Newmarket Era, 28 Nov 1890, p. 2

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fEWTvrSHITETHA NOV 1890 Advertisement Can York Stock Harpers Young People A A J Proctor Property for J for Bon Lost John Vernon to J Foot Bettys P Bettys Pianos To Farmer Robert Cook I J dp FRIDAY NOV Our Toronto Despatch Itll tilt of In pot of from Hi dbeasi ten Dominion tod Mr refer Quebec fc4 to lit ta4tttf it depot Nit Tondaj to Iff 1iot Wright ha gee to Dr for lb card of to the offer of Mr who A mho Id the of robbing tit of A Co wot to Its for Hi a boy a riflt in fctsdf bio if- ItcrU to Ifaa the ft l iiiiu wit b Emfirf to It cot Ik- Id Hall It the for the Mib of for will droppi It of Wed to Idols lading to a motioo made la the week respecting separation of the ootcm- in Hamlet ridi- cnleg a and with much declares it afaowi that old tad of separation to dear to the heart of a certain cbqne chiefly of Newmarket not been aban doned When the cama before the it was decided withont debate and only defeated by a United majority Several members In the part of the voted for it notably the Reeve and of York Township aw bad all North of the Ridges been true to the best in tereata of the people by the proposition the bate been turned Into a majority Bat because of this adverse vote oar contemporary works himself into an ecstasy of delight cot became substantial arguments can be offer I against the scheme not because it is capable of being demonstrated that separation would result in to the ratepayers of the Riding or that it woald inure to the advantage of the people to the entire taxes levied in a municipality outside their own building of which docs not lessen their own liabilities or rates as would be tho case by up and developing a local centre in their no not for any of theso reasons but because like of joined to his idols and tikes delight in tfao sweet thought that if he cannot hope to enjoy the advantages which such a change would bring to tfae Hiding he can at least ridicule efforts of others who do sympathise with notion of always being hewers of wood aod drawers of water to Toronto dearly for the privilege the bargain- In late previous Issues of this we mention of tome of the peculiar anomalies which the rolls of coonty in their relation to each other and also points out how the North Riding wis to bear an undac proportion of county by now give the figures of taxation as pro duced by that The total rates levied for current yer amount to for general purposes and for Industrial Home Of this amount North York asked to contribute for the Home and tar general purposes as follows- J W5 leatan taxation In surrounding municipalities to say nothing of all these we have who still to their old idols and stand In way of progress and advance ment tamely licking the hand that smites them and for argument in dulge Id ridicule and cry the old fad opinion Is being educated and when taxpayers come to feel yoke which the new court will Impose separation will be accelerated at a rate as to astonbh area fad croakers When this change doescome then the very locality of which our tejnporaJry claims to be mouth piece who now ridicules the scheme will be load in its demands as being the locality most entitled to distinc tion as county seat Will it de serve consideration I Systems Com pared recent elections Id the States were held under a new election law which requires candidates the same as in to publish an account of their campaign expense Up to present account made pub- appears to be wrj explicit in matters of car hire postage stamps and most of them con- tain an entry of the gift of a lamp sum to some political organization such as Tammany Hall or a Repub lican or Democratic if the law went a little further and compelled political Organisations to which donations are made to a detailed statement of how the money thus subscribed was expended the public could obtain an insight in to the true inwardness of the respective campaigns but without this only serve a cloak for what the law was enacted to prevent Indeed without enforcing such a statement it would bo cheaper to put office to competition by sale and done with it thereby saving the trouble and expense of a pretended election In this connection we may the New York Sun complains serious ly the defects in the American system of Government as compared with Great Britain and Canada It points oat for that in the recent elections an immense majority was returned to House of Rep resentatives opposed to the policy of the Administration and the Republics yet It will over fear before the flaccwdfal party popular can of power and then col give partial din and control be will in and to the compared with the tbii defect is A of the policy the retaro of I an opposition Great Britain or Cited by a the political com plexion the and in the of uteriog of In bis onr own of to the pop- alar voice aid secure a change oondoct of public affair in with the of electorate a through the of J- died In on tbhauid of At failed io lcouJ of cetdtr la died bat if nI lift livllt Siavnlcji la Soma a ifalof to itiaJ of if SiiDteti aaldBeJ- Io for anootl 11a Ttaa will JB It to After col cf ibero a Hub The new Chnrch on the will be dedicated on Sunday the of December Open meeting on at to and on day at and p tfar and wnu John da I W friA ldviJlri worth Wtbt refund of doc ftidof tax of lift rat works to aod J re dam ccthTowD Com- for a of to Ml Albert cbool tm riwoHrl Clark to R In re of condition or to coed lo J5xb ffiPJcmuaT uli rickad lcnpiiKatnr lot llarh Coo Oct fc for off lor at on ft8befrJsehjeif The throe flint glass factory bail dings of Illinois glass wor Alton III by firo tnoroioR loss is and hands are thrown out of employment Children Cry for pitchers FOR SALE la itiO a BIT- Growing are being made for the ficricw in ion with the dedication of Meth odist Church on Sandfly the that Kennedy of Toronto will preach and tho meeting will place following St- St held their on evening Nov Grange up in a perfectly maimer The for with rtaiefeot Robert and DcMii9 Hill It ill half Holt at Mr time There was a lut and a very ia repotted of Holt thinks that the Sharon correspondent to your co- temporary misinformed regard lag thy chrtsteolnK of bis son day Mr Eoiereoaa near Shrub- was burned on Monday night lamp exploding Stiver of Watts in vicinity Mr Rowan left on Saturday for York on the Mr of King brother of Mm was hero last week To thr EJiior of Era noticed a clipping from Whitby Id ffblfa joroal bla in poaiog canted by barley ytil I for of the oploion bad H to wheat ten yean I cleared nine- it on my farm lowed it wheat In it a bo aftct goc4 crop of ttfceil it Id my tenants jwliral firmer It up o4 cowed in J5S3 ho cropped it with in ibieyeir iItli iiiUC Wit fllatuFel This iwm rly it op lifuUys wis the firtt grain It to cot Ij4 ewry of or thlfty Inutile arre but a- a of idiTktabta whtot it to flt for a rich oti a eel to I aipi- alJShtly aatV lUr in of Before the wbtAt firm ftuui but for wheat toil did wen my ithr aod of fall abeat grew a joat from i I m of I hit 11 Is oot J ft a CO Fall per fioihet a Spring A SO OH parlay par boibel i OH Off a a a w Bauer roll per lb Batter lb poutoeaper Wool per lb- For Sale by Tender to LATB Of la Iht County of offer the for and ufxTKi ihBaalblUjt ibo Abnt Lwtatyfuor orchard Q the of sftcelro JVrju arj The or not loodef for odg tot or of not lou PROCTOR 5 THE CITY STORE OUR GREAT 5 Cent TEA jw L I ISO OIL OH I to SCO SCO peeks pair W a COW a a a a 0 a a a SCO a on a a a Town of Newmarket JIB T AIX ES UHPAID ORGANS AJ4feJ HON DANIEL of IlliJf 111 111 Of tJoJffrwIH bo bf to Ibis BEATTYS PIANOS nio Writ EXMAYOR a New NOTICE o at in j- only one and lex per obi la and IF NOT PAID On or atb Costs Will Be Added is A Saver Pneumatic will be kepi for Eilt Term COOK T the Editor- to sirs At fir a di- of of He etM to a be llwr l7 aba by lb over atid will a a- Toll W Hero wo tare North York for genera of more than of and over mora than half a la the Poviooe of not or than this Rid- in ler tor general and yet in the face these facta to say nothing of the advantages of doing business at home of the of time to Jory- litigants and Council lors by the charge proposed of the indlreot from a town being op within the Hid ing Itself which by increase I Nor iU a The la by Killam fa so Ail by It 3Hl the Jc4i Catholic to will fiil- si will net be qqUI It I by Hon W Row of at j tba Mao I Ail yclllln Sir Kant Into J er ftor trial ill e4 i vliiri ibtr Sir ioalt bf Q be dlOltbtd lb4 tin I- dijuot j tbfok KtcbirJ he wsy ft wilt to ttk if web ana a J at cf bale 4r- roiVa mote he tblok of bio In or tba he natter which the a a te ttom when with An breaks the of a occurred here Grose to Jus knot lied by Rev of of bo district of ytroud bridoj Mr acted KroQmmnt costly left by rain for where their now from a Mr Mrs Pdiglcy of accood ding for this and will to Still to follow A teaparly among the tbe fcJcV- Holland ItWi vuElfijt ton Mr John Cook old acquaint a Mr ill at Salt City of typhoid Jlr Whylotif Hot ad a 2nd Young a from Win ficcrptinj their invita tion to a public uudcr on of the proplobavo at having porlADt and by men and enter price of young here in giving the people a chnnc to better in this jrfttulatrd bo ftn fOmnt Mr com- to full and belt of which later An turnout topic a burning our for date To Editor Era- Dan teen circulated Aurora I of tali too of Council of was rate for Iatluitrlftt Home rate of a mill more matter arc for iho for year for of a null and to a for Jili of a lotliopuUbcciiitruck from placed Treasurer A did weet approval I following Judo Mid befora the floance to report to council fore Anaoco commit tee report Council on alt to be debenture to all matter I of Ihcrcpon will biro lo fclftio to I hit Ignorant of iho facte or report Truly aura ANOEllSON An Imported the property of will for IS in Kajt bury AATv- So- iviUterc1 In Can adian will be In the Cn of HI Mto dot Tar LOST Mtbolitb of lofaor drawn on lib of Payable after for the Too aro Alfainil negotiating note for hi return to JOHN Pino lalidranl and to the have Pnouaiiallo MflCliioa Did a per- but very lmtrovv On Infoa falter And and I buy out MRS- J Wor I hasta lb now Piienntflfo Machine warning hour would day By for trial DR Kits la to certify tho a ako perfectly cither Of tbU- una it Fur by A J AGENTS Toronto Toronto a a IS all Wheat p W odntr Wheat per 0 Wheat per buibel i ifdlf inn lira tr roll per tub 1b t Woolprlb Turk Per dec per lb a a 01 a a a IS a a a OH Op SI W 3d I a bout lit A Sets the pedlars and small dealers crazy Its so strong they cannot sleep They have been selling this Tea at and are quite angry at us for selling it at They say are ruining the trade by selling so cheap Well now they should not be so annoyed for they know thats our way of doing business our customers pay us the ready money and they are justly entitled to the very lowest possible prices and in return we the our experience in buying as it is said in the trade goods properly bought are half sold Our profit comes to us on the large amount of goods we sell for cash not on credit nor on doing a small business where old fogy long prices are got but on abig live hustling trade where cheap goods are sold for cash There you will find the crowd of buyers who are cheerful and pleased no haggling over prices for theres no room for it- the prices are already cut so low It prevents useless argu- for life is too short and time too valuable and the one price system is the right way of doing business Now commercial travellers say that Newmarket is a live town and that it has the largest and best store in Canada for its population They hear of our prices when they get within 30 and sometimes miles of the place Nov who talks to travellers Why merchants they ought to know and they do know that we sell goods very cheap Some say that the store is too good for the town We dont think it is for its going to be still better We have made improvementsW the old store and we must keep up with the times for we are making further improvements adding to the stock every week in each department employing more helps doing more business and we always have bargains in every part of the house Con of Whit- apt OLD HEIFER Owner la to pay chtrKtMiJid away faun lot U la 3rd COO FRANK VBItNON Km Town Property for Sale GRAND CHANCE Tbo offer to tha property now by cQslrtlaK of an aero of land Co which I a rough- with good cellar and hard and water a good occupied by on mora or which arc cm tola fraroo frame able- For apply to JOHN ANY PERSON from ton the SUTHERLAND ttxai Shoes In be at MONTGOMERYS What caanot Jiianulaciuifr CO an aw a a IQ Great Bargains FOR CASH LEADING FURNITURE I A Mil Undertaking House A III ffeal Throat June- to to sdbcz an At with lb fiom m do tot will yon to la bo to of if do tb Ilk aod wbi to a toastaflfi4otba Nv atjra dtj-o- adaHtadottog with lha that lb of u was km Kuawlok cervices of takes Rev Mr Scott of To route of- K United States is W preach morning aod at A collection ia to to taken up as year Instead of a Special services are to held a part of a day at pastor Hoy Sir to if ill of of and McKay of Que ens villa of too church forward to Inter esting and Wo aro likoJy to stir in municipal in our town ship as It inspect ed that our Heave Mr hi to Iki opposed Mr James now of It Is understood that Mr Winch year Mr Morton coun cillor of to a step op Mr and Mrs Manin Friday for a visit with a tbo of That looked for wedding came duo time charivari which Iaatod nearly tha boys Idisappolutod for the to without the d of A ftOEEfl a lraoidly jnkty MIX NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT OUR CHRISTMAS STOCK Is now tho largeat most complete of we over ottered Mid we beg to announce to our customers in order to save being over crowded week will give special bargains to making their purchases up to the of December A few of many bargains offered Pansy Books paper cover 10c do do cloth Elsie Series do do Bibles from up Testaments from up Heros Carpets reduced to aud worth in regular way of trade and Borders that were aud now only per yard A lot of Painted Window Blinds clearing at White Lace Curtains a little lot for will not be here long Wall Papers per roll that were 10c and some more than that Gilt Wall Papers at 15c Look Just think of it piece Dinner Set for Christmas only every bit value as our 25c Tea A Black Silk at worth is it done Never mind We will get there A lot of Ladies Felt flat each Mantles yes Tweed Effect Dress Goods per yard Bleached Canton Flannels per yard a lot we bought cheap worth Here you get the benefit of our experience good buying Ladies Boots at and the greatest value in foot wear ever in this building Parlor Lamps and up to Piano Lamps sold in Toronto for China Tea Sets Tweeds at and per yard Japan Tea 15c and Hyson 45c and 55c Gunpowder Tea Black English Breakfast 25c and the Black we sell is a quality of Tea only kept by a few houses it is sold in Toronto at Have you tried it if not write to us for a yon can get the same Tea from for m sample which we will send you with pleasure Heres tho spot to buy and buy cheap salespeople will give you good attention You get the variety to choose from and our Our delivery wagon will give you prompt delivery ol parcels Goods sent free to Bradford and Aurora THE CITY STORE NEWMARKET TERMS CASH AND ONE PRICE Sabbath Schools liberally dealt with books and to select from A large stock of CENTRAL TELEPHONE OFFICE It AT THE awHHminf ho lio Of Klia Nov a J l Mr of to T I Mm fl MP flEST fioODS Tomb Karl on win CENTS FINE FURS Caps Storm Collars c Extra Good Value and Latest Styles OUR BOOTS SHOES Arc giving Old will have no otbors Rubbers and all sizes New Pelt Boots of decidedly improved mokes Terms Cash One Price Only R DAVISON A- great deal is said and is say ing about TEA We hereby guar antee the following a To Sell Tea for cents equal to any at cents To Sell Tea for cents equal to any at cents To Sell Tea for cents equal to any at cents To Sell Tea for cents not equalled at any price You ask how this can be done Our facilities for purchasing are superior we buy in very large quantities and pay cash That is the whole story- Our guarantee is not merely a waste of but if you dont find our Teas to be what they are represented bring them back and money refunded and we wont charge you for what you have used BRUNTON THE ONEPRICE DEALERS NEW MAR fe-

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