ERA I Friday Morning YMANGhJACKSON at TO KNOW TO TO TO LIBERTY ttt of EU ONTARIO HLWPHOWU0 Newmarket Branch ton flW NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER on DRAFTS Vol SiDgle Copies Cents Each 1 Newmarket Ont Friday Nov Terms Cash In Advance within 6 or at end of year AT CUM MM J fiUltora TORONTO WCTTIDDIFIELDH-A- r Etc to an- Ens Toil Court Boor Toronto Fir to at t WTUJE FOR At Ola owl yStf W LOIS OS IKTIAVP4- ItLES A A J ftTDABT if and Main Slrel SCOTT A- of Hag lift Slock Tin Shop A Market nut JflHN Mr or of York J A AT AH A Gil of Age J Jit iii r TB ACCIDENT la America A for at ib loan ou offlcof Public at all tint I morM Room loihe PiOBI Iho Cbarcb The Manufacturers Companies- ltd varied John A VfcPieHmUMK Tiwvitos Wn Or- curf A NOTES DISCOUNTED VAtaikni TO LOAN Old Mala CAHADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO -CAPITAL- AND FUNDS- 10000 J Nov 1890 CLOTHING PRICES Were loaded beyond ail reason with weatber wont sell hen the moat to stand from our stock Tbcrell bo an in coat for oat of bo while weather lasts ITCHS Km Nap Mel Brr OrrouL ll Fine tb Wool Hoe HBO BOYS OVERCOATS Boy Lined Boy Fin Cm fiO J Of t re duced pi Ice T The New Mammoth to King St J WARNER THE GINK F A vtt If ural for those who cant wear wool lor Men and Youths Flannel Shirts Fancy Navy and Knit Starts do do do I fl C Lined and Kid Buck and V CO also Fancy Knit A low line of Cardigan Jackets UJITO Pi wear Corduroy Felt flH 10 and Tweed Hard and Soft Felt llats the Newest Styles Inspection invited by FJ WARNER Written for Era Papa take My Hand take and tight jour on my cot La dux betide Tea Im bare wMt Thrilled iU hi and With quid ud iho father band to Hi little oio Oni his to from la Jp Till forth bis a Perfect ill an lot qw Buy we iTTair And or 3q1 pp4ll And from ull Hi of Urqnnc To cor d fwni to ha far Ho took by In dew And oar oar SMI not io oar implicitly It no Wilfc Sifiour t I hold in Sorrow will loso it look fa Hi oar will fa lnt the P So KcelTect patterns in English Scotch Canadian Also an of to choose from specially selected Patterns In and and see for yourselves ape bring jour with goods made on at Closest Cash Prices Only Solicited D WUfCH Merchant Starrs Book Gents own cloth and aNcwtdvrML Constantly on Hand and oilier QlERRIES BENTLEYS PHARMACY -LbO- DRY CORD WOOD DUNNS POWDER FRIEND MAIN STREET Buggies Carriages Etc Work ESTABLISHED Ding Id bujuit a large fa11jr Attended to Promptly J Pug E and A Drugs ad ItMi a tcck Toilet Powders English French and Perfumes Hath Nail Infant i Tooth and Gentlemens Shoulder Braces Fall Linos of Medicated Confectionery j Patent j ground by Leading Drug The most of and Spectacles in Town 44a fikiwaM fLuin a Siokt Om Sonus id to riiox a York County Council DAT Nov When the member resumed their Wednesday morning the item of taken up was the appointment of an enumerator for vi 1 1 ago of Deputations btard both sides and after good deal of it was decided that an enumerator not pointed The following motion Mr seconded by Mr hit a brief Tbat it ia expedient to the town of and together with of Aurora and villages of Hol land Landing and from the of York erect the same into and that questionfl of be tween county and above nam ed be aubmitted to arbitration for settlement provid ed by the Municipal Act of York roared head Mr- moved seconded by Mr that the bo rescinded After Iwt spent- tha the by Mr by Mr- That in view of fact that city of Toronto baa sot agrcviuent to abandon market feet anil be ing part of of abandon ing aid therefore that it it expedient to abandon lolls on the York roads except that pari known tho Lake road table for a now win tor form J it ho had and to ted the of adapted a memorial to Legislative praying lor an to Act to of improvement coo adoptod a petition to with regard to the flooding of of King North Bait and by Lake ftnd the Holland for removal of and for inch ad will hold water at low water In the the of the council ftuanibled at the Clyde Hotel to banquet the Warden gath ering and did credit to The chair taken by Mr in and the by Mr A- Willaoo reeve of North Toronto and Mr A- Foster When ample jnatioe had been done to bill of far provided the toast liab taken op- The of the Qovornorj and Lien tenant governor with customary The toaatof tbaooaoty com- was to by Mr Thomas Scott roeve of North Mr Bull clerk of the peace for the solicitor Andrew reeve of end Woodcock of Newmar ket responded to the toast the legal pro fta lion The re sponded to by Mr and representatives of the city Mr county clerk Mr J county engineer treasurer and Reeve of replied to the toaatof municipal officials Mr Van village hero arose and with a remarks Warden Evuits with a cane handle suitably ioacribed- Warden replied ex preaslog gratification at relations hi in sol and tho of council toast of the of the and the replied toby of Toronto llinry Jones Other followed banquet broke up at late hour Lift Anal who recently had diphtheria are well What might have proved a accident Mr J- on of Dr Hnnter of when in the act of turning the cramped the buggy canting it to go completely over- help at band and from running away Campbell received a Severe but much hurt and very little damage done to the vehicle way Not The York County Council eluded ita November aittiog this afternoon A adopted for the purpose erecting to county office To ronto The bylaw to pertoit Toronto Railway and Electric Company to construct electric railway along the Lake road adopted By it county over to the company on a renewable that part of the road within the county on con that company it ia repair tho of Metropolitan Electric Railway were adopted It permitted to extend ltd lino to Richmond being two from 18 in which to equip the road over tho entire extension It also permitted to change gauge and adopt the rail on condition that it maintained tho roadway in repair between the track and for on each aide The council adjourned without ap pointing an enumerator for Cheater village Oak Wo are lorry to hear chat who the paat year from tba effect of a of been of and very little now of her ever able to get about- The family of have been happy by the of a pair of both left tho week to vilit friends and the winter Devon He Bailed from Montreal Saturday Mr and in neighborhood acuniutancea m m Mr had greatly improved nd ia now getting the piintiog done- Farmers find Ibis place a good market for Oar loads are being to the West Mr Robert it a new comer having recently into a houte on the aouth aide of Mala St North of bo village Mr Paisley baa juit had completed a firat- class biro and tho building a very ami have a workmanlike Mr ia exceeding ly for a of ne can yet be wielding the axe cleaving the wood Mr la one of the old cat of A A in Canada IN wilt it to tobuf at THE KEY TO HEALTH SPOT CASH SHOE S TORE toyulecifKnia TRUNKS and VALISES All good acid at Keck Bottom Price Call S alt aTcnata of Ktnovs and Liver carrying IjxfcJuall vmvjt Iciaall tho ana hunzts at Cor recting Acidity of Stomach curing Biliousness Dyspepsia Headaches Dizziness Heartburn Constipation Dryness or Skin Dropsy Dimness of Vision Jaun dice Salt Erysipelas Scro fula Fluttering of Heart and General Debility and many other Comulelati jicU lo iho BtO0D For all fi CO Toronto At I Standard Novels Coll I It I lUilsr ulbutt All 100 WiAX atsd Hi arr public order Ituai Dominion Publishing Go TORONTO Best and Cheapest Fence Office Lawn AND FOUNTAINS for Infanta and Children Bairn Wire Iran ONTARIO MX HA MtteaWa Council at ft- Warden After usual a deputation la of Toronto and Mi mi Railway it to construct next was heard Among thorn were Barlow J Clark Joseph Barrett and John A Mr that tho road would bo Lake road at Park am ultimately through Toronto and as far cast Junction for the right way matter referred to Property Committee By a twothird vote question of appointment of an for but win taken in the matter treasurer was instructed to a statement of tbo amount of paid to luduitrial as it stated that wrongfully to it A motion by Mr of to allow to pay for tbo ot halls to hold courts voted down It was considered that it was an- with should not deal Firm ay railway matters ad vanced a Property repoitod la favor of Metropolitan to extend Its to Rich mond Hill to make certain track and also Infavor of Toronto sod company to construct a Una along the Lake It to petition the Gov ernment to define the rights of May do riders on highway A communication read from Robinson the Solicitor regarding the proposed agreement with city respecting toll gates market fees and toe Lake shore road On the recommendation council to the application of High Free Trip the World Via Route or its alnt in gold it by UoHa for ho largest Hat of out of the words Alio Pianos Parlor Suites Gold Watches Silver Tea Sots Parlor Coal fitovea etc etc all positively given away than twenty worda will get a Bond cents in stauips for rules illustrated catalogue and copy of paper to Uella Toronto Mount Albert- David Terry of Toronto waa honk over Sunday Mies P Stokes of is vUUing at Mr John Forrest of Toronto School of waa home over giving J of Toronto here Sunday calling on bis irr of Knox pulpit of tcHan hero Sunday of village Is very low with nffeoUon On Mrs worth of this away to her long homo of rest Deceased wet the mother Edmund who lives about half a of village A Or Its In cash will be to the person detecting the greatest number of words wrongly spelled or In December Issue of Our In addition will be given two cash prizes of each four of ten of IwentyBTeof fifty of one hundred and of In the order mentioneo In roles and regulatlous which will bo sent with a copy of December issue oh receipt of Special ciiih given almost every day during competition which closes February 1st 1891 Address Our Hants Pobliihing Canada J Kettleby have secured ho for fencing the cemetery grounds l Mr J Belfry and Sunday at Mr Mr J i very cow die Inst week la a and Syiuour died and interred at aUoydlowo on Stephen Howard Bond Mrs J A Brampton relations and bore Piarriaa thia On Mr J to and on Walt tflwii to Annie is a bond at in lower Mr leased the commenced Mr Will tendered him ftauiprlio parly at homo on Friday On night at of of bo predated with an and a iharming raetAonto by fraternity Ho a young man holding iu OX and and will bo greatly missed lift father taken in Toronto and kindly feeling all know Win will follow for ho WghU and for qualitiea and Young Liberate Club hold on Thursday evening follow ware Pre Job- lat Vice Elliott J Walton to Com A A A thtIr been and will bo invited to will alwaya for tho Tho noxt meeting will bo hold to halt on J Wltn given notice that ho will inovo then That thopreaonb ayitomof highway over- toeing bo abolished and that paid and and all tabor bo commuted In to bet tor in the Mid of fa to bo understood that any in audianco will privilege of exproating and this a question in municipal politic within the of all concerning ratepayer it la that an dlicaulon will Utilizing Falls Water Power- Probably no coma among and mora of country for than tie Inquiry to why great water power of Niagara not heretofore been to to a of liihmonta and to do in aome dflp9 com with mighty Beyond in tbo mind of beholder by grand and aab lime hero there involuntarily in mind of an alec proa- of in the man kind of which nature her display boon done it true in way of natural water power bat fioch employment hue quite in liuittoiupji in with grand total offend A canal ttuee- of a mile long and terminating on tho high bank below for sev eral the water to run dozen etablubmenLa princi pally flooriug milt but jo incomplete haa provision for full head of that as it in the aftr through the wheels it baa in cage a fall proper great obstacle to further of power the immense amount of rock cutting through the hard Niagara which any complete employment of the great head afforded by tho falla would work now been undertaken by the Niagara Company with contemplated over three millions of dollars A tunnel it to of fthapo in from the water lore be low falls to a point about mile thit tunnel being at an average depth of about feet below the ground and some foet from th river with which connected by aurface canaU tunnel will thus furnUh for the to be sunk tunnel ualrnnd pit will all ivo cut in bard rock which at no point over ten below f0ft tower end of tunnel will bo beneath autl it will have love of per itarod3 area tow square feet to water from Aptvit lone power The company will put in in ft number of pi to pneumatic or electricity and will aho privileges to t their own wheel pita and put in their own and manner in which tho water ia ltd to turbine wheel in trunk pipK according to usual plan adopted water power but diameter of pile to sufficiently Jorge to admit of any preferred method of gearing for of power of ho ground Although tho construction will give a fall of from the canala to the tunnel it i contemplated to than 1 bead upon leaving remainder for of water The work of sinking the firatahaft from which will bo pro jected by lateral does not differ from rock cutting in miiif-fl- company purchased acrea of land extending titer shore- about two As many as families at- on farms near East fifids of rook phosphate said to made in North flmallpoi is raging In St and is carrying off par cent of victims Parian le4tnred Barrio last Monday night life is what we make it Daring recent Atlantis six bond red head of cat tle from Montreal were lost at sea A were seat from Montreal on Friday as an ex periment to Aberdeen for Christ mas market Scarlet fever has broken oat in the Home in Ottawa of the children down with the Edward a Toronto roan was killed falling of a scaffold at Canadian going over to entertain United States will in future have on their It is that the work of the new govern ment wharf at iH be pro ceeded with this winter Mr and Mrs John Jacques of Pickeries nearly met their death few ago from asphyxiation ik retiring for the a on the coal was and he house tilled with gaa Mr Jacques awoke in night and weak and- stupid to docking facilities and furnish ing ample room for mill sites and homes for operatives which will yet be so far away from and above the as not to Impair its beauty and grandeur in the eyes of visitors location affords great advan tage the way of transportation fa- for it is on a direct water with ports of all the great lakes and the Brio canal and side tracks from loading trunk lines of railway will bo run to ail the lands and mill The distinguishing feature of this great enterprise as compared with all undertakings which water power has been utilised for Industrial purposes Ilea in the utterly inex haustible supply of water to bo drawn from It Is estimated that the tun- net will not take from the river more than four per cent of the water now flowing over the falls and yet will far- an amount of power greatly In fjxeess of that now at Lowell and combined In all towns loo it to be remembered that the water privileges right to me water for a certain num ber of hears each day not contempla ting night work and even with restrictions want of water are frequent during the so that very many establish ments have found it necessary to sup their water power with a power plant At Niagara however a great dam by which all great lakes draining a country of more than square miles into mammoth reservoirs so that there is no variation ihiit damage has been done to crops and Mississippi by a heavy storm the worst in seventeen a J Black received call to second oldest Congrega tional church En but bus do- cided to Barrio m A hundred Russian were shot and wounded by troops near Moscow for refusing to obey the of new district officials The Croud Trunk Company intends erecting a rolling mill at Point St Charles at a cost if 0000 to convert scrap into bar iron are making ar- to send hay lo the West Indies year Sir Patterson sent tons via Halifax to Ha vana- I Queen Emma took oath Thursday week as Regent of nolland and greeted by her subject on the way from to the House t The commander at Fort Rus sell Wyoming has been- ordered to companies of infantry ready to move at a momenta r supposed to be on account of the troubles in Dakota- Rival factions in Transylvania on Sunday had a over now in to bis church which resulted six of bU faithful congregation being killed and sixteen wounded Mr arrived in Ot tawa Friday from his trip to Eng land Ho that wherever bo went he found surprising ignoranco about the area fertility end unde veloped resources of Messrs Hay and Patten of New sold lest week to Hon Mr Agriculture and to a gentleman of New York seven bead of their Polled Angus and sheep for 1ST Amos saloonkeeper of Hamilton was fined by the mag istrate for selling liquor Sunday last Amos waa warned that the next conviction will entail imprison ment as the present Is bis second Mr Adam Brown announces that the space granted to Canada at the Jamaica Exhibition has been all taken up by the exhibits already tent in and consequently no further ap plications for can bo entertained The Dominion has decided not to inte with tho death passed on montegne for murder bis brotherinlaw and on tho sailor who shot Calkin at Huron of Beaver line arrived in Montreal Wed- with a big hole in her bow and fifteen feet of plates smashed in the result of heavy weather she experienced in croHing tho Atlantic The Indian question Is becom ing a very serious one and an out break is threatened in It is proposed to trate a large mass of troops at Rose bod and Ridge agencies to over awe if possible the hos tile Indiana i the whole southern portion of York was included to one This year the has neon divided between two east and The Executive Committee of the Western Association met on Thursday of last week County Council Toronto to arrange for a con- to bo held at- Richmond Hill I8tb and W Some time night fit the from one Water can the be as readily supplied for a day of hours as for one of there will never be any about giving way dams and ace started need never stand idle A contact tor the work been arise and light a but Ml to w tud op- rations- been tbj tunnel shafts the floor Jacques then but floor upon and off time after Mr Jacques managed to open the door and call assistance Both were very wear auto but have fully recovered According to the the first section of the will bo completed and the power ready for use by the first of 1692 broke into the totiou and left evidences of poor in their profession Gaining an entrance by smashing a large the burglars proceeded to ransack ovary or in the station and freight bed helped themselves to small of raisin sardines tobacco etc broke open ft trunk belonging to Campbell scattered the contents and selected a clothes and over coat which the unfortunate awltch man had not the pleasure of hating once donned The safe bad been drilled in place but was v