JULY 1890 New Advertisements Family Floor Deans Factory Wanted Long Farm for J Pollock Charm Lost T OP I BRIGHT WITH EACH FRIDAY JULY 25 Toronto Despatch lit ApwiDfol and lie toll lb city ana a now In lite To ronto Tiiioing for day in it and ojmbd An of two wwi loo la And m or an imUble and dunct And a wills Id lb in a of a tip feed ad Monday for a boy of Iotb Court applied to admfo- frit Robert to The Briluh fat udTorootob a bare moil of el Ik Mr tfJtP Toronto la And among other a baby bow bfra and Clarte off the prise A by to raiAA prion of from A row among a lot of took near Cburcb afternoon of A Awldtnt to a Aoaployod on ntway A of lb fell bU m complexly A Hall yet- tbe of Mr A of law will probobly fcTe to bo decided In new law of lictotci for uU of their trade on it not that afaall not aell at ten cento eaeb and Away a cigar b- So th lilcd of tbia law and of on A Toicxxiora report en n Ontario been by of are apparent In political United fiutoe may of party for test election Thi fidd of new Paper now into for wagon It le claimed to bo both taper And better thin wood for As and flower baa been it the of ThU floral power of the day In morn ing It white when eon 1 ft red at night It bine Only at noon dote not pre A OTV to Saiea from Hew York per bmbel doty on Canadian which Tariff Bill pro- poaea The memorialist to to boaInfAio wbicb many in- Holt Farmer In boay cut fall wheat and barley Alderman G and family Toronto are occupying their rammer again for two months John ha returned from her Tint Mr A from tt home Mr Thoa la over on from Michigan where he baa been last year ftueenbvUIe garden the ret- Pint apoakiegof Eflg meeting at reaolatioa adopted calling the to adopt United be bill pass tbla remark What trade opponent not want to do wo do might tbia correct to protection policy Tax of elocliooproteiU Ltl week wo of reirenUriTa whoa era To the wo may now add John for J Cod lor Godwin Con And Bet for Wert It Aid ibt petition Dr of Ed ward Co fellen tbroogb the off not iTlaalmoet a foregone that Grant of New York will bo a can- for Already era for prefectiog in bu He a Democrat in and a Tammany Hall at baait that be married in early fall daughter of Mr who la dabbed by hie opponent a coo of Grand of Silicas b Editor TO OvTAEioSltlDUi 1690 for dUtritatio Era fiom Printer tbls The of fifth jut the OiUw of loforoiitloD the io which It cm to the TaiCoooetloflhfl Miutbtl the water of Simooe inches higher low and 19 higher than were it by In of which fann liud ftt ltUrorthrr of lend would if the vfttcr waj lowered torn lo foor A now id k Hon of Pablic to eta Mid If to be removed end hare outlet kept why the the Bojne ii celebrated on 12 of It often l hit in new of Into in 0t Britain Thit in the for the old and the new then the old one Bat wis a which wfaro D The tbftt drifted to tie of the on broiler with far then been of got of for trip to old exd Sir been in while be Tie of tte wi4 to theomtnieitcQof axUPaPwf to be for DexbuDp in of copy of Frit and Cocking Small Abel from Atnerictn Awrxittioo To tbii wai the Cut among com end the Jajgfe of Award from prove It a of great practicel nd that it In many a eorirgto comfort end if it wA I l uM in fceid they twelfth be to celebrate Tbte wu tbe of There on fongbt j1 by the French general St Ruth end the Gen The former were defeated end men the only killed end wounded engagement fetal to end km cre eled Eerlof Atblone party which took dean of Mr was a Mr leader bad tat fia pains to ft cess end he rewarded Mi en At oclock tea being oyer Mi If Irwin of Sharon voted to which he fillrd very The priraca of and band adding considerably bo the the evening- They gave excellent renderiog of pieces Miss eorpriaed by the excellence of her singing Her foil and and she most meritorious ly epplauded- has a eery sweet voice and the singe with Mr of ha a vibrant tenor voice with which he did excellent work He Rave a very faithful and imp revive render ing of Im old and only in way and added a nnmber not on the Mr of Sharon of course good hut he in his Which a noble and stirring rendition- of Michigan here that evening added considerable to the entertainment by flinging A of Scotch were read by Rev and were very acceptable The of Mr John Large and the veteran Joe Tait supplied the lighter a very enjoyable We feel that all who attended were well pleased with We noticed that William Hill didnt spare bis horses carrying people to and from the What we noticed Some loud talk over football the blacksmith and barne3- maker washing to understand it that and the other fellow worked very at the that young ladies who waited on tables were kept bny Fair again this Fall Mr Jay a firsb flawing well on of fats farms Mr Jaa also sinking one Mr Arthur and wife are biting relative hero at present notice horseback riding ie -bD- coming fashionable here once more The racklifter with again for I going to fiay forever I hope Our very this week Firmer arc very with their now and by all est again at hand and the bundles are being rapidly dis tributed over the broad acre ones more Women and be seen time to and from the berry patches plucking the fro it fart as it ripens to the dry weather it hard to tall which are the thicker the pickers the terries I week to solve the relating to Mr J Camp- bell Mr- Wilson though not accepted into the Conference employed under the chairman his future depending of which there is not any doubt fn speaking of I would like to person who signed himself as Reader ago if fae can explain if it fa a fair way of doing business for three or four members of church to write respective of the balance of its mem here and send document at conference time with their- names at tached thereto asking that their min ister be returned to them ing that are two other in the circuit who we eon eider should hare an equal say the matter well as the balance of their own members We only the question as a lover of fair play la public drivers completed their work hereon Saturday evening baring driven piles for a foot bridge The end Town Line ball played a friendly gamo at Mr Whites ou Friday evening of last week Mrs Proctor who been very ill for some time atill lies very low with very little hope of recovery life The ladies of the Presbyterian church intend having a garden party at Mr Robert Hamiltons on the evening of 30th After tea a good- program will lie rendered Tnr exfMft New City bit hand new cotnplted on the in to Mw to Central A York asykV of iht labor the that If eoat tit oik bad c Jly acd aben a of alt repdred and rehiring to airactortaa4 iottodM In and odd abort Jul of wf1 a man not to politic- fcaitnow prepaf sltr pay oir the lit tric of Mod roe to of to atib La -ateifer- feritgo povar In political u on- friendly to an then bat now that ha growo ft ready for aai rank lav and It fa of are called to do soma things A blind gentleman to the of Samuel got a man to tovr bit work bitch to his carriage and drive him to of Baker pretending that he on urgent concerning hi property but when he got tbre ho wanted the J P to a love letter to a widow Brock This the mag- refund to do but on it and we threatened with he would leavo tbo We are pleated to announce that who was thrown from a and picked up In a condition is getting better on as JgviftT who baa fh larger aitlwof of tioa A good fitlsg around of that a iVdllUta Ma to gt W g4 into at rob- bast and to tb ropJtrSui es la Had fca hay a H la 1aU4 la wtafeh lbs tsprtaV4 Rv Peter Addison Aurora church and at present on thore has contented to In Methodist church here next Sunday at hour of service- Mr and family church and took part in the Win MUs Watson of Toronto are a week at Mr Terrys 0to of the young ladies never in the country be fore appear to be enjoying Winch is on the tick list this week We understand malaria Ho lea than bicycles pasted through hero on Sunday on their way to Point Hannah In tte church left on Mon day for a two weeks visit with her slater Mrs if- Davis of Her Kettle lakes her place as during her Having is about over In this and aelf binder at work catting the fall wheat Home are with nut Newspaper correspondents as well editors to put up with a good del of abuse This It has hinted at by one we did not to to tho extent they that your humble the ln from appearances good reults The Band Excursion came off Thursday of lait week and well as could be expected considering tho unfavorable appear- of the weather in the morning on board to enjoy fielvee especially the dancers Most of the passengers though wanted to why tho two Jacks stopped at Big Bay Point Our senior foot ball team intend playing friendly match with Hol land at phce on -Sit- urday afternoon July AH lovers of football will likely a good match We would especially liko to sec present the wan who so much to cay at garden party the other evening bo that he may know a about foot ball before debating with boys again Mrs Dr Pearson and Iter daughter Una gone to to spend a of Tho pulpit was on Sunday evening Mr AH the congregation seemed well pi railed to him again Miss Jennie slowly proving but not out of danger yet- Peter improv ing We expect to fleo her out next week On Sunday about twentyfive bi cycles pasted through hern on road to Wo dont why such are not stopped on Sunday- Tin wherry festival the of tfii church on a paying all expenses they lizd Mrs and At a of Toronto are visiting friends Jvc is camping on shore with bis family for two or threw weeks aerrico- every Sunday morning at oclock and oclock in the evening and at oclock urn Thri real estate did come pitted a with li- r aunt iJrddffrd Clarence Long of Wei- Co who has for put wcekrf at Peter frys- returned list Tim I hot serin to run smoothly One young bought hi would change LI thank for a good cut caught by the butcher threw ft he dfilot want banks at his place The of Jamea of a joyous gather ing Ititt l occasion of the marriage of Mi eldest daughter lo Mr D Hull It A at of Toronto University In and matter to Upper Canada College ceremony was performed by the LA- The tastefully attired attended by her sister while the groom Mr J A of Toronto Only Immediate rela tives were and their weir wlabe by the handsome and present upon the bride After a sumptuous re past Mr and Mrs Hull left on their trip amidst a ahower of rioe and wUhet of future proa Mr- Pat ton of paid a flying visit to our village last week- Mr J Smelter and his sitter Mr J- of Toronto were here on Sunday last Quite ft number of the friends and relatives of the late Wra to on Monday to attend I tot tad rites in connection with the decided the Rev Mr- lturo io Presbyterian Church on China Mr Crumble a io China for therefore lec ture which was interesting and fjing was humorously illustrated by many laughable accounts of couth manners and of the natives of that place Thn wadding by your a few weeks has been contracting parries Mrs- L of place and Mr- of Toronto now of a young man who is a musical phenomenon as he sing God Old Hundred all to the tune in your last think that be Jim Keswick correspondents butter now challenges any one to excel bis Welt I think as we are centred in meat productive part of North York we can take bun for butter makers as we a who that ho made lh a week off of hie oxen and worked them all the time Next Big Bay Point Is to some its usual summer aspect Ex cursions are calling here nearly every day Camper and are The Robinson Home is inull Mr Brown of the Queens Hotel Barns opened ralar Park Hotel on Monday last Under hit la no doubt that the season will boa The park and wharf will be illuminated every night by electricity Mr Bogart photographer it making things boom with energy The piano in his parlor tent famishes inurio for the of cambers every evening A party off the yacht came Saturday night and taking advantage of instru ment in spent a pleasant time playing and dancing The fishing is better than it baa been for several year Fishing do longer have any trouble finding shoal as Mr has kindly anchored a buoy to indi cate poaition- following people are hero from Newmarket Miss Nellie piett at the and Mr late of the office of Mr J A and A Greenwood BOS Egypt Rev- Mr Wilkinson our new min ister preached a very impressive ser mon here Sabbath Ha took for bis text and of the chapter- of Deuteronomy and he bandied the subject well His points were all and forcibly brought out The congregation which was an unusually large one for neigh borhood also very favorably with Mr Wilkinson as a minister Your correspondent bad the plea- aura attending a garden party which was held at Mr Bildwln on Tuesday evening and it was quite a There was a very good attendance The Sutton Band was present and treated us to an abundance of good music The celebrated choir was present and two ejections good A selection violin by Mr Samuel Parks a reading by a recitation by Miss Nettie a dialogue entitled by Susie Audrtoo John Taylor Clifford made up evenings There is an of bay in neighborhood fifldB going fully three tona to the acre fall wheat looks very well far but is very backward for time of the year The trotting races on Frog street are wry nearly out I they are afraid of Marshalls little pacer- AH the tents are not pitched at lake shore this season as we one erected at Sir- John Mount The plans are now reedy for the school and tenders are asked for its erection It is to bo a two storey brick building and completed will bo an imposing struc ture Mount Albert enjoyed ita Holiday last Tuesday wheo a number it Jacksona Point Hie day was delightful A grand garden party aid of the Methodist church to take place next Monday on Mr Rowlands lawn The band will be present to enliven pro codings with choice music served from tilt to eight after which an interesting program will be pre- Everybody will bo made welcome a big crowd will be pro- pared for Mr opened a Factory in Mount Albert where new work will bo turned complete and aU kinds of repairing done in a satisfactory manner Hav ing had 30 years experience we are assured that only substantial work will be done and a and steady will be the result The Leadin ouse A CHANGE IN OUR much MILLINERY PARTM Floods are causing in China fc intense heat along drouth in ia reported to have wellnigh ruined the corn The English riGe team won the Cop Wednesday with a score of 704 the being A battle been fought be tween the Guatemala and San Salva dor forces in which the latter were Thornbury is excited over the arrest of two citizens for burglary were found in their Tbeecond battalion of the Grenadier left England Tues day for Bermuda for three years panithment for intobord A hold a camp meeting at Geneva Park from the 1st to of Aug Among the speakers to be present are Dr Potts Wm- J- M- Kerr and Wilkie and a boat of others Fare and one third the railway The on the fatal on the P It near Hill was Concluded at Greon Wednesday the at mid night whin jury brought in a verdict finding that section fnremau Roche had been guilty of manslaugh ter Roche was arretted and taken to Whitby gaol- This Department is now in charge of a Lady thoroughly experienced late oi Ottawa and for the past season has managed our Millinery Department at Barrie very successfully Cedar Valley- Mr Halls barn Is completed When ho gets finished he will have of beat equipped buildings in the country Tho same might be said of Mr Cases ham- Work on it ia at a stand still during haying Both surmounted with pinnacles- from which could take observations of the surrounding country for several Sunday afternoon a of retidents of this place who are par ticularly fond of boating betook to the pond and proceeded to row After considerable distance had covered the boat suddenly filled with water and sank precipitating tbe occupants into the which fortunately for them was not very deep as neither could swim toon arrived end feet were taken from miry clay and placed on dry land thoroughly soaked Probably they will care to have tho experience repeated very toon ft approaching atd If tho present dry con tinues probabilities am that will short kernel Mr Fog a I Is having a serious time with on his and It la a matter to 1 laid of work at this of year r Mrs is nursing a lame ankle it having dislocated out walking recently Tbjro sickns around which aw rut to lift nearly all of a peculiar aching In bones At close of In Pill- Orchard II afternoon Mi fceotleirmii was with address and a In of hit efforts point sinners to i ho Cross The following it a copy- of Urn Vwz July 18M T KtlMy tit fronds ftUt ValUy d to bow jt ht d bfllsr liar been ibroDjth a oar sod car it or J yea this mi ttrl jrcQ tod jrou to that with It our prsytra for apftltasl sod that lb lb Deeded KtAC sod la spirit pawtr to all you tbst In but cut sod lbs t lut you of The elder feelingly replied thtnklog for the kindly remembrance and hoped that his efforts to do good would not bo in vain as that was bis object In his constant in their midst The purse TbAt floe Well- Wick Hi of a tut Ontario In the Town altl bo by I enters Alto dock lb household be Mid for situ well si occupied by Mr behold Auctloo at Hotel at oclock Fur Jut or tbo Into Jacob wlllulfcr for ante si Tstujblf arm Umber Mftert or or Toronto and or J auct Bradford club de feated on Tuesday to Play continued for hours Nest Friday return match takes place at Bradford fiSbeHlsehieifis Charm with AElt rtarinrwmat known tcvlolock W nod fn be cheap for to Icio ntiichezpltai twoyearjrom rfijil Jnuryi lor term apply or by loiter J- J POLLOCK- ft Keswick Oat TO CONTRACTORS VENDERS will lied up ERECTION Day of Jul a me A BRIDGE Cry for Pitchers be Great Bargains I IN FOR ASH AT TUB LEADING FURNITURE AND Undertaking House A to from DEPfi Ill found VtilHccotfl of atost wall at the cheaper lines Undertaking a Specialty calls attended Hi All Orders earCUlM promptly juiety JVlth Pile natulan fluprwtruclur be at Xfc Vfrlsoor at office W ttV Tenders bo tailed soil to under ac- J TENDERS l TED IB TVuttees i Up the 301 Lot or or Albert July Material ami or a HOUSE Albert uot 1 Truileoi w ANTED- n Inst Mr- 111 town on 21rtl lot I J It it icth Mi of a lb of the iUv J A lull A Matter tsalarfet to ma of Mr Jamts llenry- r Inst- by Mr Sir arTliirdwa and after th lb I lujt for d flit to rptnd bis It WMiTfllli on July John yesrt and rootbt IM0 tfdLaadlor lb Mr- jo warararaaodasyrs J ih it fc A good fzersl errant Apply to itiia W Noileal hereby that are my or ho yftrporllloii Of J MIX to law I I OnTMIIrAltlF R MALE FROM TO COAL COAL First Class HARD COAL for For WM DENN a a big run of fiuin- Oxford Tie Shoes I VorUta kCllfdrco Vry pet to task OH aoooorit of la He of Carpet to Warp or da CASH AN Our Markets Joly SI Flour per barrel Spring Wheel Wheat buihel par bush luhot 0 0 ftlO Drau per ton lib Wool per ton I Pork ocrovrt Beef Chickens per pair on BEAVER Minrit OH a a I3 a a a a a a a to a 000 a CO a ROLL Our Toronto Markets -r- July Fall Wheat per aft Wilts iwbubel per perbuibo bushel per bushel Duller oil J tor Hotter tub per lb Pot a toe per big Applet per Wool per lb Hay too per r A per pair i a 19 0 CO 1 CO 073 OiB 16 0 15 oil a OCO SUPERIO FLOU IN CANADA COLUMDIA PACIFIC MANITOBA V DENNE NEWMARKET MONEY TO LOAN on cli DAVID LLOYD tot Varerniiter Iswri cc it- ftwiv Ick Fir Vnru 1ondoa ad pool- land in ISM Uoror iifMcratlon Toronto and SPOT CASH STORE Is the Place to get your Boots Shoes TRUNKS AND VALISES Ik GOOD ASSORTMENT Always Kept on Hand S k LOWEST PR QUALITY WEIGHT GUARANTEED BROS NEWMARKET a- I WE CLOSE EVERY NIGHT AT 6 OCLOCK EXCEPT SATURDAY