Newmarket Era, 5 Dec 1890, p. 2

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j New on the A Co Etna Smu J A JBelfij A Ibw J town Of Word Wood for 8ilerJamea to SlectoM Electro Flag Warren Aitray J To Barker of J NEWMARKET ERA DEC 1890 She ITKTER lTB DP AMD KITH FRIDAY DEC Toronto Despatch trial to Tojmwto fi J- tokea of Tor hi appoint ed for rti or Bant of lento jead tali we- Homered the Toronto the Pi to eoood addle W Clark Qt to for for P Leonard of uhw lot on rtn to it of TboSxttlUIiir arbitration drag or lis to of laereeeat action too has Jter4 a I Toronto bb o OX vol en the reion of Dr dour if P before of Tor or JuBCtloabTfJJea bene of to labor ti Municipal jet except -o- St Before the month candidate for will be in the field Of fob a little premature now toaaj who will ran in the North Tort but matter ere beginning to a In for lb to Mr Wo by Mr J for tf 1 a an freelr been nttt Ward likely to their taunt lb t u Mr the the electorate cd it said lbt cither Ram or it Kcer Scvl Mr For Mr mod for John nd it likely to ro foil ticket hi ReTfl Kiy od cf Tor we bare beard Ink will be here Market to la be seat KM three till Christmas had foo the pood of And Overflow Locals Per Ik a Word Fob Us Friends of on the pub llaber by a good word Hi rarer to neighbor wbomay now be hereto It a acknowledged fact tint fail no inferior in In and of reading matter giren weekly all lb local of ead to epitome of what It happening the world oyer That new reader may feet matter we will fnmUb the Era to new from bow till ISM or with order and we will give old the of rescuing ibroagb December t rate Tell yoor cot to th bat early Sow the time If yon already paid for re dlitiool and bare ft forwarded to ome diitiot fiCSOOL tea lb and lat jra held but a ens and wa WiU at gifo and lb of Ufa aad from them by lie artdeata great maafoat part of from fight by Feeler and Bgwt and by Reading werogCrea Kaon aad closed by Inglng God he with meet Win Court La Sorro- aTtlt of Slip Him el But of Ei it Ha property rtifctIjwraiog lw wife wilBiIiiUlralloo of In Iho WoUiiDjcrity Wilbur it to hi brother Thorny lo hi in York FutneiV Jfw rt oclock it no rood i fttxotopliiheJ a ibeo fc tuait girt hi body set Above he to bit toil bright it with the la xsd lMP cotDfrtllioD iudbittly Wtt it lha farmer IhUwillwojooDt It lop tuts tin is ifrwd the If mi of to of food iilifitiil ud I It proper they ft id ttt for mettles to life d Is lis Ed fa dm Teoliig- Wodofit atsoir but that by week will bo bten ma do on TenlortJi nit of ftKrnbmoonL icok ind louiiy CAijwiimrftocetherwiUi of yal In lis borseft ten Mil 111 LLC J UDfl AO ft drinJD- ol people thirty ftsjopft1jTentDeoDiliiertoibeftlh- ffcw taken to All their a box ft Jew pfkioc box- Mr from while wb way IftDtern Jill to E of Hit of Pi in ft food to Br mill durDR Mr Sharon- Per Mr ftod ftcqailnliDcft fcjbiroa ft number ooajpliOo of tile iH Bilbo of Eider until aolle3 tfarirtfeprlyOD deek not do to bo loo wu ftUettdKL S- OivlX ihnprA Mr- J Mr J of Tbliireiire- at 3 wedding IP to Mr J K Mi tor Quiea City Is tbe nod our of roe of vIcliaeH ftbJrMO Mr- ftcttoh wo bo at ft laJ W lo la Holland Landing- follow month of upon the time to do your Ibioklog ted go aVot If ioci of boyn la bU ie Of the old Woolen Mill the took the of on the op bt Era ibfto oy two to York- ft fti- Thejootor High School took cell to od flae it tbo lice when of firri from Coiutftblei ft poor to lockup rly Ho not ftod roIHog ditch will ftbol tbe 1D eotrrtidaojrnL We SI will ftn of tbo Jj oo oit on fiil to tb of light on tint object Jo Elder J ftod otbets of the S of ftf tb the Mr- been Toronto pnrcbvin for bit is to here in ftfid boy If Lock ftro at tending the sad petty jory tblt week ftftd Mr J IT Mr who been to lit for weeks quUo better the id of her lying ninety old Mill on ft month at ftgejo and much proved In health- SibMh School potpcift ft dr in ft pair of weigh wk cor will ilra mother ried on hit ifr old home Mr ChxK ftU moved Into the Tilt ago ftgua old A good of the wedding wemoiy In the Chmch hero on Tfce Uiii Sir of the j Mr Fred lamed on fteeren month vjottro in He highly of Hiving hundred of it and than ft ftbte account of oar prftrii lard- airi he in tow with and propoiff in the rnmor falo- V Town Oca una Roero Cmjx Ere d wai JUUfcTWli wood for Wl e John It John ood Cor ft do St Ward ft St Gardner for wood for ftccooot of irampi Jo of alt fl nJfibif Tboa for AiitaKr flfttog referred to Dr for fttlendaieC on Ed ton ftcconnt of fttklog CO fund to 3od referred to Waiter Commute of alnnWood Too repotted got of cor tftlA ndjasttoeat of reported Out the were la rtarr of aalary for holding iho ralrivlniloroonIngOl fttleirtowfti flnftllyped ibo idjoana till next Monday ftreitng Veto 33or will bo kept for ftenfo on lot EdtGwJLlnibnry Trmi at aerrleo THE STORE V OF The ihft of ot royd wed ao kind ftod M nd wbo ilcc- to her J OUR GREAT UtAO J a Chamber It onftU public well ft ft lb baa by It IB Gent TEA a rros It ftway wilt a ASTRAY from lot on Nor Jtb on TWO Twojftrt old Co their w H elided on feeding J bo reworded OH Box 3tJ PO ELECTRO NERVINE tfSSSraSS or Keswick- wrvior li Willi tfftlhbJUt InlrrjllUaf Scvi I evening folly op to the church ftmonoWd to aboal the mrndo no Trie held leaded The Mr Lug minted by- Rv n eatlOD ftnl Ike or It la wwk Ma- Fred brke ihrouafb bo the thorp and ftot4ulftflrtM SUnihy Inr ft to M held fibout New year POINTS Mr John flopklok met ad accl dent on of week ft that School Reports Report for order of NO i Amy Lib- 3rd Sirftb Cook J 3rd Arch Scbell MlchaeI in Jen nie John Samuel Victor Either Jobnaoir 1st Tablet Flora Violet TnoMiOtf Teacher eVahJlnwlO eve the out of ihetni he hi rtslt A few of A cect patbrrcdt rvjllencooo wcek A best but In ftttmuig to the lady which her lo meet a very Jen left Mr Kay and gone to tut Wool Mat ait gettlox again lor robe arc in Many hare to delay opera- going Into old Wool en mora tbn auddtn water ftfty ft the at the dan white were going on which two wctka ut and lor Tojontoaud St filled week one tor goca A on for tvui ite will baa bean La- ficaator and and which awarded bi iLcir la large Of thai hare Lota fin and of not bare filial it the tict i pice at Aurora fit and well ftiteudi Frudtut In tbt place for the pro- by and it tg bold It In Aurora from to ntvt it to bold two the totting winter coo a ftnd iCrfa Of eftOaj at tlWQ wUtrvy en the and wu apotnt ftdthairuanof the amtuilue for the J for the tonaactlou with tie and J ft to look local at the of A ftftVwtoailtlee to for the to V on tbe aEen Mr of Anion It Oar rati of Bradford a ft of ftd the Mr and Ceo of were ford were fn Anrora the meeting Mn Edgar In town the gaeat of lira Joe Begirt yonog men a erenbg at annual of School of Midland little Aggie of are Bury Mm We T and went home to London week car four at her Mr Alderman Belfry Sarah Belfcy fao baa tog lu Toronto for the put two mill and take charge of her in the School next fiduday of Sarah who ft at Toronto lilt Saturday glad to that aha la Mr at tit two weeke to fttd Already be La fueling We Smith twk work of KtTa Hill Hit with The paator hid not from Ma fttttk the a to be again week Mr ltoUrtan rnMenre here for family for Calif b- Muring cltoiatu will be filial to Mm They with them of many warm calling on Saturday fthe well aod- with her Krind revival at Aurora hare anew They will probabty main there another week A Kftina of Ktwlck fortcerly the Saturday for He It will be bard and when Ihey bate to crerybody haa to follow They might at well out the world though If they dont got the Mr J fail Wo for ft few dija the Beadle Ltd of SLCftlfatrtar Mn Zirotorrmui la with the their nonary do a prfooi charged aji cut- In to Ho Mjft that En vicinity hen netftotai fruit growing more Write them for price Mr Glial more and We baud of willing wokvra gone hare hoard from fc hae to hie in Fred been with Canon during the and to where be hit a Iucmtlro a appearand musical voice will ftipidetly by of KloKhord of of con cert on New Years ore With Maud of Utile ft carriage week to Mr for HO Mr irlic alKhouiUergund It ill who been now quire our twine and other artlclvjtccry for lying the AmoiiK Mm rUliora this ore At a NO EAST kiaKlia Herbert Clara Cain Geo Sin Evans Pro iter Jr Darker Allcoe Joe Allen Allen Samuel Violet Wilfred Allen t In Cook Cello Plk Allen Annie Henry Fred lit Johnny Ethel Present IE M Alien If- J Teacher Murray at Mr the tap for the Aft ft wtnduptolbeKoTtmbefcealM of the Conly the wltn malted a ftnpptr at Clyde The uroU ware mpoodrd to with tbt gotdhaaded cane A I to lev Hon teftmefrooa wae woM cot their way I wital to the mnidraad ft third to Wore l It a U IWwitofiaUv have aomo errand her but any If we what my there will tbecnfnlnjf day will It who running IIisfiearriHti d parUvJ to hi I Turn ft Jolly ftid we htm wry rraticu Vrpttlf that recovertl from tat Mr Mm A ftur four vilp in tci In vicinity pnijgiri for irllrje Met vxtra ibu time Mpa at Her Mr lMilun- hod hive Mln of Nvf for our year The labUlCjjrpIiUJ Harry ihe liar u WackmHU f nd o fttrtuiiiCH lie win dOA he la a flriciaai la well KATC Vivian The by haemal place and hurtle Wool culling la the order of lie day tlcntar which remain once toy eto to edrantage Mr bate tidier for the QutUc ruirket of A Junction la and for Toronto Mi of Toronto did our Tillage ft thort latt returned home anaot5aaf oat week with la Mr ft idtlt on Me weUward Bun day Mr ih of with a bright boy ft abort ag- Mr J dapatted on ft Ibjoagh foi the 9 9- Claudia Mcclain Witt ft Miller Herbert SnSrdIrn Miller Wly Milton Jr Willie frVelndEthttUogcri Mary ElUo Erca Ktrron tirPirt Jn Jbblo Pari May Pert VaoMflt J Ell Foster K- Miller Miller N Cow Me Foster J Oiler Arnold It UWiiawTcichcn ft v eWhltIlellftCowlenn Willie WHHo In ttiiree Ixhle Mary North Draper Clifford John Draper- Part Fleming Young iUtf fouler- hi I Anjmt Tablet to wart Young Thorns A J Pec night and ring wore by fira Two ft cow were burned Origin of fire nob place partially covered by The who examined the of shown at the Engleshbrowerfteibibition sent their report to Ottawa They speak well of the higher grade of camples and that there will be good market for bar ley of that Recent the vicinity Of TicDiTsio have rendered a vast portion of the residents have dee- because lack of food and shelter and threaten to massacre the European residents The month of has opened in Europe in an abnormal manner There are four of in Pari are and snow on the of the something unknown for twenty there are jams in of the German rivers and the Pyrenees are impassible The South Dakota has not Two scouts from Pino Ridge agency were chased away with bul lets and one had horse shot under The arc to be for blood and have slanght head of cattle to the government Provisions also been stolen Besides the railroad which will presently from the sot to Jerusalem another route is being surveyed from the coast to Damascus engineer are at work in the mountains north of sea of Galilee In three four months rail- laying will begin at historic city of Acre It is thomrpose of the company to run a steamer on the sea of Galilee for which they have obtained a Thus modern innovations are rapitjly invading Holy comes from Central Africa that Tippu Tib is at on his way to Zanzibar with port ers an enormous quantity of When- preaent stock reaches coast this greatest of African traders will have sent to tho sea within four or about worth of ivory His present caravan is largest ever seen in equatorial regioos As bo left Ujiji a little before September will soon be duo at Zanzibar It will be interesting to hear what ho has to say about rrdtef expedition His opinions of Major fata management will likely be rather piquant for it well known that ho regarded tho Major as entirely out of bis element in Africa Checks form of Drain Makea Strong the Fall ifl loot on of price- OIL p A it JTOI Ave- III TAMARAG WOOD FOR SALE DRY OR GREEN OH A J A tod Co King Old Snrrcy- TOWN OP vote and roApccllully X H As Reeve for to LLOYD HO ELECTORS Of Ihe Town of la the wqueat of a largo have determined candidate for the portion of or the of to old memberor Council Bud ability votjid better qualify mam to enter firld I njduly the to retire I ball allow my If will my to ad vance of titter to market flrit the motto a I am v J very THOS ii A Saver Sets the pedlars and small dealers crazy Its so strong they cannot sleep They have been selling this Tea at and are quite angry at us for selling it at 25c They say we are ruining the trade by selling so cheap Well now they should not be so annoyed for they know thats our way of doing business our customers pay us the ready money and they are justly entitled to the very lowest possible prices and in return we give them the our experience in good buying as it is said in the trade goods properly bought are half sold Our profit comes to us on the large amount of goods we sell for cash not on credit nor on doing a small business where old fogy long prices are got but on a big live hustling trade where cheap goods are sold for cash There you will find the crowd of buyers who are cheerful and pleased no haggling over prices for theres no room for it the prices are already cut so low It prevents useless argu ments for life is too short and time too valuable and the one price system is the right way of doing business Now commercial travellers say that Newmarket is a live town and that it has the largest and best store in Canada for its population They hear of our prices when they get within 30 and sometimes miles of the place Now who talks to travellers Why merchants they ought to know- and they do know that we sell goods very cheap Some say that the store is too good for the town We dont think it is for its going to be still better We have mademprovements on the old store and we must keep up with the times for we are making further improvements adding to the stock every week in each department employing more helps doing more business and we always have bargains in every part of the Heres Carpets reduced to and worth iu regular way of trade and Borders that were and now only per yard A lot of Painted Window Blinds clearing at 35c White Lace Curtains a little lot for will not he here Wall Papers- roll that were and some more than that Gilt Wall Papers at 15c Look Just think of it I 100 piece Dinner Set for Sale in credit I lllrirho Con- till Oct I lKti for won Krai tic or at Cry for a by water- carried law granting for baa had honor of winning Tho Hag for count of A named had cut off at London Sunday night Ho died after murder er to die by electricity in ying in week beginning January Major Sam of Warder awarded a modal by dec do Pari Prance for of vent Hiring railway coaches which ft paUntfd and- Canada Mr baa already received very offer for bfi patent though It only a tew a On Saturday lDlh on Northern and with the one of the together with a and accident reported to have of abaraefol waa kilted but a boy injured and or Ice Great Bargains I FOR AT TUB LEADING Undertaking House A Intbl l found a VreUHelccie4 or ROBES a Specialty to HI All Of if era AI v iy J ft I A i A CO Pneumatic ol lu ashing In an a qulrJ- Head Iho loaay Mplac ifihibr iq it on last I wt hi about half hoi Hero ftd clean an ho clothe and la not I can lla public I had but I boll tried l work Jailer and nutd no by wear to mutt Hi It AS w AiiKcr isx Rood rub roi them clean and to It all my to bur one T- W ISO la to dial had Mthlnff tone by the Monday Mat anil II lid Ma work It In It am fully with h It could iwiriibly IhiIkI add In quo much It labor and wear this Parlor and up to Lamps in Toronto for China Tea Sets Tweeds at 30c 10c and per Japati Tea 20c 30c and nod Tea and Black English Breakfast 25c and the Black we sell is a quality of Tea only by a few houses it is sold in Toronto at you can get the same Tea from us for Have you tried it if not write to us for a sample which we will send you with pleasure the spot to buy and buy cheap salespeople will give you good attention You get the variety to choose from and our A- 9 K I Our delivery wagon will give you prompt delivery of parcels Goods sent free to Bradford and Aurora THE CITY STORE NEWMARKET TERMS CASH a AND ONE PRICE i A J WANTED KXMAYOIt FARMERS- Chin will bo lot 1W Win of fciiiOwilllmliuiy COOK TO THE ELECTORS OF alio of a larva of dotiorrufKlf Candidate for I ho Town of for I you if Jteevoror the can You did moth ait by a tmuilrooua I am in Mr Win aco raoomlincd for bo Co jour f bvllora IheKkolori ahauld Ihg cstiar on aib Mr John Hall all of iiiaiowo ItooahiAt father Mr So of UcM if Mr Win Mr A of ibta townjQ hi 1Mb Jar Jr laruli or- IBUM at Or ST 0TH end If of BRU BROS ma tlbc and not Iandtdato Aaaconaorjcnro I not a whol ly fund of to votes place I the head of the poll May January I am our acrrant PERSON aaed Shots can at What aoii8h VALENCIA RAISINS MERLES VALENCIA RAISINS LONDON LARGE RAISINS BLUE BASKET RAISENS PROVINCIAL CURRANTS CURRANTS CROSSE BLACK WELLS CANDIED PEEL t These are the finest Goods- ever showh Newmarket and being bought before advance in we are able to sell as cheap as for the common sorts BROS i

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