Newmarket Era, 14 Nov 1890, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA NOV 1890 New Advertisement Dinner Seta Din ford fc Fancy Goods Starr Bond Brother A P Bradley Teacher J Homo to Bent M St UP 1 BOX AND WITH EACH ISSUE Srsxur AMeaa in bait of iaa in circle It Mid present Mr was for lbs aranlug Ibftbalanwc UDonntlDg Ed til to s rfren to assist a at FRIDAY NOV Our Toronto to Bra Toeotto Nor Hon Alex and are visit ing Gall tots week A libel nit u sntsnd by the about in afternoon Prison sod tidied by of Days Collap Ibis week avent Ma were In terred yesterday with Trod is a weekly annwaeed to appear Saturday elseUon trial In of Mr to Ontario AasamUr has abandoned and may of against opponent no evidence eras taken on either side botb petitions were on test with cost election petition of Mr Sol White waabfard at No wa taken and the petition North York School Convention The Buflfness Tax Beijing to a question tax or the ieoment and CommU of Toronto said It will tbe effect of relieving wealthy at the expense of the poof adopted and after working the we bare come to the that Mr is right It only where a man if conducting in mora than ordinarily premiica on a capital that the tax would measure to anything like the existing personalty ataeramenL a consequence to adopt the scheme to in favor of the or retailer with large capital against bu com petitor The law which authorizes pal Councils to substitute a tax for a personalty that this tax shall not exceed per cent of the annual of the premises in which such business is car- this annual determined by an amount represented by 7 per cent on the assessed value of the premises According to this a merchant might have worth of goods and all paid for in a premises of not more than in in which case all tbe taxes payable by him would be an asseesraent on per cent of the assessed value of the premises white his poorer neighbor who had only stock with perhaps not more than 5000 paid for who did business in a building valued at would have times the amount of taxes his with personalty had to pay In Newmarket such a the business license proposes would reduce our personalty tax several thousand dollars and the taxes col lected tbereon would more or less have to bo borne by the working classes of the town Tax London Fret of came to hand to and the death of Its and Tbeaad at Hot deceased bad a ago relief a malady of treatment failed to prove taken a promlctnt Jo of ever sines For many Frti baa been regained aa to eastern world waking at an being rcipectiog Paleatine to cm fatare A is now In the coowe of construction from Jaffa to Jernulem and it expected will be completed by March next will Ikon be able to from in timber at Jaffa to about three hour a Journey cow mads over horrible road to Dr experience by camel or dil- is beginning of recnlt to wonder ful changes to that land of biblical of tba probable to the postal rates of the an There is a official statement to Canadian GattU of Lin den to the effect that there will soon be a general io Canada A la made which has force to It of a Canadian dUorimina- herself well as England in That a letter may bo peeled in any the Stales to the farthest point to the Dominion for while Canada baa to pay and a to oat mother country costs cents while to any part of States it Is only cents also coat to Great Brit ain cent and only one to any part of State- aboold looked toto other Incidents of r- ceot election to the Statta where peo ple do wonderful now and again election of a lady t be clerk of Jasper County Tbe her to a district where they bad no possible hope of winning as the amy is decidedly to Republicans naming Fischer as their and as ceitaia the latter bis election that ha made any can Mr a under and good whohw a erring in office Deputy for fooled her oppooeot and when all lbs test of Democratic ticket defeat- id oat of tight up trolling with majority miners of that di- oat to force it u said and for day from one poll ing to and her to the tune of The Annual Convention of the York S Association was held at Newmarket in the Methodist Church Wednesday Thursday and Friday last week Mr Jackson in the chair Convention began on Wednesday Nov at p William Patterson pastor of Cooks Presbyterian Toronto was the principal speaker Hi sub ject was The Privilege and ribUities of a most obtain divine help A minister was an ambassador and much of message moat be to the No greater work existed on earth all if a teacher faithful he can leave re a Its with God A short discussion followed Thursday mat a the church The topics of forenoon were I The subject of the of the toward cards dancing and kindred amusements introduced by Rev Smith of Bradford He said cards and the like were a great waste of precious time Their was toward dissipation and never helpful to virtue Dancing had a downward tendency and we must watch denciea The attitude of should be one of firm and intelligent antagonism A discussion ensued and on motion of J E Dickson the subject was re mitted to a special committee Reports were called for Several spoke of their schools Mr of Toronto in- traduced the relation to troth and his Troth was contained in scriptures A teach er was a fisher of men There are two ways of teaching by words and example Love to Christ is first and great qualiGcation Mayor Jackson in a neat speech welcomed the Convention to New market The Nominating Com then report ed Report adopted Following are the officers for the year Mr A Vale Aurora lit Vice Me Newmarket 2nd VicePew All in York Secretary Rev vY Smith Mr O Graham Aurora With to Com of members ComRera Smith and Mr J- Com J Belfry Garrett and D VYumer Mr Yorko of Aurora con ducted a bible lesson for over an hour tbe whole convention forming the It was managed in a satisfac tory manner president elect Mr Yule was then introduced and addressed convention A hearty vote of thanks was given to Mr Jack- eon the retiring president Mr AB Newmarket then presented subject of a S S Institute for North York for the in struction and training of teachers It was on motion resolved to hold such Institute this winter been and the itsponrea to the appeal promised ft total thus far of Mr J J of Toronto an swered the Question Drawer The Resolution presented several resolutions which were accept ed on the several topics discussed thanks to the Trustees of the church the Choir for christian hospitality etc The Choir during all evening was led by Mr A J Hughe of Sharon and was composed of the Methodist choir strengthened by members from the other in the town attendance of delegates was large the local com were successful in lo cating alt who needed accommodation Rev Mr Hill being indefatigable in this work and the all through werelarge the being completely filled up at every session The Convention was an on precede success and proceed ings in form will be issued from this office in a few days Lib lis Hub of Strong will occupy the pulpit of the Metho dist next Morning And Mr Hopkins of Holt preached in Methodist lut Srigley School for the year iln Large the northern one The which was to have been opened the in will not be opened for a couple of Mr Speck his oxen for a figure and purchased a dapple gray pony they she can down anything on the Hoe Mr Watson is no better but Mrs- Watson is on mend More dipped on Thanksgiving day at Aorora Mrs Ellen who was buried in Newmarket last week was found dead in bed by her daughter though she had retired the evening previous in her usual health A soft died at Hamilton two weeks ago Mrs mother of James Reynolds died vary suddenly at the residande of her son near King City She retired apparently In good health bat not her appesrsooe on Saturday morning her daughterinlaw went to her room to awaken her and found her on the floor unconscious remained In that state until she expired Apo plexy is supposed to have been cause of death Holt Mr J A Hopkins occupied the at Sunday evening Mr Will Moines his returned home from Michigan A child of Mr has been very ill with congestion of the but has recoverea again Miss I sod Mr spent Sunday in and vicinity visiting friends Mr Jerry from has been visiting at ExDeputy Travis for a few returned homes after a long steady season of work Watts and family have been visiting relatives in ilarkham Toronto intends working Mr A McDonalds farm lately worked by Mr J Mr A Watson has moved into one of Mr houses Mr It Hunter is attending Veterinary College in Toronto Mr has been home the past week enjoying tbe pleasures of the Council Linda Mon treal toNawcafil cattle cross ing the Atlantic fcT Several persons were killed in election riots at In the Ar gentine Republic Ten persons were killed by a collision on the Great Western Rail way England Toaday The dwelling of Davis Mo- lot con North was totally by fire on Monday afternoon last The fur niture was all saved THE CITY STORE The Montreal grand jury Wednesday retaraed a true bill against OBrien charged with having libelled Prince George of Wales He pleaded not British torpedo Serpent foundered off the coast of Spain near Cape daring a storm on Monday night of a total of on board only three were saved GROGKERYGHIN A GLASS DEPARTMENT WANTED For flrOrm fat IbflOlh of to Bra Hill PO A or OUu Teacher tec a No it pwrBObsailf or sVQ TsTHl P Keswick- HI TO Art Mi Dr B Bgelow now lex tin fat fcwo firtt a lime It Jo will till mm tin la out- rvUllj be of will be chit tk for sum tad ftltf Uuiliai Pi will rMuio to JHts I St- week to the fox it icj ltd fotftnttioa it ill br fotereaU of pot for tbt aJttjUc of Tbe victory at ii too ftweiiDg not to bo dj ligbl tbtO tb policy of their nd coDcrtd to the of I by teuton Ceo lodicte wboDQiaUrMIfietbsD to frill bare ftiojorityof free to Io one jail elect Whether the new ill be more to trade with On lobe eo bat optoioa to ran o Hilton bu gone ud the the of hi while Jatllce 0 the the pell- with Id t for feet If It rejsi bee k fMUtlt I the teeth of 1 a Ttr ere of tree bill K ftrffDee to chloroform poll tile will st once dew Br ptiejtreph In Toronto of we lrera thai Cooot Citric CU1V0 that the the reletlf to the ttso by the of Utter la of Toronto o ell council dtcUrfogltto a fait of Nor 11 iotimates eceodaloas will he next eeMiOQ or it may torn one good till the other bat there a wind whit the Ghtrs deal hat to y from gotibow the Mb rat hare mil proof to ffittblUb of corruption ead fraud fa with the fvr I ctedttfd with th hois to tie The the Opposition bare eecurrl proofe it it with the ibi the It ft much xatne nil tbat Sir Mia of tjitjl law the He ft to hi to Jadgu well fti to At litrcl of each their of Jot gone end iliUry I were the fttid I ft 1 he pre4iu ftl dgnlUritetT Mil ail now cbtcgnJ end presi the work to how be dtepented with whit other la regard to of pfrtoo whti he to a elected from eod Ia act earing the at utecttoo Grand clue of petit Tat cilia oft record tier the read giro the cider to pot their the It A will and well- to be the the new made ft hill he Ilka to pa ft ft He 1 in and to the tH where HO fta4eoMtotheeod of the chapter ere Rev Hooker of the Metro- church Toronto apoko S work Do not have rooms dark or underground Do not the caphilittee of children Always with the and with the heart prepared To have a boy take religion must be exposed to iL He recommended larger scholars to introduced to philosophy bible giJSj logic etc He careful about new hymn the is not bo to be hut new words are trathv Mr J K of Toronto Get teachers who fied persons put visitors in dont ask them to apeak unless you know them Amos anawered ques tion very pleasantly Devotion at 9 at Special on Cards and reported theso The report with an addition encouraging recreation innocent character was adopted Mr A Day general secretary of Provincial Assn spoke on Foundation principles of teaching as follows Proper accommodation qualification adaptation class iutermediato asks bow and senior all of which must bo answered leach from known to the unknown conscience in Mr P of Acton on in relation to Missions They both arose from aaine im pulse is only just begin ning to appreciate its great capabili ties If wo cannot go wo cau send gospel spoke AP7tN00ys If of Bradford read a on Tho Teacher study ing tho Pray much Uan the Then Helps Give thought to it Hill related bis prcresions and experiences at In- 8 Convention liked to man big own or Terri tory Ontario Scholars 358000 it showed a Union of and profound sympathy of spirit in nil thped from every part white and black together on a Use two at The lu luncheon rirolutions carried womens dayf in tho Jnetons next Convention mors study to be got In Treasurer read bit report expended lknoaii addressed the children on truth- three fold pledge of tho Band of Hope drink tobacco and profanity TUB LAST Rev Dr Parker of spoke on ft and in 8 work Want of sym pathy and help on tho part of many parent was a great discouragement The has literature and the finest singing books And la Christs Kingdom cocao from the Mr A- Day the Provincial at A won In twentyfire their first Rev Mr of cir cuit formerly on the circuit to preach in the church here at oclock next Sunday afternoon No doubt theru will be a large attendance 9 Mumps are prevalent in this section Mr is making another improvement at resort residence ie being from a half to a boUdtn the contract being in bands of Mr John left on Monday to visit relative in Toronto for a A gawdsir d boil Mr ilarritt asserting itt authority lately expect a here shortly- f m held their annual plowing about half a mile from this burgh on Nov was a grand both for the of plowmen and workmanship executed first prizes taken in this im mediate neighborhood also the prize for the beat looking plowman which was awarded by six young ladies to Mr James and friends of Methodist Sabbath School have com menced preparations for their annual Arch and entertainment to be held on eve We pleased to learn that Miss has engaged prin cipal of thivPublto School for another which will make her year in section Mr spent bis Thanks giving with friends in which probably accounted for far away look of a certain young lady As the year is drawing to a close the for municipal honors to front Among those aspiring for the Mayoralty Mr J Sinclair and Mr A They both being popular young men we may expect contest Last evening Members of Last ay Division Sons of Temper- anco held a gentle- men furnishing tbeties which termi nated very successfully vmtors hero on Thanks- Riving day was Mr Barber of Woodstock Mr P Baldwin of Aurora Mr 11 J OBrien of Park- dale Mr of Kettleby FARMERS time to MYBfiS For Cattle and Poultry Bold A3 Next Hoick ail ULntitcaot read rtlT0 from ft Mo- of Lake iJimoOo from town from Mr a9nxial Coomcr to bar Earl taken Md5 to hate that portion of fflaod to Opened were ordered la he paid Wo Woods or paid or loan Martin for en fa to eelJolrcc- John erpend- tare between lota St Si dar lor culvert ecu IxtwMQ Iota cud A J5J0 U04 and Frank hitch said W Jamee fans for travels ins rcpalrtog bridge on Keswick the lock to IS for two colt to pay of juror- road dm of x doge 1 doff The following ordered to ho No I a pi elderoad between 10 and Wwt the of to of The was alio to atiead deputation water of wajUld The were of to toi5 bill In to Jacoee for la timber on lib ftild lwolailUpotel laetruetedto En to Route IndiRent- An order eldorod between lots 16 con to tho was to clow sell la town plot of as the day of December ST CANALS FLAT 1HVI3ION NOTICE TO eod tor the Cenala will be at uolll itsearrlvAlortbeeicrHAud on oy for a lift lock deep of tbe The work will Into eeclloos eab about a mile In together with pilot aod of can iHS of at Koy lovere ilorrlibuiv- where led In of bo to tbe actual of nature etch of and further a book la the for on a In for Of the other be to lUUwayaand aod will be If leo- derlost eaterlog for workesi Lheraleeandoa ihu loot will be the wboee Are not does not ho stater bind tender By order P a tor I And mutt commander of the Vancouver Inward from and the were washed orerboard and drowned last Friday In rtaponso to a roqnisttEon by the ArchMahop of Canter bury Cardinal Manning four many of both and a number of collega tsbe Mayor of London lor to Her appealed for dlsonst the of the aoriptlons It was announced at the that had Our vilUgo was thrown into a high of excitement about 7 oclock on Thursday morning of last week over melancholy death of Geo a respected blacksmith of this place Your correspondent had been in his company- the day provious and noticed nothing unusual In his man ner and on before he played iloimnof4 with bin to in spirits On morning of Day ho as usual lit the lire put on teakettle and went out to biro His got breakfast and as did not return she to lb- hern him- On through object of her husband hanging by a rop Thinking that possibly ho was not dead she took a that near and cut rope letting Mm down- Her scream attracted the of and who hurried to scene As man past all aid unfortunate women was assisted sent for Terry assisted by and Deputy a closo examination and concluded that It was not necessary to hold an Inquest as ft was clearly a case of suicide Deceased was aged and days lie was well known In this Township and was ssld to excel at his trade but ho had one serious fault be wag addicted to drink At one time ho was an Odd- Follow and although not entitled to any the order generously bore the funeral expenses and the remains Interred at Cemetery last The family heartfelt of tho community In this their hour of trouble About tons of coal been burned at Fort Wil liam pile atitl burning Great Bargains I FOR AT LEADING FURNITURE Undertaking House A to select from UNDERTAKING Department will ba a of GASKETS COFFINS Undertaking a Specialty alii to at All axreoted and a j THE HAMILTON WEEKLY AMD Contain all Matty t Tbo Choi eat fur paper met great aod your The Before two the or OB JJistcxiTOH InwotlhrromtritaiL A vroat buglers suro To reft bod ad weekly aud flad It vaIuaUo For pa SPECTATOR PI h town the fast wife Air lilcbanlOibofaeor a daughter the lot at the IVoaiorol Mr or etdait Toronto Hilair Iters Mr J ol Aurora Think Mr to Mia 2omb on UrVfm wlDOa Stouffrllla inoa COMPANV Hamilton of on Booth America will be ilnuwi to during iiioaulclejoo twutbcca by bo other a will be a a by bow for the Ural Mm a LI I in by sMAUimas a otto by 1zh iiowaivuii by Ia the number art erartr well stcuroi w distlD 85 AND 100 PIECE Sets ONLY 650 UP China Tea Seta Qlass Tea Sets Dessert Sets Five Tea Sets After Dinner Coffee Sots Porridge Sets Egg Sets Biscuit Jars Fruit Plates Tea Pots Caps and Batter Dishes Costard Caps Dishes Jelly Cake Stands jelly Stand Covers Cheese Dishes Parlor Piano Room Hand Bedroom LarapSj Kitchen Lamps All Night fc Lamp Shades Burners Glasses Rose Vfts I for Hats Toilet Menu Standi Tea Pot Stands a Water Pitchers Water Goblets Wine Glasses Wine Decanters Whisky Glasses Gold Whisky Glasses Hot Ale Glasses Diooer She Lager Beer Mugs Vinegar Bottles Jars Celery Glasses Syrop Jugs Pickle Jars Sifters Vegetable Dishes Meat Platters and a large Art Crockery Ware Come and a look through Ihe stockyou will have a better idea of the many articles in this Department we keep and perhaps just whit you have been looking for DANFORD ROCHE CO CASH AND ONE PRICE A CHAMGE CONTEMPLATED ANY PERSON from ooo of Boat bo MONTGOMERYS buy good IN CANADA UNITED BTATM MANITOBA BLIND MRS OFFERING her Now nod Stylish STOCK OF MILLINERY Complete all its AT COST PRICE At season the year when proper value expected this it a -J- rarely to be found unrivalled Hah- JllJlllkLsslu Jioco lor bA of Town Property by JL North American Hotels Newmarket It Auctioneer p day or It tbo loilSo a the lf cot Jn of to No of watoTn per Hat at time of Ob iuodIU For apply to J- Vcnilor of Hats all colors at cents tho place the Forty Main St for the New Health Corsets j for the Co Orders at the Store and samples TO LOAN Mils cent On flrtl DAVID LLOYD It Mar Fin ftlofor OfllVb N WM ARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT Rooks S ggi This Department of our Establishment is now being filled with an immense stock of in great variety Hymn Books a large lot of miscellaneous books including Pansy Elsie and other noted scries Blank Books Time Books Music Books Memo Books Pass Books Dialogue and Recitation Books Fashion Magazines Bazaar Pattern Sheet Leather and Plush Albums and other GoBang FishPond Checker Boards and other evening panics Horses Drums all the latest toys Picture Frames Lookingglasses which we offer at prices that will still warrant us in doing the leading trade in these lines Subscriptions received for Toronto Daily Papers Engliih and Amelias ft nllbed publisher prices W BRUNTOIM BROS FURS at Nor Up of aoil TKAUPMirAlths of bU habfaloiU Mr atcdlBjra lbs bar year J ST All 1U prompt Pitchers Castoria Yean I in Canada and The VotomM will it lho chby to HxaD to tnu Cloth art lino it Uaoaxihi with tofotdir for Dial ot tor fltdjtor Voltyaj bo I T0d0 to copy it We have opened the finest assortment of Fur Goods ever shown in Newmarket and being bought for Cash we are sell ing away below regular prices CARPETS We are selling a heavy Ingrain Carpet full yard wide at 36 cents per yard i CLOTHING Our stock is far the largest and the assortment is complete The prices as usual will be found the lowest ana we guarantee every garment BOOTS SHOES Mens Waterproof Felt Boots and the celebrated ing Rubbers BRUNTONS BAKING POWDER Is guaranteed the best or money refunded 1NK BRUNTON NEWMARKET

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