Newmarket Era, 30 May 1890, p. 3

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Local km W OK IK ODI Ax Sat In Jfrl on Saturday Weill Good make good jjj Mb ik noil iU and 2 It now Ottawa ihtt the of which tin it thai fill Niagara wpacken it t- BaM last Brtidtnt stall loeiicjtft J it 11 fail V ij ort cm is Sac Jays job Oris A congregational t Mca the tl thatch Io diluent and lb will open with KS I cWr it and by Mr Ad- A kerf Fi Those porta and who Dibit of fcdtVl Up itKMn to Kamis rts4 lipoid t Jt by ttlomcjorlkcy J tht fowli ut It jt Sump Dipt pMlkkia tWl ooootriM bo rH Uoapproridd ftliiticfw iotidof Umpa of I lf dafiBWlin Je I I ivicg in be of Doctors The of of AadSawon lorOaMiV itTorooto il lo Ff we Soil York l itwet llny ltd lb now ff A ood op May Kit r tut wire on foot bill mi it beta to Toronto Aurora l yod be day lr3 homo tod op A 4irao held fo I ho by Mia both ud Th wbJeb u aooonntoC will at tomorrow A Town to ippeM but Friday Ldw put of band IkeyirUl probably Ajplm it a But Too High School amikb Ike Fa by two Don some dooo wbto lha Both olnba ibowed and On from t the Fotwfth match It aoirfoojly looked for i hi doable No ox boon wghl for of the will no of fa i to lb of nj to idmdi It of pilfer tug Cheap or for JSa of nod ud rock bottom pliow it Rot rtforit Ho two Mis Roll j and Wiocfa St St in pp4Jxo fiO to call fof ftLVftclui or bom to part txmlog a For bold a pcDmlMtit thi ud d bow KUfiUQo moretnrDti ftDO J Out Bail With to of the men down but ud It own to rper Ibo Bill Th W to tbtft Ml oaf of Wi pocket tod not Jt Oircoi bo BaiiFLtrs A Bice rain Friday cot and too plant who fo do ry good lut tat il ureal J lor in lid Tfce it now MM bid quit Id a row a propoulioot it look like a floitir Dr roof Iraki bitu with a block of piut of cbtfPllog period jj CO below ftddiog to lb pxifr of tho Tho Jaoe woa of window of grrai ttrtcUon bit tipped on a it fa ao Mr Tim TilljtaXtCroreiebich JiJixttfttlc to- It District Pa WlNNlf to In from aa- CfkV totiHr ftbQttdiy pood JiTgi good crop not l WVfUA No doubt ibi witb in Mill gift to oclock CO tJllcoOotiri lo of CntriUofSjWdc be fcttj J Uotpby boollcgdog cot of trtin it tbt oxof wero Rbinoo btrlcg uld put i lh for n of tbocccorrtoco tod jaAtfibttiorttlgatioo io to con lrjcboibowti if it The lord t wit d i- ted it tilt to of preKat Hot Hill of va you eg itd tji String J r A Utter J JK- Con virion in Vbilttioor or And wonb work rid fundi foe iS for for QQcctfillo to a tod of on QuMOiV hI Saodt tod dooh It lilt of UjxtpttnUtirM to J- II W Letter Sitotoa KtttUb V- JohooD AoivrtCbu J r Wo Coin AUUloo Among wtk bf iod tod Tilacd tff Hill tod Cooferoooij of tut of pretest we ft lbfek fvi tad upon Bit letrt a of bo It gifted With Trimmings to match The Best Value we have ever OUR TAI IS iiiiiin Itj its Wall Papers id r In Great Variety THEN OBBIEST HATS IN TOW WALL Immense Stock MADE CLOTHING Second Floor fittod up tor and devoted entirely to to 8e00Zld ineapipg larger greater variety mad a A r If At Scott All kept on EntUetj now In York Tcicbrr tut d wai IV be were com to hill SjJt 1 Ike be a Bind so added J rf 3 club was sod fcc4tliif X amneaenta m oIh At Mr g Bib party broka up AnlnMalgU A for Ike if better e Salt JHpitejJa lb for pile lv btvt J Wwt Jitiii iMy WjJtpitWffct W Kill tut u b oat of J fiir Dr door Wogtatwbftilo boii ft whi for to W d win pro- JWiljp tbo rid it Jt flVti w lUub ibui writ It ol iftji fc bid tud ft of week conriotlon In tt It bow firmtojrof to action ft oil Ibt uoro com Ur from oat of tbo tgt of 20 jf tod Model term to one of town Jatrodactd of Time foltovog principle goldtvi 1 work to como In order of proikortloLtd it Ttqaitt In of Profiodil Tetcbert AuodttEoOj Daring mtttlogb to it Taav1ty of AagOtt cut Mr of Albeit bow In mitt tad tod DiyLMhq ltd of AboxoflelttrottijodtCDilK A bog of IttUrt ill d Slickly tod Tbo fold log nod of wtiiCoplo word Vat it of la tcrlpt from drawing to amber of led Jo tad grtromir will bo ill a Coxa J UIL tod At oclock time tbit of Slmt wen jut ball bsdu it lked did ol nut- witbjlindiog bat wait- En tod by J tubctsSrttttity tt Spocil to wilier In to 10 tttj the towQ btd pttpJ ligbtt tt Mr Jtmtt laid it wuld if into it ibe toro enough now ii bus in its iuhzif great to Ho better km J a to Kr for IS at iflVr for or Mr ivt it wo at would bo felt iho Lloyd about Mr RteWri at contract wbfeb tdful- lory d left a Mr to belter Htm from flarfj gireo I It tper for town to own bat bo ought to from Mr- said that If tow bo too it for ottoely JIM per tbcogbt that sot to Md ho touted for two In order iod and at Hint Secretary to giro to ibt locftd for Mr tod ftdjiTDtd Following for of tod Light plant can forolsbrd ready for ne to tight of from from bare town town and well lighted The to operate aad tbe ImUdlogof addition to the Water- WojJti wblefa The of Wiumoql tiled with Watford to following In lifted with the re aril they torn itrEto ltht- fog remit ft at by tboroogb EnrttigttIon of a ap pointed by of Poo reported a table of a number of lighted by contract with cofOtoet per lamp while fr light year of a nuruUr ten than Via fofmer An In With regard to Ititaq- and optrallogtho Id low6 Your Conmfttti it of the oot need exceed turn of 9f SO per do am Sir Ett5 per light per if wo lock 10 light from would oit turn would it to of for to fotgolog torn and to be raited for yew after which too of abort rum of fa outdo Ira Tool what tt Your Commlltet fa of that tt wool In atemttof tbo town to boy to tod do own llgbtlog from iboro tho prediction at to of of ta wit Hgbt Wfl trm New March only drawn from but 6tntu tlatcttfra mora tod than they Cam obtain from fact that number of outlay fa a ttroog fa ft tor of plant w5tb itaDftnkIiV profit PRICES THAN EVER t try King do this flat direct from hicd middle for i 61 An line before aoUeibod s- fid JiSS SS- presided Wednesday ft lot of raibnl before at ell Th larg tot the wM tit tiling CUia aid of law 1 ii 1 Autistic ex fiucy a- tia It the of It com pJiM wfitto work -i- ilk and t 1 17 work llur an I aoy or an Aider far wtfl lotvfj id any protoced It will of the ldw whit now done sirring to- than by A Royal Visitor Yealcrdny if Ilia UejorGvn- tial of In train of I oti way from Toronto wtftfivicg all lb aid crowd fit to at Arthur it itird eon of VMil May let lit entered AcaUffttn cadet poitioa i 1B71 lleaftw In command of at tbo KebtlKebir fOvtral jut hat Wen of the prett- Upon thar jiition bo ro to after tearing India proceicd to China where Ontbutiialio wtl comet Arthur It and to bo the man tbe family of England He En 1879 Lools daughter of of by whom he three children YORK RANGEATTEHTI ON CO Ho for drill on At oclock in of apprOaicbifr A leajnco ructd- ftill ALL the of pis r J Draught will xBWMAitKEf J WCALttH HE Equal I Candidate Motto Is A Provision Store NEXT NORTH of Family Crockery prices that j a So Class Legislation DR WASHINGTON TUB and Lung Surgeon AT TORONTO TMWOJU laUaWlUt is mingled sorrow and wo announce ikiiili of odd highly and useful citfzene Mr at early of ami one The tad went took oclock on of imt after en iilntM of weeks During the IJrothren of lolofA O of which ho was moat kind in Attendance him ihowing their for his well brotherly acta of octor was constantly In attendance performing most with hut all vain Tito funeral cortefto left at Sunday morning to too parly hour funeral largely attended was depoalted In grave ceremonies of order wero perform ed Win of community is extended to sorrowing family in their May kind providence bo ever present to them through this vale of team lo bo re united those realms whence all goodness comes Tito funeral sermon will bo preached In the Presbyterian Church on Sunday next Mr Davis the Candidate held a meeting on evening of ho which fairly attended Mr of Toronto Interest of Mr the opposing Candidate of the leading questions were plain and transparent Separate School question teemed to to the main point of attack Quite a number from our village spent 2th at lake Mrs Kenyon and son visiting Shanty Hay KvanKh of was visiting Iht so put few days Jlisa Is nt present viiiting Alitor Mrs Oar council hero at Tuesday last Dont know how it happened so Mr A of la spendinga few with Mrs If The A will hold their annual to on the of June by steamer Mr Robinson la for at meeting hare beat Forsyth House NEWMARKET OK CIVS OUR TEA SUGAR A TRIAL ASP BE CONVJNCKOl CHINA I June Consumption Cureit Through Advertising by Dr Wash- when usual Rome- dies fulled- Stage Bordering on thoThlrdr to I a I I irtubsl cough of the sat to- anJ Af a My kill ltd too low I It toj ft I row I no Jirtirstocj In recoup fading I iMIJ fall lo of wi ibe llftt fully reached our El us low what both of which will wall known to wo bought Clio Stork You very WICK Sod wurfieflninicijilc4oin by hollor John than at now iubitaMJkiio or IkIu fcov Inuouly stbiurd iMIcal Council ibo wum tci ibLtthcy or to whKbtMiuffcriDr CaiUrjh Lou without Read Sworn Acton cured of ud two d to your triune euro cored toof trutJ OUR OPENING SALE WOll atnOWft and well to jtlva BARGAINS alnioit regular way aiocx of China Crockery and Glassware Fall one half wilt oh ho low price to our ftfm FINK CHINA FINE DINNER SETS FINE TEA SETS SETS FINE LEMONADE SETA FINE AND TABLE aoJ Spacer n lb will you i In your own to our Block ipso J In Groceries Provisions l Don bailment you will flnd folly up to uiul of No In all Hoc Wo hi oomootstliry It- IN- Shirtings Tickings and Table Linens A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE NEW PRINTS rfs HEW BELFRY an my ty yon yojaad To Ml I col by otral rthoi a I am well I S5 lliaoen1tryoa inraudtiopaTuu With Asia e Can Cltxrrhof wort cured AniairRtad April od loyoa a trait Mb yl polyWyotiatoa a a yak au Grocery o of choice and and lo fact ercrj lhfr to Id CI wo havtv fr by Attended A SMITHS IN COLUMBIA WO I COAST Children Cry for Our law War per barrel Fall per botl a on lUrler par 0W a OK Fobs per a WOO a 0 POT Pork mi a a M rim 103 SO BOO l on a CO a bO for Sale TIIB ftQCIBTY OK to bold their Iocs tor go Street m offer for loo on f oclock km UOUoKJIooid Shod Lb About from My FARMERS MIUMIOT and THRESHERS -USE- BROS v LARDINE MACHINE OIL a u a has never excelled Best Cylinder Oil always in Stock BY BROS CO TORONTO J Til Toronto Markets lrt is a isia CO btni4 HUMS Hi Apple Wool lb pr Loo wt rtelptcrt a sfll ii as iPa on OH on OH SCO a IS DO a a a a a a a a a 103 OH on PURE DRUGS CHEMICALS Perfumery Toilet Articles FOR SEEDS of lbs airftfeg moat A PURE OF- Paris Green Hellebore and Inseot Powder JUST to a to sod to Mala Street wnawkoU a mi J

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