Newmarket Era, 23 May 1890, p. 2

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MAY 1890 A A in Boots Bros for Seeds J Lost at I but BHJOBIU I FRIDAY MAY 3 Oar Toronto Despatch to tat 3 afej at Monday a IdIo it Albert ifce bate id plak lolhftlr two will gel there ill cunt It la the County Cora- toll lir for ft W allow lHqueUaaaiooUQ- uueof Iht Jon Mr of Il cot for to n in Toe P Si- Authority or elihonib he ftp from the people who want to be The Campaign From the way Id which leading put organs are speaking in reference to the present campaign the if the are one or tie other will be terribly disappoint ed when the ballots are on the of month In late Issue of the Qtote we the announcement that the campaign continues settle all over Advice from the Local party are that the io the camp are making the party managera very anxious The campaign goes on bravely friend of the liberal party are working energetically and news from all quarters is laden with ment And again the same paper intimates that the enemy is weakening all along the line Turn we now to the other aide The Empire observes Mr dith has resumed bis through Ontario and the ovations that greeted him through the past two weeks have been Day by day re ports from the constituencies be come brighter and brighter Every- where Reformers disgusted at the lack of reform principles In their leaders are deserting old party ties and casting in their lot with the party of progress The evening of the fith of June will see the incapable and ingratea of the present Administration trampled into the dust Now taking the above as fair sam ples of daily talk one or the other will chew the cod of bitter disap pointment when the poll closes and if they are simply whistling to keep up the courage of the rank and fyle the reaction will be a sort of political thunderstorm in the defeated camp Under any circumstance either one or the other is being deceived or they hare gone wholesale into the deceiving business on their own ac count So far as North York is concerned we believe the people are not over enthusiastic but when the fith of Juno cornea round the electors will go up to polls and make their little cross on the side of municipal reform and and in favor of trie man whom they believe will hon estly voice the mind of the Riding in regard to temperance economical government and other issues now be fore the Province Since our last issue Mr Rob- Reeve of Aurora who opposed Br the last time the latter contested North York for the Assembly has been nominated by Conservative Association to op pose Mr tho regular Reform nominee in the present crisis His address to the electors appears in our advertising columns today and by reference thereto it will be observed he cornea out squarely as an Equal Right and at the Mc Carthy meeting last Wednesday night declared his intention lighting out contest on that line eschewing his old time Conservative Leanings Of course he acknowledged that he had been a lifelong follower of Con servative leaders but in tho present Issue be that be was Equal Rights first and Conservative after wards and that McCarthy Instead of air John was his political leader Mr Davis on the other is a lifelong Ik-form- er cradled in a constituency and declares himself a follower of the Reform leader In the Assembly whom he regardi as the beau ideal of a man honest and Progressive without being intolerantly bigoted and whose government is not be smirched by any gross scandal These are the two men these the Issues the people of the riding are the jury to give a verdict The nomination takes place in neat Thursday when both candidate will have an oppor tunity of facing the electors the Equal meeting last Wed nesday a good deal more interest has been awakened In political circles and we should not be surprised to see a large attendance on the above No doubt the ensuing week will witness more activity than has been manifested bat neither party Is very well organised and with the Manhood Suffrage element the for the first time It difficult to predict vot ing of the We do not however aorfpste wide a In the so tar as the majority concerned as ha marked previous contests for the nbly late years j but a of week will tell the tale Parliament Prorogued Dominion Parliament was prorogued on Friday last by His Eteellenoy tho Governor and In bringing the somewhat pro tracted session to a close he alluded in the speech from the Throne to a few of the more Important measure which has engaged the attention of the peoples representative The Intimation was that respecting the Bearing Sea question are still pro- at Washington with good pros pect of favorable and that meanwhile as an evidence of earnest desire not to show an unfriendly spirit towards the Americans the will be continued for another year The re- adjustment of the Tariff lb then alluded to and like wise a somewhat lengthy reference to sot relating to banking and bills of exchange Speaking of the creation of a bureau of labor and statistic Hi Excellency is made to say it will promote the investigation and study of whioh affect the relations of capital and labor and which are now engaging the attention of all great nation It will likewise aid the diffusion of Information on all that concerns the occupations and well- being of the working classes Allusion is then made to the railway of the session which it is stated Indicate a spirit of enterprise throughout the country end hope Is expressed that it will lead to substantial development of the rail way works of the Dominion The foregoing is a brief of the ipeecL In mother part of thii day paper we the total number bills passed and other statistics of interest with laid down Right month go that hi could no cob- hold in feoMrnUr a- wall on a of froto of of part long rtsigQfra nil j of the or that body Ha opposed of which been one lbougsl that lh bo out of of the was to or fill on n appeal to lho to bird for the they ho raid applause Speeches were alio made by the President Reeve Stokes Mr George of St Rowland Graham Woodcock Mor rison Long and Robert Birmingham of Toronto and the meetin was closed with cheers for the Mr Meredith and the candidate- Would not Coalesce All attempts to amalgamate Canadas New Party or Third Party and the forces of the Equal Association in the present electoral contest in Toronto have proven un availing A coalition of course necessarily implied and expediency and on this rock the leaders of the two parted company A majority of the Rights party it appears were not disposed to endorse prohibition as a vital issue in their platform at the present time while on the other band the Third Party representatives absolutely any sort of com promise on the temperance As a result addition to the regular nominees of the old line reform and censer ties the Equal Rights advocates have also placed two can didates In the field and the New Party seven in all viz and reform the two Claris con- Bell and Armour Right and Moses New Party Toronto is entitled to represen tatives and now tho electors are called upon to decide by their votes 1 on the of June next which three of these gentleman occupy the honor The struggle for supremacy more as the time for decision approaches Never before was there such indiffer ence paid to the commands of old party leaders in the present contest Old time partixan cries and ties seem to have lost their hold upon the masses and a singular indiflence of thought and is strikingly manifested Machine are at a discount and dont appear to count end in many of the rural constituencies too this same kind of independence of thought and action is developing Itself Provincial and Dominion politics People ere becoming tired of quietly following beck of mere party and of throwing up their bats and costing their simply to please politician who fatten on spoils Time was when the ma chine of party issued its mandates an authority that brooked no opposition today the machine has no terrors and people are not afraid to avow their hones too vie The signs of the times indicate growth of a healthy sentiment which augurs well for the future Bousing Equal Eights at Newmarket On short notice a meeting took place in the Town day evening the cognomen of Equal Rights at which it was tost McCarthy Esq P would deliver an address and a consequence the Hall was filled with ladies end gentlemen who were glad of the opportunity of hearing this distinguished orator Ho was met at the depot by the Town Band and as they marched through streets his rived the crowd collected Hit of the Newmarket Branch of the took the chair at the owning of the that it 1 mow of to each ft large Re spoils of the the Associ ation hid made the and the and honorable composi tion of Ontario Council which recently met in the city t Toronto Ha at a meet ing of Branch here night the was alroply We aub- to both of the gentlemen in the field of the Provincial and if will git iheir thereto thereof liberty to rote for whom plus if one will do oar coital Both go their Decks Iho Rom in tod Reformer are ibrofriojt off od at with fiGertioai Are to Conservative Convention KB a TUB In accordance with announce- meat made by the conservative ciattoa of North York a meeting took in the Town Hall hero afternoon which not very largely attended- The Presidents Mr Ja- Anderson of took the chair and after open tag remark the following persona were nominated to tho Hiding at the approaching election namely And- Stoke PL Long John Graham J Woodcock- Before proceeding with the ballot a ihort conference waa held by the nominee when all withdrew in favor of nomination at made unanimous choice of the meeting by a vote amidst Ma lbs for DOmliuUoa fetid bo It with lteaUoQ of lug ito to Ictory briefly of schools lit cbUlrta of sboald of should not of of of a lis ibeli child hood of the- should Isujgaj sod sud no or of lbs dlsttaot sud tbiirs do lit to of In of for ballot f la J 0 fcbld from lbs la find oat ho bid Hist Public supporter In 1 of ihe ballot to trustees Are you favor of English ttie of oil ebooli pOftJ by Iba only lsatifcUss Art In U Arvta ssto allowed to loach Id Ontario Are yon in Separate Are you Id of chOO and Separate pal J Id way of tVOlnc3 or of He would now Mr wo- who replied to the id a rosonei- ilk it the time of bis egtio assorted for from the rty ftgl- Wis wrong principle and to the As for a and friend I have hot from bis in the we koow hit to sobroitled will were treated some the sprtkr the cod- that system was to the unity the j ve and Italian people in oar only French goaded on by they inlhl hold the of powrr privi lege- Extracts frosi of tleCouiramioo ioto ibis the who had to the for It for the of was then Id which be bowed bow the at preot bat when a bill was to Separate lbs Mr Davis and though the that were In the French that were to the besltnUrestjof the Pro- the children aapfcit of for Mr toted by Mr Craig remove this of In order to sustain It now with the people of this Province by strength their to how long Ibis lofloeDCo shall exist first dolr of the people to elect men who will not dictated to by anybody but will act for equal rights for all and to iKLe If you Esoorrect I ask yon vote for McCahtiiv Eaq was then In ttoluped very complltneotsiy reference to crllrej and with greet He first thought it a bold in again a in this III log which Is to have a normal of in favor but North York to a great deed of and that though reform with ieifecl freedom therefore wia with pleasure that he could stand here In support Mr and doctrines which their foundation In political Though be had to differ from political lead er and not looked with great favor from either aide of the If on growIognpiaCsnads a taken ia bind would rend this Dominion In He well knew that that wu k par tbst both political were be log to which Ibis Dominion he was branded a breeder of be acted and to do to to the end that this continue to be one where will be so cording to the British node which we life The then separate in and lbs Worth- White that unsl have ihee would or be held that people were free to decide for snd since entered Province of Mao tot with system that prevailed and it now awaits the action of Dominion Parliament nest session In of political are ns end are more than to 1 loUerons Is abnegation of to allow little phalanx of J each to rule It la ws took an stand and schools You hot by the British North America Act and ws la andjnsbj the free to set on the In State the Upton there Is do inch thing tip schools la sarna How is it that eel reel net Did yoa consent to it I to say to how are to get rid of It 1 In dealing with the New Disks laid down which Tbi North baa been and can be by this Province the at Ottawa to act II in I Senate We can get relief if Hon Mr op posed losepsrteichooli they to bo helpless If yon believe system to tbo belt interests of the country can by What did In we can do The battle La and there will be a bigger Ottawa tot in the loog mo can get What wo want is men with to before the Boor of the Local wo to bate them aje over to the platform of Upper by a Lower Canada majority were forced to system a time when had not oor full as- cording to wealth step by the Romsn since Act of The id u then compelled otery Sepsrate school a mitten notice now the puts every Catholic down a a sun porter of sod these changes been made sloce Mr came to power Many of these same people real- that the education and chances of their children for wonld be better under the school system but do not care to to their and speaker Premier in the Court of Chancery interpret law he bad the power in hie own it If There no ftbler man in life he Mr bat for be did not to plain This very matters and are yon going and to He of any rnaa to him and at the asm lime real from manifesto in which of to be any in bis diocese Ihtt would not support separate to action of Drag nor oat the school in because they did age a with him Ha then on to of the ballot relation to why it be end in way ted Inference that Mr Mows lbs public anil Khools teas acting the or Ho refrained from going at length the of French tin to the the He drew a pic tar of a and the of and of the in Qaeteo admitted could not la eot tot he that if the Mine into Ontario be should rcCnitiMK that this an coun try and to bis He declaration thai if billot now I hi Question would to I by in bit to hours in it j free ium of preference well by audttijC TIip id the Court Ld the ad- with lend cheer for McCarthy and tjar Knights tar Mr and JtoertBrtlntha of ihiares are lost all of one on stb bars not it tunas- anywajf to do that Left Has got over bis mistake If all prophets would prophecy warm we rolfhr get It nvnonth atony to oorreapondeet of It Is likely wo bat Itudsr thai name- Oak The people are looking to a good time on the Mr Bell had Me premises comfort of visitors and al a of boats for hire on Bonds lake Sealing is and farmers ire lor their roots- bishop was Io lbs street making some new laws last week Mrs wife of the here died on Monday Some of went to Aaron ctk ran Into she toll gate not door going hero lately and precoma a house will staked oat the weekly visits to are longer Great Bargaij IK FOR AT TAB SPRING 1890 LEADING FURNITURE ANI House A select from will be a of CASKETS do at well as Lines Undertaking a Specialty calls to All executed promptly neatly aod quietly J CUSTOM Lake Itema hen are Mr had pain taken one night last ffwt All talk is have they got tbe yet am afraid the ton- tablea of nre a too slow It be to put in our deputy ae be a sharp Mr of Holt im proved the very mooh boild- a new Mr Douglass docs not team of black a iu tho afternoon for nothing so look oat ladies Mr Charles has got thirty- four head of fine beef cattle on hand yet about one pigs Wo lad to hear that Miss improving very nicely What the runaway boy He has twice in a short time a bid look boy fourteen years old runs away from his Ma Mr Robert buried bis young est child week was 1irgelyttejidoA Eld of preached funeral ser mon Mr Go linger bas sold or four now buggies this priog and baa orders for more are looking up Miss Ida la on a visit from fa lbs I7tb lost wife of La Let Inn by Falser Mr Jobn to of Mr mil or Johns on III by Father Mr- to Mils foolsbom of church She ftowb its Toronto on ltblaL only sou Lewis Mrs I IewUof liyrs Iflih wuofTaOsi painter ftaedyrr9inos ftod2Jdya on lh and ARE SHOWING NEW DIM SCOTCH TWEEDS FOR SUITS NEW SCOTCH WEST OF ENGLAN TROUSERINGS J VAIN ST fllWMARKCr oarifnL NEW AND OVERCOATINGS T All trill We pay a good salary to a FirstClass Gutter and don aiiri at cheap work We believe this is what you want DANFORD ROCHE Collar with attached IMsoiBce Id Six f Ha An cut the o In y Editor WUAT flB TO from Ottawa Mr Jostle 1roudfoor VKeCbsnccllor for Ontario ientleril his reioaliofij on account of illhe end tbe bes Wen His In- net yet to the ixil for who is llie the lite it i 1 utter was iurrd fall of bis of the constituency woisu than a blue factory m on Friday laii Is Empires as follows The total r this amnion is as hills this in aid in tbs nt add one Act to the Act remalnlnx bill a are up as follows prltate companies insurance 2 Ration and cable comtauy extruded Jung I J Is lea who drew and from sa tniUc England to Ottawa sliced difference saui and the amount It would Wen rir IJ400 from hit In of thru in to form of a food This ill ry for the to towsrds his constituents by the us hot It mors to Lis boner to hare left the In the public and taken Us own for his To draw sge to a stuloo of In of the spirit the act at least that la the of most we alluje to the the thought appears have la and has not anything to his pub llo respect by taking money to a lake from might draw it fron Hong ia Chios and Aire David Lloyd of New market spoilt Sunday with her bro ther Mr A of Wood- land farm Mr- Croaks and family who moved to Salt City fall back again week tbo being attributed for their early Mr George baa received another dollar legacy They aay it is a boy Mr who baa in Toronto with inflam mation of tbo liver is now rapidly improving and is home thia Miss an employe hi Mr woollen bad a nar row escape last Saturday from hurt White adjusting a belt on loom her dress caught on machinery and in lets than it takes to tell it she was in an em brace equal to that of a full grown hear of hands who was by instantly throw it out of gear and what might boon a serious accident was a verted- j has of girls any of its north of Toronto which accounts for tbo rcquont visits of the young men from King- City Mr J McDonald of Kiop City was guest of Mr on Sunday Mr Win Stokes is a few days with Mr Holland Landing IN COLUMDU COAST MANITOBA tNULlND SCOTLAND- 9beHiseiTef5 g P TO lit GIVES AWAY LIST of MEETINGS J ESQ StoutTvljle ftueensvillen Keswick 1 Mount Aurora IS Allots put May a ADDRESS May cyclone rain and hailstorm passed parts of township in this damage storm swept a section three miles Id and eighteen loog most serious was done In and near villages of Congress and In Congress pane of glass facing north and west unpro tected by blinds was broken by tbe hailstones which ranged in from a pea to a hens egg and felt to depth Of eight Inches on the level Entire orchards and strips of oak her wore blown down or twisted to the ground Many boos barns and were unroofed or blown down Hall stones were driven through roofs covered with oak shingles At hall fell to the depth of eight to twelve inches and drifted to the depth of Inches Hundreds of sheep were kill- Wo going to have a grand time hero on landing is never behind Foot ball and cricket matches and concert in the evening in aid of tbe homo for tho aged and chicken thioves and bill stick- era have paid us a visit Mr James Grey has returned home from Manitoba and does not think he will up a homo in that region Mrs Stephens boonvisit friends for some time has returned home Miss Charlotte Morris intends pay ing her sister Mrs John Covering- ton a visit at bridge Constable Evans is on the lookout for shoplifters The would never get along if it was not for his valuable assistance is going full again and makes things a little lively We had a sham fight on Wednes day Their firearms was chin and their was stories itr Wooden of Michigan has moved here of Toronto was pay her brother a visit Ms week Wo sport one street lamp hero this wfteV The caretaker of school Mrs Anderson has been Sorely posted by soma ragamuffins Wo hope they will soon give her s rest The Salvation army known as open meetings here on the Park every Sunday at threo In the afternoon Asusual people of this village could not let- an opportunity pass without an election Messrs Lane and Ough were nomin ated last Friday to fill the vacancy in the council and the election takes place on the Inst With municipal and parliamentary on hand the Landing is more stir than 1st One SallnUncd itownTMo rocks one Butter Ml Willi purs to wear rot Castor tuple Value lV Holier Value not but are ibe regu lar sold on fll In BOOTSSHOES Cheaper than Ever MONTGOMERYS ANTED for Weekly raatatning tho now A Stone by Kate Bond cents tor Hires warned everywhere- Good end TUB West Toronto CARPET WEAVING CARRIAGE WORK BEEN REMOVED TO THE PROPERTY On Main Street oil repairs and orders for new work will prompt attention J OS of in hat concluded a wpcclaltr for tt Tla Shop iMETE A lIrghelrLoUcared Airdurloit ca will Mr luhDfcOI Child ran Dry for Jo now lhl e our fatal by of I lit Ion of id winy the for The to I my it ry I ihell ell la the 1 ebolitioa of ecpinte a The eole of of The of Mpeute chcolj ity eoil of The tad clMlioo of the be attd icboit by officii fa Iq the of billot election for ell In ell wynr eteorpabllc be of 7 of- from the htL etiolate of la of tod In the head end lo the choice of of oar Sheriff tad inn by to oetof etd be end la of to the people Ail will he limited time before the election to of I my vUHe they with whet a the belt of I hue honor obedient MR AT Hall King May 23 Holland Lauding KettUby or to l Our Toronto Markets Toronto May Fell Wheat per nil ICO Oil Oil 0 IS OH on per Wheat per bushel per per pre bushel bushel per roll per lb Hotter per lb Potatoes per bag fr Woolporlh Hay per ion per Beef per Chickens per 78 0 a Qi3 is Oil SCO 1 on Our MarMlj Mil i ilk 1 a a a Q a a a a a SCO a W a a a ITU ANTED J Ae Cook by tax family III Apply this Flour per barrel Fell Wheat per Wheat IMrley per bushel bushel per ton Short per per dot lb teg Wool per lb per ton Beef per Chlckoni per is ft act I at on io 1 on I OK BRUN BROS CRASH II TAKE A LOOK AT THESE PRICES Womens Buttoned Boots worked But holes Wbmens Calf Oxford hoes Womens Kid Slippers Mens Shoes- v- Mens Working Boots- v A Job Lot of Childrens Shoes This is only a sample of the prices we are selling Boots J Shoes at We have thousands of pairs to chose from and guarantee satisfaction or money refunded A A-

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