i THE ERA Every Friday Morning LYMAN J AC KSON His STEAM PRINTING HOUSE Tit Of lh BEACHED SUMCRIBERS ftppUatloo it tea wxcrdlcjfy re GIVE LIBSBTST TO KNOW TO ABOUB TO CONSCIENCE OTQBB ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL j NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol I Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday June Terms125 Cash Advance within or at end of year Newmarket Branch BAN KINO Allowed Deposit AATXX DRAFTS ISSUED at mm Farms Hon promptly to I Newmarket Real Estate Insurance Agency Money to loan Properties Bought and Sold RENTS ON MODERATE COMMISSION Special Attention paid to Farm Insurance TO AGENCY FOR Grand Trunk Railway and White Star Line Ocean Steamers Ticket Bold to all in Great ALBIBT BOB Main St South AC OB 1 A Ac- TORONTO Public Etc Reformer Block MOSEY TO JlOOB MONEY TO LOAN door or Dominion Hotel Newmarket mod VOXXT TO AT IRWIN A Aoltf Itor At AdtlaMo next rtrj TO WAS OS COOP Court Co mm Newmarket MONEY TO LOAN or iDUMt W London Ida Co Office At Old Offlc WaiQ HOTEL TORONTO Terms EitcixlcllgtxU lor jtf all nut Ma rd SIBS QDEBBXB Y OF UNO Whohatacltji la l prepared 10 orat J trrt and If both TEACHER of the will be Id of we ear- topuci iemsErKcs win kindly on ma Mid it or t Broker Kent Jtf JUNE Oar Store unmistakably Tha Peopled Stora At of the day all the week people are in each of the Ten Big Department now the Department drawing a very big The attraction is the Spedal Sale of Men and Were mated day Snrplas explain as follows This wo made up twice as many and on April we bought at on the dollar thy Liquidated Stock of Chile raft A amounting to conseqaeatly we have in Stock To day about This too many These are the Snrplaa While they last yon may buy a SO Suit for an one for a Salt for and so on ia a big for Suit I THOMPSON r Always SomethlBg Going On On our world to and rolling Hippy merry tod fonexal tolling today or there Something to it tract for cms for sorrow and or Somwua to loot woodcr going Sido by good and Joog Working or holding met Think yon worth liring there to thought and action -FOR- PURE DRUGS CHEMICALS Perfumery Toilet Articles Oar SfciAlty or the it the Stls daily the grocer A LABGE AND POKE STOCK OP- JUST Paris Green Hellebore and Insect Powder Store Open to lOVn to 8 to pm Pharmacy Main Street South Newmarket A of IS Toroalo HO TO AT LOW AUCTIONEER For HVriJVfANAHUIWeVN JAM P CAMPBELL t- wpect DK AJ p and V A of J fend At to P UrUrji ltl Wo prompt attention Protrl7- Yon Toronto WM A R BOOK NEWS DEPOT KG will lo to fc J8UKANCKC00FNOltTJI JfoJiO only In tor Aurora anj at ibo anJ AI f jtod and NOTES DISCOUNTED- aiicicrfjutv ValolonAC- to cod Collected- Old 1aDk NORTH END BOOT SHOE SHOP I of Wwwiarktt and that lie and HtD rakkA of aiMHhclnu WALL PAP of my A in all Ie or Kith MATCH Ceiling aper Corner Pieces and to Correspond leo elected to Ik1 toil Afciictu Kir A MlicitrJ a they to hclivn aal to OFFICE ESI SCOTTS or I j J a lily AH work Aranteil or Kse J w Mortar Constantly on Hand Fiwrlca Mb AJ DRY CORD WOOD The Manufacturers leAxddftiitIisturanceCoropanl- Toronto A- Win Just an entirely atockof FRESH FLOWER AND SEEDS on tY4liol fir ce Ave to ffiih ko1 fvtiS arl run to nam NEXT TO OFFIOB TUB OLD RELIABLE AH JUUIUKAKOE CO SOUSE AND DOLLARS I THIRTY Leading Photographer I MAIN A LOT LIFE SIZE SPECIMENS ALL Work Guaranteed RFSH I Vegetate EDS I Best Stock Mil i LOW for Infanta and Children Sixpence and What Came of It- The wind blew and the raia fell stood at the of archway leading from workshop that passed looked cold and cheerfeu hurried on fta if they were by a very Dat ura dcaire to get home as It was not fit to turn a dog oat of as said to another While Jemt stood hesitat ing what to do he was joined by several of his fell opt- work men of they came to the door gave vent to their feelings the weather in various bo a wrt of weather that would suit all wouldnt at length said Charlca who looked upon as a kind of speckled bird among them bo refuted to join them in their sprees as they were called at Hole in the Wall the formyprt I we ought to be thankful God fienda If rain to water the earth thoa the corn to grow He not it just now said So do Fred Taylor bat I propose wo cat across to the lJ in the Well for I feel that a little spirit improve tho water Come along my then said Harry and Betting the example he buttoned up jacket and off all with exception of James and There go to warm them selves at wrong fire said Charles let us be off home Ah thinking we had better go in that direction replied James The fact ho knew it was no use for hi in to go to Hole in Wall without money for core quite A3 long ho was allowed to run Indeed bar- keeper had given a plain hint only last time bo called for a drink that ho draw in and off Omo of the from barpost which stood against him pre ho could be with any soon turning over in bis mind Charles was watch ing him with deep interest At length ho said more lot mo advise you Jim to ehun for yon sit at Hole in the Wall you only making holes in your own pocket and sooner or later youll find it out found it ho an awered to bo honest only shortness of now that mo from going as you have often said with the to do evil Tin hear you learned at length that not all gold that and hope by you may escape ft bird the fowler and say with tho 1 flnaro is broken and J am de livered But it is gutting dark lets bo off homo Ill go around your way to that you can there uivbrelb thorn who to tho Hole in Wall lit follow James end as they trudgo they walked along Charles upon Jonies as ho had of ton done before the importance of shunning company of evil men end of trying to lead a sober and godly life When they strectdoor where James lived Charles concluded by Now my dear fallow do let mo hope that this night will be a turning in your history shall pray or you and may grant that when storm of this evening has and refreshed and lowers send forth their fragrance you alto Maybe able by Hun of Righteousness shining you to bring forth the peace- nblo fruits of renewed life Cooil night I you mean well and who knows but what I may yet a convert to way of thinking a long that bus no turning I hope you turn unto with purpose of thats all for siiro It a to yon and your family Good night hastened away to bis home Finding street door open James went stairs for ho could only boast of being a first floor r In and before ho reach room door ho wondered whether there would bo cheerful fire and as clean a hearth ho would found at the Hto Wall This ho bid much roawn to doubt for ho knew that owing to his drinking hit often his wife short of needful means to miko th homo as as It other who She win thus compelled frequently to go out to do a days that she a few shillings to keep wolf from door And of course when away from her homo In this way Clara and their other two children do the they could until she returned been out on very although bo did not know it When be reached the landing opposite his room door ho thought he heard Clara singing So he listened and beard her sing we will to com a And join oar hippy band s hippy make a Gods help wo til will Toevry No Foe a the A tjmto And pend our And grow op hippy Jail liko a full grown oik Well In if degmdd with to we temperance pledge He waited she finished and then he made a slight noise and opened the door- There eat Clara eldest daughter seven years of age the baby before a cheerful fin white little Johnny sat on a stool by side whores your mother he asked Gone to Mrs She be borne seven Shall I get yon some teal Babys gone so I lay her and get it ready in a ruinate mother will bo more than half an yet I dont mind if yon do replied the father Clara placed the baby in cradle and began to lay the teathings Meanwhile James took little Johnny on bis knee and kissed Then looking at the fire ho somehow fancied he read in the flames the words which Clara had been singing At he said Clara did you learn that which I heard you singing as I earns op be stain At Band of Hope father At the Band of Hope Why its a meeting held in the school room round corner every Wednesday night and I was trying to practice it as mother prom ised me if I took of baby and Johnny might go when she came home What time does it begin At oclock father I dont if I have thats better none aint How many time have yon been there Almqat every week since last September- me see thats six month I declare isnt ill Yes within or two re- tho father But what else do they learn be sides singing Ob sometimes they tell us nice stories or read out of a book and now and then of girls or boys giro a recitation and perhaps a talks to us And what do they talk about bines but generally they tell us never to drink and wo sore never to become end that people ran do without beer and such driuks they tell us about people who havo left off these drioks and how happy their homes have become- and do you know father I cant help thinking that it would bo ever so much better if you would join our Band of Hope too Indeed said the father ratfior taken back whatovor put that Into your Why father night Will who to get so drunk year to our meeting and said that ever ho signed never to drink again ho and his wife end children hod been so much happier and that by taking money home which he to spend atvtlio saloon thoy have now enough to buy of bread and butter and other things and so bis had left oil going out washing and dont you sec father thought good and try to help her so if promise to sign the pledge Ill pat it by every week in my moneybor it comes to sixpence and then yon shall have it all to yourself and she clapped her little hands joy- This was more tban her lather thought he will my child make this sacrifice of her little treasure for week for my good and shall I be selfish as to to deny my- the company and the drink which been such a to me and my family and patting bis face between Mi the big tears stole down Ha cheeks he said God forgive me and help me to do what right for my family In led time than it has he had made op his mind to say yes Clara he said A a bargain Ill sign Clara was saying Im bo glad mother came in and soon beard the joy news The load of care that all the day bad weighed her spijita down disappeared as she saw Clara arid her father go band in hand to the meeting During she down and asked God to him and when returned and placed the card upon the table which he had received she felt it was the pledge of future joy to them alb And en it proved for he kept to his promise and found every word that said came to At the end of several weeks when she brought the sixpence his heart was ready to burst with as he said Keep it my dear as part of your reward for saving father from a druokard grave and may wo live many happy days together Little more need be added except to say that from the night James wont to the Band of Hope meet ing with everything at home began to wear a brighter appearance Instead of the mother having to go oat end mending other peo ples clothes soon found that bad as much she could do to look after her own family their wants at homo James also gradually be- came more attentive to his work and soon bad the pleasure of telling wife employer bad increased his wage This of course gave him power to make bis family happier at He soon took Ihem well clothed to house of Cod and ffith the be loved now even that ever became for the first truly interested in of the Cross and by blessing be and wife became true Christ- This additional change led them to feet importance of doiug all they could to prevent their children going they diligently sought to train up in the they should go As a result their son became minister of the gospel In after years when Clara given by her father to a young man in every way worthy of her bo said care of her for you have valuable prize I often sing words that have proved such a toneandif you the words to practice I done none of lis will forget as long as wo live and perhaps even in the better land Claras sixpence and what came of it Knight is quite building a kitchen to the Hotel and his teams are busy hauling logs for the He has logs to keep them sawing all summer Mr Geo Clark telegraph operator of this place is very sick Mr Stephen Knight of St Marys is visiting relatives He formerly a resident of this place JuneBugs THE Button Dominion Day will be Dy in Aaron A caused death of several per- tons flour mill at Region has been destroyed by Loss insurance f so much for it would also do for us if youd sign too dont it would make oil that either ho replied rather bothered by childs straightforward question Well lather you can try our teacher often says for it cant do any and it may do a great dual of good Ah for that I doubt it very much for I was to leave off my Iwor and sick youd soon find that if I couldnt work there would no pay and no din ner No of that father for want of beer More likely it makes you sick by taking if wont you remem ber how bud you said your head was last week slopping so at night at in the Well father promise mo to try and do without your beer and going clean to arms around hut neck and him This was an argument bo could not reply to so ho kissed her and told her to getting ready And ho gazed Into until ho to hear ores voice singing once moro horn Was it strivings of Good that troubled his mind and prevented Mm aaylng no I wont try Or was it that prayer was prevailing with God and thus light was breaking into it was both Ills silence however undo Clam Holder so Mid Come say yes and I know youll do- It when mother comes shell be so glad I cant say no that certain and yet I hardly feel to say yes Ill tell you what 111 do thoo Well what will you do If youll sign pledge Ill give you slxpeoco You roe sixpence 1 Where you going to got It from Why you know mother give no a peon avtrj week when Im Life taitk Our population has had quite an re use lately James Nelson and Samuel King account for two daught ers and Parker and Henry Glover were presented with two young farmers Mr Stiles sold out to Win members of North bury council went through this vicin ity the other day inspecting swamp here preparatory to opening out a read The census is being token to apply for municipal St church hold a strawber ry festival on Dominion Day The for fish and fruit are good this year Sutton rare July and in prize The election for position rf Chief of the Georgian Island Reserve took place on Slay Slat The candi dates were Big Canoe and Jatoea candidate worked hard to secure the majority bnt eventually after the count of the ballots it woe found tbat Big Canoe was choice of the people for the twelfth time Bell Crowded oat tut We era forward to a big Sunday School on soon A- boa been Mid op all week very foot The doctor lays it erysipelas Rev a raiBaiooary from the Northwest will Ihe Methodist next Sunday evening Coplain McKay is kept almost with mpera and their mowings from the train to the boat Mrs Marshall of visiting with friends hero for a few days Miss Annie Eden and Mrs wero visiting with for a few days Mr J left for Toronto last week where ho intends to reside waq a of fireworks at the of Mr Mon day fen jag A Jennings baa an to Mr- building anew rear of his tot Renfrew and daughter of Quebec slaying with Mr Renfrew blacksmith of this place sold and moved to Geo Silvester is in Toron to attending Synod of church of England j A of Hood on Turn- day bad misfortune to fall out of a swing and break bis aim Last Thursday a valuablo bo- longing to died from lock jaw caused by a nail running into the foot Mr who has been with M Leavens two months left for lost Monday where ho is employed as hoad painter at Works Considerable damage was done by flood Thursday destroying bridges taking away fences flooding cellars etc Tho bridge over the east rivor is badly shaken up A How bridge will to bo built over west river stood but sidewalk is a wreck One woman who was away from home becamo very about some that in A pen had through water about fifteen rods and it vai an amusing sight to too her plunging through tbo raging flood Zephyr- of spent a week at Mrs Harrisons on Miss It Porter of was the guest of Miss Cooper at Mr Geo last Iho annual picnic to Point took on June 1 of with brethren from met in their court room on Sun day and formed a then in a to church the Rev Mr JUuard delivered an appropriate sermon from chapter Job and following verses church crowded to doom and discourse excellent for occssioo Too In for lnUTttk Albert Tim annual In connec tion with Kfethodist Sunday school on June to Point Barrio- A good is expected Messrs and A attended grand lodge of tho enterprising farm er into ids taking on extend tour through the states this summer for benefit of his To Mr to devote find attention to his in creasing business ho hi en com to resign his position as fore man tho Mount Albert His Mr Tho entertainment In connection with tbo Society on Mob day last was a decided suc cess garden with the Presbyterian church Trill be held at ho residence July 1st Supper Served by Electrletye Koine now effects in application of shown at recent supper in acts of musicians furnished Tho dancing rooms by folding doors annunciators told Iboni what music to ply leaders of each set of dancers simply touching buttons in their re spective rooms In the supper room has a track of brass rait on which an car or bas ket about a foot long and thirty inches wide This conveyed from butlers pantry butter placed in silver trays upon the car and sent them along fiicc- trio railway car stopped long enough each pinto for each to help himself car was Also supplied with electric bells The ballroom was illuminated by incandescent lights fn shape of tulip lilies and other Un der tables were music taxes operated by electricity which during supper Not a drop of or a bit of cream- was spilled by waiter pulley in Wood- Stock electric light works used to away incandescent motor burst recently running at a high to of speed piccoof iron crushed through aides of the and another for through air T6o into small pieces which hurled up direction but no was injured A boy about fiyoyesw son of Henry who la employed at Now- combos factory Toronto waa drowned hero about nine oclock ihU Ho playing dam and is supposed to fcaTO stumbled and fell in He carried over the apron of dam a fait of about feet Ho was got out but could not bo all for number the widow cried and for the bachelor replied Bears are great among sheep and calves in ton of Dorchester 13 At the annual meeting of the company Mr B was elected chief and Mr Saogater Kk The members of the Christian Cbnrch at Church Hill intend hold ing their gathering on former years on Dominion Day Near a boy years old thrown oat of a wagon wheel forehead he died in three From Thursday Tuesday afternoon a washout on the North railway near pre sented trains from running over the Hoe A New girl after fating a dish of ice cream in company with her escort Young this item Win Campbell Bradford had occasion to shoot his horse one day recently- the animal hating Wen kicked in the hind leg by another Carton while umpiring a gam of at Kingston was struck on the nose with a hall senseless His broken A tremendous hurricane ac companied by thunder and lightening swept oyer Hungary Monday Many persona reported to have been killed by lightning 13- It stated that Henry Stanley to deliver fifty in the United States during next fall nod winter and that he is to receive for lecturing in Now York and 2000 for those in other cities execution of Smith the London wife murderer on Satur day appears to have been accomplish ed without any of unfortunate hitches that too often add horror to such events Ho confessed crime Methodist intend a garden on Mr lawn the White Rose post officeon evening of Juua25th A foot ball watch will tike place in tho afternoon Henry Lay of Aurora died on Saturday June Mr Love taught school at liar mans corncra for soma years and after wards in on street north of Aurora Ilia health ho retired two years ago Ho leaves a and adopted daughter to mourn his early death KSu Toronto Cricket Club came up to Aurora Saturday and by run ho score bring to In justiro to Toronto eleven it should stated that they left city with only nine men consequently compelled to plfty with whatever sub stitutes they could obtain In Aurora SI Phillip who owned a sawmill about eight miles from met with a fearfully cud- While edinp lumber a birge splinter st ruck him on over region of the heart tearing a fearful almost through body Ho was unconscious when picked up in about fifteen Scarcely a day parses bat what or mora from Da kota cross lino into Manitoba to Ktk new homes For day week no less than seventeen having cattle herd of sheep sever and considerable elTects ported and at Mm A frightful accident occurred about four from drawini a stump with stumping tho chain which was to stump arid a link struck in chest with such force as to penetrate and almost instant death er about thirty years of age Klli section fere Ulan on Yoiige strrithnd a narrow leap- from drowning while the to- cent at its height Ho and his wore oft street just north of Aurora and ho was carried current fence he regained fet anil re mained until came to the His was n heavy thunderstorm which visited nouie of William was struck by lightning house very badly- A child asleep hsd a from fall ing from a chimney which were thrown all over the room fallinR on where child but fortunately all in- escaped injury driving his team down the hill of his on Cos- ford side lino on Tuesday of Mr Walkers stumbled and fell other horse fe11 over prostrate one and Mr Walker thrown out of the wagon and besides severe bruises sprained Is badly Mr of Kottteby who happened to be along at time assisted Mr Walker home of is cut