Newmarket Era, 4 Jul 1890, p. 4

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JULY 1890 RAILWAY si is a s S C9 s a ill Life Hub a it in Ml SB Society Register month Tborfdyooorborofon Op P lit A IrtaDdiW ifooarm too in ttttllooUVtGI5Mrrtdijfitn the month moot Jo rit in Royal ted MCb mootb- Hell tod Ltnd1oE Hop rdJT Hop grTDeUy pit 1q BIS- lad at meeting of tbeYPOLE A- Will to held on Monday evening friends have a large bee church fled fence Mr and Mra Lav were baptized in lake Wednesday afternoon by Elder Smith and ritter of Chatham paid a to her brother of place Mr and Mrs John Pauley of The and of the church e preparing for a lawn which will be held at of Story on Tuesday evening July 8Ul On Friday of list week oar teacher Mr J received an agreeable sur prise in the of a student up- chair Tbe chair preaented by Union School as a mark of their ap preciation of the interest he has taken in their welfare and of the earnest and thorough work he has accomplished in the school Mr J of the made very appropriate addreeij In high terms of Mr- be a worker in the school and words of counsel and to alL In reply Mr bis heartfelt thanks for this token of appreciation of service and said though not working for earthly reward yet he was much en couraged to know that his efforts were bo well received About one hundred and twenty ve were to en joy the social occasion The lawn of the school was utilized as a pleasure ground young and old en gaged the various outdoor amuse ments provided and all went home well pleased with the manner in which evening bad been spent Tribune Business Notices Editor Of Delhi would doc be caycooooi It ahanM la bo Tic of cholera arotho is prompt car for all bowel complaint from whatever Pontic To apply the poetic a Into to ItacoaatlcA care and 19 a a a bo cured Wot a IT I were of France Or wbart better Pope of Bern I boy Biking Powder For my Cook It home eto coma la to used Dr Fowler Strawberry Ac remedy Keep It at hand for etoersadea to euro or rtlltve- bar aba fcfifian loCattoria CfcJMrma lb CacWik Internationals Lessons Lawful Work on the Golden Text it do well on StlbUh Tie bete fciv adif- the Jodm jvorc JerossUm Gods ph to mm f feb ted do ill tiroes work qofice of Stun KjffiVi bycrij fi all vctk a PlacbfnrTlolcU- will oarer name lost we can Ad article which alter amended trial rolls on by good deeds It Blood best for and all A certifyin cha I bate Fowlers of Wild Straw berry In my family for years and dad It a core for and com- adalta If UK TO of it llildbtOfi will presto Com in Rat stout for I Who will ply the iodea- I A fora jUidiy y Ja ile tbe the ir iilr gritta to la the prtfUton for MaUgioat to re trite all or to fr to for fice it iCl for Pa t1e filing die or Ct for breeding Aurora The legislative grant to school here year to some seven dollars Jew than last year Mrs left here morning for a trip to Marie Ont where she a daughter residing She will be gone about a month Richard formerly of this place fell while working on a build ing in Toronto Junction one day last weet and striking on joist broke two of ribav Owiog to the removal of the Wil kinson the this of last year- Mr McDonald who has an employee at Agricoltoral here for left for nighty where he will probably One of Mr Lores little boy had one of bis feet badly one day last He waa attempting to get on a wagon in motion and his foot To the wheel crashing it Mr J A Phillips took advantage of tho farmers exenraion to the on Tnwday night to friends at Indian Head Clark of left same Evening for Winnipeg It is time nor streets and sidewalks were being looked after with a little more energy There are several piece of sidewalk that need repairing at once before an occur and the corporation is called upon to pay damages A defect occurred the electric light lat week which interfered with considerably Aurora is in for another municipal election caused by the resignation of Mr Robinson as Reeve to ac cept the position of County Solicitor which makes third this year Nominations on the of July and election on I ContDKiptfon Cared An old retired from baring bad to bands by an East tbe of simple Cowmmptloo Bronchitis and ill Throat a radical core for Debility and all teeud wonderful fell It bit doty to make It known fellows Adoatedby pic tire and desire to relieve I will send of to all who desire It or wltb fait for Scot by mall by addressing with paper W A- Notes ftArtr A trie current was on fttronger eyelids of sleeper suddenly quivered She moved restlessly and then the spell fell from her and sat Sho no surprise but talked naturally and without tho least emotion She raid been all and knew all that took in tho room She suffered no pain she said except just I ought not to have woke she laid strangely And with that she speaking end drowsy Her head dropped on tho pillow and her eyes closed Dr Traverse mediately applied the battery Dont dont she murmured if in great pain kill me kill me dont And she sank away fast asleep In vain the physician turned on a stronger current stronger and strong er as strong as he dared It was and he ceased the attempt She awoke bot once since then It was the day Mrs- was alone in the room below when Grace suddenly appeared in the doorway apparently awake and of all her faculties She did not notice her mother but crossed quickly to a table which lay a Bible She snatched it op in her arms and sank to the floor like a woman feints She tenderly carried back to her bed and faaa been thereover sine over ten weeks it Is now and the strange spell still binds her as firmly as ever It is cataleptic hysteria Dr Traverse who has faith that it will not much longer But he refuses to approximate the time It differs from ordinary catalepsy in this way The muscles rigid in catalepsy- Hera are not She seems to have a certain amoqnt of control over them Whenever she tires lying on one aide she- turns over to the other This is the only motion she has made however in tbo ten weeks Religions excitement is the of iL I can best explain it by using word introspection was in that condition of mind when the thoughts were all turned inward iff self contemplation introspection entirety and she lost last vestige of interest in outward thine It is a psychological and nervous phenom enon not without parallel but truly a remarkable one- The samo opinion has Wen ex pressed by a number of skilled physi cians who have been called into con- saltation Council of the County of York- WARDEN J CLERK P 3 Evans Islington Jimea Anderson Scott Button We East Gwtllimbmy Corar Hoc3E UDIS3 Vaughan Whitchurch the A wis fwn to plum It It aLltLeuil ihraldLt tit Mil it do soma In lira fouc4 lie to to cut ac4 lUra a lit Lit In Ail to tbe a to lbs 1st Us a or four lnS Joric ttr is u I ha fccoti spptsr oil It cat- fatly If it lU It will kill It- 1 It Is to litlft Ugu4 ft 1 to ib sittsriff jiy tl thai He to all fttibtt it as set vLi -oj- icf jt This is weather for Mrpenl and lightning of and if you arft on the water a sight of tbe monster as barrel and a hundred long Iho lawn the the Church held at Mr was a and Thi Iand Mr J ao of music and amusements were provided and everyone present enjoyed a pie tat af Tnoori The were is In progress In ttrnwctlon with Parry Hound nW way Mr W id Mr J of Montreal contract for track faying There are at oyer working on construction ft lbi intention to the work aarspWlvM until tbe Mb of lie tatuL Saturday Mr Henry Stewart formerly of this place received a telegram that latter had suffered a accident and later word came that he was dead was immediate caote He was buried in Orillia on Monday the Inst leaves a wifo and four small children Notwithstanding tho heavy floods which washed this part of coun try tbe crops looking remarkably well The people In continue to loyal subject and are this wek engaged in working for Queen improvements in immediate vicinity I might cay that Mr Win Wells has bad a new toot on bis barn and our storftketpfr has had Ms store and dwelling Mr Nelson of Aurora now occupies the corner by Mr family have to in their which Mr Thomas bis to Toronto to undergo a com- of training Win and Archie Mitchell hold the as cham pion pitchers of Temperance- Tliy are open to pretentious places Our dub ugh often am not yet discouraged They are poisefKd of lots of pluck and have no notion of giving their im A Mooting In the Methodist church Is announced forHbls the object up some kind fit In connection with the school Mr John been in To ronto for two visiting MUs of White returned home last week after fading week or two with Mr Norman A Young Girls Deep Sleep SUB BE FROM SHE KNOWS ARE PRESENT The oldfashioned New town of III has a strange story to tell There was a great religious revival in last spring held in tbe big Congregational Everybody in who a consistent church member attended regularly and strove hard for the conversion of who were not It was a time of great religious excitement a glor- ioos revival such as Amboy bad not seen for years- Among tireless of workers Tall fair graceful this nineteenyear old girl with ah earnest handsome gave her whole heart to work doing and thinking of nothing The strain her mind and nerves greater than her strength One morning in March tbe sun crept through the win dows of her bedroom and shone full upon her sleeping face but waked not is yet carefully watched and tended every hour The spell of tho trance still binds her white those who stand over her couch speak in whisper of tho strange thing and vaguely Epecu- upon unearthly visions that those closed seeing reporter who called at residence was received with bushed tones and solemn faces The house was comfortably furnished- even more for thebarmoniouscolors of the furniture tbe attractive pic and the gavo unmis takable evidence of refinement A subdued like bat in a bouse where dying brooded over the little parlor and became op- until tho grayhaired of Grace appeared and beck oned visitor upstairs Dont you are in the room a low voice arc her polco Id- Tho grallng of the Ink road baa completed to within four or five Albert Already trains are running from to and con he will be through trains from by middle of KpUmbtr he cautioned when around and it makes 10 per cent withdrew from tho bedside astha visitors enter ed Tho sleeping girl lay with her face towards tho window with a peaceful smile upon lips baa not away to any extent said father after this Her limbs still round and plump and soon givo her liquid food uakes perceptible effort of swallowing but it nourishes her Then he of invalid wife of son last winter a bright prom ising boy in tho sophomore class at now demented and away from then of this which has up on had to keep it from papers but that was pavt hoping for now The firat symptoms appeared about middle March during the revival sloping mornings contrary to her habit It thought the was fatigued with tho nervous excitement of work and was allowed to sleep day was in 1 d at noon and mother carried her breakfast up to her thinking might bo III was with alfllculty andatbough apparently the best of health she replied to her mother dreamily that she did not want to est oughtnt to woko This strange rv mark afterwards Hho fttoapsriorIy In response to urging and to sleep Her left her a little troubled rfbd to wake her again was In lay limp and but heart normal Dr Traverse who was cell ed In was unable to make a disgnotti All to rouse girl futile Two dsys piss- and third lr to try effect of a galvanic battery The family a few friends the and washed the The Gas has been struck near Village of Alligators are said to growing scared in Florida owing to onslaughts of hunters engaged in killing them for their skins Tripoli is being devastated by locusts Tbe bodies of ioeecta Gil tbe wells rendering waterunGt for A Halifax despatch say Dominion ii about to import train carrier to be used as from iulandwbich a for mariners George Freeman coachman who assaulted Mrs Detroit on April has been found guilty of assault with intent to murder end sentenced to lifo fiveyearold daughter of Thomas Kenning Hamilton while amusing herself with somes lucifer matches set fire to her cothing and before aid arrived was burned severely about the faco head and upper portion of the body in a few hours after tho accident in terrible agony When you feel fall ing heavily in evening you may be it will bo next day When in warning you ceo tbo ground covered Willi covered wfth dew and dew on ground around it is a of rain night for the spiders putting up umbrellas Two occurred Iwt week on tho outskirts of Mr attempting to draw a out of a Loin with his horses the chain slipped tbo Mono rolling back on to ffet breaking several bones Mr also with a very narrow from lieing killed blasting stone had charged atone and was about to put lire to when it went off prematurely He was badly and burnt on hands Children Cry fa DOES CURE In its First Stages as Milk J He you the genuine lit Salmon I all 1 SCOTT J C Marl Richardson A Csxvil Jones Armstrong Winch J- Dean Bom King 8W Schmidt J Sitter BnttonrUIe A to lit E STORE WANTING Boom In S SALS AT A I to IMf A FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF RENT Id central occupied AIM of room fXB I 8TI m m OR SALE York inrora Newton Br H Robinson Holland Landing Richmond Hill 1 Weston Toronto Jon IK Creek George High King Arnold SBaker UcCormlck Vivian J Morgan eQeorge Wood C Peterman C Clarke TJ Woodcock J Lloyd 18E j -AN0- Fair Bank East Toronto North Toronto W BJDaley Jacob Boll TJ L G Stephens J Miliar J P Annealed Galvanized And Barbed Fence Wire Builders Hardware Sheathing Paper Tarred Felt Pitch LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CARPENTERS TOOLS Bar Band Hoop Iron Steel Carriage Trimmings Jacks kept for Hire Agent for Repairs Two RooshCut on the Wrii rt from price to to per cent ffl jo WHANRiiiis or OK Part side of tow farther plf to AND TINWARE A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT CONSTANTLY OK fc r JAMES sa flologltie Booth Half of Lot mI wi e Coo 3U0I otn m Li it i IoIkIq reward or vleitoit of Farm IhToirnitilpbr frJocrcricf ail North of TO acres of to Stb It Si to rot to we erected filon a lhTot All Jao fci bed will be in Tow a of Jftv4 ratrket WMOANEAWISM a- it S OX OFF At EMBRACING all Leading Makes of Coal and Wood of Coal and Wood Furnaces rf FULL LINES OF Including Tab VaGbbyird THE BEST BRANDS OF COAL OIL And All of Lamp Has full our expectation It Certain- convinced ua that tow la wad led both of At well to reader tc bought Ibo Stock OUR OPENING SALE alwAytHadftt Ail well known A GAINS- 1 And t ill toll cheaper by one half than thoo In the war- Wo arc determined to reduce atock of China Crockery and Glassware Fully coo ball will uto trout- of low cur aim Coma and the FINK CHINA FINE DINNER FINE TEA SETS v TOILET FINE AND And all lines of China ani at lew inlet aik you jour own our Groceries Provisions Jobbing and LOTS SALE IN THE own of N property on PROSPECT lit Town aii I luio ami cor- for on If DPI Receive Special Attention S WRIGHT Street FARMERS and THRESHERS LARDINE MACHINE OIL as a Lubricant has never been tbeToT wlih lbs WaU- Tows bet tbo aitmtlon or iwaooappllcatloo prpirtJ lot or will of of a dU a ply UK you will And up to lis of No I Uttalllrln Wo try iotorcliolco JranM ln frtth lot wrn Orders by Telephone Promptly Attended to la or at Best Cylinder Oil always in Stock MANUPAOTURED BY j- BROS CO TORONTO w A SMITHS HARDWARE m PUREST STRONGEST BBS CONTAIN NO Alan Acapnia Una Ur tKJVUfi J A W ALLAN tia ARE SHOWING A PULL LINE OF SEASON SPECIALTIES iNOLuuma SCYTHES BAKES and FORKS Hay and Straw Knives Mechanics Tools Building Hardware- A Cutlery PAINTS OIIS PUTTY GLASS ETC Stock nod Prices J A ALLAN CO aMet L U B RI LATH SHINGLES ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH noons sash THANKFUL FOR THE LIBERAL PATRONAGE OK THE PAST SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OK SAME WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK POSSIBLE PRICES I a THE WM CANE SONS MFG CO Best and Cheapest Fence QTCIL ROOBIRON IRON WORK lawn Furniture 1 AMD FOUNTAINS TO Iron Works WILL OP fiEJf Aum IU jiivr i CO BAKING POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND PR FOWLERS EXT OF WILD TRAYBERRY Morbus HAM PS AMD ALL SUMMER COMPLA1KT9 AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND FOR CHILDREN OR Wood or Stave Bolts WANTED ONTARIO WWW Oar Tow Die OK Growth or to THE BRIARS FARM Sutton SHOUT by cm PIS tin

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