Newmarket Era, 23 May 1890, p. 4

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ERA MAY 1880 GRAND RAILWAY Tim j Society Register TUKmo I Krjrarranl lit A lit ueoaaxi In tfaUooliliDdSnJFTMarilnibo Albert- A tod A In An3 III A Monday In moot in moo lb- fry MoimUt r wo Are boo par wot pmtttteJ from tapotftfoa of tod glirioR tod pat on doctor frd Business Notices Try specific for from a or bid- ache And all dli EHlttrv Hundred health raaiftteFft4 ieoc A Boon mankind TIjo and for Tbcumaiitrn ibnat ianMJi It Quickly and apply oil a iho blood cd action of adapt and will all common to ibe Li men l rim Tboldrt a torero cold Id a tough we could yard Balaam last tod and her A- Nevadas Salt Mountains salt located on the bisks of Virgin of the Colorado Hirer Lincoln q of 25 mile extending to within of jaoction of with Colorado salt contain ia and and clearer than and it is said that a piece or eight inches thick is wmetimes clear enough to through to read a the Salt it a of from two to eight feet and torn away ho salt appear a huge How deep it has not yet as certained hut a Matt of giant powder ill blow out tani of Under the cap rock have dis covered charred wood and charcoal and matting of cedar bark which has preserved camp of man What Man to say fc of ntM U moolh at Friday loatb S Lessons The Mission of tho Seventy May 25 d i come I Th jo a clew H hid lbt prof iLC by acd He was beta fjitolJ aud for He if to tike aodwbiloD people of it bind Incident of to on of SitEftria Mods to of aljcb world field if totbefar- pray Lord lo od the of CbrUt of Mr He fcr I am meek aud lowly Special great woe wbo rtKt Christ cd it to be takeo to It not to tail J acd nog ttllf come Tho most carry bit meoa boas charfh go oat egeoctea to teach world- Hen are not aoccrdici tbey bate at to their will lu of exactly to to Aerolite Hud On a A Ears a o AS INNER ooo Tbe of the which though lltoUt fire glory row of fire apejrtd to J as J the tow of the of the row ef fir by diciltt wtQ awtV The row of fir cense cut of tbe The ifce fixUiwjt Baby fare her tie a abe cried for Catted ebe lao to bad aha fare For Sickly la A Black of aayi been col Liver Oil lor It of IbeOmJl tba real ravoflto for and or all wai of ana aduiu by dnjaU1ft-V- Slloarda etc by a purely preparation are around ll and the and wonS and filrra it natural it the friend To Oar anQQcemcoi which eloce lr J KcdOI Co of Fall Vermont of whereby toob a copy of by aendJc2inclr address to J Kendall Co to a two atampfor li or a limited leclod We all will of work To It e as it a all which aJUEct aoloiaJ- tale Ibrouichout acd It TreaUca it 1 Ad rttfreJ practice pieced by of a altspf vegetable for cur tod all acd Lung a radical cure for all after I Ij cam baa duty iv fellows Actuated to ao1 i I will tend recipe I wltb roll dirtdlooa for Hem by mall by A Nona cowl It interesting to her of that aro interested in of a build ing- Thft owner first to sell laud or it for himself the architect who furnish tha then the men who ox carato for the foundation men who furnish atone sand and ce ment for the foundation and men who do the work the brick maker and the mason and dealer in lime woodman who out the tim ber the mill owners that saw it the dealer who handle it the car penters who work the building the plumbers and all those who furn ish them with materials the tin smiths or slaters all those who provide their materials painters and those who materials who nails and many other too oumerous to mention All interested in one building as well as the printer who makes ao item of itg construction Infect of a largo portion of the world ftre affected the erec tion of a building There is hut very little absolute independence in this world- Wilson Star Absolutely Pure powder A marvel of wboeameneaa Men economical Ibaa the ordinary 1 Street Messrs Richard Having LINIMENT for several years in my stable I attest to the beat thing I know of for In the family wo have used it for every a liniment it being to us Dr J Webster Person alty 1 find it beat of rolgic pain I have ever used Proprietor Yarmouth Livery Stable I TO TJ TO J an w I is jib a OR SALE AT A BARGAIN WANTING- To Ihv win a t i WB 0 IMUIWN antral fottloi r ihrco Apply lo J book 13 IcJoa EN HARDWARE a DOE8 CURE CONSUMPTION In Its First Stages- Palatable as Milk- I lie sure you get the genuine in Salmon color y anil TO The St to a that that of County of a iio aclecUJ fair tun that Aid fully to hat by wJ low tht worthy flcJ All uiftcAiM far au4 l to ltd iu1 Ut ter all of School luteal fur acct a a a of a a Uut will do allow lo with wblch two Mr wtf Butt To- aocttrt tire In ltttU klckft op lo lrl oat a faint t 4irut la Mutr uiWon Toronto jot a itt a J7HyUit fifty drag wan Mot with to 4SMa to 17 cm Urn laa The Honest Farmer Farmer not backward bring ing forward any fault they can with market officials or thcreoD Within past week or ten which can bo verified come to ho of paper to that of farmer are not and tbe buyers oa much for tho No later than a well known farmer from direction of a load of for to market When crossing tho Pound Creek bo took a tin pail from his and watered big Another behind jeered at operation and a citizens attention thereby attracted action of tho farmer may bo set down to the coming a short distanro without water but some enough to say that it dono to make tho weigh we were bought weight Mr recently pur chased a bull from a farmer in farmer seen feed ing him in tho fair ground with a peck of meal and giving him an abundance of water which would make quite a difference tho weigh- probably ten more Another day a pig in a wagon load was so with whole that it was unable to bo shipped and buyer had to tako It Tins would make a difference of about ten pounds on each hog in favor of seller Another buyer complains that a farmer in county of from whom ha purchased lot of cattle bad fed them before weighing with roasted thus proTeDtiotc a age II that a valuable ani mal died on Its way to Montreal from tbla and threatens to sue the farmer ha loss good ho Mich May Peter was caught by saw- of a picket mill last evening and instantly killed mans head and chest were completely severed from body and be presented a horrible and sickening sight lie married and leaves two children Kingston May schooner Jessie capsized off Kinomile Point on Saturday afternoon and eight persona undoubtedly found a on the way from Toledo to Garden Island The disaster occurred during a howl ing south gala AH moraine the wind blew wildly tossing the water in great billowa over the city wharves The of supply and luand working beautifully in the ico business year manufac ture will boo be if it has not become an industry of largo In Chicago at tbe present time there three plants in he course of erection each of turning out from forty to sixty tous transparent and pure every twentyfour advantages in the use of such a lion is it is from purified water and of uniform quality and weight are apparent It is possible judging from what baa been learned of intentions of capitalists In other parts of country tbat ho summer of will bo last to the natural ico combine without a strong competitor A deatractiyo fire occurred recently in Tomik Siberia and hun dreds of lives were lost mili tary remained quietly watching the conflagration and refused to render any Three quarter a of tho building which of wood were destroyed cathedral situated in High la in ashes- The walla in falling crushed an adjacent hospital burying inmate who subsequently roasted Much of iniftbt averted had there been the slightest effort at organized relief- The cyclone which assisted In tbo destruction was followed by a sudden fall in and soon devastated city was buried beneath a a mantle of snow that added atingtng cold to the sufferings of the thousands of men woinro and who were without shelter Did you over optica what there in the way dry goods are sold now and that of a few years ago Tbo big bouse of to day permit their clerks to show and sell what Is asked for but do not allow them Ttio clerks in houses do not importuuo you to buy what you dont want They do not conceal weak points and and dwell with a wealth of adjectives on their When you ask for thing which not In stock you not advised to buy something else that fa just good aud at a let when practised sold more goods but so many people were overpersuaded Into buying stuff did not want they became Incensed against the house re fused to trade there again This old way faas Into disrepute with the best houses or tot about of lowil the line tor further WILLIAM Or Indian Heal H Ai A ft 4MUM ARE SHOWING A FULL LINE OF SEASON SPECIALTIES -ISSCLUDING- COOKS BEST FRIEND Saws Hand Saws Chopping Axes Hay and Straw Knives Mechanics Tools Building Hardware Table A Pocket Cutlery ALSO PAINTS OILS PUTTY GLASS ETC Stock and Prices J A ALLAN CO Annealed Galvanized Ana Barbed Fence Wire Builders Hardware ShoatDIng Paper Tarrei Foil Pitch LARGE ASSORTMENT OK CARPENTERS TOOLS Bar Band Hoop Iron Stool Carriage Trimmings Jacks kept for Hire Agent for Repairs JAMES Tw llooKh on fto Will JI price lop too JOHN Ira lb SALK well Tor CHANCE TbooDdonliiaedoircri for ircr which Itorettfcl good ctlUf and bird Mid and rthrf outbull Tie land Id flao It a very iruij l Or I A HI Winn f or c- Buy Bed Spring Wheat Direct frtln for sale V DEIMIME Wood or Stave Bolts WANTED WE will wr llolld either Of Second Urge timber delivered iho or any fttitloa on the For THE SONS Manufacturing Co Limits Out FOE SALE SPOT THE NOTED CASH HEAP STORE OR SALE Wfictea Con lit ig 9 iJlO fCWil J for IliOJfniUGlJ IUqt iti SALE flMitZ n- BOOTS SHOES TRUNKS VALISES AVE ARE NOW SOME- Drain Tile of Various Sizes but to do It id fiblo of If you have no 1 r work do chore u ftrtaon do it too hard to work io forget our trouble and got tor row finds no tftno to and wail If work it time to reading No man ever know to In he world aro old men who know moat If lack tbor free or cheap Jlbrarica at la at your commaQcL man who doe not acquire of bod time tho Emperor Brick Machine by A A HEW CART now tor al a by Dry Roods doiDK of during put week or so It tell farm ers a merchant In a town perpetrated a fraud upon an company ly rtiobvlnghliatook turn ing build Jug and recovering from company the amount of ance compAoy discover tho fraud and got of good nod theae men ere to bo soiling them for the company They notes at short and tell their victims that Mr the Canadian Ex press agent Is their agent and will accept butter and eggs at extravagant prices upon the notes Mr 8nyder states he has never seen and knowi nothing whatever about the parties This Is hoped may save farmers In other parts of the country from being recreation do mom to prevent sieknr mid death all tho physicians In world In Now York on Saturday an Italian white cleaning second storey window put hand on a electric wire He shriek a second later fell to the dead la said that a man who tho eppmrrtnen of slightly his straight into ft telegraph polO whereupon he wis heard to exclaim beg sir The latftit of girlhood is a for pillows with old Is one tiling about tin- contents of pillows that upon with a narked dfgrio of they are sure to bo Chicago Tribune Halifax May A Truro despatch announces death of Duncan Campbell He was under medical treatment and by mistake drank a dose of from a bottle Intended for external applica tion and died two day- later from effect He was about years of age and formerly well to the travelling public proprietor of Hotel of Truro During the past week four runaways took place In two of proved serious Mr Good- fellow a leg broken on Monday morning and on Wed id ay a Mrs- of was thrown from her boggy in front of the Queens She was picked up in- sensiblo and carried Inside when her Injuries were found to be serious She was taken home in the after noon Two other horses attached to delivery wagons ran away same next TWO WEEKS to arriving You will find Call and Us AND TINWARE S Opposite North American Hotel wake room for the spring good now our fitock full Ml liuoe Newmarket EVERYTHING THATS IS NOW And Is prepared to attend all orders to her care Milliner well recommended Her Straw Hats A8SOHTMKNT OF JACKETS Dont forgot place opposite Forsyth Homo Mil Just received aomo patterns in English Scotch Canadian Also an assortment of- Panting to choose from specially selected Patterns in Checks and Stripes Call for yourselves bring your friends with you All goods on the premiss at Closest Cash Prices Only i Your Patronage Solicited W MUTCH Starrs Book Merchant Tailor flcnta own cloth in on and Children PItcherd a Best and Cheapest J A L JVtefWa GUILDERS IRON WORK I Office Furniture ONTARIO Asati Goods Erory A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT CONSTANTLY ON HAND AT nil Leading of Coal samples of nnd Wood Furnaces Wood Stoves FULL LINES OF Including Pail Tubs Washboards Clothespins Firkins etc THE BEST BRANDS OP COAL OIL And All Kinds of Limp Fixtures Jobbing and Furnace Work f Special Attention D WRIGHT Main Street LUMB LATH SHINGLES ARK NOW TO SUPPLY OUK WITH i doors SASH THANKFUL PAST SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME WE AIM TO TURN OTJT GOOD WORK AT- 1 LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE CANE SONS MFG CO Acrmof Is I n it North of or Atti Id Ath id fcwdJorfricIeiiro villi AM llitio ftudKOod tit Lots Iu of for BSSg lots FOR SALE IN THE N have J ibfrlr PROSPECT AVENUE Ihd In of 1 future York turvyj Vqv Sal A 1L a loctitJ Iti ftbov over Trrtlsac llifTovo rem of ibTown of nit fitenoD will foroorlift to Any imy J- fllfOUi Of Jf For terms and l CURES CURES DYSPEPSIA CURES DYSPEPSIA PROMOTES DIGESTION Out In m 1 j to r ACTS OH THE BOWELS Cures Cures My lnth mo f 3 Bitters REGULATES THE llVER Cures BILIOUSNESS- Cares Direct I with a bottle I Am liorecftfiiiiaoiuw t REGULATES IKE Cures HEADACHE Cures Cures cur dill nl My lL i- v ley will eft lc It ii vitli PURIFIES THE Cures BAD Cures BAD Cures BAD BL Ii J-

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