Newmarket Era, 15 Aug 1890, p. 4

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J NEWMARKET ERA AUG i 1 AS a Mi Society Register AM1M moat aUoBThniidjoo or fail AororarrUY Id Mm I rt month I IT fa ttt In iL for wren burl Jit Banter Hurt defied ejr It tcfaiGw Mr On ai of Wore hit will rldate nil be infcmliimgiiUHtj Ml fca lhl fall maml ud Ihtl Its of the caw to t With tfao to tit ifttgtiUritf to TBI j of drwluoo fuming Id Tift of it Ibb New lal In mldJU jJ the of It ud corn phenomena ii moil with lb wpiK ibe be Kftboard from old OtflMrt floor York w middle clti- aJ in ud ill Iho cut wool uid fdQCW H fcu lit of gone fields if rarpriw lb line of pfofiUbli from of to try of Jtd far fca Ohio the Old Man baa I OU Opart Plfiiel International S Lssons An TEN LEPERS Text Were Bat thrlatt in Mil of the from Mirth vis la re- to Hi west to icd hit of from the John- ifurlbli for a short to be it north of the loUrHtlog Id ill ere care for it we la Hit fcrdtlireriDce of cod be ft be We it void lt u bevire of the of to It forgotten to for HU an- Ia oar fiad Id few est matt tool ceo A Child AATetf little tikes bed with he uid hid do hope of life bat elidr Mead ra Or Extract WW he time he sot It eared child Unlment for leech tried ebotOeof Bar- dock er with for I to ft Of For fifteen we hire ued Dr a for rammer to It- highly recommend It Pertj Wheo politics no bad ftellpg end blood nil pert blood from the only cure Bar dock Blood Wood modkil When wei we fcei the cried far it tori gen them Cutoci editor of a for wonder it fad doe not more of them the pap bo with H Mode of the be in re porting religion meeting and the neat drawing the picture of fight He rouit ftnd fill up with his items whether viiU are to throw for or not the local in and how may they have touch mental anxiety worry and work they hare and of the editor work can be gathered Tho may hove him a walk nod effort to reach the facte When on to he his attention to next on He makM the in of and may not get a lino From he even writiog by drawing tbem into and what waoti in He labor for down a rumor to find that there if no truth it Hie local in the and demand to be filled not with bat of event mattere of are limited and yet be find in each day all the week month and of to the pablia No more perfect tread mill bo deviled With a con stant vearine 0 body and roindj and an variety of to be upon that he occasionally make a mistake J Other people dor why not the editor An editor 11 a good deal like a base ball umpire No matter what he his decisions are with But the ia played week the year Wilson Star Valuable Points by a Boundary Stones The long line of frontier United State and in the would me an interesting region in the of the of threatened between two Government on the Bering the From the east to the of Dakota and Minnesota and proHnco of Manitoba there it a of frontier tictlly and it might be practically The traveller with the and to the work can trace boundary line if he with the in He will bare to walk ahead of natural and and at or a mile apart be ill find erected in the on the or in the open or level two fet above in which they are embedded hard that nothing bat the application of trrmendoni fores more them face to the north and what the loneat and boundary between two in the world The one which separatee the of from the empire probably in leogth hot nearly well de fined There not a more clearly defined frontier in the world than of the Loot The North ern faces of the rarveyorB atonea bear the letters for British America their convey to the wayfarer in the magic A that he ii on the borders of the land of the free and the home of the If were in of each other and conld be wen in their continuity to end of the Iodr straight line hey to the who placed them thereafter or fight the treaty and than fifty-foar- forty wilhoot a fisht ST A of arid of Stand THE it tint Inform ho fat hi lb Boot Buiaeu now into list of m nj uiy meg In too line NORTH END SALE AT A lb of STORE e ALE AND PORTER Wt chop to rent- do rum ENABLE GOODS at IGHT PIJICES Ibo at tor AIM lhr ACRE for sale- Bottled or on Draught gniti el will tnU In Cored of Sta J Grocery And Provision Store NEXT DOOR NORTH CONTAINS ft stock of Groceries CiocVttf tad at GV TEA SUGAR A TRIAL THE LATEST Al E8IGNS CO D FELT HATS J repair iicouraeoquitool W- AND BE CONVINCED i SHIRTINGS 60TT0NADES OP 9 is 19 J I 7 leirlllif Of it I Tweeds Trouserinqs and Worsteds FRESH SALE TEAS A STEPHENS WUT TO The of and Toronto by A to the bit will The GUbs will doU camat o4 how it will taet J A cce of V Bred old Id order to kill uikt wfcicb mw mo into log Tit tpnid op d fc killed tt tDtfct A LzsoTBT with Hob Wo reaptoKag a of Hob geatlimfto tar tad Qtborit for Mitiidt 4 tnxEwifAr of Pfiao t an the of of of hi of th tbt uaA port on dtr of taibti thirl and been offrt 4 Now let our rifltroeo a ThoBootoffifir bo ftourtia of Lb a far cur Md Mam from ftcoto other rttApBfikiosPowdtni around- rial law At a If Of that and two other be cured worit of iuinrr complaint by Dr lrTTKatuwiipwliJcor all tumour com An bsrlDf bad traced la bis by of u ContomjAton all aod a curs for oil fur letted pownlo of It It fcaowotobtsfafftHQtffclirOw ActoMMby lo rtllaro will Mod tola or foil fox toot fry A- If a point or two aboot cleantog waste pipes without tending for a plumber said of the fraternity to New York reporter who cocn- of the trials of house just to me If I were in the I would not giro what I am going to tell you now hot a I am out of it I do not see why I may not help a odd of the moat frequent and trying annoyance be continued is obstruction to the free quick of the waste water of the basin the bath tub and kitchen This is caused a gradual accumu lation of small bitaof refuse material paper rags meat bone or which check finally entirely stop the outflow of the waste and then the plumber is called to reoova the stoppage with bia force pump Sometimes accomplished but often he pipe has to be cut there is great and ex pense before retiring at night pour the clogged pipe enough liquid soda to till the trap as it or the the pipe just outlet Be sure that no water nans into it until During night the lye will convert all the offal into soft and thn first current of in the will wash it away rind leave the as clean See J This practical chemistry jet chemists would never think of itv Work Ax to It ft the ddlDn thill torn col Ut ttMUlf with tht or tod tht to till of tht fie Jcwuo from wt to too- t4w will A two oat fa But tod of wLdated to oat will Jillt tit for ted tUowthtncUi6ttfloB of thott of let to ttr dca tod for of la d4ioc fallowing tht wotlnau which or tht of to cut or cut Art of toy if which tbatt 0 tltbtr MOcUely mauled lXtnplvl Of or of toy owols or or riwU If It won or whta famlllaritieB of Glris- Xhcre it very little left to call the people you if you you If a whom you jutt half an hour Dear and you known three JJarlbg there will be no tender term for you to to who have your heart who are not of often apt to in the faulti er manner Good certainly pure tilvur hut are so many linita when would outweigh it and be gold To tell of family to toll of and worries to aomtxmo who hot manner and teems to it is at a a misfortune To write letter to which you use endearing terms in which you discuss personal matters is merely more thau indiscreet it is dangerous Dont you think If you arc a tit familiar in speech or with the pen to a loan that ha his going to than meet this half way Dont you if you call him by brat he is very to call yea by yours and perhaps before people whom you do not care to have think lightly of you If yon him to of things not usually diacossod do not Imagine for moment that he is golog to the conversation as will always tell to and you Can then imagine bow much fur down In the esteem of two peo ple have gone Dont permit any man to be familiar with you to the extent of you citing you as of dont belong among the boys and shouldnt be counted there Don t let any man unless you are be trothed to kit you lips worth to John which pressed by Tom Dick and Journal 1 i off Wort or is self respect No id Jo however vain and he can riApect faiojEl for he fool that ho is of by when ho refuse to tngao in that has end his happiness or that of others When a starts out Into world to earn bis own livelihood and will no longer ho a parsAito upon of others a now light to illuminate every fcatur- and is and riisniior a adds now and to his being and tfae world accords to rpcct and oven though hit garb he and his bo in tho rudrU who work and pursues it from laudable incen tives seldom feed out of aver ho may nor out of tuoo for discordant may bo tho ooter strife bo recooizes it a friend that will never fariako hint no mat- t6r how may be tor he may to world owes every a living yet bo brain foot or hand to obtain it bit claim Is spurious Win ale of work we mean welldirected efficient labor end lofty and onrioblinx toiling will others as well and world It may not 10 perfect it may bo only a to be other and thow that will commend it to the public appreciation but If wo our best faithfully and conscientious ly it all that required at our and reward will be as sure and complete as that of tha more skilful worker Work but forget that proper management and economy important essential to all No true man or be tappy or preserve his or her respect when depeudenco upon It felt how ever cheerfully such generosity may bo dispensed for the bread of charity Is Utter to a sensitive sout and lacks sweetness that Independence give it Many persons scorn work tecauio It savors of drudgery that Is performed from a sense of duly and bet eat I but If the should fall upon you take It tap and for and jeer of self be la any or vita baihle scorn Is not Are When it first became apparent that land in all civilized countries to be railway and that telephone and telegraph were to ho ativtched through the air it predicted that thunder storms diminish as would all atmospheric Many meteorologists were inclined to this opinion believed that con tinued lines of metal andprovent its in any one thus prevent ing But a German scientists Hast net has devoted leisure for to thunderstorms and recording their He finds that lightning strokes have in creased cent in that part of Germany where he lives aince he to make and record observations It is also the result of that winds produce dam- ge The an storms coin- almost exactly vlth the of railway tracks and telegraph wires The record of and violent winds kept by the government of and France also seem to in dicate an annual of both The record however may be The facilities for collecting in formation concerning any become every year Appar ently there am more crimes and dentp bat such may not bo the case There are than there years ago and they much enterprising Many that tornadoes clones waterspouts were many years ago there very reference made to them in histories of their times But it mufct bo remembered that a email portion of the country was then No knows how many In dian worn in consequence of their canons capsized by ami violent Thou sands of tornadoes tony have passed over the distant prairies en- tiro herd of there to record them There records tho of tornadoes northern part of Maine Their pths ar indelibly marked by lines of compara tively siso and often of a differ kind from those on either Vide of They show tho first growth of trees uprooted by winds of great and confined a narrow THE aod EuitOwnncabarj Itottlnitia ITOQ Sib 10 TbUlsUlfot UbtW barn and loon ft All ft are will AIM Severn 1411 of BUD LOTS FOR IN THE J a ARE SHOWING A FULL LINE OF- SEASON SPECIALTIES SCYTHS8 and FORKS Hay and Straw Knives Mechanics Tools Building Hardware Table Pocket Cutlery PAINTS OILS PUTTY GLASS ETC complete assortment CONSTANTLY ON HAND AT WRIGHTS all of Coal and Wood Stoves n liM ptttf putUo a of Goal and Wood Stock and Prices J A ALLAN CO PUREST STRONGEST BEST CONTAINS NO Alois Lima OS Tffio to or TEE FULL LINES OF CANES Including Tubs Firkin etc THE BEST BRANDS OF COAL OIL And All Kinds of Lamp Fixtures Jobbing and Work lftv or cd For on Termi bove m i ptiiODOl Ih j it tn with Mstio Hit Abl mi lo Atoifrfx or will a Wfc or 0 of I Fur on ALE FROM TO I THE KEY Attention WRIGHT Main Street Newmarket Farmers Threshers and use MACHINE OIL Try it once and you will use no other Every barrel guaranteed We sole of the Genuine Lard inc Also Cylinder Engine and Harness Oils BROS CO TORONTO For in by ALLANCo MAIN STREET a A A BINDER ri I I I I I I EMULSIOBi 1 Children CURB Palatable as Milk In First stages Be you get at SCOTT poWKE rf TWINE PURE MANILLA p- LUMBER LATH SHINGLES all a Bowels Kidneys and Liver off cm all and foal of the secret at Siino lixe Acidity of the Stomach Dyspepsia Headaches Dizziness Heartburn Constipation Dryness of Skin Dropsy Dimness of Vision Jaun dice Salt Erysipelas Scro fula Fluttering or Heart and and many other let J lo the happy and General Debility many other lo hippy BIITERS For Sal all DUNN POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND THE BRIARS FARM Sutton Wt Out- Choice of Bud of NOW TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH SASH AND BLINDS THANKFUL FOR TUB LIBERAL OK THE PAST SOLICIT A OF SAME AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES I THE CANE SONS MFG CO by net- Hit W llera Abo fount nd FOR YOUNG BUMS Willi dtiM DR FOWLERS EXT OF WILD cures holer a Morbus RAMPS YSEHTERYr AND FLUXES OF THE IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS Best and Cheapest Fence BUILDERS IRONWORK Office Railings Lawn Furniture AND FOUNTAIN Iron ONTARIO o- j w4 J- NEWMARKET STORE Methodist Church REV HILL PASTOR EnVJCElAS7 ItafaudturartcWliy- NEWSPAPERS

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