NEWMARKET ERA tern r u Every Friday Morning LYMAN JACKSON STEAM PRINTING HOUSE of the 1 REACHED w tally SUBSCRIBERS BEST Wt2 la A Ma MBRBTY IO TO TO ALL ONTARIO BANE Branch NORTH YORE INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED Vol Single Copies Each J Newmarket Ont Friday July Gash in Advance within or at end of year A ALLronrtl Drain J AC Notary Pontic lrft on food security Sollcltora A BAB Public Block LOAN Conveyancer Etc LOAN- Dominion iio Newmarket A MIUKor SI Port Office- TO Wi OS GOOD A Office Newmarket TO or promptly attended to At flB Bank JAMES of Coart Salary Public TUX lb Bank of TO AT MEDICAL- IN US and York Court BonitTorontc J and TO AT Ode LiffAIZ EXT FOB Co Old Cor Main and HOT EX OS TO Jerri fiC Eaittlde day bed lor M train fast bill la parlor J JBaOHBB OP AND ft bo a claw Id TbrODlo la to lake a mora at bar Dour mud or f aaWnoaa I FOBS Toronto to In a on of week topUce DihhIvi will kindly comma- at or at mere JW DEAL ESTATE and Financial Broker Ben la Coll acted negotiated Col and made Old cooOdtn Toronto A aon and Office A J alo A HO P j York and Bros AUCTIONEER For Iba of Sutra Attended a S lit and fitaionibif will prompt it toLosoou Farm r fcooraclorlDj Toronto gar kept where t1mt JULY4th 1890 week see tome excitement in he A time for who dearly Jove lo find a bar gain Weve made Mine big reduc tion among the too of tome kinds and the prices are reduced all coloQTt fancy handles now re duced fancy wloon price At and find here very choice in black with novelty bandies new today is ft wagon load of pink blae end other colours made to tell at 10a a We came to the rescue of the with ch and can cell them to yon at a yard The Bargain are crowded with both and T THOMPSON SON The New Mammoth to King St TORONTO mi CANADA Come let ill unite To dog oar For God home Oar now iJaoera to Home of it With hurt and vote wo not To flog of I From to oar Mid mud Wo tln Wall with a chew cd of For are With ioil Let wood and field Out oOaU righti to than Then wave dot en high Tfa tad For well Or all her A Dishonored BUI F DRUGS CHEMICALS Perfumery Toilet Articles IhU of year ft otn the tnoit reUibla a A AND PORE STOCK OF- Paris Green Hellebore and Insect Powder JUST RECEIVED I like and more of each other be was grateful and happy be THE CO OF ORTH Jfonai America i IUfezclailTerloibebHneuonDiDraoc accidenU and loan Mobile Aurora rf MortsA and NOTES DISCOUNTED Land VftluKtloDac and Old 331 10 am to aid to Main Street South Newmarket 1 NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS TUK1NG in will to lo iKNTlbT Oxide AM i jo at all time w i AJ f NORTH END BOOT SHOE SHOP Km to flVV and ba a and all or and In a Sofia a All J A LOON Nail WALLPAP 1 Of of which a most comjilelo sleek in all the aud fiof iu with MATCH Ceiling Corner Pieces mid Extensions to Correspond good IcaltcUl with the cue and lb Anjtricto ar A and aolicittl at I fill io to If a great to Uncle A deals ilc- and alflOa for a lad like yoo 1 all try to do my duty father I not be your soa if I did not were tho or a conversation and n aa they cat together in hot little office of Iron Works Donald bad earned bis daily bread that dreary room for forty years and had life with ten a week and thought well paid But though bo had never above the of clerk to the eldest brother Peter had been more for after a career of to the Avon and built amid the field where he had played at a lad a very adjourn residence- Peter bod the reputation of a man bat he was not unmindful of the claims of kindred since of own reo will he had pro- cared for bis nephew the dek in Sic- Bank It is very good of you ancle and Ill never ahatae for tho tad frankly bo too ready the promise A tang abort hand- hue got yon a seat an you roooi for to liedowa Da your duty an debt no count whatever an may never waur you than your prayer lad The kind wish begot the kind act and Peter after a little hesitation took out and laid five on the table Im no for money dont earn but this fa a occasion How much My father boa given roe and two new suits of clothing STARR N AfAHUlAOlJ At The Manufacturers Toronto rtfrj Constantly on Hand BSSAVi Wines Liquors S Ower much Im atoait sorry I mad it Bat pit oercome bank to keep it your pouch is tempting WHISK ISLAND -AIJO- DRY CORD WOOD J ill rcsVi2elMitfw J- Especially Recommended for McdicinalPurpoEOs I J Slain St villi the fit At n redact TEAS lurk Win Sfli0l A Wi Avxil LIFE CO a047- Cinf GOODS a t a a w ri tf ii 10 P J Main Si North i LEADING HOUSE I FOB -CAPITA- AND FUNDS- 10000000 DOLLARS Best hud LU KAV ltaatactHUaS Of Of LOW lotoaMfaflUttoftart to Atia MAIS Buggies Carriages Wagons Etc Work Repairs Attended to Promptly J TO INVESTORS The Alliance Bond Investment Co Ltd AIIAOLUTK SKCUItlTY of wtl io Jo In Vlerf ioiunto J A Goods for Infants and Children DENNE daV1t abI If lOU Won ud pott i an to thiidrttt iae lad should do that Where la Margaret un do I should to bid her good bye She I trow j your ben he glad to Alick doubled thin lie Margaret dearly but Margaret cither did not or would not it And no when she know lie watt away was if more re ticent and retiring than usual die not to apeak of love hut could not altogether hide it Margaret read unspoken talc and occult way ho frit that he undentood Yet nothing but common words of courteay and Margaret far at tho ho was tying up than at her lover Ho waver finds and tenfold by flicker of tho oyolida and of a liht hide lie was well pleased with and aoon expert la demanded of him for a while the excitement and of his now worn quite sufficient but after a few weeks things to look Ho had eldiAtofan admiring circle of broth- IM and slaters- and ho tho pruJao and sympathy which had hitherto mistered him up in ell exertions was too If iti undo had htm to make no friends with beneath him in tlio house and him seemed hardly his encj nut of Ida work wore away be found no more stable motion for exertion industry In unfortunate mood he ono day accosted as ho going out to lunch by Jam Elian one of and a wry stylish young man had held the open for his senior to pits and as they stood together on the steps said courteously you I wanting to speak to you I bo- Hove a aephow of AvooHllL Alick proudly acknowledged the 1 met your Mir at winter- a young lady Will you lunch with was only too proud lad fellow hungry or and company that could talk t him of Margaret and home or a costly meal and Allele noticed how obsequiously the vanta upon bin and that the proprittor put of way to Mr nod of recognition had a delightful hour and they parted Thenceforward life a different to for some or other kept constant company He ho liked and we are only too ready to believe that we are capable of Inspiring affection Ho took to he took turn to bootmakers and and fashionable although Alick winced at the price he paid for these favors he not hot per ceive that pergonal improved Then began to life toko him to cloba and theatre and to him to a lot of other good fellows Of course these came gradu ally knew well that he on dangerous ground and in danger- ens company and over and over again he resolved to assort own rights and hi own opinions Bat little weak spot always betrayed Mm ho afraid of what people woald say Afraid of the sneers of the inferior and afraid of the of the men whom he called friended Thus for nearly year He attended faithfully to and kept oat of debt About these two things an tyre found him impregnable and go be made a point of flattering him on them Yon a fellow to work I was telling our manager to day that are perfectly over whelming Will you come to my rooms tonight I and Brown will be there and wo will a of whist Dont say no now going on my vaca tion next week So hesitated and yielded and they had a merry party all of them drinking more usual When Lang and Brown left urged to etay all night and lodging was a mile away be agreed Then eat down for a confidential chat and Blaatyre asked to put bis on a little bill Only a matter of form ho said How much in bill 11 Only 50 that I owe Scott and There no risk- No risk you consider a thief and a said a haughtily protested he had the greatest confidence etc etc and grew cooler and cooler aa protested That only showed how well had bis victims character Dont do it if you suspect Of course I know I have tried to be kind to you in arays but dont do it from any sense of obligation Dont do it unless you con do it freely you know and from friendship and that sort of thing I would not have it etc So tlm end of was that himself pressed matter and security for bis friend bill at Scott tailors Hot in spite of that it waa- right uneasy especially to when ha got tetter the next day mother saying that his sister Marion had been so ill that it to send her to tho and If ho could a little towards it pre necessity of stopping Davids schooling Ho his tetter and said Poor little I Of you mast help her to tho What do you look at mo in that way for 1 That bill is there any possible foar that I shall have to meet What do And inarched angrily away Ho did not speak again to Alick before ho eft town day and aa tho wore on AHeka anxiety The bill waa duo on of Augnst but leave of absence expired with Ally Of would bo right ho got back But ho did not return to bis desk of and night there was a whisper that ho hail gone abroad With a siok j Hut hell Ohl surely write And with thought tho pour comforted himself The second third fourth day of August passed there was only one more Ho neither eat nor sleep bo watched for an and passed I No letter It would not do to tailor or send to Mo about it Ho wont to TromhuUa and explained that his friend on the Mr flcolt was exceeding polite ho had forgotten If Mr Mcleod would a seat ho would the amount- ft faintly Quito right sir and yet quite wrong for amount I see It one hundred hundred pounds I I dont understand I How can that Very clear sir original bill was fifty pounds Your friend he to Increase It to bundled pounds and Tasked him as matter of or nam He ftod knowing your excellent J Mr Scott only bowed some how Ida manner gave tho feel ing that Mr Scott did not expect anything from Mr and that they looked to flu foe the money Then hunted op Mr and wrote and wrote wrote to him bat never got any answer Ho was pay ing dearly now for the privilege of being with that fellow Ho began to pinch and save at every corner removed to poorer lodgings and so miser ably that everyone noticed the change Before the three months were over it became knowxi that Mr had resigned his position his friend had died and loft him Rome money Bat he neither answered letters nor came to and the time of grace went by the bill and interest doe and a whole years salary would not pay It Mr Scott too no longer polite ho urgent for payment and dunned Alack so at the bank that the trouble became known to all So one Saturday nighty near the end of the received the balance of hit years salary and an intimation that his serritM could be dispensed with said I to tell you that he didna like lads aboot that signed for their theyd maybe be signing for themsel afore seeing white aud face the old cashier more gently lad a pity but when things mo to pity they come to naught What I do Mr away an tell yoar uncle Peter a it bark is than bite Theres way that I see This bit of sympathy was so from prim silent old man that to follow bis advice and the letter ha aeat to Avon Hilt brought Peter to Glasgow in a few days Che twentieth Burnt dont go twice to be burnt the tree way Mar garet brewed the Woo hid it now Im no feared hell pit pot on the fire for lassie So went to another trial of life and time nil had little fear of him M A thing be done better if they be laid old Pater maybe the ox that the lad has him Into a good place I never reach them now rich roan and an honorable man and Margaret he twenty years married but he never again pot his name any other nor had he any sym pathy for who did for a ha said that man ia well worthy of sorrow who buys it with own name and his own money- AMMUNITION DIED DO MIS DAY Forest fire are raging in south- era Colorado Hay is Selling at a ton at Mitchell Oat Smallpox on the European continent gales are reported on the of Scotland The iron prospects- Fort Arthur are most promising A soldier in camp at King too last week stabbed a comrade in anger cultivation of tobacco in Egypt is prohibited and import doty is to be increased fa East York Club had to College week of frogs are now being from Kingston for the New York markets An attempt was made to born up the convent in Burin last Sunday while Sisters were at Mass in St Marys The Canal contrac tor has been awarded for I all A nice mess yon Making ft It may look tike a very easy thing for a member having his speech written to deliver it dntiog the of an hour in the hot it is not such an thing it looks The average speaker gets a deal of athletic exercise in of an hours There extras He claimed a quarter of a are soma in who million can read spch with out lifting a band except to turn the and almost without changing position and there are others who can talk all day without getting tired but the average speaker perspires a if ho wood An speech of ten minutes not but man who throws hia anna in air as if whirling Indian liAtiimeij desk like a and all around the plaoa for an hour taking very lent exercise Experience has taught some of them that it is not to make such a speech without extra precautions against cooling off too quickly afterwards satUM And you I liable for one pounds Why never had a worth of It Mr grimly bowed I not five pounds in the world That makes no matter sir You can renew for throe months nothing else to be done and Alhk did so remarking Of will be home by thai time and pay thing yoor fortune you laddie said angrily he settled claim then went and closed own account with the house of i Co Yon may write Finis on leaf your ledger Mr he said haughtily hope said yon the Mr Mcleod tot My Pick your words better it will be time plenty for you to speak for when I say ought against bin Good morning sir Then went back to Avon Hill humbled and sorrowful There was no need of reproof fathers face sod his tears said enough and as for Margaret be did not dare to meet her- There was little for to do at borne ho could find nothing to do in tho neighboring town- Ho advertised and wrote to friends and had attacks of hope that were as bad as attacks of favor but came of them Ilia avoided him ho would gone abroad but ho not get money Half a year of this made him so ashamed that ho resolved to go and enlist for a soldier Ho met bis undo on his way and old man was touched with despair on so young a and said kindly hay is to got in and I am of to tbo Geld throo shillings a day better than naught you can board board settled it ho would at Margaret and alio could hardly help a little cousinly Ho was hungry even for that So ho worked all summer on his farm and if it any com fort frequently to catch Margarets largo sorrowful eyes on his ho bad at leant that comfort too softonM in Lis manner towards him and there came into lads heart a hope that ho might win back tho love and confidence ho loat At tbo end of September had 15 duo him and ho resolved to go to America with It night lie mot Margaret and in reply to Good evening bo told of his In- and said When I done something to deserve your sweetest may back and say to you what I not say to you now And Margaret cried and and how it came about neither of thorn knew but AHck dared Iq do very tbUig ho had said ho durst not do and Mar and went and smiling homo Peter half asleep over Are but roused hi with a and said 11 Is going to Ameri ca Poor I I dont want him to go lis nobly repented so leartHy Voter looked at his quiet vAl contalnul Margaret with her band before her face sobbings and was quite shocked Whywby what ft all- Alick mast not go father I Who said ho to got to make you cry course he Is not P I not arrangements with for him to go to month Doe he tMnk I am going to break ray word his notions Oh father I father why did not tell Mm before when he was so miserable I meant him to be When a rnan it the gratest a to intromit the punishment Thats no Natures way lassie If a l the flreHature doesoa say If you do that again III burn just bums tho bairn pie first time Swindled out of Another tad has come to our notice in which a agent has en- an farmer him of over affair should bo a warning to every person not to sign anything that they have not thoroughly road or do not thor oughly understand Dont take any strangers word Believe only your own eyes The particulars of this case as given to us by Mr James himself are as follows Some months ago a man giving or upon Mr James lot 30 con appointing agents for the Wire Clothes Line Co of London In cms of conversation he found out that Mr owned a farm before leaving induced hire to take an agency to sell his Mr James a delicate man and for many years been to work his farm alone and this was represented to him as an easy way of making good wages The smooth tongued explained away every objection that was raised and said company back any- that remained unsold In this way Mr James anxious to to doing something undertook to try an agency and two men feet of wire to him requiring his signature of coarse to a receipt or document just to show that he bad received that much from company so they would know where it Mr James to Bell priory per foot but it was no go Very lew would buy wire was too dear The uphot of whole his signature turn up at bottom of a for sod that P Wood presumably a tanker sues the Line and Alexander for amount of which Mr James has to day names given by two gents who delivered the wire and got were Mulloy Brown and WJ is on the as It decidedly si range that rogues can go around country securing signatures in way by and law reach them Such tricks u liio so often and tboy boon explained and to by press that people ahoJ up to dodges by ihU time can only repeat Sign nothing you do- not thoroughly understand Dont tako any strung- word in a matter of only your own Monday Pearsons sat down to take his evening smoke of what was but on match it was to contain a con tfderablo portion of gun powder The blown out of his mouth with it two teeth and injuring sight of one of Daring thunderstorm Wednesday Mr John A a prominent farmer near sea Quebec was by lightning and Initautly killed was driving a of horses at time and at side sat John Mo- hired man The horses killed also and was rendered at a saw the and hurrying to spot found Oameron and and paralysed latter how ever recovering The fatality created a In the COftQtry Mr well known highly When he left home the deceased had his ion with him but whan ho saw how fierce threatened to be left the boy at neighbors on roadilde This probably saved tho Mr Cameron was years of Albert Binder aged 7 years was drowned in the at having balance while fiahiog The poll tax at Van couver yielded in May a compared with for tho cor- roaponding month last year The contract for building a now bridge over tbe creek east of was let to Jacob Mussel- roao for without filling Chicago Juno heat here yesterday and last night was very oppressive and five deaths sun stroke are reported Over twenty other persons were prostrated and onion excursion to was a grand success On Peterboro defeated to The St Marys council this year employed two competent men to trim the shade trees of the town and result has been greatly improve the appearance of streets The Station Hill in Towoibip of has cut down This work has been needed for many years and will of great service to teaming wheat to the market r a very light which occurred NWT a iaan John for J Smith by cutting wood Ho died after dealers in should bo careful to keep record Seven Brant ford men were corralled by a detec tive last week fined each for neglect in tittle matter Mr Scott Reeve of North Bold three fine mare to a week at the marcH their it they are as well more to be paid for them The new steamer wait launched at laat week A number of which of a novelty to vessel from water She launched Brat i Deaths from drowning am prevalent year to twin abould bo wry not logo Into deep and the body id ho ure keep out of water to guard against qt of Bradford have deteriniacd to spend of July with their Brethren of City of Toronto and to this Are made to run ft to the City on occasion a of in Gardiners stavo mill at Worth Stir Michigan last week four men and fourteen Injured mill a large amount of worn burned is stock Is Insured week ststiog that he to buy a farm Ho returned again aiked to at ay all The next day after his Mr a containing about lias unable to Iraco Tho roof of a by a Larcorabe near fell in burying three children and wife got two children out without third child was all hurtVd except Its fet when it was about dead but may recover freak of lighting occurred In dpring one of the Viveio thunder Storms which over week was putting her child evening and clothing which sho in hind was ignited by a flash of liili and began slowly to burn though strange to say mother nor child felt least shock A stabbing affray which occurred in an Inn the freight on Saturday night Tare being stabbed on face and breast a man named Call Ho tody and on being brought from tbo lockup to appear before the police magistrate Monday morning He was after a hot chase and sent to Whitby A trial