I JUN E COD will bow Local Laconics 15 OS IS jIigs Promotion Exam- on tad will till fa ito lift Court of wt to to boar the He Police A couple of cues tfter JcC of forlorn Slrtet Ibe of Policy j Coed tod treats id to cue Friday evening the mI ramie wilted the root bid f Opt W On evening of New York lee- is CbmlUn bert a cipiUl pretexted in each Bask A match place t- lirrn An eotldpttoL Aid of It tolling a Gtrdio Party and on of tod are Newmarket to to pity tbo match home with beauty remit being la or of an Supper of the Order of of Parlon Hon en the of Chief of Toronto the a axial time Cemetibt A great in to and the to look The I9 tare a number of men catting gnu li for alc their tared for word with or Tbo BricntOQ plot the do doubt will a if inc are JoflT A choice variety of Muad goods ai3oaon tn tomatoes Ac of beans or cant of for and U line la proportion it if to profcke offence and not to fall error The Reiser Kike Jolt act wn of tie jut frait and art to whit to ue for a come to He tie jest a vlel frqflatt Imported from that ire to of the can lr imiglaed taking into tie price of ire leas Trips Commencing on Jane Mr to aad and Friday foil promptly attended to- UflOsr the a was bool to other in fait the of tie prodoeed to are at a ted ad tad Svnch appelated to tad report FArmeri the rotJi fr redeem to and a rtetUg in No The retidiig it J pltcee art iitai J fibers with low t which addifny ranch to the if and animal aii the to A lot of Straw White tad at It a The it till at the Military CtuptiiU red taoi- the after d preeentd a end la had fall J fif men tad Pxk marched Street to the depot ittneted a crowd The j the Biod the heat ha to which la qaite AikttVcajh An J at the on lie of T Aa pre tte the fc the pithy deliTfrril7 Henry attead- at tr but tiirifa by aat Mr of Alto Hber it wee of tod Now For a good av It- titty t J A J ItoirtiKa fo all week etiertcr the Am tie fr gea be at flewonr North Kfug ard It VtSc from a rfatliditd of pro- to IMlinaibo I iiin Army ii fc AtV vMirtntA Wrp A to if iUtu mw it fta it for KMitkn tie The Races are to be held Jona and lit are to be a than and management hare joined with and Sattoo in forming The North raCircniV and been notified by of beet la coon try that they will he attendance The ara very libera tad will be pail to afnagtment a crowd fc expected Sff orangey at Seeing no of coming to terma with the Rail wiy Company the Hook Ladder Co of Newmarket Fire made rangexenta to a trip Stmcoa next Monday will the Rail borne at t m tod take the KtnSrtck at Bradford calling it Bg Biy and of hit privilege of in- a friend The limited accommoda tion it to the gen eral It quite probable other will adopt No Can possi bly get it A all tho grided of two women who were from door to door town laitToesdiy tike the cake They were travelling northward two who amoved a crowd of pcked the by with them two piforaiiog bene a moa a cah hid twootfcer two rhrir cut Id of They el did act decree hot of iilftr Into it it from it lire A yeareigo arrirel ia with hie then took of the ea printing office The Northern It at time wae only open for ae far and tbe firit titctttble an for wai on The line of be tween and Toronto the following flight of Only three who were drfog in time here fa tame Millard and Al Jepao Young and teas from ic- to lb end fall or femily at cub priai at Time Well Spent With com- a mnch of than mail ire taking In their tad from the In Newmirket week It would Mill add to of the town if follow by Mr by and weed upon the fn each retf- Indeed ao why not cat the grata tad ia the end lire the corporation to each jeer Poke and Copee Hiking extra a and Ten try J Orer partook of the at the itgot a of the delegitea la at the bete week The itut It a eafl DtrDcj Feed a of Mr J Mill ard a aew The aicre The little thai a of iff leal a Choir went cut to it the Mr A repute growth Saturday it able a The of St Promenade and Strixberry In the Town Hall on the eTeniag of 3rd A rich program of vocal and mental mode will be of admlidon will be ten Youb Order At P and hare Fly Scmi made to fit toy window ladies of hare the of thatmlnentElo for en in the Friday of The will be later with mmtoal by local talent A to tad will bo the door A good looked for i New For children it The machinery for Aiteuo well at the by way of Sl In getting ready to operation Mr Chapman formerly of Holland Landing who bat been with the Oatario Pomp Work Toronto the work expect to go down feet per d7- will probably la good order morning Sashes of Silk Brunton ire elegant all colon tt the low price oenta a With Trimmings to match The Best Value we have ever shown OUR O A LARGE LOT OF GENTS LIGHT SUMMER GOATS VESTS In Russell Cord Lustre and Linen Crash A Fine Lino of BOYS JERSEY SERGE TWEED SUITS I From smallest up Gents White Vests Boys ftnd Gents Laced Flaniul Top Shirts Straw Hats in Every Size and Shape III SHIOESS Iok Drops Snmmer begun will in a few Tha crop a wk S5 in bade this week to demand New the Poll Office Tecderi weeds the year New week a bright new oat Whit tbe Tenaii They to be makicg a POINTS GRAPHED In Great Variety THE NOBBIEST HATS IN TOWN WALL PAPER Immense Stock IN Gloves Hosiery Ribbons Embroidered Insertions White and Colored Edgings Beautiful Lusterines in Plain Black and Brocaded Black and White Creams and Greys Printed Nainsook the Latest Novelty Another lot of Beautiful Shades in FINE VALUE ALL THROUGH SqnIy Willis Hunt So ibUd fa Mr lUWt of tut no Uir I favl a nofftr tiirf In a J with a All florj la Mm wcela IiliUi evil Hit I o ft Hill IS A CylwtjwoJ V J V KlD lkr Ml- AlUrt- j Vllkkwo i iru f tb 0 COM lit m WUrw 7729 In- cm W letwcf2 of QglfiU o of So- Of J a oflM a of lo- At J iftiiBat m of lUto bLf I All Mre Kill friends Id citr Mr with Mr A In lowo Dr of week with town Tinting in bavfox cose from Mr Dr CtiopMI on flail coop of rMn od of ra a fen dsya A q Sibw official la Giorgio Tcmbip trk Mr tValler of Mr at the frcm Arbor Mr of Qattcujll cut at Mr J Mr of Prion who at tim a day A- ah Job Jlhfcv of feirio loCiop fij Ren V fiioltH I fci to j S Mr of Mr tern Mr Iff fog ft fti town come boat from op Mr t fthr Mr who 111 towivN Mr Tom Clerk rif ted Am hit fia of tlUvefk wji of a fa wwolut Mr If M Citric It In lit for MI Or tt Jt TctJay t of Mr MoiUo of KtVOth frcia with thMr toot or ufl4icg to til bit of lchcol tod J A jf4iIo ft Attn ilijtjjfQ re bit io t Lit u fa Outlet tit ted bu low toOa- bit rrttoo to btrttlf of to A forioer of Con- for Dr Mi lit bora io Ktcxitoo Jo Hit to Io tbt ra Mt fin yoogf At tt coo ted ebftrebftod fufuMif la four rf b tar 1 to tod labile tt IBM ttolivuj uiftttot editor Ibt tod ft llor wbrtf of Wilt Hog JlvOlV ChrittUn Quar wbeotktMtlbcUtofibo Dr tbt tbt It Is an week J Toronto coont to tct firt tad to think tftttwiTdi BilHojc J A of E of is in- S pie iu J EC bat tbtre While tttMtltog P pfctn child it the brtQchmtCig Point Mr ftk rate foilnDiia or the xreit invito ft of Mr to Dd the delight audi- Mi Art In Frostbit rm Mr I inlo io J wc dld in tb lett in only to It to le ftntl J tronoQt in J- t 1 to an old by Mr A of bectoit ft in A he to the city us ft to thtOLBliD lccuJt fl fi to tie vik haMb Mr lIg Tent work 1 the to itiftf Ho blf a dozen who Tltr were Id the ilr tie low It into tlKtyi tod iait cm t w4iihwHilaJin Kilbhd tvI- iu life fh and wilPojr f or I of and bit work of tlwe tiiJ At be lite Christian Church Conference- One field by tie to Onttflo It wit attended by iltbi fcorn ft tiiit of tod jo ecu neb tddilion to tie election tt Wednnlty oftrntidiiiiontntnrniltrft were to of Hoik on reiutdlu where other fctttMi trliwlf locr flauitMrtll I Hillings tod frrrt to Coo- ftrtnc and nvif iht urinoo fcf iM zed by of lttmtt of Tboitdty flylorngo lb from ol Wdrr ill- of Willcugliby fiuniuill otbtrrcdOrriid JoiStdr Iter Mr of lie an lent tlit In CCe0 of of ootd for the the of wblcb If to the will be to Church at 4-jtof- tndtboaiiolnlmeot for tf Mayor welcomed tbt to from were ilrn ftnd ftdojdcd flarafnirbtll of la with In lectured to With d I- C7 tdItloa in lunch of tret itt kind He youth for ffflbriH ftud wlthwilgbtc A f iMokftiggtoJ ray drittol of thai iikii loir wiv of of felted by of of ft dowowtrd to fultt lit if to t woik to girt to work ol I tad 1 to to fa order janttcJ of tbe The meat fir if ft illy- Gfrbutt of the Ittor ftveaingt ted I Kit J if tnorctog km ropiJ io prtjvifpg iblf At tit to choir Mr of Aiucr Mr J of Cutletoa a ttiilvmin to the the tuJ followod by to Ibt of Con iUT4 ted by delightful Mttiog over by tt wbichover 100 were to power of Ibe blood of three torvicet Cd by very SamuHibill you jirMel the ted in on mto livelh to grin 1 lo Ill the f iMivrrd on IS Tin u selection the tnd Mr Writ to of taog In KM ft few tod ejiledhy old ftiUilottncc for Hot and the by bell GOODS IGHT PRICES Shirtings Tickings and Linens A ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE NEW PRINTS AT I Town Juno 19 WiionlMy all hardware A lb com A McCaffrey poundkeeper end of It referred finance Clerk lotlracted to notify per tpectortrtfort notobUIne1 within Cue enforced of It Ptrkr A Co water to P A corn renew well r that at The It A com empowered to deal with for tutting if eft i it It ttc Council adJourneJ till JunetU THE LATEST DESIGNS OOINCO STRAW AND FELT HATS Goods Still AND SHIRTINGS OF VALUK China ft ECTiouily her on many Imported from England An In Hill mine ten oclock morning Only At 40 men am pit and It believed they been Tweeds Trouserings and Worsteds GROCERIES FRESH A SPJSMLFY J STEPHENS 0nr Markets i Jans IKO a a a a a a a a COW a a a on a a a a IK a 071 a I N STORE IP Floor per 0 Wlit a per per to CO buihcl to dot per btf- Applcper Beg Wool per lb Pork Cbkkemptr l Pi W on 1 a a a Wines Liquors of Business and Change of nDiJeiotfl lofrifoim he bit bi now enteral inii a ihlfriciit of Mint from toy tbe lino WINES LIQUORS ALE PORTER Bottled or on Draught The belt of will tlwtj be foaod of acl Sit Star Grocery a And Provision Store NEXT DOOR NORTH IrtLANU OLD I XI for Modicinal5PurpoB08 P J iilcra that GASH GROCERY STORE fiwit can A SPECIALTY of Crockery tqd tt ft OUR TEA SUGAR A TRIAL AND UK CONVINCED J Mc Can cf Carjof i GOODS 99 Children Cry for NEW P J OM ALLEY Be FOR SALE ST BULLS Tbrt etch WTED or MYtti to once for of f FINE FAINTING AT Of BMj Mi i idi