Newmarket Era , July 11, 1890, p. 4

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HA JULY 1890 RAILWAY a Pip Society Register or foil moon I lit 3rd In tfca In A Hood la hombr4Twjr III rf Monday Id r aid in Daedal Banner ft pots ler ft toot woo It not a by which Some of of liii k tf Jo- of it r cool SeieW hu the of keeping their taller cool liea tbtir meat It folded aod to keep the people Ibemielni cool not of of BrilUh association the d- of the en a riiit tome the o hot to lee pal in gnat oil oloDg the the She id there no doubt bant it the n in ud it at the people I If oott of tight of thtt fellow get Into ood peripiring raonoQient the with on It and on the bene ltwfflrktFrrr day In Holland Hilt Friday NEWS BY CABLE The Crops a Failure London SO England to all the that Caoad and United Sutea can tend her this forth coDtfoatd wet end the cold blight ing wind an rapidly deatrojicg our own Hay rotting on the Wheat Is mildewed- The a into ripeniog- for frnit all we come like meat other from We are mora dependent on foreign for pro- and of Wei year make the prospect worca and won tha EagUih farmer likely to more favorable the lot rain act and baa the In gloom International S Lessons THE GREAT fcdtaHs54i Golden J Ml bread in the kiogdom J ant Hi- Co He ban to Dedication Dor- abort iaitHe bad plainly an who whvt meant to atone He Hfmaair Boa Ho then again to wbtie seat Beth le is It folly- to I on tttfMBl If IK the T will to Business Editor Delhi Rtpvrttr a DoJblujnt BIcoJ wide not It l la to be Cftos oTommcrcoottUIot d rrh morbus vrotbeX- 3lTe heat iroparowalattdddtnclinK ban rt nil bowel To apply ihe a abft to to cum and ftrcn Just If it coot Co 117 ftod cared- l A4 there a good Powder that Tartu far aDjrlw Wnll utbera J romrirncd Forearmed Uanrot attacks of tot come prompt Dr Extract of Wild Strawberry the ft at for It to or bCT fftto aCbAL fccji2i Uiii Ww aba fata ibcimCaitotU ilu want rntttt wvktri lUItoCciin toiittr TUm tfce of f6if4ffonef Hum 1l lait JjP1tofoV Jnrat nil iftbf- trow U1C never CAD sain An which after trial m roll It Burdock for all Ac bate of Wild Ktnvy- family ftif Had It a for And and ifcMaban- A Modern Need of Sleep There i not mm or woman in tea who can ffor4 to do or eight AH those writta fcbout great inea ftad women who only three or four hours a night very in bat I tell you my reader no man or woman kept healthy in body and mind for num ber of with than seven faoura sleep Americana need more sleep than arc getting This lack them so nervous and the insane asylums so populous If you can get to bed early then rise early you cannot get to bed till then let It may be Chris tian for man to rise at eight as it is for another to rise at five I coun sel my readers to Ret up when they Bat let the rousing bell bo at least thirty before appearance Physician say that a sudden jump out of bed give irregular motion to pulfo It takes hours to get over a too sod den rising Give us time after you call to roll over gaze at world fall face and look before we leap T Do Witt Ladies Borne Journal The Girl Who Knows Every thing it isnt you or year friend but certainly know her and just certainly dislike her- When yon people there is one thing yon always do and that look well at their faults and make up jour mind that are not going to fall into them This girl who is quite too general lobe ant is the girl who having learned some thing yesterday knows everything She mates obnoxious by taunting acquired know- concluding always that the who ore ere ignorant has hesitancy in contradicting she makes luncheon disagreeable by giving her opinion the last pronunciations forgetting custom makes many things corral of which the diction- bos no mention She is more than certain as to dates tell you exactly what you ought to do and she falls her self to see that she is a living ex ample of how disagreeable one person can be Young men dread her old ones have the contempt for her she tosses her bead says care for the opinions of men she ii her when she feels that way Every girl ought to care for the opinion of men her father to look up to her brothers to bo an inspiration to and some day please ought to marry one and make him happy for life The girl who knows everything is seldom cultivated cither in mind or she throws out her bit of information as a naughty boy would throw bricks and one tired the one gotten My dear dont get into the habit of concluding that the world at large is ignorant Instead op yoor that it can teach you much intelligence is never Even if absolute information is not given by the intelligent woman look of cultivation in her eyes Con- end ignorance com bination that the knowing girl and you everything good mannered beware of drifting into this type of girl That Paid THIS FOB Kim to Is Oct kVx1 In- Lit on femw t pftnt p- lfttliU Star A Tbf I written will be ail if a cot adds a of ivjj fire trip to it JlfgCftt of rOftrtUd lUfr of Tea Self Bilk iniy uxful awtrJl if jfcUr a pQlal lUtof mill receive a J flan rrt t At the fat iiiii of tffj Id jji ton ratiU we of dfot tlcbul Mr Watery tit Mr Sfaup Ihp club Ir a- net m w ol a till af wis title t Mr his li tLiIcitu fat kiuivtil haraCikco hit ha A of we is by tfca to aol bt loverly J the rcta 1 Jtctd j he no with a calf thabrlas j IK tr a Mr We jfx vaco4ral Witt Foot Ball July 1st 1800 To IJcar Sir During a watch be tween Holt and a corner- keck given of headed hall into the lb gave to Queens et then Holts goallender claimed bo said that of men the ball with his causing it to through which ho laid it otherwise would not done- dispute re ferred to the ho had not seen Holts man foul the ball so gave Qfeeasvillo the Which Taking It for granUd that the bait was which should win send answer to Era of market it being nearest paper and thus greatly oblige both team Geo A- Holt J- A- Turner The referees accepted on matters of fact he did not ice ho foul claimed be was juitlDfsl in giving the goal 2 improving the Revivalist The two men who had been titling together in the near the door of the car became engaged in an ant ranted and their loud attracted attention of nil other one of I appeal to you Up decide a deputed point My friend hero not more person out of believe they take a more cheerful view of humanity than that Will of you who believe in a hero after hold up your right Every right hand In the car went op Thank Keep up for a moment Now will all of yoa who a a left left hand wentop Thank you again he said Ifow all of hands are ratted he continued drawing a pair of revolvers and leveling l friend here will go down relievo you of valuables you may happen to have lively now Young Sir do is a broker end like most men in his walk of life generously disposed As he left his office one day week ho by rough- looking raggedly man who the gift of fifty with which to purchase dinner Why should give you fifty cents for your dinner asked young Mr if What claim have you upon None said the beggar That no mora than the hungry and penniless always have upon tkoo who have something to spare Do I look as if had something to spare You are broker returned the alms seeker I never knew a broker who had nothing to spare to a mafia Why dont you go to work May have to if to atsist That strange What your work I Ill tell you I am n pickpocket and I have just this afternoon been discharged from prison I have no money no friends I em as have said hungry You see what I am brought to Starvation or crime If I can get a good dioncr I may bo able to the other alternative for awhile Young Mr do was impressed naturally so I Putting hand into pocket ho drew forth a halfdollar and banded it to the There ho said there is your dinner I shall glad If J can you from crime even for a little while At this young Mr do ft started on Ids way but was at III IlbOaV coy friend he Weftr Crovded last A garden party was held at Mr residence last Friday evening io aid of the School and was a grand The pro ceeds amounted to The ex penses were small so the finance of school are good condi tion Socially speaking the party was more than a success as Mr and Lake a splendid host and host ess and Miss Francis tho superin tendent of Sunday School seems specially calculated to make people enjoy themselves The gates were open at As the people arrived they amused the selves by playing croquet swinging etc Tea was served from six oclock end the ladies proved that they knew how to cook for we never saw a better spread such an occasion- Rev Mr Rev Mr Frazer a good many ladies end gently men from Sutton were present At dusk of the evening the grounds were beautifully lit up with Chinese and the following program was commenced Gipsy Boy by the Sunday school scholars reading by Mus Rosa At this the proceedings were agree ably surprised by the arrival of the Sutton Cornet band playing a lively air Then followed a trio by Mr and infield and Miss Bailey In strumental by William Park song Little Brown Church in the Vale tho Misses Anderson Kay and Station recitation by Mils Ida instrumental music by Park a splendid dialogue by a num ber of young ladies and gentlemen oog by Mr and Mra and Bailey The music by the band was excellent and liberal in Quantity and their conduct was ex We hope they will soon pay Egypt another visit The party was brought to a close by tendering a vole of thanks to Mr and Mrs and God Save the Queen and all feeling very joyous they thre cheers for ladies and three for the band when aII at ted for heme band playing The girl I left me The friends of the Baldwin Sunday School going to have a garden party on of July res idence of Mr Wo hope they will have good time July Samuel Black a balloon ascen sion At height of half mile the took lire and the professor had to jump hi for he was ready The bad also taken tire and the aeronaut fell When picked up lie was fi shapeless Winnipeg July A severe and storm pass J over the district southeast of list doing to the crpp Township seven in six and seven in destoyed It that to acres of strain are partially or wholly de stroyed von Stealing John Troy a middle man from Mount Forest formerly farmer committed on the Charge of 8 teal- bright bay from OFarrell of it appear was taken its pasture field and trace found of Some was towards Troy he was to be in neighborhood when taken Ho was no ticed to have a trangc horse not however to the descrip tion of the one lout which had been The coaaiiiblfl made ouiries as to whore this animal from and received evasive and ton tradietory from of the family This was after words found wandering round of Mount Forest evidently having set adrift In the moan time livery keeper had seen the and found the mare received some dajfl before in trade ho giving another horse and money to boot answered the description- The man had told him his mime was Mormon and lint ho had bought the from some gipsies with the authorities fried bin livery man to Mount Forest and found his was the one luring on streta arid identified Troy was Troy wan ar rested bed a preliminary trial and wan committed to jail a a TO RE Change of wd Change of Stand faJ bis time a Boot sod Shot- Bailotf be now catered a lins of sod solicit a call from soy requiring say ia the Ho of WINES LIQUORS ALE PORTER Bottled or on Tl feit of wilt l found in Comet and Wf J let WANTING porch mo a Timothy SALE AT A of to HOP TO RENT A FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF 1 i Star a stock afltooiih And Provision Store NEXT DOOR NORTH of General Family Crockery soJ GIVE OUR TEA SUGAR A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED J McALEER TOOL STEA OR SALE Two RosftbCaai on tta dI Main Willie M Wprecni on car to a eiS trio you wind tbo clock Trinity bat your time JrtlDI I dont it mill of at 21 toil ood of Ml But bo Would timer ThMo J know What Mr doll felt for It gone I robbed ho cried Mid And hero ia taking it from the pocket of greasy coat I took it you were ftboatxiviflji half dollar thorn that helps but He help them your watch You it cheap And to turned and down find loat to Then young Mr replacing Mi timpci In pocket thinking deeply nil while and thanking hii that being a broker ho moat men in bio walk of life Andrews waa twlco a truck by lightning Dominion Day and apiro ahattreL Two children and Galloway hall a mlto from village were and lual injured Children Cry for DOE8 CURE CONSUMPTION In Its First Stages Palatable as Milk j He you genuine Irt J-slmon- I colcr wrapper tvM all at and I SCOTT Annealed Galvanized And Barbed Fence Wire m Builders Hardware Sheathing Paper Tarred Felt Pitch LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CARPENTERS TOOLS Bar Band Hoop Iron Steel Carriage Woodenwaro Trimmings jacks kept for Hire Agent for Repairs JAMES JOHN SALE- well li Now OR i CHINA HALL AND TINWARE A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT CONSTANTLY ON HAND 9 lor S JACKKSAJACKtii ftlt Makes of Wood Sieve fiaiuples of Wood OUR OPENING SALE our It lifts i tfoad ii what which will As well known to tovv aoJ can to GA sell cheaper In the stock of China Crockery and Glassware Folly half will of low accomplish our Mm Come and ace trie In FINE CHINA SETS FINE DINNER SETS FINE TEA SETS FINE TOILET SETS FINE LEMONADE SETS FINE HANGING A LAMPS oil lines clear ill In FULL LINES OF CANES WOODEN WARE Including Tuts firkins etc THE BEST BRANDS OF COAL OIL And All Lamp Fixtures Jobbing Eavetroughing and THE Kami WacrfafIlllothe Id io 4ili LOO 11 ih Hz HO Tbii lot Ail Wnwrha q tor Alain Slroe Receive Special Attention 0 WRIGHT BUg LOIS P01 SALE IN their farm on PROSPECT AVENUE to Town or Town or North York iMn IA now lit- fttmc For on tervid Ain am lift bet ii in of AppltcatlOD to Mil tot or of of or vho of pcuAtloiUl Fop ftoJ tic ttf OK 3 JUHKPU fi pilce mo to through pcDiIrx Groceries Provisions will to In No wvoMnvJ the Hoi Kit Town iy it iv lruiit And A AipUa Haiti In Crockery ro cry Orders Telephone Promptly Attended to your la Crockery or FARMERS and THRESHERS use McCOLL BROS- LARDINE MACHINE OIL Wliicb a Lubricant baa novcr been Best Cylinder Oil always in Stock MANUFACTURED BY BROS CO TORONTO A SMITHS a AUK SHOWING A FULL LINE OF POWDER BEST COHTAIMO Amooiila lima or Tun aim SEASON SPECIALTIES 8CYTHEB RAKES and FORKS Hay and Straw Knives Mechanics Tools Building Hardware Table Pocket Cutlery also PAINTS 0IU PUTTY GLASS ETC Examine Stock and Prices J A ALLAN CO St Lawrence PLAT DIVISION NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS St- bo until Ihc western Wt if for of At wcrk a length A and ito w of July rttt At printed fender ilicrjmuuUuitjM to the ileuco member of fcirit on thu of Itio No- An if on Is forcKlicftte Miniver iriut InK IhorAtoiAij submit will bo to iil cciU0 f iKivtiiKM Ait lonccopt A IV LUMB RI LATH SHINGLES AUK NOW TO SUPPLY OUR WITH DOORS sash FOR OK PAST WE A OF WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK POSSIBLE PRICES THE WM CANE SONS MFG CO Oil J 1 it SA5f rj DOWNS POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND THE BRIARS FARM Sutton West Out SHOUT Best and Cheapest Fence A OOtIRON BUILDERS Office Railings Lawn Furniture AND FOUNTAINS ETC walker ville ONTARIO CatalogQtcMQtoaappileatloa- to cdj by ir til from nod the if FOR SALE With

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