ERA 1890 ON IS the lata probata by U19 Till Starday Mr Donatio Si in hop a can- anew call and The will of ttWOileortrKyf home daring refill adopts taut It a banfc- ftl MifBOxosT an- KCt foltcatog Safety Rap Board Ki fcrfj tfajtUn jlVV by Market sjatclUrad great qofcnlity of UltcJtf on Mallei Following vert bait j4myUtriM7 by lb per a pec Next Friday ao- to the kbit jrU- tf ltjillWfr n want to Ware if torn men they ioiitfib CbIfSTg to s4 IcCrt liir Jot Birelr ud fiofi ud call who Then who lIi ihej cat to bt got to fiKXtiLf of to Jo itv U et ud I lit A special meet- tock FiiJij Utiir fcj lHtfv Frit ftt Oa raotioo of She Sod Cli let Sho blots of School Secre tonr iaitracltd to tilt of tit to In Older the Sown York The the North School Urj bu EvotUSed to la Cbureb ot at fix tha rn J of tbo of ctlUr A this the Ncnnil of Ibf Mr A Re i4 a Itilok tl itwlf to tie Sit Jj School of A bono attached to a to Eli tied la of when it it tome atvey Mr bono conlot And Of He a grab veiheoeketldowB the fiore Somo afrit ho boi got ud I pub id bit the lit fco tod It t la front of dtmifitJ hot tr- wane It Faster Your of a deft a hop eat Woco to a foil J bit or Tims The for of fox of tbt town VfbiU tod la till of am that bu not ttodtttd will ttUt hit u op Union oat a flrjbcl- KboUnnpto of their ttetett 1 foig hall cott ud pojUfi til then of to the of to forming la to that Id IhaProtatuI So it of IfatM waa an of fill rooaUuL si 11 Chriitiaa SI market never had tocb a to bo coal coal to for at tbU ttaalb with Vol hoc the tow a Bankers 3oscb and Roaa are with canopy at Hotel Lie ceil Saturday Mr Per- baa added to A of the wu acco ofoor oclock sight Goat table wart of air Saturday mom- log aooitthiDg for Jaly or Mr a Fa Ha up in a pain la fronts while a from hud of torn boy pot Mi Stana froot for fctapa A doiBfatk which la a tragedy occurred North End of Time It the practice at Unto of year for to a higher price for bat hate the order cheaper than a Dead Another very eaddeo death near Mr who a tad by trade and ttonof Mr- Lome ATeaac left at last Friday to la getting in the hay on at head of the bell rang foraiz oclock he waoa and one of the 1 J a joke about dropping bra he 1 care how He then down the bay expired Heat eoppoed to hart the It Fat at that he bad a J thing jtcttfclc t to the a one dawned the was Ilia appar in the beat of a etitia to hit darghter and and cut a gloom the community who deeply with them In their tad affliction Mi very man of baULi and exceptional mechanical a genial which made him a fayorite with hit cUtMa The funecal took place on by the remans interred at and their renting place by a targe of frteodx A Yaw Gabddt will hare for look and lliere la of Ilia are fine P It Cigars a org of gMtsr at Lowers Book a Day Tomorrow be Blaine la at Met 1 Fell Through VAX for MKfl kip In feoca np contract If IV Council troTlded fur tHA when required de- bight would be wu the only uftgoard a to irQre 111 Mr objected bf tod would only contest that bo to A rcpalLoxi then made the afght a the year at a Jjortteff per night agiteaWe to the contractor the to drop and wilt u at On JVMKi- the of tba of Toronto at ft met of s up V It Brace Ad Derby of J J fiUadard WUaitaJtb A J Merrick Bert Brown A fibaw JIeco Tom Fate jTi Jatbr i Allen Bod Vtwxtitg wornpaLled a It tip ltib After a trip Mom nn by of Up a faw of the re It Ik Kit left by Monday a til with ul by The toy that of ht of Tub Kinderoirtbn For eomo time Mr pudic bu been the Dnrd of to into the for children from to fire yeart of age generally teem to bare a ragua Idea of what that meant however in the new home to be built beat year it la t each teaching At the the Kindergarten School town an entertainment which ported la the Eamtnfr tad of what it under It entering room about fifty children were found in their tittle red Mated their own little Before each a little con by the fiogera of the children and filed with Mitt Warner and her two led with that and ait the children IntuVtifcty to read and to The ol accompanied with a action of end body After Soma and the chil dren were implemeote by aplotera of wood form fignrcji ana tad clever tnd by tettbre to Inculcate of propoilloa form and eagle them with I geometry propMlfoai ete After time la way ibdr play which graceful and to a werieete- by the children with great aud grace of the whole being rub children of llrJr and Inculcate mote- of grace beauty of action each will no doubt leave a luting and effect upon the children dar ing their Urea The whole delight ful excrtUta lot with spirit and with grace and cue and charm to degree On the wall hung a picture of far Majesty entwined la Union Jack had the were brought to a fining clow by Q Have Queen of delight to the audience and left the con- fiction the montba ly the little with Wetter ill tut in the pbyilcU of children but will bare a luting effect moral and improvement Oa all were beard of from and teEnel delighted lb Ut grace tod perfect itt chil dren by and her tott J fur uUfKbuit ajatem elicited apt ror- a introduction Kiodergaetan It will found of great to the Utile In fiUiog them for the heavier work of upper rooma And thou chil dren who are born late get the benefit of may foftneata A men who bad for cutting they wonU make a little ex tra by taming beet grata of the into bay Baring got It nicely dried they cocked It for the nighty next morning it gone They found oat who had taken It bare racket the claim by poultry It pretty and he would not bare tared to well bad be fallen Into other match will take place the agriculture ground New market Friday let between the Talipot of Newmarket and the Maple Leaa of Aurora An effort la being made to rtrt the game end Ilia hoped a large crowd will turn oat to tee match and encourage Newmarket wayt taken an lateteet In the national game and there no why we not to do An fee of to pay Lady Should bare one of Store art good a named Mary from the Tcwtibipcf Whitchurch lj one morn ing tut week She wu a cripple many before in the Home and being helped out of bed by another inmate fell to the floor and her leg above the that the it about of age ia getting well 0 tent coal to Mr of per too being Board Audit meet next Friday examine and authorize the payment of the ftConuU for the mouth Ail Of and Veg at Ba By to the of the Town in an- will bo that for toolbar Ar- Well feat being the wu for til It it being tank about feel of the The Hallway Com pany that town is ready to them with the required quantity of water Mr on behalf of the Kail- way Co wu here yesterday complete If another flow can will be the Cemetery Co IceOrbam All popular flavors and beat in town at Qive him a Abut Notes Miller of Staff led rackeorer Ha explained why the were not There era about COO on the Both training are fall of Cadet who are preparing for tbe tod the office will be here toon There wu Junior Jubilee and Farewell meet ing it the on on parade all wearing and badgra lira fir Toronto Allie takea command of the Dlack converted of Smith A big Scotland low Aurora will bring bit up on night and will lead meeting here Takee cake Try it a Tub it nearly once In fact it here with There are various IneU- about tome who have the farmers will reap an abundant bet- than for Mr of Kul Gwillimbury who pretty good authority on each mat that in the neighborhood of Holt fall wheat wbeAt tad lafley It only fair not iur to tieejge crop and it por Deputy aLmebt He fall wheat wheat are below average but peat exlteat The teed rain terioulr the toot crops the apple crop ia East to be allure INE LINES t w T IN With Trimmings to match The Best Value we have ever shown mimtmt OUR LO RING 1 I I IS BOOMING rp iillilTlt BOOTS SHOES In Great Variety THE NOBBIEST HATS TOWN WALL PAPER Immense Stock i A LARGE LOT OF CENTS LIGHT SUMMER GOATS VESTS Iu Russell Cord Lustre A Fine Lino of BOYS JERSEY SERGE TWEED SUITS From smallest size up Gents Yeats Boys Gents Laced Flannel Top Shirts Straw Hats in Every Size and Shape LAD IE OOD IN Gloves Hosiery Ribbons Embroidered White and Colored Edgings Beautiful Luntcriues in Plain Black and Brocaded Black and White Creams aud Greys Printed Muslins the Latest Novelty Another lot of Beautiful Shades in Caahmen FINE VALUE ALL THROUGH The ettnwf from lln much Town Council 9beHisetneDis ink is corn appUa woo mote abQDltQt than for A KobtuMtt rto a wal Said of a brick bout her Jay fliiUUona en a ibis July v a Belfry lVnn i 1 Iteaia ijiinv 1uU Jo work do J rt- arvvtr Jot work rotka 9 work rsMLltM4 The bill of J A A Co lis yeas A com on Iunl j Scully A for tote cmlettcij btraet ilraT J verbally that for was to Em office lowest Mr on electric Mr bear J He lo matter of dock- lot Ibat in council was Id to forego The of IUt be Fire A Water com drawn op at mine the with aDOthr well without of council Uw Win- of had been al Mr Cba ll tecr ou of Mr Cta of Toronto flra town weet lo Are pro- vide for other and It Altai of bare on a to lbHol with her Mr about enter upon another thai Mr of Toronto Juno- occupy thai la I ibe addition well com in town a c week- faaJ lhe and family Jin J- Qerrir eervlcto dating the warm FARMERS AND OTHERS TO BUY AT THE GARRIAGElSHFAGTORYi would Inhabitant a of Mount and I country ho commenced of And Mr Shop and feci ibit alter particular with Neat and work Painting and Trimming Done Promptly and Cheaply ALL WORK WARRANTED a ill purchasing It you Practical Maker To day J W Bel of in church Dctlca abort or a full boose to hear orator hoar a faaUha alttotion lololeJ the the duly of the cbmch Canada from tie yoke of Ho aaU thai are Id of D ion and at therefore they of paver and are lor of the bat trouble la people will ple for thongh they bare to way they the ballot the day A mm vole la a of and It ahould be for of politic IcatcoJ of being an automatic neuter of machine thai patty The ret tr end a fund of a fluent and forcible argo- Iter d and alio In attendance A rote of lhaiV tend for of the for SUGAR considerable ibrou the of Marin Jacktoo and Dnbol of Toronto poj with faror by firoiluK beet could be lofitably at iMce paid In other A tha late ard out to be that rather pie were not wllHog to a lock touy the matter people of Toronto are now taking the matter up About of beet rot tar In of which will upon raw by Mr of nod Carl Taoatoitf log engine of a Brolch In The on to a factory of- which ODMhtfd can be Iu Mr on way and will atop off way A fan ioMito of of of all to matter and will be opereloo Qrandoa by lb farmer bate of fire acre eah town beet root teJ for tfce fint ool ppl7 Toronto lo people York will did not py a more to tha matter they had It her Mr in town on hi way hone frottt a Iowa Mr and of are a week ot Mr A Xellii gato pitty to ycuofritadf on Tuesday Mr Ha It Oil Co of town Dr Hit will boon 2nd of tit pre- aJvectifted Mr Andrew Hooter and wife of In town their an Mr Ejqp and family located at their act Vp for the of Toronto reek her aunt Mil Vlltoa wgaterel at ill J Toronto -T- Mr Was and of Urea It Hood Mra tt alio field have goo a to lUuU to few with and at Bay R format 1 of hot now principal of the at of her with to town Bteton Waittt IUt the pulpt f the Suudiy end gritted a foil Hi nude Beech an from Wmnipf hero on a if join tbe family one of Lake Sirococa or couple of I foq A Co of which Mr J A agent IhU week and did Mr Green puseuleJKairmarkt at Council T of lo Aurora Hat The of North York want up ft kind he Mr down home wetk to Some three of the back of a the eat not and wee nearly VMM Her alow ft lib other Mre Toitito a few father weather by dlreot On the of committee In letting a contract foraaccoud well on The on bylaw to Introdooe tbU conn- ell a adjoarnej till Monday lug SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT TO POST OFFICE Jnly To Editor VruMiirirf The Heme from your cor- reepouQent laat week act an J winter when that were little 1 una by majority of people here culprit who Mr Editor I to plainly and yon out In the NEW STOCK STRICTLY Paris Insect Powder DRUGS MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS and Beet Slock w ttididnotaeuayoatboaoiumngp Brushes and Perfumery hive lent you any for at time and I further you nod neve to your peper be I will toy hope tbat In future I may be blamed when und not before Treating I am loo much July Med Editor 1 wlahtocorreoL correspondent Id ret a to report of a certain choir not a thousand from Keawlca number It not half that They bad any Ice cream tor did They all to for their but our would not I for I am aAured not at party iiadtieany making report Hell Mr Editor 1 have on bend bad beard be uottilnc truly 11 HOT Member of Fancy and Toilet Articles All and Patterns of IS THE TIME TO BUY A cream COLORED CASHMERE VEILING J LJ Shirtings Cheaper Than Ever FRESH GROCERIES AwrAire CHOICE JAPAN HYSON TEAS Dispensing a Specialty And tbo beat quality S Rice Lake The commencing at their fall wheat John had the misfortune to hurt her ankle about woeti ago She baa been verr and 1 now confined to licr bod all go nowadaya A load from apnt a very pleasant time at the ft week Thursday The hay crop la favorable in locality and many crop- Mr hat about three torn to the acre Mil Bella away on a trip We wiab her a very enjoyable time gentleman cut quite a well promenading up street In with a young en It is too bad there not enough all the boys Tbere were fW after one a ago Sunday received some beautiful patterns in English Scotch Canadian- Also an aaaortmont of to from specially in and Call and see for yourselves bring your frienda with you All made on the premise at Closest Cash Prices Only Your Patronage Solicited W D Opposite Starrs Book Store Merohant Tailor Qenta own up neatly and cheaply INDER WINE PURE MANILLA ultr til lit Mil- lhrw tint deputy with am ro t it work Bradford club played Premier a thn Toronto SaturI clear majority of in day won by to 1 first Monday in Cry I April li fixed for com meet of the DR WASHINGTON tin Throat and Lung Surgeon AT Forsyth House SATURDAY AUG 2nd to Six pm SALE Oar FARM of or to Ailed Mid bj Public MANSION HO Sutton Chroolo CoDiumpiioo of Voir Bot a T it etc Cestorlat wt doinVi tba I I HOTEL Albert TraU Tilt PO boor ens altoale abaiooa fcuiion bo to iba Coao of York CONTAINING A fciJCof Lot ACRES era two loom be LIN par to bla uio lolw fort r wot- la lbirtrd7i IbarwrtarAd alx par flta lo bo by MACIARENMACDOMIO STORB NOTICE WANTED eta find MrntDit mam tor lit of At od Hall P Good SALARY lobctDrio J our to I WrittAtgbMforltiint W ftU i aa