A V NEWMARKET ERA ia Igrery Friday Morning JACKSONt AT fill PRINTING HOUSE XlCf REACHED MB iEBBBrs TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ACCORDING NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER ONTARIO BANE CAPITAL BIST 1 p HO Vol 26 Single Copies Cents Each i Newmarket Ont Friday July 1890 Terms- 12B Cash in Advance mos or Newmarket Branch A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Interest Allowed on a DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALLTonm uk3 mold uucvr J ipttsw on good Fun HARSH A OTJCItOB snwiiin Block- MONEY TO LOAN flOOBE Etc LOAN- rtlKtdoorBoaUof Dominion Betel A Bl8BJTERS Solicitor sthcmbifrr Saturday TO WAS OS SECUIHT a aOUCJ or ins Conveyancer MONEY TO LOAN Interest Collection KB Toronto VS JO If T8TOHEB sod Engineer Yolk Court A BOB LIFE INSURANCE JULY 1890 Wrt to London Old Lot HOT EI TOKO Alif ride per y ElteuicugbU roomm- for Co meet Irmloi J CO md if In of week will Dickie him or it Lowe hook BUM Thorough InitiutltoD s- IB Coart c IS TUB of MONEY TO AT LOW RATES MEDICAL I L DROWN IN J Broker Ul Col od valuation Toronto ALBERT AUCTIONEER For the of Firm Attended and to tit vrill Properly- corner of the store a warn- hob weather appearance Wraps uxd on the fint Boor have been in carnival week Uirs print counter have a constant crowd of bay ere before Were showing now Hoe Fancy Sateens English in a great Variety of patterns and norly every color at a yard worth more At we a mag nificent range of Fine Sateens all colon Special for week A fine Sheeting price a yard The price of Parasols was cot in two today bays a dollar one two dollar one and soon all T J The New Mammoth InUmrOUii dun -rFOR- PURE DRUGS CHEMICALS Perfumery Toilet Articles Oct Specialty at this tenon of jwr the daily from the most reliable grower- A LARGE PORE STOCK OF- antforlbeiltL Toronto Art o and A ftotpect DR A J- IT and Scotland U Council Halo SCOTT Hardware supplied pordr fa I it fl Paris Green and Insect Powder JUST RECEIVED Kindness rfiy dona a Or upoa a child Hakes a tow meek and him men and time bo an All the angeli op Is beaten Sfaoffer be aorrow Where be hire a joy K lime a word la cm and iqqoj tune ha As ha lifes taller The of bit Are deeper than ha knew time a With a abarp and From Ertij time he another Are with td a womta f of her wrath the lent Of the that Some one her who Id And aoxa be in a manner aboat Ha s All hid to Hie example Aonie him do the ime as one has an thin we There far too much of Far too of and to on en atom To the a soul There too much hidden in ore For a word or To be any care Contrasted Open to to aid to Main Street South Tilt Drag jirrtUKewtnaraat t THE ACCIDENT la America luelfezciQilTolrlotbebnilneuonniarance accident for Aurora and at the cooteaoclnjt loan and NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT of her which had been part defined in the twilight that pretty of not pretty The he called Ho had new ticket and be atop a moment bis way town Toa need Dot he laid to servant I hear in the breakfast room and I will go there and surprise them good do ye if Alias it He did not notice her ominous words kept on the even tenor of way He pat his hand on the door knob and then he He did not wish to enact the role of a bat he had the mention of bis own seine and be had little pardonable Do yon ova Mr Fairfield he heard a voice Im glad the witch baa asked that question muttered to himself as he waited impatiently for bii Amelias reply fiho sneered Who anything to do with oldfangled notion now Mr Fairfield Is rich and a arm of the world do I Bat he may Only warmly He itemed Rood that Do yoor mean he and though he obtained no he He left her She to her own room and he went home Amelia waited that evening in vain for and wondered what have detained him He did not call the next morning and the when re turned home to dine All with Mr Fairfield to me to day he Bald and Amelia gave a pleased start Did he she bat so differently to what I expected lie for Kate hand not Eatefl I made a 1 the None whatever He to marry her immediately take her to France And yon knew Amelia exclaimed turning to her Butter That who you visitor last night yoa sly minx Youve been lying to him youve Amelia said her father sternly List night only the second time he ever poor Ho told ma the whole him self He called here to you and overheard you I do not know how you can help j venting love him I would on your m f jKSTHT i J at all and and NOTES DISCOUNTED done Land Valuation AC TO LOAN- Old WALL PAP my which now corner ittei a most complete in all and finest pattern in with MATCH Ceiling Paper Corner Pieces and Extensions to Correspond These good hire the od and American roarLrt i A ami at nfi they fail to anJ quality to OFFICE JI Mifaa jolt the NORTH END BOOT SHOP of wwarktt and Ibat lie a and all da- crloni of In a and promptly done of and All J oHoada Butcher N I f i LYMAX Kit The Manufacturers Accident Toronto- a4 John A- Mae-loo- Af Toronto JOII Jl BOO ART plal Af tot LIFE Preserve If our Sight ONLY FRANK LAZARUS of Arm RENOWNED Spectacles and EyeGlasses AT Wines Liquors OLD COItllYS I WHISK Recommended for North CASH GROCERY STORE Stocked with the fifltlt ireduce TEAS ASPECIALTY Can of p 1V Can tf GOODS- 0MALLEY Mum St North 0APITAI AND BOLL fuco IwqjM4 J- OLD RELIABLE QUERRIES CARRIAGE WORKS STREET Buggies Carriages Wagons Etc Attended to I Richards Co Gents my o badly I had to driven home in ft applied in hours could una my leg at well ever AW I LEADING HOUSE YARD 0B tftwnaiktl Constantly on Hand largest Best Stock DRY 1D to a C RBY1BKD for Infants and Children Sir Fairfield in the room of patiently young lady be bad called to see He had met few roontbi ago at Saratoga and aa bo wao a ry and t the same agreeable become quite with her was the firet call he had Ten- Co make return to the city be how receive him He did not card to her he wished to as hoped care and keep out of the way be heard a voice aaj be shamed out of my wit if any one you limping round There was rio to function aod a moment later She was a tall girl who bora to and yet there light in her black rising up Sir Fairfield exclaimed la it that it you I am so to moot you once again l Their greeting over they settled down into a quiet little chat and Sir Fairfield was surprised to how had fled when ho to Sho Mm to again and he accepted her invitation and called frequently He her to opera theatre balls in fact to every of amusement In that way several month ho was asking through evening be called rather eat II- than usual and wont Somebody was a quaint little song and singing in a soft voice He had no doubt as to whom somebody must be so he silently stepped over to her aide Amelia ho said gently figure on the stool turned round suddenly Pardon mo I am only she ejaculated Pardon mo he returned I have mode a mistake I was quite that it Miss as I was not aware that had any lady visitors 1 am not a visitor responded I am Amelias lata sister I a thousand pardons I could say no more Ho was wondering why Miss Amelia stone had pole on about this in valid sister In could not bo that was indifferent to her Amelias heart was too tender for that Amelia will bo hero la a mo ments sir added as took her two crutches and leaned heavily upon them Before ho could speak had left the room and he was alone Slits entered apologized for keeping him waiting so long and scorned 11 1 was not aware that you had a sister before Slits ho observed Not Did I never mention her to you queried I thought I had And yet I feel so sad when I think of the affliction that I to allude W her at There was a wonderful pathos in her voice which touched him Ho had not misjudged Amelia it was only the extreme sorrow which she felt that her lips from of Ho went often to house after that but ho caught a of the little whoso mourn song had rung In hU ears ever lvouldliko to your sister ho ventured to evening keep herself so Sa inton Indeed you have fall en in love with him yourself If have I wish yon could hear a the remarks he made about the ridic ulous way yon limped out of room that night I declare it served you right though if you will persist in where you ore forbidden Hash Amelia said another voice How can you hurt Katesr feelings such a uncalledfor manner Sec she is crying Poor trouble enough with out you adding a grain more and to think how that trouble came upon her Once for all Amelia I tell you up going to that ball If take money for another dress we cannot have Kate doctored She can wait was the pettish response Sir Fairfield will surely propose and then I will bo off your hands mother and Ho was disgusted with you and equally charmed by Kato in proportion to the contrast between you take warning She sprang from the table and ran tocher room wheroabehad a violent attack of hysterics- The prize she had tried to win was lost Mrs gathered her lame darling into her arms and wept She was not afraid to trust her future in George Fairfields hands He was too noble to be aught else than a kind husband Four weeks later only Kate and started for France A year later she home perfect ly restored to health and- strength- Amelia was still single but she no word of welcome to Fairfield Has the Visit to New York City felted Him riTlTVmiU eluded she sensitive was faor response I hare tried to In her to come in hero bat In vain i Ha had to be satisfied with that reply though he felt a cariosity to see he Ho imagined by Amelia I am shocked reply But Fairfield waited to hear no more lie had in fact already beard too much for Mies future anticipations Saved be mattered visit was a special plan of Say nothing of my call he continued addressing servant whose ill- concealed glee betrayed she knew what on in there and slipped a nolo into her hand Youre gentleman she ejacu lated audi am glad have found that baggage out She knocked Mies Kate tho angel down stain when was mad and hurt her back The mistress to take her to Paris to the doctors but that vixen wont let them abas married Which will never be growled to himself if everybody as I do now Ho went home Ho sat down Ho meditated He made up bis mind at last He was a bachelor ho was rich he hod no relatives He was independent ho would do as bo pleased Ho went over to the before bis usual visiting hour Tell Miss Koto that I to see her said lo the servant laughed outright sba clapped her as carried the mesiage Miss Koto dear to her heart To Amelia ejaculated It be Be and get out of parlor before Fairfield corneal I With that ringing in her oars went into tbo parlor Mr arose to meet her Mr Fairfield sho stammered blushing Ho looked her Miss Amelias beauty dwindled by the comparison ho This little creature with her abundance of soft golden hair eyes and wistful face was far beautiful than Amelia had over been YesjMhaKatti Did you ask for I did down hero me I have something to tell She obeyed silently was with mortification This man bad ridiculed on account of her misfortune doomed to all beside Mux I know why you shrink from me ho said softly ally I overheard a your fam ily conversation this morning and was happy to havo your sisters true character to Mr Fairfield sho ejaculated impoflsiblot But not Impossible a blessed reality I find that shock not hurt I never loved your liter I only bewildered by her for a time Hut I fled that I do leva omolwdy else you guess who it looked up frankly Into bis face How should sho had nnver been oat In society with Mr Fairfield and know nothing of Ma i Shall tell youf I if you YouHclf caught her hand quickly from ami tears sprang into her This Is too cruel a Jest cried If my has made mo appear ridiculous In your eye you need not mock You misunderstand ma ho said gently I mean what I say I you too dearly to mock you I want to marry yon and take yon to with ma and get you cored there hid her and wept not tears of sorrow but rather joy The great good she had had those of of Ufa to to New not only a populous tit but alto Its tad Iliads in East River JWtoeV Is lands in the bay a portico of the hod north of lvlaud It art if illiquid or bat la of known by differ ent ilott etc a port of comprises City and all on bay and and It that at lent fifty per cent foreign of United States carried Ibis sod of about annually am to and from foreign Bat while and in awry of city and thoroughfares made awrd it homo of who barely eotanei add to lire In lbs Prist of week appears am aid a of eilcted fsm- la being turn J TJft of without means to their and of hare notified that unless they pay at once will Wheis they will go are put out they know not Kail the men of and it is a tight Is it fttvs Part and waul la forced upon the through strikes a great city and bolter country and in a freedom could not obtain In of World from which emigrated evident that run Into other ami liberty to unwarranted In many of city bullae open on day and while quietly wend their to for others mika It a holiday or may bo seen their lo of tU labotlog Street tod can ara kept running Ihsaitne on Saveotbdtyaaentbs 8UIb ami Ltgu Beer be had at all hour Tin rotes of York a by a Used of by hold for term of alt yt leas forcaoio by the Mayor with the of the Governor of and of Three appoint alt the Soperlnttndent down- The one of the and moat In city It a stoilrs high shore the basement The architecture a- mix- lure of sad to lboe said to crown the Parle above llo It completed at a cost of About la tiling and delivery lbs letters end the street of from the water front are very narrow being moth thin St and yet on jrf attests are to bo found buildings from three to stories high The tblapattof the city la fen sod lonetlmea cars of all tangled op lo Ihe Police have to Interfere About lime driven la pretty loud and not ova A Many of the we eopeiblyforoUhed These will nutter for a tetter later on DAT The American holiday with teat In York Brooklyn email boy end the put and da all or utboogbt any other The of torpeJoes toy began at and grew la ad as and the craning was biOliask with of In all parti of the city A Brooklyn paper nib males that more was lo these two daring celebration than the battle of Ho lose than firea were reported la Brooklyn by firecraekera ranging from to ibooeanda a city is yet this day the police make Id atop the f public building and a very large per of private much or some of and we that the made more fuse and pot on more aire ihio the Sections two great cities New York and Brooklyn are to and Italian thai la that be a commodity of orations wo to on that day were from broken clearly their At Navy yard day fittingly celebrated boomed and they in was the occupied a promUiibC pail lion it the lino Alter e away to ROCBtVAY and our enjoyed a celebrated waterlog it a narrow atrip of land apirliog too lbs Atlamic abql inilea from New York at one of wharf a walk of five along to the ocean of the beach a rolta in upon lbs beaten several Boo hotels her and alio a of exteniive reatantaota cabbie of en tertaining On arriving at tbU point by seeing the vast tout people gatharl It no thing from to the tamo lima men children nicely povdioni are and convenient and for cants the can a room batblogsolt have checked You are not tied Stretching from the Pa vilion era guide of cable wire to which short ropes are tied at to water at low tide bang on these short ropes while the wtcei toll in them from two to Immediately line men are pitted lifeboaU- too rre a water police On the beech are lea ceot la abac aorta of monttrociUea and Judy etc well a the gambler thim ble rigger It was estimated that lee lOOOOMCortiontita now add the who have rooms la the and aome may be formal the gathered throng 01 the candy other pen aire are to bear the and tmatlwsr merchants t their and ad their of pre show times ill and beach is elgbt rollei locg the ere In a jut Ibreo There sleo a meebanlca here and by lade dud The a white sand and romp and tumble about a it reeling the eiueai of their the on the topes while the Some of eteomers running to ihu point end to carry three people and course on holiday and Sundays an extra five tor are even more crowded on the hot than on public But letter al ready extended longer than first In tended Mere v J New Hay The majority of the inmate of the Barrio jail are female in Philadelphia Sunday property to of A Big Hotel hotel in tho in City Central Ameri aaya an tourist WMhi there a I ft day at the largeat hotel and met sur prises than I had encoun tered toy trip around world only built one high on account earthquake It constructed in form of ft hollow square and interior court la made with trees and flowers presents tho appearance of a prison After a knock er on tho outer door you ore ushered into a scene of beauty The hotel was formerly the private reai- of the richest families of Central America but the owner was by President Barrios for a conspiracy government Around the interior wore balconies overlooking a filled with And peach trees palms and beautiful The fare was good and e had our choice of pancakes Gib poultry fruits and and chocolate cant eat if are a hurry though Only one thing served At ft time and yon cant got ft until thing has been served The hotel candles but matches ere extra Then there is a system of calling Che which entitles hotel to name of the one on You ere called files down there ere nearly- as large as an English sparrow and they like a hornet though the is not never kill them but brash them sway of the hotel are filled with these peats in the morning Over each door Is ft Now if leave ft call for oclock your transom Is opened ftt ftnd the flies go in Do wake you I should so The sensation is like that of In five minutes from the time year transom is opened you are looking for tho proprietor It doesnt do any to kick though for aystem has been tho custom for Tears A great windstorm and In The wire and ate incomplete bnt especially la eppsaia to have been Tory- extensive and litee were lost Twelve thoaaand v tended the St Peal Minn is to have an Im mense bind on the and of There are six appeals the 3iessmeat in Village to the County Judge The lake steamer Tioga blew up at Friday night and a dozen or more men were killed A cyclone struck the northern portion of St Paul Sunday and it is said were lost On July vote on a byJav to raise for and street improvements It is now that thirty people their by the blow up of the steamer Tioga at Chicago on Friday platform while packed with people at Dart mouth Friday and a of Uvea were lost to the depth of twelve lochia baa fallen in Enadine valley in Switzerland and two degrees below The Queen baa presented Mr Stanley with a of herself set with as a wedding A vary kind letter accompanied ibe gift William ODonnell a sailor draw nod in playful of companions with whom ho was bathing at Parry Sound- l On Saturday here were now and cholera ia Valencia and on Sunday the record was new cases and 13 deaths l Walter the stallion at Spring Show the past two years died East week The to and was valued at Smallpox has made its in the vicinity of flaw- tborne in and are reported A Canadian families where no been called in Sk floods do tlio at Gastrin and country from Spital in to Oherdruuherg is aubmerid damage baa been to railways and J The infant mortality in Mont- rnl at present very large The number of deaths last week was of which were infants under year mortality tho FrenchCanadian The apple crop not very promising in Pickering a blight visited the trees Many causes have been enumerated but odd which to be mostly adopted is the peculiar electrio state of at for tho past month Frank Booth of Toronto tried at Berlin on Thursday on a charge of horse waa Liudeuy and brought to unci for sale Ho was sentenced to years in Kingston penitentiary A in business without an jlvcitiscinerit inn is like grive without a or a book agent without a tongue Neither or does much all by Advertising is tho gospel of business to who buy or ought to buy t A man visited the residence of Mr Win irons Uit week stating that he wanted to buy a farm lie returned again asked to all night The next day after Mr a purso containing and has been unable to trace themun Gazette The voters Hat for town ship of Whitchurch contains voters of whom entitled to voto at elections to the Assembly and Municipal elections 270 to voto elections only are entitled to at elections to only and are qualified to serve jurors John son of Mr Clin ton Cook badly crushed on Fri day last in gravel pit on cod Whitchurch The surface soil down upon and almost t covered him up but fortunately the other workmen were near at band and quickly extricated him He re ceived severe internal injury but is now gradually recovering 13 There has not been a for when greater to cleanliness has been aa necessary as now last few hot days are it may bo expected for the next Fevers epidemics go hand In hand with torrid weather add only most regard for cfcanlineai will prevent thu low of life lcst disinfectants cop- rthd chloride of lime An old but novel method worms for and quo that docs not entail any labor upon tho Is to a solution of water end aprioklo it over the ground The boat plan Is to secure a place where are likely to bo found and sprinkle the ground thoroughly when will speedily crawl out and try to seek now quarters It Is a method that does not involve any labor and double the use a spade on warm day j i