Newmarket Era , August 8, 1890, p. 2

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ERA AUG 8th 1890 Advertisements Bolts and Boots Bmotons Coffee J J Belfry Binder for Mrs Hmu Wanted Roche Six BR UTS OP I BUT GROW AXD WITH BACH FRIDAY AUGUST Toronto Despatch Toronto Aug a Grand em- fclllad at laa foot of Brack atrwi Bandar coupling cars it In Sand Tola lh point rtacbad Toronto daring ifce put two On Wo J to Central Prison sod to n- for uuolt a at on SO old employes of Grand Trunk killed Monday York ataUon by pilot engine At a abort don In White nfonnUlu of Mr At P P for Soatb Perth Inline city yesterday were Mm la oa tfce Write were aeired on she Mayor rctarntble a tea days on Of Randolph and A ore quarter of a million of dollars damagf arising of she Don ffsrli p A serirainago a meeting f the of loititote sight an tatter which lately ippoutd In dry A row took place lat Monday west between of Orangeman and Roman Catho lics One was made u urt nlgbt oat of panda ud nun hart As old nun drlrer of 8onnjaid Pat and faro of vera by CPR train at a on tut rang bell and It old not ifce A writ bu bean at the o ifaldooo agalnat Wait now claiming to tba amount of for and alandrr improraaunta u being rode at tbo Opara in prepara tion for of India aa titer party from Oil City ud la forenoon Toronto Toted on money of taro canted and firs are re etced to tba Coir defeated majority and for the Howard memorial by The byla tor aid to boya and gUla were carried of Emerald Beneficial celebrated the of Daniel a atrett parade and in Hon Para WHAT AIM TO annul of anil bald at to that down on the program Biaccn It la M that of Court of Appeal and of Common Pleat will try Ontario election TBI Rat Portage that agalnat the rttam of Conmee undertaken a to the one the of Campbell for Algoma a game papera the of their in the Dominion Bock rUtlatioa tat notable to which are printed are net alone In Holland Lac and Hill are not bribe A ibu telegram that era being made at Quebec for the reception of Lord and Lady Stanley of who there at the end and recaption of Admiral InclndlBg the Commander of of Ax Ottawa telegram that been by Cabinet from England the Imperial decided to fall the of armed on the The plana for a of ahore and fori 01 of the pro- peed will probably exceed of anm Canada will be lo one- thirl Drops The on the bats now in order Get a ticket tot Newmarket Fair October 2nd and 3rd a the date WhI arch a Public School Board Will Mi is Doing- IT aj through the the Utter part of weak that the military of the Dominion were of powder towerkm and quite a commotion among In New York They to the notion that we are making preparation to blow op the TownLine be tween country and the States matter with Richmond Hill I The epur railway not had Ml turned yet and now publication miter an year paper uyi the plant will to where a new paper called wOl be the wiae men him at the to allow neb of rapid decay I the aaloon combine of Toronto Into effect tba reeolotlon adopted week be ten a after the let of next will catch the from the country daring the all right but the price will alio be riieed in the or get watered to make the the will able to decide For put join of the Whitby and the water the water is pore Canada and Jamaica TBI Man that thte week Tte are looking the expected bar- rear Wheat all headed out making good and barley well forward and crop- The recent hare good to the The made a timely war on the rear and as a but little damage been done by the With the of extending recip rocal trade relatione between Canada and Jamaica the Dominion has appointed Mr Adam Brown of Hamilton Canadian to the Jamaica Exhibition which opens on the of January next at Kingston the coat of govern ment on the island Mr was In Toronto this week conferring with secretary of Dominion adorer respecting the beat method of calling attention of throughout to the desirability and making as Jamaica is a favorable market for almost everything that can be In this country Now that a of steamers ply be tween the Dominion and the Island exceptional advantages are offered for an extensive and profitable Inter- trade and it is thought that fay mak ing a display of oar facta res such as would reflect credit on the Domin ion will be the means of largely to this reault At present Jamaica supplies this country with a of sugar molasses and coffee and an obtains In commercial cir cles that with direct steam communi cation and fast railway service from fit and Halifax this country could Also procure a large portion of Its supply of tropical fruits from that island instead of Florida in return for oar manufactures We understand the has made Arrangements for communicaUog throughout this country giving fall particulars and he will also visit Various Important Industrial centres for the purpose of delivering before boards of nd other representative Appli cations for space in the de partment of the exhibition will be received to the of September next and special arrangements are being made for the shipments of ex hibits If Canada is to mike a dis play at all we hope It will be of such a as to falxly represent our Tat Toronto been healing Mr Koee late Provincial Treunitr who now eejoye the emoluments of a wry lucrative office ia tbU county over the In a moat lively and we i to sy if all that paper says be Executive will have to a reform or people of be they returned so of thai at the Lett election loyally does not public Daring a recent debate in the United fiUtea Senate startling fact was developed that during last year vessels sailed from the port of York of which only foot carried the and white were English This does not look much like of British marine Last Saturday afternoon Katie the daughter of of the house Place got of a bottle of corrosive sublimate and before she was noticed swallowed a draught the poisonous stuff Medical aid was immediately and thing possible fas done to the deadly poison and rollere the j without and she died on Mo about iter suffering tor SO hours I iLrki Mr to tuide ILo Life d Life Slock ftOciavllo9 iccjjOJikJ the Act to III of that Id no on m No doubt Mr will out It to be jo- Mr or Sooth w ill ibftOoTeronicot lor of elected of a membr of the At la of tbt poeitloD sVxUI ho tad tod bu frltadi both of the of Mi will to the tit of iitiD Wo hsvil to to nmot Mr eUrerr the la the of ud being cud A by the thtt will as the of the Thai of eUrte are tor bidden cod sue to A rib BUVH n jAiichiie their dotal to tL oratltf be reader to the of of aeUeowof ihtlt be freed Ttf1 took Toroato luted- tat tod If to or more Ft Ideal open end log tho elicited Worn or twelve were to the roll Mr the of the cbugedtotbe dele the will bold In VIoeJ a Qrcur J Com el Be Pert Hope If 015 A Aadlton J wl Canadian Lguc aa fell from tower of of 160 nod is Tinting In Toronto Mnt Win riiiUng in HimH- tbJi Meads Pertridgo Is her east la week Mr at week Mr tie niltlag in of In Toronto Mr ni on old Miller of few with Mix Eli 5Ic wd Smith Li in town on of wifeond pent ore SaoUy with ad la town of If couple of Mill la etteoded of tho the Mr Etonian who erorklag el wu San- day Mr J and a Iced of the Monday et Like Sit and fci3 at Folate Mil gone to Keith for a roontti till With Mr A Mr Cb- of Toronto Inaction few day in town fnende to a with J efobaioo Mr of wee in town ere qalct cow The Miiiw to epead month frith wish en ancle et Mr- who en nicer for three months to be on Mrs John end of Toledo Ohio art in and Shiran foe three or lone Mr P J of from the excareioo Ho be trip very couch Mr London in town a couple of on e brother Mr and J left morning to in demoiulretioD it Cbi- A end J Dirt ere la the thie week for and diss of in witb hie etjter Vernon ot the North Hotel Mrs ltbnti Alfred home on oftei week witb fneude in Detroit find Poet Huron Mr of Toronto Welter Sutherland- He via pteuvd witb the epiereoce torn Mr Pinfold to to but it to Gal rent A of end Mr A J a Uy Mil with ain station it lit end her two of Party spent three or four The end left for Toronto on Mre of town left a list week tiiit end reel with her who la tbet city Mr Win of the town Setatdey tecetUa and by very white with the boye ioqch end a in Avion oreolDy- In honor of Mr Krbon who ln proinoUd to breach at Port An Wocd Lawn the of Mr ennlcgleit young people enjoyed till tail Vultori regtitcr Taylor Lottie Taylor Holt if Toroalo Hoy An Vlctoila Hit are of Leke lut year fa Hugh Itet rifW Hill wife and Withe lift for Itoj on for three or Hill return to hereon Mr Pred Knowle who from oSjci point of hie boideye et Big He piece a good Mr Ajt of cod of lut week and till He If life did not much home after a fee at with her Mr- PUyUr at Big Bey Point It pl eater for coltgt then to be a Mayor death of an aged at Kemptfille Mr of town and Society from fanerel Mr end Met a Allen the golden wading of Mr and Mil field ford and report an vxlel erent There wao tight teen end alter to the of fifty The eldeet Mr read affection tod Mre Or the eldest deogfaU a goldheeded ceno d of gotdlinDid epecUdu to and of the children The pirty wie old The here of the of Boolt yrr mo of the Bodily of Prteade end pjo the eetoem of the entire com Willie Toronto iru In town old San- day Mr Win and town are tekiflg en of Lake Bar John A of pairing pert of fabrication and New Jo cnclostiBg jrabecriplion for mother he The li an end Hon took in to week J J Eiq and a end L Woodcock J R A Smith tail Hub I filce Lake Items Considerable damage was done to by heavy storm last Monday- Mr- Allen been very poorly for a few days but wo are glad to see around again Belta Qollioger has bom after a pleasant visit 1st Deputy is about to start a business He has several on hand Mrs John is improving nice ly Mr is very busy in the mill and is doing a Point The high wind Woodsy after noon Mr J Edgars wind mill down The rain was accom panied with large end panes of were broken The roof of Mr tent was blown off and wet weather was rather unpleasant for pleasure seekers Miss Hopper of ia spending a few days at Mr There are some be bouse on Pointy visitors from Friends from Toronto are helping Mr family to bob spell Rev Mr Bell exchanged pulpits on Sunday with Mr Alder Avenue Haying is over and our quiet little burg is again op with the reaper and binder As your many readers wish to know where this little spot is situated I will inform theu It is about a and a half sooth of that thriving little village and as some may not know it by its present name would remind of its former one The Dew Drop loo they do drop in Some of oar berrypickers went out picking raspberries and were terrified on meeting Ibe famous as she showed a tremendous array teeth and growled very fiercely they fled for the Some forgot their others spilt their hemes in flight for safety Miss Lucy Smith is visiting friends in life far West Strong talk of a church being erected at this place Rail The following people were old friends and relatives here tie past week Mrs P fiagart and daughter of Jos and family of Toronto Junction Mr J Lloyd Mrs The Butler of Toronto Mr John Butler and family and Mr Alfred Butler and family Womens Missionary Society met on Tuesday afternoon last Elder Chidley spent Sabbath last at church opening Mr of Aurora occupied his here on Sunday The thunder and rainstorm on Monday last once more tested the culverts the highways and many of succumbed to its powerful temporary bridge here at was carried away with an immense amply testing the dam besides convincing Mr Love that act of erecting a second waste gate was a wise one citizens realized at the same time that the new bridge ml not any more than suffice carry away the water A Sensible Pointed often Id your paper the part of women Id they did Ibety home by bore or leader it each ae they da are atetoreewbo do set homo till EaMalgfat of batvrbo bete la faaro VitKjod with other for tela and If ana wad after a lata and may be la IbentlDc was Boasted m the has upon be been executed Kemmler something He filtered He directed the of In the end coonwlled to to perfect shock given at and continued about Id second Two after the current cat off there vaa OP Ah Boon the current then cat off then lion wis evident after a few moments SiltTa from the month the cheat beared end there lag in throat wis again put to prisoner who the doctors ea from the moment of the first shock After ft time smoke appeared at the the flesh burning The WAS HOST mm the doctors suffered no pain however The warden the at the shook was at which not named After third contact of minutes man declared dead The BAT CHINA AND GLASSWARE DEPARTMENT To lotas toad from iter zeQQton of leto III offer for St I ecu ana UOlMf poster Jacob i Toronto or SET 800 TO 4000 For enquire eoltc J Children Cry for Pitchers Cadtorla Editor Motr0rorfflisart4n ftMderand feel It my doty to an of aJTalr to an IrrpexUvo of la a not ap of a Mr at tempt toe people not tay Ifoormat as did In regard to ili6irdaUeeajBiimbriDf end made to your bumble error id woe aOoaptM to In last M to Mr Perry left of food of lee to endara a mora etata tbat each was cot In regard to church at Mr bo tbe people of the here ehould be would be glad to nave the aod wooldooly bare been too glad Now Mr I you for la your for tba iiooalted for betatron Reader and him for Ms feeble reply to my I Great Bargainsl AT THE LEADING Undertaking A i Id Ibis wilt be found a of Ac well the cheaper llaes- Undertaking a alteaded to at reeldeoca AH promptly neatly quietly- JOS ULIiABD Your cor deals mast have been all out last week as we did not hoar from of them Everything Is quiet in our burn just now and very littlo of anything going on worthy of notice Granger gone over the Don mora for a of Ilia relutivs dont satisfied unless ho Is behind bars end anything that would him in they are not slow in bringing forth was A daily visitor to our villago and was never known to harm any person out side of his own family and when wllh them it would bo hard to Jo who was in the fault as whiskey is the predominating influence there This it third or fourth trip for him to Gov boarding house charges against him this time was threatening to shoot John Bottles Jos Hoi Hogshead and Sam head andfor appearing In a nude half dozen ladies who were vlsitiog bis mother who is present Buffering with a broke leg tho result of a recent spree Dr family of this place accompanied by a few friends held their annual picnic on thu shores of Lake on Thurs day last Uncle baa returned home and resumed his former position as porter at which position was Cited by for a short time The quarterly meeting services in connection with the church conducted hero on Sunday last by Rev P of Aurora who delivered a very Interesting and sermon to a largo and attentive congregation Mr J of Toronto part of bis with about Geo was seriously ill for a few days last week but Is now alt rttjht again Mrs and Miss Toronto Are spending their holidays hero at Mr Foggs Mrs John Spalding and family were visiting relatives near Button for a few days last week Mr Thos and of Belleville have been visiting at Mr R the last two Mr Kavanagb bad serious time with a boll on- the back of bis head the lost two weeks Is looking in line baker had so extra wagon on road last week Mr Is just recovering from a torero attack of the mumps most sovero of the passed over hero on Mon- day last belonging to Mr a short dlianco north of hero were struck by light ning and totally destroyed with acres of about JO tons of bay horse and I steer horse was killed by elect rio Hold while the man was In front of Mm giving him his The man received rather a shook but Is none the worse- touted loss J Town Aug ReemHr Prewnl- Mayor 8terr Belfry were work at ally do Joe J work on roads Jos do of Co for tbaflrtt ordered paid of asaof steatQiuppllod by corporation ihe boring of well communication of J ltoberUon of High School Board wai referred i com report of amount of STOdae lei- polity from tavern was Mr 8 prettented of that Grand Tronic Ca would a plpolatd a reedy foe to with ae autborlcrd to cider required pipes and for raid of tbe upper reservoir aeo to a erected around to pre toctlboeama J Of win ordered pal alio eanioftlO for beoke for water far It lBtrfc ACo vera granted a of 6 of water per of year for the of end MiaoiHtea uMjeJ toorJar a ratter for ILo J byTaw for alablaa was res a drat aid Mead The treasurer liter unfr to meet next Mo Wont Pay Ottawa July 31 Prior to settlement and determination of the western and northern boundaries of Ontario a part of the western portion of that province was administered by the Dominion of the Territories of such administration several persons were taken charge of and placed to Manitoba Penitentiary at of Dominion When boundary was Dominion Gov discovering fivo lunatics cnino from Ontario territory a claim on tho Provincial Government for cost of their mainten ance up to February last Premier in a characteristic reply says his Government has no information respecting facts and sees no reason why It should bo charged with this expenditure Ho asserts that bo Ontario Government no liability to maintain soy lunatic at public expense Its doing so to extent that province has been from humanity ana not from legal and ob ligations and a fortiori tho pro Into has liability forthe voluntary maintenance of Ontario lunatics by the Dominion whose action In the disputed territory was wrongful In volving the province la an expense which the has so far no proposal Prcmlor conclodes say Ing his Government re ai est fully declines to W Gould Is SiriiN wife of Mr town on tbo wife of Mr the la by Iter J it Toronto Mr Oot to Mill Victoria of Ottawa and Detroit ltt per Oil a per bushel a per bushel Oil a Per aa If DaUerroUierlbata oil a per bag pewf a per CO a CO a aWM a t Pork aataaas pair a Ill 0 MILLS Oar per y b Newmarket wire or Toronto ot J MIN ST All will rtlJratlan db to AM08 AIADIAN PACIFIC Deloraine Glenboro Saltcoats 28 Col onist alons will Oil point In On- and a4UnLaUASflsllK0 I fc BEPT a4 per Wheat Wheel Bailer per I i as sail per lb Butter tub per lb WOO per lb a saaaraaaaajat itT pot sea per pair OS oco ISO 000 OIS Ott 00 a 0 8 CO a 10 OCO a a a oca a a a a a a CANADA COLUMBIA UNITED STATES MANITOBA I FLOUR V NEWMARKET SPOT CASH STORE Is the Place to get your t MONEY TO LOAN At per cents on fir firm by DAVIT LLOYD or of fir ibtfilw iicr Gore Mutual Id alio for Toronto Rivlilry TRUNKS AND VALISES A ASSOBTSIEBT Always Kept on Hand S H l BRUNTON BROS parti or to FOR SALE ftf lot ae the Acre of ere In will bo to two from JnntMr- r J t Koewtok Oat ftftw Til5000000 Co Aug The hero yrtday on farm of field to going to Urn oot of trade la Bain- tihoot ear aadeeoour Oxford Tie Shoes I Bo BOYS SOWQOL SUITS You will want some New Clothes for the boys when school opens and we are prepared to sell them to you at low prices We are the largest dealers in this line of goods and buy for cash direct from the makers so that we can cut the price very low BOYS GIRLS SCHOOL BOOTS most people realize that it pays to buy good shoes for the youngsters going school Dont buy cheap shoddy goods for you are throwing your money away Our boots and shoes are all solid leather and we guarantee every pair of them The boys wont kick out our boots in a hurry ayajaaaia a a aa BRUNTONS BAKING POWDER In town for miles around every- good housekeeper uses Briintona Baking Powder It is absolutely pure and doe3 better work than any of the expensive powders and Is sold at only per pound There a lot of cheap alum and phosphate powders being sold of such trash as your doctor will a bill against you A REE

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