Newmarket Era, 8 Aug 1890, p. 4

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HA AUG GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Jf ft W A J S3 15- a 8 A a sag if M a Pi mo I Society moon tod in month NoeBt AJbertlrtSrdalaoda7in 1 lib Friday Id lb rd Monday Id monlh To A Srf UoodATlB lwe- In month Anient Holland a 9 SUtUaby78gTayitfM Fa Halt Hearth International Lessons The Man and Golden Text How hard ft for them but In icte to into kingdom of God bis oca bio with somber of who d wilh hi Chiif hil of who no he To thaw hit ud plow boo- the Lord the cur- of world od Mi mil look upon rich nd la life tad life to com fctMuriost Dot ft tod ft forgetting- No the of either or the rich A hit Dot The heet on wo the rato who here the of by Belter Poller Field d ft coqtoj of ftod lonceoU Ok the ftltt the ftgiMtttoi on of ftfid ftowtheapawubi to ihti In Tw Pi P P for u ftppUcftat for the of of lite Scout the town And ft hit ho Led trok to of ft ido- He by sot inch A good peo ple to ffty for ft little the ftB mo their line the North Toronto for the It now tomcat the Ox do not to pirn the hat rimpl fa Com- ludi which Op to tho hero which aw now for torn urejd of the rtilwoy of on uftmeg for Notices TJ7- hoy tftien h3 with ho tot ftufl not o low friend od ho only ft few it ft time ho got It mf Lin mien Amir A titter I wchtrtlo bottle dock recow for Oct Ualmoat rtUUT And ftll Cbriitlo people if Baking hy Toronto of of for ftndH4nhi ftad oqaal highly It Cor- etc- Pa J hgh hid feeing d blood hat ftil when bid ftritfte ury the only Bar- dock Blood Bittern blood medloil wm gfte WUo the to Child ah to CftetorH fataao clang to CwtotU he gftro Cfteto Too for lrt Firmer in thw r their wheat Md The frequent had a tendency to male the barley bkrTect with the ex ception of the bad last week after which of the Utile fellow coold be seen bopping the grain and those visiting relative and friends here the put week were the following Noma and wife of Drayton Mrs Anil of Toronto Mi of Aurora Toronto Junction alio Joseph and family of the same place Mr P of Toronto Millard of Mrs recover from a severe Terry gave family a we- on the in the form of a birthday party at ho was presented with a handsome and moat comfortable arm chair by chil dren to the old aurprue Too last Point Every to bare a foil complement of summer and there lota of life among camp er The Mr pleasure boat takes out a private party every day Mr also im proving the Among the camper are Dr Hil lary and family of Aurora Ad dison and family of Aurora Rev and family of Mr It Jackson of Mr Job of Toronto- Mr Thorno of Toronto formerly of Hol land Landing is at place J of Toronto with Mr Roe nothing extra an occasional Innge and a few small nasi are hooked up A moonlight on the En terprise Tuesday evening well The of the string band sounded lovely the water Be Grass Point filling up with There are houses and tents with a population of What the Old Han has to GOOD KECIpI I T of and of Stand NORTH END TOR OS TO to TITO to Editor The Boot ftod ftro of hot root branch bo by dog BorJoefc Blood Mooidlnfllodlroctlooe the public ftod ftnd euro of ftod ftll ftrtflng there rem W of and two cored from worst of eiitLUfterMDipUIot by hot Dr Extract of for ftll com There in magi ftt contend that ft fafto himself rict when there really nothing matter with him distor ted thinker And there no bat what a great deal depends upon the in which a or talk s the or of bit A who ftlwuja imtgiaing that hi affair are not going right not as likely to make a u hi neighbor who keeps a aad inriite that lovely la own community there in now a mach bettor feeling farmer Oar people are waking They are to do and to let other do to say a to the croaker keep ifyoa wont do and let your neighbor Dont we are going to the drop year your imagination take a teat If wo have no confidence in and con tinually prate about it to new comer na we can very soon convince him that there no future for and he will go elsewhere What we want to do in is to stand together together and work together- We are gaining We are talked about than we were a year and wo will be more in the attention a year hence than we are dot if we only to the text and work together Try it for a year and the if it not work then you can go back to tho old policy followed for bo many that of running down own town and praising up some other The men or government that repudiate own paper can hardly to eland at the head of the financial world nor can any thrive whose own citizens are frequent ly throwing at it and dirges of what it used to be and what it ia now THE to the ho hod daring faU time In the Bpot Shoo that he faai now Into a of trade and UdU a call any reqairfng U thing the lino of choice WINES AND PORTER Bottled or on Draught 9 grade tba Hock J McALEER ELIABLE GOODS IGHT PRICES AT SALE AT A is if i TO RENT- T In whim J tors j kL and well iJfi P Corner of d And Provision Store NEXT DOOR NORTH CONTAINS a stock of and at that GIVE OUR TEA SUGAR A TRIAL J J THE LATEST DESIGNS STfAW ANDJELT HATS GOTTONADES OP SPECIAL VALUE a m and Worsteds GROCERIES FRESH FOR I J- ATP crorLotia ftb ii lo be Sib 10 sib IM Kb tru BbMli All the imu St mud wit Town For Sown writ to l 1 TO AyoxBce of to the on the 31et in the of Walter 0 CueeU wall la circles For atl ho wee Amtrica wwod in that the and Brno were with a good of tot the citUtos to with of to London Puts oipcrte who light their rtport sod the to award to the their and la their the In for the a SHI to Gottromtot t Coo by Two e in fitU tit Mr led Coo tod Mr Tax London the to of that city for a mall London Poet to the moth of at to of hire a eglait theptilloeofdocltlogthe tails of lofllctad poor itee the operation aesome- to aid the Society a atop to etch re Friendships of Girls If yon write a letter toman friend dont in black and that yon are hia forever or that you send a great deal of love if it be only in but remain either his my cordially or very sincere ly- Sincerity and cordiality are pos sible even with that do not demand either love or an affec tion that is to last I girls knew how very ill bred It is to give or permit familiarities in word or from either man or woman Learn to keep your personal affair to yonraelf Loam to believe that your first name can only be by those connected with yon by ties of blood or having the right by a deep love- Believe me yoa will never regret self respect shown in this way and you will never lamenting permitting a too familiar intercourse that in the future will before yon like a skeleton at a feast A perfect friendship like a rose after the time of ite glory la the leaves may bo thrown oto a jar covered with and salt to bring out the fragrance for ever and be a delight to wher ever it is A friendship that la too familiar may also be likened to a rose but that early loaos leaves they fall upon the ground and no one treaiuree them enough to pick them up and keep them as a memento of days that have gone by For a while there la a sickly sweet smell and then are blackened and decolored and no odor comes from them then in form ing your friendships to those Only when time separates you two make a pleasant memory of the fature and one that will not a bluih to come yoor face Home Journal Too late for Isitwcekj are making rapid progress in their harvest Wellington the proprietor of hotel He assortment of and that on ice is said to bo served np well Swamp band called on him the first night of bis arrival in little town and played their month organ pieces mil tic somewhat but not ao discordant as the vocal park Davis ia very and are regarding her ultimate recovery The ladys friends the sympathy of the community Frank Morton has had a serious time with hand People here call it a frog swelling He baa to nurse it like an infant We he will coon recover it this is a busy time What about that Sunday horse- racing Wonder if magistrates going to do anything about it It bad on the Sabbath has been spending a few days at Phillips of Newmarket has been visiting at Neil Morions and Winchs a heal thy place for enjoyment It even drew a gentleman froru Toronto on a three days furlough He ie just a nice toon of town had the honor of having their pictures taken It is Sue group Quite a big load from visited the Free on Mr has got his down to their work- No more awarding Mr and Mr gave a call recently and found things satis factory The Reeve and two Deputies met here on a special call I suppose it was to look after aidewalk repairs Wheelers grist mill was burned last week The machinery destroyed but barrels of flonr were caved Insur ance unknown Specials from Guatemala say there is no revolution there Presi dent Barillas is in the belief that the difficulty With Salvador will coon bo settled to Guatemalan interests Nitrate of is- one of the beat sabstancca the gardener can to promote the growth of roots and lcay plants like cabbage and celery One pound to square rod at each application making two will be sufficient to posh crops along it you to bo told that about make a building damp but on the contrary their of tendrils rootlike absorb every of moisture and miasma render ing the surface of the building dry and purified Ontario Two were drowned yesterday in river at N Mrs sister Miss Anderson and Mr hatbing and ladies got their and lost their Uvea Mr a school near Woodstock visiting Mrs father at Children Pitchers Wood or Stave Bolts WANTED ARE SHOWING A FULL LINE OF- J ASSORTMENT CONSTANTLY ON HAND SEASON SPECIALTIES -1NOLUD1NO- SCYTHE8 BAKES and FORKS Hay and Straw Knives Mechanics Tools Building Hardware Table A Pocket Cutlery PAINTS OILS PUTTYLASS ETC Examine Stock Prices K pMBRACINO all the Leading of Coal and Wood also of Goal Wood Futoacea f PULL LINES Including Pails Washboarda Clothespins Firkins eta THE BEST BR OF COAL OIL BSD LOTS FOR SALE IK J J on AKNUH lllfb la or I lUatidoovroOcrlbfiAai lor Sale on Ttmt above ATDQf vi Uif Towd and in served ibt Wotka bate blt lh of I bo fi wen on to n or will of Mora or to who of a leaded tl For and OB JUdKtU R Y FOR BALE J A WALLAN CO A attribute of paper not no Is for rts to In a of says an with ltup ft to f In Suva lcorQiolUiry6oii 1U- ffuriciftottti lb a ihi Cotcnao In lb ild lo week sa tot Lit f aptrlmoUa u who fof of ttfUjf Kwlt nil of com- 7lcaltut ail lb ltUlooM fcb op ntWr oi a uptoii fll nU to ft con At to oiiUiif for oeb5 cbMp u3 Jotioo of Im4 pwlUm fOoM la Fill and set in centre of a piece of paper then Rather the piper up to gether at the top and tho tightly together placing a strong rub band the coil to hold it dote as to the air A pitcher of water treated has known to sight with scarcely a melting of toe A wife who had with her husbands practice of cigarettes decided to try a care One day while walking out with her the stepped a and bought a worth of the reaching home she took a in chair and began to puff away One alter another was while her husband looked on horrified at the sight remarked were delightful while at the time the waa deathly At last fioUhed bat not the man had aeon all he wanted of inch a sight She went to bed with a big head and a was againit the abuae it had She apent anlehtof but said the care worker her Xho took over lo Barrio on Monday of last week bulla for Mr IT who them to Fort Dr aold herd Katho yourself night and morning in sedative water Put in a quart bottle an of ammonia an of camphor a cup of tea salt and water enough to nil it Lot it stand for a day Then shako It well and yourself thorough ly men top to loot Two surprises await you First yon will be sur prised at the amount of Urt removed and second you will bo delighted at refreshment yoo receive a sensation waa created last Friday reported that James a noted local baseball player familiarly known as Jigger Henry and Mrs wife of Jos an honest hardworking man had eloped in broad daylight Tickets for Port Huron and tho couple are thought to bo oyer border woman took an Infant but left three small children at home L Jobbing and Main Street Receive Special Attention P WRIGHT car His cAiilcor PINK OtBtcood or large at or r Northern Of to WE SONS Manufacturing The surrounding farmers of Orillfa complain that with few ox- apple trees are fruitless again this year Many orchards of a hundred will not yield a dozen The cause claimed to be the great electrical storms which passed over this last month blighting budding fruit as com plete as frost could have done it kings and russetsaeemto be the only varieties spared with ex ception of fall apples of which there may be a fair crop At KiogevIHe last Wed POWDER PUREST STRONGEST BEST CONTAINS NO tins ss ax is luxuFMrviiief IBB YEAST afternoon gas was struck here at a depth of the flow Is now estimated at 20000000 feet a day The roar and when vein struck the drill wa thrown high In the air and for ten rocks and dirt out There Is great rejoicing In KiogsviJle and the gas fever has re turned with a Thousands are flocking to the well but a guard the back so as to avoid the firing of the well Chronic Cough For It jou do noi It mo oon- SCOTTS EMULSION Of lifer Oil ft iLun A SCOTTS oil BINDER I IE PURE MANILLA and THRESHERS MeCOLL LARDINE MACHINE OIL as a Lubricant baa never been FROM TO Bitus THE KEY TO HEALTH all the clewed annuel el Bowels and Liver without all the end fool at tine Cor recting Acidity of tho curing BlUousness Dyspasia Headaches Dizziness Constipation Dryness of the sua Dropsy Dimness of Vision Jaun dice Salt Rheum Erysipelas Scro fula of Heart Wf General Best Cylinder Oil always in Stock MANUFACTURED BY V MoOOLL BROS CO CO LIMITED LATH SHINGLES and many other similar to happy BURDOCK Tot Bala DUNNS BAKING POWDER THE BRIARS FARM Sutton West by a and Pisa P 0 WE ARE NOW TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH FLOORING MOULDING DOORS JBYt8BD aartOW at STORE FOB LIBERAL PATRONAGE OK THE PAST SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE WM CANE SONS MFG CO NEWMARKET FOR SALE EXTOF itWlLD mm Best and- Cheapest Fence A RODS IBON BUILDERS WORK Office Railings lawn Furniture AND FOUNTAINS appUoaUoa Wire L ALL SUMMER AND FLUXES OF THE BO IS SAFE AND RELIABLE n CHILDREN OR ADULTS newmarket Methodist Ciiub REV PASTOB Stratum TD

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