Newmarket Era, 5 Dec 1890, p. 4

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NEWMARKET ERA DEC 18M railway SI 8 S a SB a as AD I fills Society Register Porta tod on or moat lit of Stmt to U tint MA toll par coil Umber Her ubli for for Iota ma be la I oar town It l Jtiy iffcoHoo of bow In It ud Italia Ifait cor bo If of for bu no In well tod loo biro todtbtlf common in to lb Hon before Sir Mm Lines To ft cur A tea In Mcb roooih Amort- Ti7 tT7 ffa fl tl Ctoait lAMCb train -iM- tan beheld b3oom thai on gleams from ii a spirit No he or sad ens in wet I The gltd tlao beneath cm ho A own the topt ho moral to frightful And vital prk had fled Ere friendly could catch the parting Who Can Beat Be Spared- firtt when it to in tbo matter of Who can fto spared It the good for Young coco remenibor that are not the one who are for whoa positions are bo Would you like to gauge own future for of prominence 1 Would you lb know tbo of your getting a position Enqairo within What you doing to yourself the position yon now occupy you doing with your what your find to do the ten to that you become to valuable in that position that you cannot bo spared from it and then singular to relates will bo very when you are sought out for promotion for a belter place Butter of ThoinpsoQftndWiU there to see what fate manly form oer tie International Lessons WALK TO Luke Golden not CbHil to and to into ir- After He bad risen from the had finl to tbio lo women tod to Peter On of turns day finl CbriitJtn Sabbath two of lbs of them to lbs rilltis of of called Clcopu the and Him crucified a of Eren when lbs heart la sad It la to torn to who oar and cur to tod Him and truth He can up the disciples on road they were acd lit lbs light the comfort tod why Cbrlit reprove for our Hit prophet tod Starch for life and art ay which of Me eye was Had strewn his and rail Or see the struggle at own gate Which at are made ere brain and nerve did fail Ah I where wai then the mothers bitter The sisters sigh recalling loved name kinsmans grit to follow ghastly Remote were all when sudden summons tame Dot far and wide our brothers was known His noble life drew round him many a friend How made that day a parents their own And deeply mourned his sad untimely What awful moments lift little What value then has wealth or gaudy show The real or feignl applause of fellow man As we to Christ for judgment awiftlyca well il waj thai our brother Had time to look upon a life well spent And offer all with neither doubt nor fear To Him was torn and Tho a num ber of documents describing preparation of button chief of is a report from British viceconsul at Berlin stating that of producing fat frotu marrow of was discovered about firo yearn ago by ychHuckj of on Rhine and baa been regularly carried out by a Mannheim factories ftro also to bo established in and Amsterdam The is described as having present an unlimited sale is chiefly with and Switzerland aalca steadily increase supply is about fiO per day but it occasiooally double this a report from the United States consul at Mannheim who aUootion in other to the product number of work- men now employed in the factory is and of butter to per lb The outs are obtained from Sooth Sea Islands African and South butter to per cent of fat and to of organic matter of which to per cent It is of a whitish color and hardens Fahrenheit It suitable for and is not to or smell At present it is chilly used in hospitals and institutioue but it rapid Its way into tho of tho who frro taking to it instead of oleomargarines It said to bo free from acids and other disturbing elements found in butter and thus to bo easier of digestion There who do not hesitate to do this now substitute as healthier and in6nitely preferable to the too often bad butter brought in and not to bo named in tho same breath with oleomargarines too often from the diseased fat of and sheep Two jo an while out dock shooting their Thay wore a from any and by time help arrived on tho point of going down for the last time Holmes of wai out hunting last with a companion William Hume and the latter handed Holmes his to car across log gun slipped and hammer struck log firing the cbargo and striking Holmes in side By a happy the broken by striking the metal of his sutpendor lad was to walk to the doctor who the few shot that penetrat ed bis side Tho number and variety of swindled which come to light every week aro really astonishing and the bought and ingenuity displayed about many of them if turned into some business would make a grand of it Last week Port Credit correspondent of the a neat little piece of roguery which perpetrated upon of vil lagers as foltowi of employee of tho St Lawrence Starch Co victims of a clever which come to light About two a of well dressed Scotchmen drovt up to to the factory and purported to be agents for a tailoring firm in Toronto They succeeded in obtaining a bom ber of orders and a deposit each as of good faiO It baa turned out that no firm of that name in Toronto and that those Scotchmen were only clover swindler with bit and stake tho blarney No doubt defrauded parties will bo more careful in future whom trust whether they be from the same country or not Children Pitchers THE BRIARS FARM Sutton SHORT by Duke by Park fame all torn rtlitrrJ the LKimlulon At tiltiUALU real chock sealed up all to forgiveness WU4T HI Slfl TO thil lb rgeotiol til optrt- Perhaps Ihoagbtp And gave no time here For Lord Thou hast bought We pray and grant ho may Thy glury share Stony Mountain Aug ISM Baslneas Notices experts at lacks bOweb humanity In Coil It lo Dr lrKitract Wild Sir aw berry for bone etc axe cure tick wo ChUd for ale clout to aba C a CAftOfU FARMERS MYERS ROYAL SPI0E nod Iouliry For by Hotel THE KEY TO HEALTH On hist vis will be bta piss be fa of of Pallia ate to with oil of himself as a ROC- una WfOLg Kgan wis a bafRC from a IciUr coatalolog of yean Ho on Tmk not to J s Idea of lbs Council up leg day Our Tbs Conceit lolo a at lbs roceliog II that op the A mess despatch rota by Cburch Id of to the Cbarch ac1 ale in mbera Is la bits All equal rights and liberty and of but en a re uppod la energy ate removing iiotold bent fla on all etc Wild Strawberry It do for cholera colic or loonea of bowels brat Labor for a la to pounds bit If the bo If blltoaiQetiaad artao moat pre fect known for all liver for after a jointer by of lbs for decided to follow and J D to to atody lobercaloaU- Win accompanied Dr he roako a ud mistake tartans neglect a of that Burdock UUtcra la ao aoioat of not warrant In to It at time Diphtheria the fame of Or Fowler of colic dlarrbcr djicQter tta Empire saver Canada and baa grown of At rate of Canada la now Ssbdlag So far Ibis year aboot bead of cattle and abaaptba being la now making for iQCteaaed sad actloo lut Toronto by Ritchie damage fo of QotisU Mr orpby Bo of in fa lo charged I of Judicial with If soma of om J tkalr tad to a to of on part lawyrrs to law of oonnl by doing tad Tony Own alwajaaucced roaaoa matt with Imperial Tartar ancaaufol powder In market It to own It id 1 Ita own not A Joke With Variations Yoo ought to get fivocenU worth chloride of lima What for was pasted around free ly among a number of St Paul arid was each a practical of considerable merle Acting a of Ms city determined to work it off bis book with on So he to worth of Contrary to merchants tamtam bowed his head and went on foot- log trial his cm retired at flambc The morning be a his book- keeper to this sffoct I took the of aad I Ma rick a hot Cod and Lobster- Following the line of scientific investigation first onr Professor liaiid Mr Adolf Nielsen Superintendent of Newfoundland Fisheries Commission has what appears to ho a most successful hatchery for the propagation of cod lobster in Trinity Bay The ova of while of lobster sinks to bottom the eggs of the being very delicate cod batching touch more difficult than hatching Great is need in ova with con stantly renewed pure salt water of a certain degree of salinity ami density during hatching time During May and June spawning various of were and plaoed in pounds sur rounded with nutting to which tea water bad access and on the in season such as herring and squids Up to cud of cod ova were collected of which and the iu good and healthy position in waters of Trinity hatchery has capacity for hatching cod in one season- in lobster hatching Ins even more striking From various nearby factories over 20000000 lobster ova obtained and these 1 wero hutched and planted In work Howling incubatoM were employed fittiftlt wooden boxes in to lie iu constant motion iu sen and ro quiring attention of men Tho returns from fourteen stations show that over lobsters thus hot- a batched this scasou There now about lobator factories or canneries in on island of Newfoundland but it is fair to prcumn that with artificial propagation carried on at this rate is limit to tho number which may find employment there in without depleting the supply- 1 claims have produced the largest cheese in the world From the factory was lately weighing even thousand lbs It was six ten in diameter three feet in hfight twentyone feet in It required the of seven cows or thirtyfive of milk to produce t3i x named a ticket at Kama City for checking boarded train Upon arrival at liu discovered trunk bad Ho waiteil a for railroad cotupauy to pro- rind failing to do so bo put fur Over of amount was for jewelry wear aud rail road claimed it was not bound to pay It as it was not bis person al suit in the Los Angeles county court and re covered judgment for fall amount and tho railroad company appealed Tbo supreme court in do- elding recently said rail road It obliged to pay only for tbo baggage of claimant meant law only as for personal on bis travels Had Mole boon log with bis wife thero would no question as to railroad liability Cat Met was at single man and atone Xlie articles of jewelry la hit trunk could therefore bo regard ed and the railroad com pany need not pay for them The I court ordered the lodgment reduced by the amount of jewelry all clogged ftvnnc3 of Kidnoys aud Liver off without thesyj- the an foul humors of ho time Cor recting Acidity of Stomach curing Biliousness Dyspepsia Headaches Dizziness Heartburn Constipation of Skin Dropsy Dimness of Vision Jaun dice Skit Rheum Erysipelas ftila Fluttering of tho Heart vousnoss and Debility many other aimiiar to in BLOOD to influeacOot BURDOCK Si Rheum Erysipelas tho similii Fes fia alt CO Proprietors Co Gents My daughter a ami injured lir to she not wrlk anil very much in our family fipino recommended used freely loul cured I your LINIMENT for a broken Wast it reduced the and cured mo in 10 WVVViW MULS10W DOES CURE CONSUMPTION In Its First jPalatablo as Milk 1 He you gel iu Salmon TAiir od by all at SCOTT St Hellene GOODS OPENING THIS WEES AM LINES REPLETE WITH FOX MALM OR TO LIT fcjooouforih yjrji OP- AND 8HOV- OF ARE SHOWING A FULL LINE OF- SEASON SPECIALTIES -INOLUD1NO- SUPERIOR QUALITY AND FINISH AT THE NORTH END STORE J STEPHENS RAKES and FORKS m m Hay and Straw Knives Tools Building Hardware TABLE POCKET CUTLERY ALSO PAINTS OILS PUTTY GLASS ETC J Stock and J A ALLAN CO sod to od mm I OR SALE AT A tut rESIRABLE Srl6reJ tela i to It J i Hi LIQUOR STORE fi Recommended for Invalids P J MAIN STREET NORTH GASH GROCERY STORE t Try our Tea equal to Tea sold elsewhere A special line of Goblets at per P J MAIN STREET NORTH T for Sale CIIANUC on soft mo a fc toblo Tor it Hi Change of and of Stand John bit TlJt fa Had of to hit time ibi Hoe of J WINES ALE AMD PORTER Bottled Or on Draught The bus of lbs will always in stock J McALEER of St ARRET your ud Shwi you will flnj it to your to buy at the SPOT STORE I hire of to frtm A 1 TRUNKS and VALISES All at Hock OH And NEXT Grocery Store OOBT NORTH ud it GIVE OUR T6A SUGAR A TRIAL TOE SALE faciei IVil lotto lift HO J lot ftj sMrtiabJhltMCtlttkfifiattvllUfr fcUun a uul imp All sue v Alio Lota of Nit- tor rllCiUn LOTS THE OF J bv farta tf a fre4b Hook that of CONVINCED MeALBBR XSj TO BUY AT THE S H SCOTTS NEXT TO HARMACY OST OFFICE POWDER PUREST STRONGEST BEST CONTAINS Asuarals lino fitssYuuauwsumijici CELESaATEP CAM PRINTING V Wo constantly hand a full lino of Infanta Medicines and Toilet Including Nestled Milk Food j Ridges Patent Food Condensed Milk fcararicks Soluble Food Teething and Soothing Powders and Worm Medicines TOILET ARTICLES Puffs Puff Boxes Brushes Sponges Violet i Di g a Specialty spensi Medicines and best Quality Manager BEAVER ROLLER MILLS HOUSEKEEPERS USE DAUNTLESS BRAND FAMILYFLOUR BEST ON THE MARKET Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded Ordert t the MIU uxd Prompt DslWeiy DENNE NEWMARKET FACTORY would respectful the of Albert I ho Mi tutors c ace J the roeaufdciur of We la ih Town of C4 tad ow lOt s Sale located oat Mrved of the of ih on i to LLa tote elDgly or will of a flLoroja vfao of a For end WILLIAM WILLIAM fc end CatUrj be end tln be ten the with end Painting and Trimming Done Promptly and Cheaply ALU WORK a re eliewhore It you Ueker Mount LUMB RI LATH SHINGLES WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH I LOOKING SIDING DOOMS sash THANKFUL FOR THK LIBERAL OF THE PAST WE SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OP SAME WE AIM TO OUT GOOD WORK AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE WM CANE SONS MFG CO Preserve Tour Sight BY THE FRANK LAZARUS Laic of firm RENOWNED Spectacles and EyeGlassu In unliiiiJcJ rt TUT AH 0MS SALE AT SCOTTS WORM Cc I duenns- worn ctuo TUB OLD RELIABLE -AND- LEADING JOB OYKfi Largest Best Slot VERY LOW St tottssfltsauis for SHORTHORN BULLS With Youiia FROM 30 TO BIBBAU Xlwian Wood or Stave WANTED tar g w ORPINE Of of lbs THE CANS fig Miami

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