Newmarket Era , December 12, 1890, p. 1

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r NEWMARKET Friday Morning JACKSON fiBAOHBD SUB8CRIBEB8 1 JIVE MB TO KNOW TO JO WNflCflUJOB NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER ONTARIO Branch Vol Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday Dec Strictly in Advance within or end of year DRAFTS ISSUED fl Solicitors to loan isoN TO loan- v I A KTCKK Soil icor KWVI i lffcAit Friday P it lrtb JMVKHK A Ave Newmarket DKAJKTIART l 46mim AlTofltf FN vtUlji pi irsc us A Civil York Coot Lift AmrAActCoiipi TO At Office Lda if At Lot All ISO tod meet all Deo BLANKETS rade ft Wo offer ft Good lilinlct it at ftt20O weo Wool 2R All AUCTION r liu ytort CO OF SOUTH la America lUlfexclolvljloibebuUneonotQruc or Aurora and toil BLANKETS ExUa Super All Wool 0c each up lo Floo Ston at T THOMPSON SON RON The New Mammoth 136 to King St HALL CHINA Our Stock now complete the froni for WE TAKE NO SECOND PLAGE I LAMPS LAIViPS LAMPS tod lb of POSTAL A On NOTES DISCOUNTED- TO LOANft d1 J J SOUGH afr A I- lntftl toili block ilillifJAlrrnr lAHIilAUE s iLKitor Oitlce CANADA LIFE jo -CAPITAL- AND FUNDS- 10000000 DOLLARS PRICESECOND TO NONE TOILET DINNER TEASETS One Hundred Sets I in HIM yo biU ii wcllr- tod c FANCY GOODS VtAM nJ Ac joa Jin or tod it ioffU- I Tea Coffee We Make a Specially only ibt Mb nut ft cup of or Co Ho will bat iawible GENERAL PROVISIONS Freeh Id lVtfJ iLe in R A SMITH To Bent A to apit for Of Kfc- Ttrai jj Is eout To lb od a A a rttwl A bat wilt hut lott iit Co pi J to intia ridlcaliilj tow uUMaUcocnrDUiioo Co J QuidfO and Youll fla J la to An Answer Toe l A a life A I lo jroa kooif jou or At a a btT iQ With dub Iwj- Voa written loio of foci to k I lb xi And frjfi I A botUr A youre A I A And a the Still looVopoD did At J it erf tfool I Wr tod J bat lb Mi dif A did bloom J I dtp ft CD lid I A fiodt Of mid a til tod All bini tbtt If gin ill I To ti ill of If JOU do fc You llltto ftj Kotow iod a life Are Dot to von A Ana iter lo J ttOUCII Agent QUERRIES MAIS NEWMARKET Buggies Carriages Wagons Etc Repairs Attended to Promptly J m LUMBERYARD l A IKia aim n DRY iiu cut lUtttatat to far it lud J pit Mill gird for moby A Aiwa TOK OLD RELIABLE IT IK LEADING HOUSE FOR Largest Best Stock Of Etc to itt York VERY FIGURES It log CO to mi A itonnK NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT OUR CHRISTMAS STOCK Is now the largest moat complete of any we ever and we beg to announce to our customers that in order to save being over crowded Christmas week we will give special bargains to those making their purchases up to the of December A few of many bargains offered Pansy Books paper cover do do cloth bound Series do do Bibles from up Testaments from up Sabbath Schools liberally dealt with A large stock of books and cards to select from CENTRAL TELEPHONE OFFICE STARR f A A MM I BENTLEYS NEWMARKET STORE HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE AllO A log OF KVBttY id juit tod Pure E and A D iuHjr tti and American Infant A Tooth and Full Line of Medicated Confectionery Patent Medicine Sptc ground by ftala Drug complete of aijd Id Town a ON SCMIAYA TO 11 TO 3 KM WH TO MAIM k PAINTS lAND CLASS FINE CUTLERY for Infan and Children kwnto Barbara nobody to meet all said at bud bad in a of gold and a little tumbled rock it tba back of bo solitary shed which bow of railway station undo an Almost in the ticket agent who cot wood in be was not on duty came out and scratched Mi bead as he looked around glowing landscape aint nobody toot from Vale Farm to the depot for this train certain be- they of you eh 1 a sharply Oh said Peter the station agent The telegrams they around by Pod wont bo fetched this at oclock and earth turning abruptly around you ftCOOLU mod sting travelling public remarked there travel this ere di rection anyway Folks used to far to unceremon Blossom Yale Eight complacently an the statioa ageat and a dreadful stony road Hold on What matter Court nay impatiently If its got to ho walked the sooner I gel started the Utter Theres with her donkey- cart Mr of shes a mind to yon What on earth are you said turalug sharply around to follow direction of bit interlocutory ay Why to be sure from the Farm Now come to think of lt she came down yesterday to sell the eggs and butter for mother and stayed all night with Sarah Ann Hale likely therell be room for you in don key cart if yea sit close dont take up much room Hollo Lot I Tot I And an impromptu trum pet of his fiat Mr Pod- field bailed the equipage now dimly visible up the road A lUtte turn out Mr thought An odd two wheeled affair guilt- leas of the commonly to TJItsge and drawn by a don key In It there a woman wrapped In a gray with a hat lied securely under his chin looked around at Mr What it aaid she ft little patiently A new boarder for you folks said Can you take op to Farm Oh yet answered lightly ho dont care jotting and walking tern bridge or two Take care ahe added Mr stepped Into the wagon dont break the new bine- edged plates And be very careful pteaas not the basket with gry kittens In it that Sarah Ana give ma Are yon comfortable Then go on Neddy By the waning twilight Mr could that his fair charts teer was roar with Urge aye of black wavy and ft dimple In her said he to this isnt half a bad adventure I won der who tny fair It I And way of beginning a con vention he spoke out Are expecting at tha yes said guiding her donkey past the edge of a precipice Who Neddy But not so Your room ready though We it yesterday morning and Nell will hare the down to day Nell my next fitter explained degree of ion that the city visitor Barbara ii the eldest There are only three of Oh said Mr And Barbara la the too solemnly added Miss She is almost engaged to an elegant New Yorker Masher feel himself the twilight like a Lottie nodded at the time to quiet the discontented waitings of the smalt feline captive in the Ob it wlJl bo a grand match for her l said she Hut iant tike and mo dont like to work She bate the country She says she can be happy she is rich Indeed Mr and a sodden iuipiration entered into bis I suppose this priity sister of yours very much in love part of it said in a manner Shu for man a bit Nof Not a fcitf vepeaitnJ Now Nell is sixteen and 1 am four- Bub an wo are only children and cannot understand such things But Nell is very suro that she a nun if she didnt love him not if bo as rich as aa And so am Bat her city old and and has gray hair in bis mustache remarked Mr rather chagrined chimed in Though of counts as she sas the older ho is Ibo ho will leave her a rich widow Dont think she added suddenly t that Ihe kit tens would be if you to take ihe basket your lap Aud began to chat about other the glow of tho iron foundry the the song a far distant whippoorwill in tbo glen name of tho picturesque which like the road I suppose presently 11 children coming up in next train Whit children said Mr with a start Why Tho four little ones said I think slid Mr after a few minutes that you are under a false im pression You ere perhaps taking me for Arent you Mr mamas couiio from Dakota she asked turning abruptly towards bin Not at all laid our hero My is Felix nay gave a little shriek and near ly dropped reins Then cried you Bar baras lover r Unfortunately yes ho answered with something of In his tone Or it would be more correct to aay that Oh cried chocking ler within sight of the cheery lights of tbo farmhouse what have I done mamma and Barbara arc always telling mo my horrid faatcful tongue run away I with me I thought you wore our going on to Top Mountain and I would stop on the way I hope yon are pretty And he was the next morn ing almost before daylight thanking Providence for his escape Barbara Blossom never knew why bis admiration bad grown so suddenly cold And little kept her own conn sol But never never will so to a stranger again the inwardly Towed life the Hub Sutton new lUblee are nearly completed A new barber and a new tin- shop show the of iocorpomlidn Tho pupils in Miss Furlong de partment of the public will give a entertainment Win Greenes a first- class man and a good fellow about re- other The ft was other day be fore Magistrate and defend ant fined and cost Miss Giles who formerly taught at Una wilt take Altai room in January and laltar will teach at Jersey Mr Howard and bride have returned from their wedding trip iod settled down to the realities of Fled the proud papa of a now girl baby Council late for tut Egypt A pfctJoc itnh at Mr on Tuesday to the Uljurcb The of aJ liijRitig by choir local in by lirk ftili alio by Mr to enjoy Pro ceeds A finUttaiuiticnt on in at in aid of tbo Bun- day dub it running foil Want now of luULubet Clayton ft bay of would Accept a from boy of bii o to ft friJivdly providing I be boy North or corgi a air it full of municipal One would bo almost led to that everybody and their com for municipal but it would bo hard to yet who wilt mo A conteat ia very probable School Reports Repot of i Mabel KilcMcg KhlOrDitirQ Lack Stanley 133 William Brock Oil- Own Jr Wot ISO iUUl Itxxte 110 Walter Soil LeaaU 19 137 Chupaiio log Ada Kiala Eraoa Dally Jr 180 KUehlDg Motion 139 Pail St phi a Pint Hairy Bell Bell A Teacher Mat at aiik iwmUn chair of read lotOKtfOiaJllMoltbwkala oalba traordtnd to b ft- ft toad rtptlst Kelly repair Job Walla road npalra A plaak road repalra plank 590 road J Archil J road J 14 J nntjlug WU abd 133 rapalrloi bill Jotl I t50 7 j H J d toad ranafri tlrf ao loX J If Wood labor 3 loapoctcr I- bokV btiJjtOK arhtof Iii Jpbl0 Jodd J J J KqHou J eedir Jobo ooJar Stoke damage to Boat A refund of of doj via I Mcb of ifnoaa Baker Kiddle Vaahora K J day J J J Elian fkully Joha Joko Biailay J J from jtufc of on drirjed a i Jlutlf Joi Win to at Jaok Frost HIS now has ft truant aro laid McQuillan A Salt are and bolt by aoaktci flrat explorer who Africa took nearly too roar while last a KF faftvo ben on- la to bo ft very lot carried off of and a ham from the cellar of Mr Brown Homo during Sunday Mr of had a number of worried by and killed Tbi the aimilar Mr baa within few Cue of the Sights- to Montreal find printing fcatablUbnieiit of family Star to of tbo of the town publickliondya 11 day long tbW tbo bum of bo turning out of Family and Star at tho of tbou an hour out and folded by utomittc machinery with out touched by baud ihon ia an army of and wouicu luacbiDea that put on tbo addrena following turned over to Of mailers preparing the paper for the delivery to the by moth of the in country of ASP Parable and that you would llko to know all the of the family and now Stop ioy Mr aincereiy touched by and evident grief Theroiino for alt Wo will keep our own you am not engaged to probably bo Hut you and I ahall twayamlod ftlwya bo l you aaid you ao good to And your beard not bo very aftor all and Im euro you dont look old youro cer tain youll never toll or mam ma Yea quit bo and two went In Tho big room empty but fair Barbara from adjoining Lotty I Turn head around quick Drive to the pot aa ever you cm That old tele graphed that ho will bo op on the oclock train and not a to- a that Ho baa come already He here hurried In of her cruel and dishabille You You- then itopped with a Oh Mr what a veil delightful But the had come too lata Mr ftrHr eye had been effectually opened time country Hebe with whom he had fancied la love only alter all He who had at cored hi little bark among the for tune booting daughter aud had wrecking on tbeaa bidden Yet be i I HOLT Claw foil Tri via 10 3rd Claw Robert K I0a Win aid Caoologfaaia 101 Jr 2cd od 105 Staait lJOglM 101 tit 111 Mae Cbiiille let Ctaaa XoroiiD Tablet Ridley May Mop A A llliuifd Frank Cud- I j A Travla Fletcher J Smart A Fletcher for the tuooth AT Teacher a a no lib Claw Aocfe 3rd Crone AddU Hog Storry lUmaJeo Ada Crone Jr 3rd John Tarry John Brooke Jeue Wheeler Pratt Think Rami den Julia Crone John Hog AaQle Da no Sinclair Ethel Etna Powell Albeit Brooke Put Era Ratadea Elba Cattle Pratt Wired EdirJ I on the North- era ftod Railway track about half a mile from Pals grave day week telegraph lino repairer of camo upon a bear between the The animal retting quietly aod aware what It waa until he bad trod noon it The boar did not being flgbt Brown had with which to defend except climbing a pure but by making good of log he managed to dUtanoo the brute and reached unharmed Two toon went op to the polls to vote oaths liquor traffic one a con other a The deacon said within I am glad I am not other men liars thieves or even drunkard- I regularly to church and to prayer meeting help to pay the preacher I send money to con vert heathen I have no appetite for drink and the saloon is no temp tation unto me ao I can cast a ballot for its perpetuation andtt will no danger it will make me solid with the men who at my store And the afar off white deacon voted lor bo to bo seen by him in his rag filth But the deacon gone bo slipped up to the and said within himself Lord bo merctfol tome in toy help- and to my family in their misery I will at least my vote for my deliverance and do Thou Lord hasten the day when deacons and church have morcy upon me Think you not reader that the drunkard went down to house in the sight of God rather than the deacon Famous Yet UO WHO AUK woNDtaruL The wife of a famous man will bo completely bidden by the dazzle of her fame and it astonishing how little is known of those women whose husbands household words throughout the country While the newspapers with tbo name of Thomas A Edison nothing is known or hoard of Eduon Every reader knows name of but of Mrs Depew only the moat casual is made Even in England no one ever hears of Lady Tennyson or of Mrs Gladstone And the aamo true of the wire of such men as P Will John How ells Dr Mark Twain and James Blaine Often these eery wives have been the makers of their husbands careers Their por traits are even lea known than their Uvea In a splendid series to be called Unknown Wives of Well- known Men The Ladies Borne of Philadelphia will doting next year sketch all these women and others presenting their portraits in many oases for the first time to the public J J Parry Bound a wealthy farmer of Strong town- ship boon sentenced to a months imprisonment or there addittooal for nidlting illicit He will four month atagu line running be tween dur ing the past to a of It evident the outlet for along the old Northern Railroad At Acton a of Sir and waa about to the train for Toronto when Chief arreated her The moat of the mon ey secured came from the S A Toronto A velocity of milea hour visited the coast on Monday and buildings fence etc In of St John mid ship- at Harbor Grace damages The French shorn shared calamities Miss Lottie Mark bam broke through the ice on Rob insons pond skating Saturday afternoon Mr Campbell and Mr both went to rescue and after- some trouble landed her safely on shore The water not very deep but exceedingly cold Douglas a young man of wMle out shooting other day nearly lott his lite by the accidental discharge of his gum placed the gun on the fence while lightiog pipe when it slipped and went off the charge striking him on top of carrying away ft of the skull bone atom and dwelling of Messrs Graham Bros Norland were destroyed by including the bulk of their stock and furniture involving a loss of about rs Graham and two children bad a narrow scape from cremation having been rescued difficulty from burning The kept by the Messrs and is in volved in a To give brilliant white light ft lamp needs a thorough fcleans- every little while The oil should be poured oat of leaving no the bottom The then be washed rinsed In warm water and dried It abould then be with oil The burner should be boil ed In soda and water until the net work that it is from dirt and dost If the wick has been with sediment replace it with a new An interesting to came up in Division Court at A farmer named sold bush- els of barley to a Sir Harold for cents He delivered one load to him and then sold the remainder to a Mr Wood at cents Mr Harold re fused to pay for the first load and entered action Mr Harold also put a claim of four cents per for nondelivery The counter claim was allowed Mr a Sanders has let the contract for the erection of a large boarding bouse to be built on the property which ho purchased from Mr Moore at Jacksons Point The job of the carpenter work was let to Messrs George Bros and the mason work to Mr Young The building will be a concreted three stories high mansard roof and contain A largo rooms together with bedrooms the whole to be com- pUttd by May 1st near case ft few days ago Dr about to be married and for the wedding feast doctor purchased a turkey In preparing tho turkey the piions were aroused showed the intestines to Dr Shaw Exam ination gave evidence that the bird had died from poison aod the crop wis full of green matter which on test applied proved to be Part- green The turkey was purchased on the market and it is to bo regretted that it is sot known who the farmer is that brought it to town Tho bird had eaten a largo quantity of the poison and it not at all prob able that this was the only one in the nock that gained access to the Paris green On Tuesday a man named Snooks from drove Oxbridge with five fine specimens of the Canadian Lynx On previous morning his sons had gone out to the swamp to look after some traps they had set They got into the swamp nicely when the dog treed a lynx fc Becoming alarmed they returned to the house And told their father who got his and started for the swamp arriving there ho was not long la locating the lynx and bringing it to the ground Almost immediately the dog started off and treed another This also was shot but in falling gave its peculiar death which brought the rest of fealty to the In a timefour pairs of leokiog eye- were glaring t Snooks through tie under brush He fired and tha own er of the pair and bagged two more He shot the fiee lu than two boors Sand there ia another one still In the he expects to get swamp- that

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