Newmarket Era, 23 May 1890, p. 1

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NEWMARKET ERA Morning GJACKSON AT HOUSE SUBSCRIBERS tarn Id wrrlrfwlih til k TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ACCORDING CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL LIBERTY NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol 18 Single Copies Cents Each Friday May 1890 Terms Si 25 Cash inAdvance within or at end ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL A BRANCH BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Allowed on DepotIts at DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL TO Tim and Am Drafts sold IT 4 Real Estate Insurance Agency to Properties Bought and Sold RESTS ON MODERATE COMMISSION Special Attention paid to Farm Insurance r TOWN AGENCY FOR Grand Trunk Railway and White Star lane Ocean Steamers Sold to all Id States nod ALBERT ROE St Sooth Newmarket MAY 23rd 1890 Bright in u Uoailly Tible of Mil- a of Good la it well in ill pit I of car big leokf it u well J 1 A A and Civil lcl pi io oq Farm j York LOE1T MARSH TORQN00 WinOI Fit A f Kie rto8roR bins sihmuut Btck TO LOAN B J MONEY TO LOAN tiof lliB Dominion market solid Bl GEO- BELL Supreme Court e- Brooch TO LOAN of tto4eSto 11 BOCQCt CbJitolrt J A EXT FOB Fir Life LOAN AT tlbo P FOR Co Or Old Regiiuj Cor Main Lot tftf of Market fci 150 bed rom Accommodation lor meet mil iraloi pLDl parlor J Prop Ibe QlngbuDS Abi Towel mill price men more Ibto ell loo Tbe big file i per cent el Daring Mir big will T THOMPSON SON The New Mammoth to 140 King St HISS t OF ftNll la Is prepared to jil- more pupils At or at rate real AnsitA and If Field Toronto of will be of will el at Rook re Tboronstl J- Be by SAL ESTATE and Financial Broker Bent Collect Ml managed Loans negotiated- and valuations made renewed connJen Ual Toronio it W Supreme Court Public e IS THE larirOsex of I No It Weal TO LOAN AT LOW JtKDlGAZ- iSVlKIEON qui- turns IS CHARGE lag im I the be di al kit CENSED or Farm Kales Attended on Short and at Seasonable to New- leu l will prompt Stony Farm NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT will be lo WALL Department ftiy which ft moat all iltaigas moil iltrna J with to match Ceiling Comer Pieces and Extensions to Correspond goods with A tod melton respectfully ficJieiteJ u I fall in J to v OFFICE A Ate DR A J it if- tit A SCOTT Member for con- an or all r- and Sjra of Olid ttrnoe Main f ATCHBV jOVnOlVltrrohvcu lliACff jar for bo kepi Hardware lime foQueiiiTileorJrIoralfr5lefiaitbAVa attended to THE ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO OF AMERICA Managing In America Agency for Aurora and at Ioau and offlceof J High license To Destroy For rouch kilt from jt drown of J3f To arff blow To ail ill For To fill the Jrutikirda And upon acciely of of men brute For jo gold To our land la And on the people laj a To court and Oar jails with horror of the tilth For so much we Our poorhome to fil And many a orphan Aod a And a brother with a filter a father sit audi pio la U alone Foi Tbea all julica All witm mother Taj well you paid for their bill gold did receive If lhy guilty ate will receive Good HouseKeeping PRIZE ESSAY good I It keeping a house in such a way that it be home in every term to each of the iDLuatM- When a stranger enters a bouse ho of the of by of her floor the of her win dow and precision with which the articles of are placed Very well so far goes bat let him study people who that house anil then form a correct Perfect Mortar gfeV aud Purchase and NOTES ValuatlooiiAO TO LOAX Notti Collected opened entirely new stock of FRESH FLOWER AND GARDEN SEEDS most Nut an old reck on to of we to faroiib our ai to uie NEXT TO POST OFFICE LIQUOR STORE AI IjKNTWT Mitred M Denial Back NORTH END BOOT SHOE SHOP iAHKtAOl I T litter id LtMAX KO MAiiui voi The Manufacturers ibalj Accident Insurance Companies Turonto Lrttof or baa Inform the A of and that opened a and to all de of a d done- rtiota a All work Ja to Liquors ISLAND 3 OKAIIAMS OLD POUT WHISKEY at Especially for Medicinal Purposes aXa LUMBERYARD Avtuue itear Constantly on Hand aud aod DRY I Propria wr CASH GROCERY STORE Stocked fiot the TEAS l SPECIALTY Tea ljigbl CO St i J OlffALLBY Main St J I t jA rMilHt ii A Marion- rnu ft I iihr r lOAKr IleUI D I THE OLD CO -OAIlTAL- AN 0000000 DOLLARS If RELIABLE AN Leading Photographer I COItNBR MAIN A LOT LIFE SIZE if kind Work MRS i I OPKS Kit JlSA I Sim Alien to Mr STREET a MUSIC PUPILS LEADING HOUSE FOB Of THIRTY YEARS ii J E HOUGH h J I Km at lUa Office I RATE td fey Largest Best Stock 01 la York Arm VERY LOW lei trbu ta fclye me a MIHODOK for Infante Children la veil lb Me Street is but most 1q obtained at tho ex- of comfort to ones family 11 I heir notable house wife soy would Jet your be dirty No my dear madam not dirty but just a little soiled if neces sary For your husband enters with Mary grapes are ripe I brought you some love ly ones and your no whitened floor to to you do not spoil his pleasure by exclaiming in pettish just see how you have spoiled toy floor that I worked bo bard over i By all means your stoves and tinware mirrors your carpets bright and your towels an em blem of purity if possible but in your list of requisites place health and comfort even that next to godliness The houaokeeper is responsible for health of her family and there fore to the table no partly cooked bread nor sad puddings to challenge dyspepsia The food bo varied such as will suit the natures and occupations of in largo and foods suitable for men occupied in energetic outdoor work will not do for children nor those engaged in brain work or quiet pursuits And other hand more delicato foods such as would bo best suited to tatter classes would not bo strength giving enough for former When there are so many excellent books on Hygiene now to be had every should not only own a copy herself thor oughly with contents Though alio may find there put in a new garb many principles well known to her many things will bo causing a greater interest in and a better understanding of subject- Ventilation importance of which is being appreciated should not bo neglected should bo opened each day to allow a circulation pure air If the day a windy to much better for rough but well mean brews will clear from oven every particle of impure air Many simple do vices for lessening in housekeeping can and should ho used Soiled garments can bo placed in water wash day all the material for taking collected be fore pipes var nished to Buva blacking and many other tilings done that seem trifles in and scarcely worth considering but when Added to burdens of house wife may prove the last straw But in this and indeed in part of her work the good house keeper brings her bright to help her judging how far her strengthwill allow her to virtuous woman of Proverbs who while it is yet night What woman does not drcsd lend occasions called house- when to roitjn supreme in many houses Hut house cleaning is something that is abso lutely necessary in spite of assertions made to by men folk The rooms thai are used in a should be cared for every day and those unused at least once a week but to collar will need a thorough at least twice a year Oh no it if not necessary to scrub the under sides of tho shelves nor is it needful to clean the whole at once Begin at one room clean it replace the furniture allow time for mind pod body to got thor oughly rested then commence anoth er the same way till fc done Then and brothers will not to At a cold bureau for live fluocuioo A for ftverythiog every- thing time a very boar mind Iioutd bo promptly at neither by of calculation having the vhuals ovit nor by under done Each mast its own work Monday with women though prefer ibe longer to he condition that Saturdays clean ing puts it Than closely following la irooinj and mnding day a reward pleasure of putting away in tho white the and all worn place carefully mended by of the house But perhaps it is baking day that talent for ing a is at for it to short witchcraft to from oven light 6EHmingty of and in high hito round loaves heart of Then in cleaning real pvace to the heart and her with strung and for anothftr weeks work work well done ia own for result can he so many labor not but what it ia vain Almost all call forth doer only accomplish- inept That of housekeeping ftmoog other thoeo of cook and firamstrc- must bo an in interior of bouic allowing no but levins over thing bright and beautiful though harbioniotia in color and as cosily the will allow for good furniture aud pretty cultivate a love for beau tiful in always susceptible to outward things Their little will ftpprociato thru and they can with be taught to pride in keeping thou And home bo for children Can any call ping an unworthy occupation when if faithfully done a homo that futuro iiieu can look back to with pleasure not realizing how- great has been over lived bat unconsciously pass ltd down to futuro ationsl Illustrated Lib Aurora doga were Some two or throe poisoned last week On Sunday after of Mr Isaacs horses fell into cattle guard on sooth of station It considerable time it bo got out A lacrosse match will played in the park here the Queens Birth day between and Aurora The ball will be faced at oclock Mr John McDonald on Monday while shoeing a stallion was thrown nearly across shop by a kick from animal head striking the wall and knocking hint insensible He coon recovered however and was able to reaome work in a short time The fall wheat a failure in on low land especially The bad another parlor social at last Friday which proved Oor baker left for Acton to take hotter On the of May scholar of Methodist Sunday School have annual in the grove Mr Teg art and workshop and intends fctilariii Mr A Teg art has accepted a situ ation near where ho is now working The ladies of the church are endeavoring to close one of life hotels in town We believe in tentions are nil right but if they would do bo young men of thia any good wo would advise them to open a reading room library where they can profitably nnd pleas antly spend instead of trying to hotel them giro tbo other two custom The of May will be celebrated in Scboniberg in the Usual jrand stylo A meeting was held and large program of sports made out consisting of and athletic sports a baud tournament boat and a luffed club encounter World Persons Entitled to Vote f Must be on votera list Most be a British yraold resided in Ontario for months preceding lime by atatuto for beginning to make roll on which list based vis Feb unless altered bylaw S sec or twelve months preceding up to which complaint iusy made to Judge under Voters Act viz daya after list posted by clerk Ontario 189 cap 13 Got certificate at once from Clerk when posted Must hare been bom fide rosideut of and domiciled in at time fixed as aforesaid viz for commencing assessment roll or for making complaint against voters Hit on polling day resident of and domiciled in riding continuously the time as aforesaid viz for commencing as sessment roll or for muting com- voters list as the case bo or student dow not diaualify VOTES TUAT ARE LIVELY City History of County In sketches of early history of published it has been usual for authors to say that house built in town was the storehouse erected near railway at the time of This seoins to be slightly incorrect It would appear no storehouse existed until year During war Sir George Head was sent to Canada to superintend tho commissariat dulieaof proposed naval establish ment at and in the of 1815 ho temporarily dwelling in cabin at but fcsolved to move his to tho bead of bay tho aito of the present town For purpose be tot at work French who were of small of tarn stationed with him This log house built by the military officer Sir Head appears then been tho first building on site of of which wo havo any record Whether it was soon de stroyed or what became of it is not recorded At all events the want of suitable accommodation at this ternri- nun of the became seriously felt Mr John writing in that At present there no houses nor stores at which makes it very much of transported are to bo in by the weather ho removal of garrison from to no in increased too for better accommoda tion theroforo in tho of 1810 as nearly as can bo ascertained built two storehouses one at Willow Creek end of portage the other at latter which was a log structure besides depot for military in to posts upper lak served to shelter settlers and their effects lwund for neighboring This military post at Barrio was protected and supplied for a few years by an armed kept in commission by Johnson family of Lauding Trader set tlers and Liulivni passed and depot id numbers during the period in question Amongst distinguished travellers of tho time that took advantage of shelter it afforded may bo Sir John Franklin who passed this way in April on his second to the Arctic Si v after whom a a named and who was of the war vessols at Kingston for time also pan I June while on a our of itpecion to various ilw upper lakes iy 17 This evening a colored lad aged seven years was killed at station Some boys playing on largo pieces of tim- on tho railway and a piece rolled off crushing lad who lived twenty minutes after picked Sound May 18 A strange exemplification of the advantage of the sixtymillions market was seen hero today in the arrival of the schooner City of Chicago with about bushels of white for con sumption in Dominion The Is or has bought lot Con being from the Henry estate John IT has fold his property in City to Mr of who takes possession at once Mr Boss is taking out the machinery and it in the Wilkinson Works at Aurora A hi cellar walls up for dwelling J Res has cellar dug and masons every day Mrs Archibald has been very ill for time past her being of but latest accounts are somewhat favorable Mr who boa sick for a longtime is getting better Wo in ho initat of an election E- J Davis Reform and supporter of Oliver Mow fit who it wo arc to tho Empire ftod leader most oirupt that over any country while Robinson of Aurora car- for the Conservative a in Equal Rights find upholder of truth and righteousness I J tetnporanco fientimonts forth proving that prohibition only for many of liquor With an elaborate platform as how can ho bo beaten with mora than a thousand majority quite on hero other day caused by the appear of a largo tcnm boot placed on wagons in flection of will bo placed on about one and a quarter mile north of King City and is by Captain Taylor who bought tho Stewart form It will be placed on tho dry dock to ho thoroughly overhauled and fitted a pleasure boat It inten tion of owner to cut ft canal south along outlet and duo time King Station It expected to through of northern and a largo amount for sum- After all King City the place Teds First Cigar I Smnkc Well I My smokes and ho too Im going just aa my father does a mar And Ted threw in imitation of aire that his Frank laughed merrily a chip off old block you did that exactly like your father fut ouldnLbeliivf it was right to amoku not if all the lords in creation smoked guess your father docWt you to and I know mother Ob father dont in boys smoking may smoke when Im a iiiHii Mother says it an ex- vacant habit and she doesnt to sniuke its living if one cant fun and Im not going to wait until Im a mail- either silly you talk cried Frank you have UN- eat kind of fun straight along if you neideU to Brooke for the haying fun a bad habit my mother so and so too piles of money on so met hi lives and their heir Tisnt good common sense And its just for bora of our to it interferes with the action of the heart and now you neednt laugh my fathers a first- doctor and be explained thing to me If you a greeny Such talk dont go down with iuc with all daft respect to your father Doctor preach a lot of things they dont practice I its stuff and thia talk about smoking hurting people are plenty of whove been in tobacco all their lives who live to a good old Im wasting my breath but I think my father knows and ho Typhoid in Cairo Egypt The Times and Guardian amalgamated for Not Scotia took place Wednesday raising a subscription to a manufactory Eight inches of snow fell Monday night at North Da kota of leprosy are re ported in at Chi fc The Grand Trunk Co have decided to put up a biff coal shut in A of has been granted the Ottawa and Parry Sound railroad Rain and wind storms have considerable damage in district of New York state A- Palmers at St John was burned on Monday with tons of Tho Eiffel tower struck six timed by lightning on Friday night but was not seriously damaged The stove pipe hat wXin- ventcd in and therefor just years old yet wear high A barrel of powder in a burn ing hardware in Havana cauacd datha of persons and injuries to others Andrew Graham of of has left property valued at to be divided among his wife and children At village on Sat urday waterworks by law for were carried by majorities of six and respectively Ottawa Typographical Union has adapted a pro- testing ftainst the use of typesetting machines in Government printing bureau The residence of the Army at Sutton has en broken into twice within the last few weeks and at tides of wearing apparel taken The water in Holland river gone down bow but is even now high severed and a largo area of the marsh completely A bill forbidding nil children under years from smoking in public places ha just pasted the New York It will now lie in order for the small boy get be hind the barn A is being raised in Montreal for tho purpose of taking action in the case of exPriest Martin who deserted and two chil dren An attempt will bo made to get tho courts Referring to coming of Stanley to Miss Dorothy artist a cablegram says the couple were engaged over four says a great many die suddenly and years ago prior to Stanley starting Keeping It is a great mistake to suppose that beat work of world is done by people of great strength and great opportunities It Is unques tionably on advantage to both things but neither of them is necessity to the man who has spirit and pluck to achieve great results of greatest work of our timo has been by men of physical feebleness No has left A distinct impression of himself on this generation than Charles Dar win there men who have had to straggle against such prostrating ill health Darwin was rarely able to work long at a Ho accomplished his great work by having a single aim and putting ounce of bis force and every hour ot his into task which he had set before him Ho nover scattered his and by steadily keeping at It In spue of con tinual ill health and interval of he did a great work and left impression up on world of a man of extraordi nary energy and working capacity Is rarely a matter of accident always a matter of character The reason why so many men fail is that few men are- willing to pay tho of soildenial and hard work success exacts and Bolder J doctors all call it heart complaint and theyd come sight nearer the truth if they said Died of tobacco Ha ha ha laughed Ted I dont scare worth a cent I bough this cigar to smoke nod Im going tn smoke it there Very well sir then Ill go home and yon to If was going to smoke Id do it like a man and not like a coward and a sneak And assumed his moat dignified air and walked hastily from the garden towards his own home Ted was a handsome filfwilled boy who desired nil to ho manly He thought it wiis manly to smoke Ho had stolen out- to sumhior house at the end of garden to make his first at tempt and hero Frank bad surprised him before he fairly under way Irritated at Franks outspoken op position he determined to smoke at all ha tarda Lighting cigar he begin to puff in approved man fashion It really wasnt much fun he wondered why people liked l Of course it will make me a lit- at he thought it al ways they and he puffed on Oh dear how my dos Oh oh I Im dying will come and find me Ill throw the horrid thing but Ted hadnt strength even aside his remnant of a cigar II unconscious ho lay upon h wishing with the little ho left that he had taken Franks But I didnt it would make mo like thia ho thought An hour before he conld summon sufficient strength to walk to house His mother at appearance initiated on tending- for the doctor a more lecauso family physician was Franks father hear that Im tick and know was thought ho with considerable Dr Morgan tcrulinired hit patient keenly and asked the appalling you been Did Frank tell you asked Tod indignantly with a sudden of color Frank has told mo nothing re plied Dr Morgan bat I know the symptoms Ted worst part of his bit mothers look of grieved surprise Morgan bad a kind and father- ly interest in Ted and at a later period he took great pains to explain to foolish boy the perils which He in about the boy smoker And Ted baa concluded that he isnt about having what Dr organ calls a tobacco heart HarfesA on his expedition to Had Pasha Dolly alias Mrs thn woman fit thn police court Saturday was to two months in jail for obtaining money under I isl December from Dr Coch rane- Mr Eugene J Harris formerly of has gradu ated from Hall Toronto with the degree of Bachelor of with tirat honors in buhject hundred and forty beads of families in Quebec Province filed applications for aero land grant offered by Provincial to each family of a living children The residence of Bing ham Bradford had a narrow escape last week A chimney fire ignited piece of scantling which between theinaide and outside walls a young man years of age employed as bookkeeper in a grocery in Montreal was arrested last week and brought Judgo on a charge of He pleaded guilty was sentenced to four years at St Vin cent Paul Through negligence of the switchman up train from ton collided with a freight standing the siding day evening Tim passengers received a severe shaking up and many are from bruise Mr Shaw of Orillia got three ribs broken and bad cut on his head Ho was thrown violently against end of the seat his head went through window Conductor has a cut near and fireman was- slightly injur d It is said the train woa travelling at a higher speed than allowed inside the sema phore Herald An enterprising tea pedlar calkd at a farm house a few miles out of Acton the other day and was invited by tho hospitable lady of tho bouse to for supper his samples on a sido table he accept ed the invitation and proceeded to enlighten tho household on tho vir tue of his Hyson and Japan His eloquence filled air with an aroma from the tea gardens of China whilst the evening meal was being prepared by Bat unfortunately the young mans manners were not equal to his enterprise for on sitting down ho condemned the tea at the table Its stuff he exclaimed with air pushing It away as far as he reach Yes an swered the lady of house it is very poor tea but I was just trying one of your own sample Press-

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