Newmarket Era , July 11, 1890, p. 2

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ERA- New Advertisements L Co of Farm J To it She BUT EACH IMVC FRIDAY to Era fot p a a arrested dot was Tbe Battle of Bora to be celebrated hue day la id see ally grand tylo Mr to presented aaart pia watch end lo of his on be- Son men earn their on the local tost married Mr A to Sarah Cewthre and are two of the in ibe day The There wire drunks at lbs i Sods bid been the nd others American bid escaped tbo celebrations fa astira lead Coanry Township of 5 gaol two bora Will iam Leber and William Godfrey charged with from Robert Way of IRA twoyearold girl of Smith of 15 Hamburg ayi met with a sad but Early In the mow the child got some matches lighted scene dry grass fa tba yard flamed op aad jolted lbs Quota r odd body and eral fit 8d to aad gin tha aowtblaa to rigbt own disputed of took ft la It a fitala d tu an litbo beat fa world beta mall of can bin paoplo ban entirely leal cenfidesea fa J Co of a mm ftr way company boogbt nnmber of of at a certain to b and En Breton bat before Ihey tba who tbey from of Jade agrliul coat in aUto been mora action been a know by IM fona tbat an animal Ink art In bloom the aofl red Tomorrow Vat day of rot AiftOtcodiraforbrWaefc Is lh at Newmarket Band roe to Toronto TAG root new tq look rio are actio Major lit of a copy of following paragraph A lady bom Dare a of to Q grocery Pcrtb Cbatban which la bra for all on verbid a of which down at weigh I- to Mr A Homy one roucbaat u after but weak to Cawlbra of was at of Km a P next to Mr Bar Canon Unlock to wedding want off There were forty end end lira left by train oiled from York for by ataimer to aad the bride to S000000 firtt of leaoe we rite wordi a National by Alex A formally wed daring In but weak by and It created a Id addition to each at proper time a little- of maple and effect to call forth rcacd of Another the lama en titled Tb Old Union Jack regarding which the aatoe paper adda breathe of the right kind and the poem will with Tba compear ha been in clothing theme with apiiibtly and the its old friend body forward to lha big time Ihey are going to have a oa next at garden party The are doing all in their power to a en pro- will bo prepared of and read- iog and recitations Lota of ice ream and watermelons will there op Mr Editor your girl and have tome Ian with is There is bo be a foot ball match between Union Street and Qaeensville The Clip pen expect to hate a match also bat owing to some of their best men being laid up at present with the mumps we woald not say for certain The Ladies of the Presbyterian Church here are preparing for a strawberry festival for Friday eve ning Mr spending this week in the Mr Turner is at present visiting bis parents here Rev Mr Largo preached first Sermon here on Sunday last to an unusually large and atten tive congregation A large number from this place attended the Keswick Methodist Excursion on Tuesday last Softool Report Port 111 part jlaa Jr 136 Omm IK Hot- 3tolinaiboty4d UilbwMa And A- A him Iteajlu J P Fiat til BENT email on at nice Apply at gU TO aaberfiseheifs fur month Tewbcr The Behrlng Sea Trouble all the blaster Brother Joomthui that it it to play with lion A report come from that Sir notified Secret BUia of the of the Sea to effect should vessel the fleg of be la waters the entire British lying off will be itutnrcted to the prize at any without regard to Secretary keeping of vessel of all and alio no one to take seal except the per- toot who rent the from the States propition Sir Julian rejected ono of hit own to the effect that t inch wawna the find the way to the island no be permitted to take The retail it said a fication recently to ratter Alaskan in terms t the of the fisheries Canadian will not and may ply their ilh- fear of capture Us Ed Us HI TO Fob Co Toronto a ray creditable a Coe flbicb bare lbl to of Acton a It cot of a of ill new If bad ooi to for tie cbaot of be bad of aJtitg to Mr A tolt ara attain Ho alca filtd trc are A in wUf or I yg i tiicfftf WaIltj Itie WIS It 1 At In 0 worth Tfco la ft log There no a labile lata an no wfcftt stoat AraMaat of sea den of are coaatcte4 with I to other com- l Aoira Ua of to go dona there v4 I keep fa toap If all stole tor lbs usee will be to JKgb after ft date grail atoUet Em a of word ion to to Aaverloa of the greatest a the world fa Wednes day He u at the by soany The hs taw cats of It fit sad La wan of ftj to bis Mr- Cbarlea La of Toronto fioadaj Dr J and wife aw in town for a few da Hutu Ctrl from for Sir ware at We Uwn of bom- for a of Un joined to visit a in Manitoba Muter if bold with hit aant Mr- wife and of re op for Decoration Oaf Mia- of war be of Ktlmao Chat- a of with J B- at Aurora High School Examinaiioci Dr to col Mr Ira or in town with Mr Win- and ware raiting at Mm Sonday Mr Cane and Dr Toronto aw ware bom of Toiootoj with her aiakr Cyraa Haiti KelU of Adrian a or Noma and aon of at Mr J- Mr a fit on that be can italic Hum Mabel Jxe Toronto are at Mr J A- Mr- Ore wbo la now located at Corn la boat fvr Tocation again Mr Chat fiwoklcg of it rapid bis jllLtt fa home for a cbang- Win IckvLax tba Army Cap wifa aod to retDiln for two or obliging ktttr of Ontario tiro in Ontario Bradford WStmU of a few daj with Beatrice Mr- and who a all on their home Mr Alex Wteattay of Montr of calling old and A birthday party at the of Mr Mark Brown the 2nd of teacher No- of gone T to bit her aod Mr and of month will ber Mr Baldwin of on a for three or fr wteka ber Mr are Mr of tirorr getitaof Mr Toeela ware here cur aaiein Tate fiiell act lo tt P night to at Oar Town Weil Friday and delig with the tbrvigb tba of acd Waters of atVtvl by Cricket Association as of tie to In the natch at oomcoaoelog of HI Die marVet School left tut her bone In carrying with of many happy dor- log here It Is not her to after eseatloo Mia Frank left last tarda family of she bones meet of Franks old Mead will a few weeks then Moa to her la Viator ad at the and flu A ffew York City If Kris BowVAj ibe by writlag of the flee dotog tod I He Sharon Union club Holland Landing at ball on Dominion Day and gave a walkover to The boys the street are so tickled over the result that they are aching to play some other The residence of Mr William at Sndy Beach near Point by fire about noon It to hare caught from chimney There no The cornea particularly hard on Mr Moore ho bad only joBt fin ished enlargements and to accommodate the of from Toronto and elsewhere who have made bis their home for daring the months Mary Wood left on to a few in Steele of Bradford is of Little The Garden Party held in connection with the Presbyterian Sabbath School on lib was a both financially and other wise An of by the Braes Band while delivered by and to about On Friday evening while Mr Mrs Hamilton were returning from garden party at frightened at a goat on the road and ran away throwing them both and com pletely wrecking baggy two of the wheels not hiving a spoke left in them- were seriously hurt Mr- Alexander butcher of former ly of tbia place drawing a load of wood home when load captized throwing him off and injuring fatally Br at once of the spine lie died on afternoon and on Monday his remains were brought to to of eldest son and on were in terred in King Cemetery the funeral obsequies being conducted by Some from New market were at Dominion Day but nothing nothing won passed through on their way to Roachs Point Excursions and PioNica not lacking to enliven the surroundings of Keswick A short since Christian School bad their an nual excursion to OrilUa and Straw berry Island tomorrow July Methodist Schools of and to take theirs by the Steamer to places Weather being favorable a pleasant time anticipated Saturday a family picnic was held at Mr Pollocks where some thirty nine including eighteen children united and spent a very en joyable day- The weather all that could be desired and with swings croquet and edibles things kept lively the day with gome lively sport between and for possession of croquet balls the girls wanting them for crrquet and boys for bowling j of tho fair sex gathered a number of balls in her apron but when that hiding place discovered had a hot keeping possession of hem May many more such pleasant days be spent in family reunion Mr- Sol Prober 5f Church at Keswick has been holding tent- meetings iii Menus near during the week and wo trust that good may result from Rev Mr Large a of the recently murdered in preached last Sunday mom in the Church t It was bid first here on bis new circuit an able eloquent and earnest It a great pity that oven churches of same nomination cannot amicably the ot service churches in without the necessity of the no nppoiiitf ministers to preach four each Sunday in order to pacify congregations a better spirit may prevail the spirit of Christ in both at and at Keswick Edith Clara Bratocner Fuller Charles J Ada Jr 3rd Jests Fuller Pea 2nd Jr P Ma I Ernest Joaepb Clara winner of the price ibejate Montreal WUncit Competition other of the school alio wrote very The lo Edith Fuller competitor baa alrMd bar and card E r- wtuberecoirsdupto Slat y of July OP A and Cedar Abutments and Whitchurch in Thaaapentraciuratobaodar cam bo examined at at the and to tho No tender I j COAL WANTED SEALED will be op to OF Horn wltb TONS HARD GRATE COAL To bo at Seatloo Not toora than per wteei bo a SALE OF The f A CHANGE IN OUR no ClassIotUt Alloa Laura Kay Arthur Eva Sarab Jr3ni Sr 2nd Morton Arffar Ida Ida Bart Sinclair- yr Fart Herman Mary Ethel Andaraoo Smith- Part Arnold Hor ner Arthur John Ferry AJ- Teacher- MILLINERY 4th at Roger Clara Cip- of discredit Clara Cain SnlfIloaa Erana Edith of marks Edith Jr 3rd Milton Jo Gibson Allen Canon Prober Alien Freeman Allen number or Jaa Sltckwood Violet Wilfred Least discredit Violet and Alien Maud lUatt number bf dis credit marks Maud J or Power In no or MortBftRfrmftdo to bar dtri Mar lSi bo MANSION HOTEL TOvTD Of York At the hour of one afternoon the folio Farm about iho half of of of York CONTAINING ACRES which aw cleared land laKOod on it two lao atblo at time of sale forty per cool further la and with In At alx cent scat to bo For further of aaleapplrto 30 Toronto Toronto s Dated July 3w- This Department is now in charge of a Lady thoroughly experienced late of Ottawa and for the pasil season has managed our Millinery Department at Barrie very successfully CASH AND ONE PRICE hereby on Lot without perm accord tug to law lw ihtt poison Id bo ANTED- A general Apply ot Park Avenue He WtMs wlia lakes a If ft xcla4- Una rtraogwa Holt church of their annual garden party r Douglas of on July which was at tended by hundreds of people from all parts of township but on- appearance of the weather no doybtprerentod many others from coining- of garden party end about 9140 Tho public school of this place in with Unbu at public Khool and Hone school bold a grand on last in Mr John bush As afternoon waa all that could bo do- was a largo crowd presents and a most enjoy Urns children ISO attended from this section of country alone not to mention tho other Mr lien with an ac cident by bis colt running away breaking rig and hurting itself but luckily he escaped without Injury Mr Charles has sold bis fine herd of to a Toronto buyer for a good figure Mr clerk In Toronto office spent a abort time at Mr Ms Douglas baa returned J is enjoying of Charles and Jeaao Cunning ham returned from having passed the promotion exam with good standing Mlu spent a few day ftt home week Mra jr spent a short rUltlog at her father Mr J fall of Mr Cunningham baa purchased a fine organ Mr now i span bays which are admired by especially last days to growing crops li rapidly approaching Our public school hat for and our teacher has gone from our to for alx and Ketwfek fchcK on of clear of aUexpenaAmounted on and old auanifr The that could with noon Hill ronUe tliinKarMbtf for a while the not to llrpr vruapanl of 1hoo vioga amid and rain- But over and tbarfatnf the day kvount of tome ral- the at not in curry nut program and did in but atcadattd AUhouyh hi hack vo think wo oarer haw a better Mtflf The next the dat ut In the appoint or the church of our T6eCbrfit1o to a ro the to pm with Sprn- flva aervlcadurlritc the Mr Lor for circuit of church ruirDlnir to a Mr In IWa when man LB of ry tlioti predict for him tho now Terr of Mr MarrltCa week fhl two tor butter Mann tit that W from her two aorgiyiy that if you tha on Mr John new wUh much George a farmer was killed by lightning near Norwood Monday Patrick a Grand Trunk slipped and felt under the wheels of a car in Tuesday and bis head was completely cutoff July 3 shocking fa tality occurred hero today pointing a moral too little headed and too soon forgotten An elevenyear old boy named Toby son of a told by his older brother to clean rifle and so in back yard accident oily ho discharged ho i in which there was a cartridge Ma bel daughter of a neighbor tho moment emerging from a sbfiJ and the ball struck her over heart killing her almost The boy was lodged in gaol grief of father a laborer when he was summoned homo was he art-rend- to With a cry he throw himself on body of hie fa vorite child and Mabel oh Mabel my pet my life ray child tell not you are alive my darling speak for soke speak to your poor father spectators turned away dis father rained kisses on thti cold face then turning fiercely round ho bounded for door his face that of a maniac Let mo at him murderer of my child oh let mo at took all the effort of men present to irotrmu infuriated blinded with grief and rage Toronto Markets a a a a a a a a a Pobllo Notice hereby that Lot In the IK Itoid tho will bo Oil on July Fall Wheat Wheat per bushel it Wheat per per bushel per el Peas per bushel down b utter roll per lb Duturltabpcrlb is a Potatoes per a a 0 IS a Wool lb v liar a Pork per cart CO a Beef GO a SPOT CASH STORE v Is the Place to get your Bootsfe NOTICE THE baa llinc iho of April- nod will re- wastes Kelt PO Our J Truly la a Kit month Now Town July Jtesular Hop It- Itr4 of far fliIdialJlutliiliorilceiJffUUl Alts alary coonrll chamber tor scar flwt tie for referred to A torn tic Or 1 6 A cm t Of at low of Mr J toiaMcim Market com was Instruct put repair and the council Correction Mr Editor aom of yogr read ers I would like corrida of In regard to Wlllaon conoectlon th report any shape whatever iie for Joetpti who sdtnlilod Into full had by permit of A Hale Mr J Valdoa w for ear by at J oclock in tbe faOS J VaJdoa wilt at by aoelloa lot or caters Also wail oclock fur- tools will ia JasKaysonbAoctr Children Great Bargains IK CASH AT LEADING FURNITURE Undertaking House A Large lock select will ha of COFFINS on well ft the Jim a I a to All neatly and WE a run In Sum mer yhoci nod rind ace cur Oxford Tie I For Men Women Dots Prices Very Low MONTGOMERYS grand Won EXCURSION Aicihciiiir I Church of KflKUr4 Floor per barrel f SO Spring Wheat per BO a Qooso Wheat 0 DarUrperbuihol 0 a par bushel a CO 5J a OW ton Ifi0 K CO a Butter tub lb a Potatoes per per aUlC0plklD9a e- Wool per lb IS TRUNKS AND VALISES GOOD J Always Kept on Hand aa per ton Pork par 100 id 000 1 a CANADA columdia united states pacific coast MANITOBA J BEAVER FARMERS ATTENTION tilled for Wednesday A Will At Holland for Pre ibrlerlAn nnd lot on on Am Irndfoji and ENTEKPRISE Will be In In a iver to mod WD ORIIiLlAr S who do tiro in stop J it MlaUKV v Juno lha wife of 1 liM of a Junitth the wfo of on of Mr jr of sbtaiiar M church Mr to formerly of tomb A yrs mo lown on AnsaUila Mr NORTH On lut aod Aurora arrclo attbisofflcorrffw farm A op liipf Trip will alto TICKETS ONLY Children from J P I- I TO LOAN At on flrnclfti fairm by DAVID LLOYD for Ajtcnli of Irt and lliortt irihiliui loIWG Hie Oilier r4 HAVE ON HAND A LARGE QUANTITY OF WHEAT for FEEDING PURPOSE FOR SALE CHEAP v DENNE NEWMARKE BRU TON BROS of WANTED I or id men can llnd for and ad flrayjaai- At aVIACHAY Out BLACKSMITHS COAL 11 1st R FROM 30 TO Watt V7BAVINQ OK aoooant the yearly Increase to baa speo WvlW to carpet Warp for sal East THE LOWEST QUALITY WEIGHT GUARANTEED- BROS M ARK a a WE CLOSE EVERY NIGHT AT 6 EXCEPT SATURDAY

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