Newmarket Era , August 1, 1890, p. 2

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NEWMARKET AUG 1st 1890 Hew Dinner Seta tain Hill A Smith Jars Burr Voters list He Fall Bros GhMOutoB STUlLWT8tPl BUT BACH ISSUE j FRIDAY AUG Our Toronto Despatch to offers ftr that who jroed lbs toll jut limits spies In Ho Its srs In thick will employ itefli COO hands to to Toronto Junction old gone in an of Mr of firm Maim Tick tars Mr wants to Withdraw from sn4 then co llet iNHTa In til to t on A P P In lbs dry ass for East La at sll bow presents sgslnit Ms rtlnro Hallway will ran a to Chicago August to filh St Distillers of JO cents per on combtstns to raise lbs pries by retail to lOanliptt TbsbcmssbydlitiUm mounts to is pet cent and the proposed by lbs saloon per cent A Dumber of employed In tbli city for an Increow Id ban hod tbtir of Mr Robert Hoy xM P took on It of ot in dry Too lifouoU of Dr Baxter rocdredbybelognnomby etwot car on JdJj will in training In Toronto from to lb lit of October Training will tbe of In 0011000 of education by Sea Trouble For more than two week put Sea between Great Britain and the United Statu a theme for leading riala not only in the large dailiea of the cities but also in the Provincial pre more eapeculltf has this been the case the publication of the official correepondeaoe the subject between the British said American We not room for a synopsis of tbe despatches between Lord Salubor and Hon Mr Blaine but there no a few points of interest to Canadians 1st Great will not concur in any aetttment with out the sanctton of this That the bluster indulged in by the American of State has failed in producing sod deterrent effect upon Premier of Indeed Lord Salisbury tells tbe American Government that it is to claim that an xpanxe of water hundreds of miles wide like Sea if a closed one and that a contention cannot bo entertained by Her Gov- eminent He also reminds Mr JBlniLb that when Alaska was part of the Empire American Government advanced the same views as are now held by British author ities and on this point Lord Salis bury bM nil American diplomatist to a van tags He fairly bom bards the taken by him with American precedents and with the force of unanswerable logic not only the weakness of Mr Blaines but complete ly him by the masterly knowledge displayed with regard to international law Lord Salisburys despatches are free from nothing fikt discourtesy is even hinted- but at the time their bespeak a tone and born a feeling of conscious right and which means business Ho makes plain that the greatest power in world cannot afford to right to the United Stales or other nation calculated to with the freedom of commerce upon tho ocean In reply runs oil upon a aide Issue M preservation of seals during but tLu British remind that the ques tion of is a matter of international arrangement and that no nation on its own author It punish by and Teasels engaged in fishing on the high for settlement No larger freedom will hereafter prevail as outcome of this international squabble Provincial Question the lata Provincial elections were pending in Quebec In last wo directed attention to fact that tho frees and politicians of that Province were fostering an agi tation in the direction of making an other raid upon tho Dominion Indeed this was one of Hon Mr Herders basil motives for hold ing the celebrated conference In the city of Quebec two or three years ago composed of members of various Provincial Governments of the- Do minion He was now in more money than tho resources of Quebec and since hi advent to power tho indebtedness of that Province has been swelled to over annual interest on debt absorbs a considerable proportion of annual now received from treasury the agitation in favor of exalting Provincial indebted ness being assumed by Dominion Government But Ontario cannot afford to allow a proposition to be Already has been the recipient of the lions share compared with Province from the Federal exchequer in the shape of railway subsidies and appropria tions for local works while Ontario has been the In customs does and inland this fact very conclusively in following extract utoBx from Km fctj and Of contribution however Montreal contributed that goods entered Montreal for consnmpUon In Quebec alone bat mostly for places In other and that these other places pay the doty upon these goods So it Is with Toronto Thee two are points and great balk of ths duty paid by partios outside Torontos share last year tiog out of calcnlfttfoo and find wu collected from the of and froni the rot of On- ssms between snd cutoms is ahown by compsiring toms towns of Town in BrockrilU From the foregoing figures itsoeroa to pretty that Ontario contributes great bulk of customs duties and this arises from the fact that tho people of Ontario per capita make me of more imported and duti able goods than the habitant of increase in Federal sub sidies to the Provinces means an increase in customs dues and as a consequence Ontario would not only- pay all increase wonld receive but also be called upon to contribute towards the amount other Provinces failed to pay to make up this addi tional subsidy Quebec is now to secure A small per of increase of course would not bo par ticularly felt by Provinces which contribute little to the Domin ion but to a Province Outer would mean a very con siderable burden inasmuch as tbe total contributed and received pre sents a decidedly unjust disparity We would pay much more than we receive while Quebec would draw- out more than she contributed This agitation for a farther raid upon Dominion exchequer is but the re commencement of the old struggle which waged so in anticon federation times between Prov inces of old Canada an evil which Confederation was supposed by Fathers of our present constitution to to a sovereigo panacea Had Quebec pursued a like now ob taining in Ontario by a system of direct taxation to meet local muni- expenses instead of defraying the same from the Provincial chest she would not now be laboring under the burden of a debt and its politicians would be spared the of making another ap peal for a farther Increase to Its Fro- Indeed so far as we are concerned if any change Is to be made with regard to subsidy AkrcaiKO incidents anecdotes of early Millers in York told by Mr pamphlet recently entitled A York Pioneer which the author kindly sent to Ibis rs of West Boron have r Cameron for the Is one of the leading members of the liberal laWestern Ontario who was defeated the election in 18S7 TBI Year Book of Caned tiles that lbs area of lbs Dominion three and half million eqnars This represents about the Empire nearly of Europe sad esfoortb surface of the globe prodnced worth of gold last year The raired pries of SO a gallon aboot per cent this as in excuse tbo hotel- keepers of Toronto propose to raise the price by the glass or Us enry sold by Sutton North and Union Society baa decided to bold next Pall Show In Sutton on and September The Reeve of in Toronto this week of charged with stealing iron from of that village was discharged by the court in Toronto this week INSURRECTION in the Garrison Buenos Revolt at of by IWOOO United It Star to Oar IsOcenoUMt Dot tat they All If to iwn lime As by tfco Qortimeiit Belt Ox to tog lint ibe IbtcajK Plenum A of Alng lb or ihi and to t- urjd0 of Co0gTTsu hup u SUlbbftPdott in of power from to of WM1 will wmeof of more four or firo New York tie kicking receipt lut from point on Like to It if that will bo kaiIoq for Act to woik It it propoJ to ran the line from Like to and tbeo to JaoctiOQ Fort and and to Pitt of Mr Hay of Toronto The took place on of Mail Hie long life continue for to be ft force in of all know Ibereijxct and hon or of fellow and ell re- Ittioiii of life bote ret i- lode He Centre Toronto from to 1S2 in Rice Lake Items The their Wl very good crop tiie The ma- eoon The two were to other Snadty ought to have a little more for and atop their whist- ling pawing by There a lav for church The crop is bo pretty a failure here Kettlebj- There will be a grand garden party at lot of King on the of the Aid of the King Chiiitian Aurora will be present and fur- add a good time may be from T to admitted for and for to be wproprifitd to the fond The art invited Elder will be over Sabbath to uabt ia the reopen ing of the A- of baa kindly Kilted to fill the vacancy Mount Albeit The Garden Party held Mon day evening at the beautiful grounds of Mr Robert Rowland was a grand in every particular large crowd which wo preeeat en joyed thexucelvetf thoroughly The by the band was all that could be asked for while the program sup plied for the evening was excellent The proceeds amounted to Owing to very short notice given contractors time for clos ing be tenders for the brick school house has been extended until Mon day la tbi are all busy harvestings A good crop is an ticipated- The rain of Wednesday was bad for the cut wheat and barley Richmond AS bring week into a charge of preferred Regutrar of connection with returns of of hi office procefrlinga were but a to the from alt that be a a whether by has not determined- will be Toronto on Saturday A neat little of of General with of the of of Gtiot Sherman and Sheridan at the If hat jolt at IbU fm the author He io the General Grant one of tbe and congenial hid of jortice suJ wtitten ic a free and easy iutereating incidents of esOliitn We York World git a a cample of how gitne la wrktj in the Slate Iteaya a rniitaken Idea that the lawyer baa not hie eleration to and then adds In ill 4cliti lien Hen and a Jit a hi of the except one hid uame placed on pay roll How if for the at all we would away with grants to Provinces altogether than make the increase now agitated for in Quetco Geo Durham of this place took action against hotelkeeper Palmer for dangerous assault when the lat ter went better had Dur ham arrested charged with being a dangerous Thia staved off the assault till could be examined This was done before this week who talked with Durham about his with Palmer and soon became aware of so the Toronto that old man was of sound in old gentleman discharged- that the alleged lunatic was pulling down a fence around a lot Palmers hotel when the latter assaulted bleu lb was alleged that he did not own that land and was crazy but Durham produced the tax papers or twenty past Ho a ay a bo owned the since 1870- whole looks like a scheme to send the old man into captivity so that ho could not prosecute Palmer for assault Mr- Durham has commenced a suit for damages against John Palmer and Magistrate Lawrence for false and malicious imprison lata jo writ mow a It la that Dr lost will atltcetd in wbohubMOtrsniferied Jo reply to Lords of position In regard to while part of Mr Blaine admits whole say s- United fitates will not withhold from any nation the privilege which It demand d for lUrJJ when Alaska part the Empire This will pave the way the dispute the American there but the while being to be to a degree yet finuly that la the history and that must now be by arbitration or by a to force This bat no think of rumor now point to the foreign to the whole dispute be Canadian Pad6o trjDgtmeoU some time ago for the putebue of lbs entire New wfck and thereby ova Iron telle aitem uarly of railway Aw amplication a yonoj Toronto has been at the Ottawa to a In that city As lion Mr Is from at no will be will be Jr appears Mootmoreney in Mr order tour ttoiincUl and aa elected to of a for tbe on the Wth oil to Oil when Coo by a majorltj Mr the Hecobly by porter of Mr Mercies aadln tbe Commit by a of are to be on loaTseauidilikie- tht but It wont work The fecial wye that tine of the Sea been aeriouwly Great could not robithtajt the Iraoijortalioo of bood from the Slats and ifog titty large and troliaUe and at e great litiocf commerce Ilia excel lent authority muter In without conduilon been at tot all dlsvajii at a of Cabinet are u to be no confirmation be bed from of ad titer that acme of tbe members of Jbe Cabinet are to ijirM react on tbe ad ml oil rat loo and would do mora to of North Weil It would to tbeCinidiao railway York Is Dun In and does not patllrulerly like way In which ra at ton bit after all allow ance for forced upon that of of affairs en one A Itr the wakM etettrneol the and a jropt latinos of for tbA year will to It to tbii are added which on a tow will be paid for bluntly and for eipeodltirei will were than Mr Windows gorernments receipts wonder tbe calling a belt and the authority tells grernrntntli Lire alone to die- the granted by BclstIDg looit a July A tounderatorrn this village about oclock It was hailstorm and for a radius of about two mile grain fruit and were The windows on thewcat aide were de stroyed The were aa large u plums discourse on 11 Truthfulness was to by a large congregation lest Sunday morn- will not bo held in Children of Peace meeting again until third Sunday in August as Kldcr has an appoint ment at Sunday And Sabbath following at his former Geld of labor Mies Edith Toronto Miss Emma of this Service not hold the Meth odist church litre last Sunday A few of drove to New market to worship Mr Armstrong Mt Al bert is the guest Mrs Ale Arthur a daya this week Miss Beatrice was visiting In Bradford Inst A photograph car arrived In our village last Tuesday creating sensation the littlo people It has been two years corning from Owen Sound to this place Matter Hostel Miss Mary of Toronto ere visiting relatives here Mr Leech Church for in our midst Miss Pirn of Toronto was the Ruest of Mrs last week A number of our villagers at Point last Saturday A good time is reported The bicyclists going through our village Sunday created a pleasant excitement Sharon wore glad to see them make use of for their trip and givo tho poor dumb brutes a rest on one day out of the week at least have harvest ing the grain damaged with Our erecting In front of his office which adds greatly to Its appearance the houses a Shutter cloud gates and an air of deser tion the atmosphere But the Inhabitants are not rusticating however Oh not They have just gone to the berry Desperate Fighting the Streets Many Buildinga July noon- A tc- lotion broke out here thia rooming The troops In the belled and la sow All are and fighting is taking place in the strata of Finance is held a prisoner by the KM flgbUog la now going on- Many hate been killed on both idea The en Pine la the dints Hill are loeittd escaped A retain with Are 0 si and si Minister of Tbe still not the hourly wcul Jaty 2d- A The beaded by Its officer revolted this and the of canton- ttitnti Bonne and bank are is A from oclock yeeitrday after- figbtinK going on at that and there killed and wounded both aide The at and are ably rebels have many the is flLVos July and the in- bate barracks and Plata la Vail Their fire military and two battalion- and from Zint The were to loaMsin aides were destroy ed navy maiui with arms and baggage At The populace the which to the are with the or coaticr LONDON Jnly A to the from says joined by took the to Tbe troops end police paraded Firing was opened at eitded to Plica Ik Volte Tba and with kept up a fiiioji all The police fired and the crowd bat the people kept firing from ad group of forty men stood to In front of while roar of the artillery and the roll of the came nearer and nearer A in mere split Eng- with bis sabre a abot the policeman down Then after noon tbe reTolottoDaiy its decree This mobilirUloa of Guard and ap Chief of oclock Saturday afternoon two at tacks were mid by the on citizen troops were repaired are lying of pilire Villa wonndtd Minister of War it reported killed Sharp fisihtieg Here cab to Times abruptly close RACE July bai July noon The baa prolonged pending the foreign wh ate bring about the re- f peace are made to a coalition The French baa been ordered from to fHH July is officially that GoTsfomfnt his received a teUgram Ay MS baa and the war Is July 30- received here from dated last areapg aoQouGce Hint the Government fast a to all who put la the the enterprise which gave to the the firat informs tln the moat important inter national event which happened for soma year I that negotiations have once toon re sumed between Secretary Blaine and Sir Julian and that there arriving at a satisfactory settlement White this may be delayed It is very that the States revenue cut- tori will not make any this much some of the admirers of Mr jingo policy wtoutd like to see done- country does not want war and it is Dot die posed to indulge in a war to gratify any mans political or personal am looked on by nearly every one the best way oat of the difficulty and I have do doubt after a sufficient lapse of the question will bo referred either to a mixed or neutral power for settlement It the Is against the United States question of the nf for damages for vessels which it has seized will be brought up Of this Mr Elaine has been informed although no mnatioQ of that appears in the published Cor respondence S9bertiseheifg- The it- t t AND GLASSWARE DEPARTMENT Children Cry for Pitchers Great Bargains tw CASH AT LEADING House A A A win be round a Sleek of Aoib a to A promptly sod a SET 8 00 TO 4000 la Krewicfc on July wlfaof J A of a of July at residence Mr Rose Whitchurch by Rot- Smith of of Uaxvllle Co to Turkey to Mima Held of White sail from Bo to Turkish Dont to SKA 2LbulultafAQt eb of Mr- J A Allaa- aged one day At Homo on months and Wednesday John yesri and Newmarket p iy July our per a a Doom A rtVav per bushel as per per a CO a a Potatoes per i0 a 00 fibrepiUas a Wool perlbi sasfsii a Per BO a a Chick a BEAVER ST NORTH aid All will prompt A THANKS his donation dollars to mrMrci for or tbo PANTOS NEW PALL WHEATS We notice that It03 CO Early Hod Jones Winter sPffsu and for cot Of pay you FALL BULBS during and ibeo a to much In or Autumn CatMosus with iboMioaospoHs Tribune lo row Edward miles eta Lake at as or to v to Star Jury Las a good deal of warlike talk since of ho Sea correspondence vory tost which lord Salisbury addressed to Secretary of State bat consensus of opinion is that Unit ed States is hardly in a position to go to war with England vigorous efforts which hare been during last low years to build up a navy this country has very few vessels which could compare with magnificent fleets England could send over here in cash of trouble and all tho great porta such an unprotected that it would bo trouble for a first- class to stand and shell at leisure military and naval authorities nothing to rely as a means of harbor defence except for torpedoes while torpedoes good enough in their way they arc after very unlets they by forts on the land and a good fleet of cruising vessels the entire Atlantic is not a single fort worthy of name nor a single large modern high powered gun state of things exists on the coast and wjth exception of tho half dozen new cruisers which built la last few years the United States navy consists of wooden ships armed with smooth bores which have been out of for a quarter of a In entire navy is not a battleship out Baltimore are good vessels of tfielr class they could not stand op la AS against the armored leviathans of which England has so many Now that the cor res pond en co has made public I think I- may be par doned tho charge of egotism if I call attention to fact that the first In formation of the very serloua of affairs wm conveyed through tho Stars corres pondence bears oat ail the statements made to ray despatches and although rival papers which at that did pouts tho information which I had at my command It I a canard they aw now willing to ad- VOTERSLIST MUNICIPALITY Ob TOWNSHIP of KING OF YORK Oar Toronto Markets TORONTO Fsll i per hel Wheat per bushel per bushel Oats per i per bagooTt Apples per pet Itj Hay ton per pair July J WOT on OS 0 OH I SCO 803 a Oil OCO a a CO a a a a a a a A a a- a IN CANADA COLUMBIA UNITED STATES MANITOBA ftCQT DENNE y NEWMARKET SPOTCASH STORE m Is the Place to get your MONEY TO LOAN At tit percent on LLOYD for AilMiviM Kauto of fcv Hi- Iniunnto Id Toronto Ofllcf il sud TRUNp AMD VALISES GOOD Always Kept on Hand S H if Id Act by J lo to tram of Nit Id Act of til Aucuuifut Hull ftt tcctloo for At flnt made to by Iai of the torlntpKlloD IIlhQd IfaXDJTOfD loji ftA1 InutolsiW it upon to other luko led succfd corrected ccoi IhlisKih day of July A I WEAVING of In to carpet a Concluded 10 yi FOR SALE half of North am tbi tbo incf Atn which ore cleared in to JaDtJuy hall and Mill bo Oat aaPdMO tun tfLoci And our Oxford Tie Shoes For Mod Won to Dot MONTGOMERYS BRUNTON BROS TONS of a THE LOWEST PRICES QUALITY WEIGHT GUARANTEED W M BROS I NEW MAR 2t WE CLOSE EVERY NIGHT AT 6 EXCEPT SATURDAY

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