Newmarket Era, 14 Nov 1890, p. 1

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THE ERA Friday Morning JACK80N AT STEAM HOUSE BEACHED SUB8CBIBEB8 Brrr Vadium hi ifaa It MB THE TO KNOW TO TO TO ABOTH NORTH YORK Vol XXXIXNO Single Copies Cents Each ONTARIO SI I p HOI Newmarket Branch Newmarket Onb Friday Nov 14th 1890 Cash in Advance within or at end of year Allows Ml DRAFTS AT On LEGAL J Ac Sol TO WCWlDDirXELDBA tie Off Reformer Block MONEY TO LOAN flOOBB B MONEY TO lb Dominion XT LB ieawnpsyvitWa si P TO WIS OS SICTXlTT and York J A BASTED tit MONET TO IiaiBBiT AT Co SE UUd it a- a CAMPBELL CM- Office At OR A J- if an J Hula A fi SCOTT Iff tnficTJlYy of A A- Norwich ijr Northern Kb Slock Coaijaalffc Low on Wikj tools Town Wrights HOTEL TORONTO bed meet all lrDi El9- JOUX IHPLKMXNT AOBNT And for LL of York fiop Nov 1890 r Our he done a fintcUsa iq October con sidering tie We know belter He have twice much We ordered him to cut thelife oat of hi S and Over- And tbiogi and with A wry fete he you A lot of allwool good made which he sell at ioo to boom Fine wonted overcoat grey and velvet collar A coat which ho J- cheap at Price lo boom J 6 6 T THOMPSON SON The New mammoth to 140 King St E N LIQUOR STORE AUCTIONEER For of York At Addru P will prompt to Coin on Firm York Aftol for in- will loUueeuAvJIIeordrrsroMJittateriAttiieo PURE WINES Especially Recommended for Medicinal Purposes J P J j Main St CASH GROCERY STORE TEAS A SPECIALITY Oar Tea all creation it convinced SelfSealers at Cost The Union Jack a hit of Ita an old Yet thooitoda for lit honor And their belt blood tor chared with Croat of St old It conk Crow Patrick Tor Ireland hit St crow Held to of diiv bat It flat If in oer Am free at wind or the And from no a over anrj the Kong And the rightt which to belong boiit to To oar to oor and wtiriDl and Yon a bit or call an old colored rag frwdgm it And bis A Lost Angel CHAN A Oxtda Cm at nil r- A Urn Dentil The Manufacturers If Md Toron Ciut aJ varied for cot of A- it If ink Toronto UriLkSfQ A Urtctor hnt THE ACCIDENT CO OF la America lUsiroaclnilvly for and at ieoDivjADCvf loan and Iniuranc It Public W and nor nd NOTES DISCOUNTED- Land VnlqailooipAC- M05ET TO LOAN and Main Street North Newmarket received some beautiful pattered jo English Scotch Canadian Also no Assortment to choose from selected Patterns in and Stripe Call and boo for one bring your you All goods on the at Closest Cash Prices Only aT Patronage Solicited W D MUTCH Tailor Oppoiito Starrs Book Store i LUMBERYARD I J rimLr nod and Lutnbtr AW DRY CORD WOOD I LIFE ASSUUANCR CO -A- own cloth made neatly and cheaply CAPITAL AND FUNDS- 10000000 ao4 world arurtrtioclufuiMiwo J- QUERRIES BENTLEYS IlHKoldcit la jait retired of Pure and American D DUNNS POWDER THE FRIEND MAIN STREET Buggies Carriages Etc Work Attended to Promptly 19 J a serial iJinaud a Itfc tck of and English French and American Perfume Bath and Nursery Hair Kail Infant Tooth and Shoulder Braces Full Line Confectionery Patent Mr freshly ground by Leading complete stock of mid in Town v NEWMARKET I STOVE DEPOT- Sruiula dViuxlUu Qua on nov 11 to ash to I THE KEY TO HEALTH BARaAINS IN- SECONDHAND all Iho aTnae Bowels Kidneys and Liver carrying all Erapuiitlcs anil foul at the Cor recting Acidity or Stomach curing Biliousness Dyspepsia Headaches Dizziness Heartburn Constipation Dryness of Skin Dropsy Dimness of Vision Jaun dice Salt Rheum Erysipelas Scro fula Fluttering of tho ner vousness and General Debility and many other limit yield to BURDOCK BLOOD BlTt Tor all Toronto r At COAL COAL First HARD COAL for WWI DENNE AND COOKS WRIGHT VN for Infante and Children Cmici lb was an old tbat I aw the picture celled A An- it hong a head which A two words tbe of were depicted larger id fact merited the it Tho too for bat heaven A mother might have 6Aid my child toast look Para- dUe bat it km to believe that such a divine creature actually eatuted on earth Evry one that whose work it was I that face in yean ago A and child together door of the atone woman tweet child far beautiful than that attempt to re- produce its felt that I never again have so angelic a model and requested the to allow to sketch her child I will pay well I said Do think you am him to bo quiet She gave me a bright fiinilo of she answered shall pose for the It time he began Ho bread a model It was bit poor before ho died He was said to be model in Florence They painted for their lovers and little resemble bis father mother alio I Mid She but id Ob Tin well but only engage when they require peasant I am not fine like my beside youth is too quick to Field your Signer Painter that you bow to Tbo little Italian throw himself into an attitude Hit eye uplifted bis carmine lips an loeffaUlo in Tell then if I am right ho and I nodded ho to have forgotten world and to be listening to of One might fancied that ho would beautiful Ho fioejued too fair holy pointed with rapture but at my decided to make a portrait than I had at firtt intended I presented lint to Lie mother who received it with delight and it to tbe wail on which a gilded and a print of Virgin already hung and I worked many over my picture Whoa it completed I my mode mother liberally arntll Italian colli that him feel an rich an ft inland departed to turn lay hick no quaint atone kindly handsome woman and the beautiful boy Wherever I little angel people exclaimed over tho beauty I think no woman ever it without out the moment What lovely child I often thought of the In 1I that fol lowed I never forgot faiui- They were for I am an old man now I was twenty when I left the atone with the mother and her beautiful boy on the high under of a great vine that clung to the old wall I when I saw again a man with life behind biro I had achieved my well known but I waa no longer bright haired light young fellow with oil to win or two graves lay the trodden thought of tbo man who had lit aaof aomo other whom bad known and been fond the heme where lived with hit mother It unchanged A vine grewovbr door doubling from lame The door fait locked and in any caw It to that two dwelt I walked away wrapped In a atumbled over an old government official and who toe by the arm with a light Italian latigh- WeHmifblieBaid I thought of going to find There is town which an like mast ado It will not be on for it a fineapeci men of the nod be will be executed in a few ia a bandit murderer everything that horrible He baa cot off the and fingera of prisoner and wut them to their with intimations that if a Certain ransom not paid only the beginning M captured at last on a to mother whom he to have been fond of dear fellow I giro yon my word ho the raoat creature living If want a for any of Here mo a bow head for you He would very much liko to have paint him ho bimaelf a I can admit to I went with him The proper were accomplished As an American artist who to transfer doomed Italian to I permitted to into bis He cot aaleep we entered bat approach- The roost fiendish countenance I had ever beheld turned towards A wild black beard hid the lower part of face grown long flung a shadow over eyes that glittered like black diamond and were immense and long tabbed but in of Satan A great hie forehead a deep seam lay upon bis cheek bis straight as that of a Greek statue had nostrils that while finely cat bad an expression of cruelty past all bearing an ex precaton that must infuriated an enemy and horrified who was in bis power my conductor this an American gentleman an artist who would liko to sketch your head Ho is a Your will bo to great You will for him wilt you not I a for thai said Campari with air of a from a foreign court and rejoice to oblige will look ter rible possible Tbe signer will kindly not perpetuate scar upon my face which I do not wish handed down to posterity without them I remarkably Instantly bo sion for which I no and with a word of thanks fell to work head grow beneath my fingera I found that he waa right scan and mac him hideous Hie features wore per fect Ilia hair glorious ho aaid approvingly pocketing money I Bring mo wine and cigars there I will drink the health No thanks- It a pleasure to more for a true artist Great heavens my friend as he examined tbo picture in an outer room You a lost angel of our great brigand I never ndded scar I felt that brigand was right in his re- from an artistic point of view A few dae afterward bo executed Florence with excitement and lottery people a fortune from the losaoa of who bought which supposed I do not know why to have lucky because of the execution of brigand Terrible that made tho blood run cold told of him He had bad no mercy no pity no honor no decency But ho teemed to been posing terrible to done everything with a view to An repeated story of life in the twilight atroeta and women crossed vos at they listened A singer an im promptu song to Me goitar in which the murder of a lovely lady by cruel vividly portrayed A man at corner sold fragments of Ira garment chariot bullets and did The full of Leav ing the crowd I wandered away to portion of city the little atone house where I had Usually lay upon it and it vine might ahvlowed the cell of hermit Now a crowd surrounded the door On I my own servant Ho bowed and something should aeo It the of tbo brigand ho captured Within is portrait when a child I my word that It angelic I Will IN it I Mitt joined crowd and paid my bit of silver to a old crone who gathered tbe cola Into her apron Two caudle burned In near the object of and at peasant who had boon before me crowed and mitred I hanging a glided crucifix over bond of little bed my own little sketch of baby It Is like him old old bag at the door That ray 1st- dor the age of five Ho was like that only A H father man In await Mi doom with varied exhibi tions of and He freely of occasionally in a ghast ly with reference to it Never- times he troubled and sloop becoming less and that there no danger ho will attempt but guards are continually reminded to be watchful him frequently and their meetings are alwaya The large weight to be used in the execution arrived on Friday 14th and is now the jail yard It weighs pounds Tbe execution will prob ably take in the southeast por tion of tbe yard to jail wall It ib aaid that his body will be buried in a brick vault and it will ho watched for some time to pro- vent it stolen The last communication from Colonel to eod en Amcri can post card too has by an export to whom it was aborro to he in A from Ottawa atfttej at a moetiug of Cabinet week Government decided after much deliberation not to interfere with duo court of law in un fortunate man will therefore penalty of bis by executed this morning at the Oxford county The Cabinet in opinion A Chinese Railway There now in operation China between and miles of lying between This commenced in 18B1 toenrry coal from the mine for a of to head of a canal which for topographical reasons could not be brought nearer Per- mission to buildit had been of authorities in vain several years Sutton Rev Johnston of delivered tsro aad forcibH la Chotchra last Talis iiji ha for lhsRwrMpof ported John i far position In to lbs lisp- A Kir djoiWp of Mr Joba lut of lbs crowded all to to tbe fullest la coooectloo alth tut aod wen of a On a dinner scried proved agreed affair A was at la usual free tod deliverad by told a Wat lie Main St Mliir 3rd Oku Miller Lily Hotter St 3id ClauOUra Copies fir Sad Ethel Rogers Si Arnold Jr dad Ere- Roil Kir ton Part It Jr Cocker- ill Tablet John Shaw DISH AT THIS OF THE TUB A foot of fall at Port Arthur on Monday November la giving Day in tbo United At Qua on Satur day a named Found killed wife by cutting her throat with a razor Somebody that pollteneu ia like an air cushion thero may be nothing in it but it wonderfully An start ing out with a membership of S3 was organised in the Bradford Methodist Church last week saved About the on Is perpetrated in Kingston last Thursday when footpad H Pickerings a man and rob bed of and an artificial arm It would not bo f for people with goldfilled teeth to around of limestone after lnIghtfalL before only secured by declaration of the director of the company that they must atop mining unless they obtain means of transportation Then grouted for the construction of a tramway on condition that only hordes or should bo used motive power It a tak ing an oil whom an inch bad been and English engineers went quietly to work to construct a loco- out of bite of iron and as they could gather They succeeded in making a machine that would run but bad no sooner done so than they from put ting on finishing strokes tracka in the yard upon which it was built were torn up and it wag throat into abed either for final retire ment or to wait for better daya A few months afterwards its completion was venture upon and govern ment kindly withdrawing its scrutiny operation of the Hit to road by steam began without official sanction The principal objection of gov- to railroad enterprise white admitting their usefulness was that they would probably have to bo man aged by foreigners who would thus obtain further InOueaoe in Experiment in ft small way sub sequently made showing that this could bo avoided Under a of directors miles add ed to road and after ward another suction of GO miles bringing tho lino This road ia in northeast corner of the kingdom in an out way nook where population is Spared and popular prejudice least to bo contended with Its importance to tho further prosecution of system however is great it demonstrates that native can control their own roads provided that can pay for but it can furnish supplies of coal for operation of other rail ways In region of fttn Though coal abounds in nearly every province of mine at or waa two years ago only one the Union ft of common in this old of Ediioo whether ho It or not A gentleman went to with young ion who about to begin work boy la a well known liuifncji home father for motto which toy tike to heart In for promotion After pause at the f meant wo It that the man who ha potng to work or dot nt a of with man who up matter how long carpenter who llfud aboTB Ha head when la likely to remain a workman all life carpenter who itaji 16 minute to a job of bit own Moody SI lib Alibi Angle Jolif Siotllcy Johu iliv JolU Elba Dunn kiami lift Elba Think Mil it Prlut Leek SO IV ChiiAdibt Clara brt raid ad St Edith Jr HI Si Canon- Ft Fred An Evenings Wo stated in the pleasant parlor of a town and F with violin and mamma piano had given charming Thoro still an hour before the holiday ar rive and proposed that it be spent tt pleasant of word- and obliging volunteered to go out of the room a Has of poetry selected The line from a of the presently chosen bU our came in and beginning at extreme of the circle asked questions of each person in was allowed to ask any sort of question she pleased aod person questioned la his or her reply obliged to In deftly and with little as possible the word which bad been assigned or each of us bad taken a word order Thus No 1 had the No wed din No gonlV so on questioner waa permitted three separato as to word on hearing answer of each and you would believe that the familiar lioo went around tho cirolo be fore it was finally discovered Such an exercise very much to do commended for an plea It gives an opportu nity for nimble in constructing and those who take part in game gather up a he At of lint which linger lo the Odd bits of informa tion como to hand and oven wellbred prople are sometimes surprised be told that line they thought be longed to Moore was really written by Campbell or that some which had attributed to Shakespeare from a longgone classic sourceiiirpcra Young to Winnipeg winter A Free Home A worth will be tel or its equivalent in cash will be given lo the person detecting the greatest number of in the December issue of our monthly journal entitled OUR Three hundred and fifty additional cash prizes amounting to will also be awarded in the order mentioned in rules governing competition Prize payable at par In part of Canada or tho United State Send in atampa for complete rules and sample copy of Homes which will issued about Nor 20th Address John Wright Toronto fall off a train and WUed At of of Broi of North Km hid leg broken by ft beam falling on him Thirtyfour of In bo Mr George Whit- who wld oat fttook mad re moved to Eugenia of Port Hope owned EwaiU of driven load- with for Toronto Crew member of lion and the Tueadj and where tney lobojuat in to witneu an In dian wedding Gas struck at well in near Port depth of feet mo grat water cannot bo poured down KT of imbury week received med al the Ontario and Acta for beat farm in proop in the counties of York and Peel Ktw the old just weal of Argentic Kaa was found on a of gold buried in the ground and valued at about The date of the latest coin lion Mr Foster Minster of Finance left Ottawa last week for Itriciah West Indies British Guinea for the purpose of for what prospects there are in those islands for increasing mar- for Canadian products A country youth recently an swered an advertisement headed How to make money easy in return got a slip of paper on was waa written Catch new inciter wo do This valuable piece of In formation cost him only ISy Four hundred French Can adian families or souls settled in tho beginning of year and it reported tbat or families are taking up their ports in these dis tricts daily K- Sneak thieves carried off bottles of and a quantity of sausages from the Bingham House Bradford on Saturday night Oa the previous Saturday night they also cleared out eleven bottles of liquid Certain local parties are suspected There a plant in Granada known the ink plant joke of which serves without least preparation Ink The writ ing at first appears red but in a few boors assumes a deep black hoe Several of manuscript written with this natornl became aoaked with water on their to Europe but when dried the writing was found to be perfectly clear In Juno last Mr J Smith had a boy working around a tables and when curry hit him with the currycomb on the hip to make him get over faster The cut through skin Since as been under the but ho the horse gradually wasted away until Mr Smith ho would put en to poor beasts sufferings by hitting Mm on the head with an axe which he did on Satur day Herald Robert Johnson a young boh of Noil J ohm on who Uvea near Works Carrie was playing with In Waltons Boat lost Friday and had a bottle of gun powder and matches result of this combination boy gunpowder and a an explosion which nearly killed tho boy He had con- enough left lodrfg himself to of Dr Morton who dreavd wounds end ha hag been progressing favorably ever since though his thumb almost severed from bis band and he Is otherwise for life Nov flail of Iron and Institute activ ity In inattera ha Iccretsed A Griffin psEiedthrongbhero Boston to White In treating gold and This the of ltonBln6EroestfntheFirbankdlstriot The pit which and show that as depth reached the ore Increase both quantity and richness Min ing expert who have been examining the district state that the Indications in the of Gordon Lake and the Vermillion River are moat favor- Prof Smith of Toron to boon investing this r Duncan vlce- of OP ha also aeair considerable tract of mineral lands The district is now attraotloaior American and yy

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