VT1 i NEWMAEKIT ERA MAY 1890 OX A Deb A Dumber of th mate on tad Pic of roak- vis of Vdf of Rics Saturday hen Delia by kick of lfe fcnltoO am In lb bench with rich raj Hams Breakfast Kail Hud ad at Eyksixo SKBKSADxa Bat tfi down lorn for raiding Oil attoaot of fcolidij lb wilt Vy tonight Next Wednesday lis itpl May Id lit to there are ferrety ii rtili fttfJ it it ig cenrt Ifctt anything Bananas Pineapple it right Week Owing to taking next tils lime will plena in call It I after p The la of Iho Sidewalk Blocked Again Mil nut Jici of Jul The GibsILlk A town of hid for will to the An irjitch to tike on the fair picked High The ball to it ehup No doabt there will boa of will Q Thepoft ofEco will dote at tomorrow No mitt from the city in the The mail no in etock of firetrtcken to how loyally torotfrrow better not ue them or get Into tiWtUa There by agaiiut Mon day night the Young En- of the the of the Leasee by atteoa- Jofftbe in church aod in put in the of the topic under The the two Spot cih 1- telle for In or Tmoke try Mr of ad too Ink Drops Holiday Where will yea apend It I Teipartyat Franklin church of town bight The North next Big crowd Newmarket Rhubarb pie la In Thla Day week Two new barber ahope to open here Fcr fire be Day a Celebration njrxt a Day being talked eight after the Bectrio I It would the and the line enccgh now to and properly it There no why wo hare In a cor at ban on Can- aiiiitcdsltcllday the lit of Horse Daring the i- a kept en band at At York Society Saturday it decided to hold to Towo and It ISth text a com a- I to the A Colon Wf the attention of lie Ml- Clarke of lo the the to the resignation of Mr were Co for for next Fall fair the For Dalmation and pore droga aod Sec d- ceil of drnomlnatfon to will be in com the of month On tit of the lit day Rer J will preach the it on SoinmarbeU Friday abort ad- together with a Kew a 1L Cbrbltin Saturday conference fellow- flip church vl the tod afternoon the will be heartily The public ere inula to with A anticipated Skids At All kept beod aiock tOK Jtniiisu Columbia Mr Ioiti which point cf aurerlor to I a to lot til psrebaaed o and the New Herd of be tji hcu were from John WShr Cbta Head A Geo Win J L flobeou and other well known lrftreail feeders The average it per f rim torn to to purcbase ft number of hone In locality to fol- Ihtm Id stout You a a Dairy Salt for for feUfttawV Fresh at Robertson The meeting wae held at the Fire Hall on the The roll a fall of men the equip tteat of the track la by the company The following officer were elected for the year lei IJeat Geo Trirett 2nd T Sulbarland Walter to It will be colic that are offering tome bargain In A firm to carry in from the to the beat a The all thrown out of gear by another accident the two town A freight train pitted through here before oclock but an axle breaking the tender threw engine off the track mill and aa a of the aadden box were piled op En a Fortncataly there rfaa The auxiliary train hero about and in two It waa quite a a appointment to who wanted on S to hare to wait till after Correct Solution tic No twklti bat A S A I t TBI a D or I I l CRN ATM Roll The New market Laad Alio Winch Wright QQceriTille Street Nearly Killed On Tuesday a car Toronto While them il lb it the car email to get all in and were unloaded for larger car With the exception of a bull completed bat as Mr Lou wee out it turned him and threw him of the car Be fore It made for him again an and goring him In Hal been at the oEnta fie would hare ripped to piece Three men bad all could do to get an I to away it not till one of ila waa wilh a crowbar that waaarerted Lou taken to the hotel and aaiulaoce tut are not liktly to prore IU waa abli with take the train for Aurora where ha at Mr He iKmI was city oer Kflnup of ilr and Cook TiIfd Ohio Mr Richard Gato of Toronto call- leg on the in Solder lift to her it for a day of want U Air John of in town week on lug Mr A- Campbell Weal Toronto Jaocllon was calling on friends lo a couple of daya J of Newmarket look charge Sunday School King City laatSabbalh Me baa New York where he has Wan fall and is hare on a with hit Mr Toronto in town llabi with Mr bought out a grocery at ham to whence he has renjoreJ wh Her J conducted the religious at the llciue anernoon Hill is to lake charge Mr a ban quet at the Toronto by the of the Iui from all perl of the Alter nice work in Mist lat to much needed rest She We with that Jehu of Kiwick of Mr town all the LifiTe the Hoard the Methodist hit of hie wrk Our correspondent r In the North last weVa to crrt a r the flay Lick war rant application male for it At iht iilin the within an hour and the mailer Hi In the in Ihe High of at Toronto Judgment rendered on Tuesday in plain If It wa an action i morlg payment forecloiure etc- iu which Terrell of Mr Win Terirll of the a uole S1SU for which begot no lit ration and he as a It Las now fire years intereit per cent Thirls another that people mutt know what their names are are to or coo seiner ft J I T tteto adbeHiseheifs INE LINES 11 IN at With Trimmings to match The Best Value we have ever shown IS FT QOMINQ 1111 OOTS8 In Great Variety THE NOBBIEST HATS IN TOWN WALL PAPER Immense Stock I 11 I I arpets Wall Papers fhsSivoud Floor fitted up for to Second Store Up- Stairfl meaning larger stocks greater variety PRICES LOWER THAN EVER on Flat purchased direct from which means for of line solicited aa ftDbirtisehienfs F PURE DRUGS Perfumery Toilet Articles T O Change of Business and Change of Stand litres trout Mi time in ItuAtof s that ha his ioto a line of triple a call from any ibiui iu at thin q daily from is Ibe mot reliable grower of A AND STOCK Paris Green Hellebore and Insect Powder of and SU w- J1X In coropliAace b lown iUjr bill dty Miti Init- to coo of toon A asocial Ml I ir4 will Of It iilbf to harp ltnauUtti a la It to l moil El lianibai to Id ttillrii4 Ufa hod that thru rill MnJtikt dhcuatloti Canned Goots- Three tana- Pea Blot for aud all of Canoed aod Grocerif a at at a Dkatii Wo culled record cilutci o of Ifrv Robert which lid oca oclock of 14 atablo on dectutd a aaveia Id bark which but aboot felt About Treat What did jot wake ma for I I ilea ox to Their word bo iff Ml Kilo till mortal la former to com- and graced to aboot from ijtcot- too and a of yAri of Ma At of bit death Low llealtb wrri aod J BrltuffilaltDg funeral alt lloUy a Town May Couccll mat at 1 1 of Major MKur lkMr Slur aid Danuatt lug Jainatif for culling on drain by water rafrrrad to Fire A of boa aikingpermtiaton to at Hold A coca apwIocJ to of attilotivlllo Id to the Tho report of on dopted and re- to call a to the waa It tie of upper reervolr ftuco around It azteottouof ilalcioo A for rerulatto billiard parlors I aud red1ujf of front oclock voted down We council Adjourned fox- to ito3audS 9 pm Main Streot South Newmarket Star Mount Albert- Our new aw in gcod fr and trade A Tbrakor his By ticheoiog lot piyiiK per the uitiket auicduceu3eut to fact too Quite a our Hill take in tbo ftueemville DR WASHINGTON j the face liotcr nod Starr bill J J drylnr fttoi Jtaiinelldcv taking Hooka to of Jl It fur paaV fvur of re ferred to A corn to was referred of J J- re ported the Clerk account of from Wood to to enntracton The Market raid a lime Mr reported appointed luecl Coo I re the of krraulogadjuitmcotof work adjourned crowd Iarki 1 I The town km hit Hood with tad i dtUn It iettne tbtt Ufa fioodeybtd fHfc Mr up Point worktop and the wait j eo act oUljed lo renjalo tat Ha atd riy are It after ftWt Utter by to retoto borne wanted At Mmfrtabte end down Lb the U The fatally ire tul orally frrfeftilcktn ud bare of win nattily Deafen receiving blading They drtly a Ug ibe echool eoted to for Friday afte More going f and wind and duet lutliatarJey terrible bat been bit workfonndlwpiDjut forget ft loee of fate epeehtog crow bed It ftbat into fit It drowned a Hoe time it Friday who have taken great fnftrett eigne of the of OodJeaa of Night moon week dry one Ho 8itqrday end by tier from of ftold at ptr of January of are etow work mtfrooe minor of Coo Factory of were to Ottawa tfaU week and one taToroat iff irllitt tfettUg to open at Big May tbo Mr who with Mr Davis of North York waiting at Grand elation to take tho midnight train for Kingston ft under of liquor attacked blot in waiting room of with volley of oath abuie In the of of road he hit in Sir faco for five rninptoe threatening whilpgivinguttorauco to a torrent of profanity The commenced iud continued outrageous con duct without provocation thin at ho Mr a di ho a Torv the ap proached Mr walked out of the watting room followed Kerr who continued threatening that ho would put a bead on Mr he could get on train the train to a atop Kerr Proton ftndjhftd it for ho would have against awifttypijjLlo then not and Mr Utter was enabled to get on twin funeral of Mist Harriett Wright daughter of Mr John Wright of this place took on Tuesday afternoon to Tho mortal reinnina of her who had so recently lively happy of ue were mournfully followed to rest ing place by a of sorrowing and Tito a were by the Mr by Mc Kay and follow ing gentlemen who have been inti- with young and wo acquiesced Hill jr John Martin Win J McNeil Tim casket was with by Mrs parent a ayiu of tho surrounding community in this their hour of trouble Mr at ill lua in very critical condition iu print lid ho but wo will the and trust he turn toward recovery Ho wry much end ft for Intter or worse will place Our captured old itan by tho of on Sunday latt and brought him to Quf ho on Monday htm receiving stolen property Coo- table to bo an expert at capturing women ho was only away about two and brought two not vcrv handebmo look ing from whom conki to who doing atealing Hill took trip to To ronto on with Joe Granger Mooting at and Wednesday laat Harry I put in stock of repaira which will bo very convenient for In vicinity Mr a of and Lung Surgeon Forsyth House NEWMARKET OK June th PERSONALLYSURE ClONTAtNS frli Chronic chilli Comuui4lon of Voire TIitol frout etc knife Read Sworn TWO W1KES LIQUORS ALB AND PORTBRJ Bottled or on Draught And Provision Store NEXT DOOR NORTH of Family OUR TEA SUGAR A TRIAL AND BE J McALEER NORTH A- END Shirtings Tickings and Table Linens if a large assortment ok CHOICE NEW PRINTS lb Star loro cured of ftotlhirtumlaM fcuveriwo fttTonioto -llKAKHiR- tin A3 by to your fowloir to been by you as thoporinauLMicy of curt To AH enquiries I reel to My that mo of lh After Lad by of nolo 1 am entirely well and been to over aloe and I tliiu you my anil bo of other rvrIouiyouratruly Catarrh of moil following Tupyin Ont April Your IrcatfiKiit form of natal catarrh Oil up by ah at Incurable itnoiy ttinalng the amount of a pint a day all Aod bit noCwMrh DOW clear and Wo TEA a debt of drop will Heavy Out AA- Sfta HALL KrAtltUjilOTOU ilujcly apply to you once of Rw Mr of his Children Cry for RESH Vegetable Flower SEEDS -AT- S QrOg S PER POUND IT J 1151 a 10 THE BRIARS FARM Sutton West SIIOIITIIOUIVS by ha by ail from lha atrftlDi Id lha AltgjouGg MlMl fat OUR OPENING SALE A W low and cut jtily I hi I ptix It ti t wi- A Si Church for Sale w Iihr on or to Will at for anilcholcoof territory OF da- elded to hold for in of for Public t en day of At and about of adjoining JoJuitrUi Homo about from beat or bid not CODY I TO LOAN on r by RAY ID LLOYD AlUdirlw Ilea of AlKiaiitfr ami Mutual afor A ai Iv one buy Ins In llio regular determined io China Crockery and Glassware III lotfr low to our alio- FINE CHINA SETS FINE DINNER SETS FINE TEA SETS FINE TOILET SETS SETS FINE AND Chin Cup to Us ttMMti will nk to Groceries Provisions BLACKSMITHS GOAL rOft W DENNE FLOUR TEED 8TORB 1 rruiKarattitUosiortho COURT OF REVISION For Town of Newmarket for the Friday May 30 1890 which Ml and a aocordloily LLOYD IT May you Mill Jo hi of No I Quality I try It opened lot of and Apple It U icon in to bo found In a ro have Orders by Promptly Attended mo the your lo Qrocorlca A SMITHS R Runs sale Ll OLD FROM TO a tfaoaWwt FOR SALE BULLS Hi ST GEORGE IS I l