARE A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT CONSTANTLY ON HAND I ITUTS IS AT Main SbSouth Newmarket THATS HEW MRS BOND IS NOW HER NEW SPRING MILLINERY And prepared to attend all to her care Milliner well recommended Her Sin aw Hats and Bonnets FOR THE SEASON A ASSORTMENT OK JERSEY JACKETS Dont forget tho Forsyth House received beautiful patter na English Scotch Canadian an of to from socially Patterns in and Stripes arid for bring your friends with you on the premium at Closest Cash Pribes Only Your Solicited DMUrCH fiook cloth op ond cheaply Best and Cheapest Fence vet IRONWORK Railing Lawn AMD FOUNTAINS ETC FOUNTAINS Mm Wire UcJAcwa at Amenta ttUJOar fiOo EMBRACING all Trading Makes of Coal end Wood Stoves samples of Goal Wood also FULL LINES OF CANES WOODEN WARE Including Tuba Washboards Firkins etc THE BEST OF COAL OIL And All Kfnde of Lamp Fixtures Jobbing Eavetroughing and Furnace Work Special Attention WRIGHT Main Street acrnflyt Wb Half lo COO WO l I fllh lo vli rtleu I Hi Ml J tiro ltnaiol win prices ahJ LOTS SALE IS J PROSPECT AVENUE lllb In Towa or Newmarket Town of North oiler locued on HUP ar6 m lbtciritiltcr water from ii liivr the property may be LUMB LATH SHINGLES ABB NOW TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH SASH AM THANKKUL OF THE PAST SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OK SAME WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK possible prices THE WW CANE SONS MFG CO In lott fclngly or will of ft block poison who hire Of JOaglttZ A landed a For particulars Apply B B B Burdock Blood Bitters It partly vegetable over ail of tbe tjiUm it to purifies tho blood It CURES Mood from ftco roaIoai and nflaenco on it liter j SKIN From to tiro 31 f imp ftnJ all lb forms or It It noticeable that from tin DISEASES but this quickly by to rcch and SCROFULA lhat from thr4 to ternary application it broken affected will effect a cure- It Brail minion of to relate ttj bowels bloody to acidity and action of of ayitttf to off all clogged and thai and fall BADBLOOD fioarantoo bottle of J- thoAritbottltWOvillrtfacdlhonioy or by loiter forma W on toTMILBDBCO

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