Newmarket Era, 12 Dec 1890, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA DEC 1890 New Co liquor J J J Pharmacy Ejcocator No Sale Pig Astray Gilbert Johnson Cod a Wright for Sale Bogrt Auction Sale John tfw LETS OP I DOT CHOW AMD WITH RICH FRIDAY DEC 1890 Our Toronto Despatch Bra TotoHTO Dm Wag essoined by of Ontario of Phar macy hen Ho has to lb ISM of Ob dry sold oat Co 00 It It reports lb to lit chord with con- of Inland ia city weak Hon of Ottawa to car lex of ft Ontario Vet already bate two sheriffs and practically tfart Jadgt afftctiof atloa nod amount of aoaod- declamation sach blatant will bo accepted for aoand argument ibo bald assertion that clam ored for this in order to ro od benefit detract from of proposition that it bo to toe material ad vantage of North York to be formed a separate county We bare not called upon to follow our In gy rations but perhaps wo should give to hit Allu sion to Mayor of Newmarket He insinuate Mr council tod tried to lobby Mr- motion ere to nflTcr word on the with Mr Lloyd or member of the retiring from tbet tody Oar tbould be nd the beck Sifilkus Efibr WHAT TO k coo repot OH lit Id MJ of J of Act It dilTrr- lllJ4 ft dU- our ft TOiJorily r ibU of Tnx ft taftll Victor wad lit ISP The mJ propOMl to adqix and ftWftJflBtsL bit bo for 111 d1 inciter fill from ft will TSi Jtt ft ftroonJ oar of North York on ft will afford us extreme to break ft with him bat we hive time or incliDitfoD to indulge in or oar to faltUnt ftlto to the Las week oar cote to- Wtod ft column of paper and we presented a couple of weeks ago but from beginning to fipuh we fail to notice a single argument or the presentation of a pertinent fact in To that the scheme of separation Is a fad is bat to in vagary or reason j while gar attempts to bo witty at the ex pense of propriety and good taste will scarcely be accepted for sound logic or in refutation of the facta and figures we took occasion to official records We take the position that the municipal and jo affair of York could be as a county at less expense to the with greater efficiency and at a groat saving of time to jurymen litigants and county councillors by con tinning our present connection with the other two Hidings of the county route nothing of the indirect revenues col lected in the Riding expended within its territory thereby contributing towards increased wealth and development To this prop osition we have on other occasions erring thereto given figure of the paid by York and coinpsred the with the total taxes levied in more than half a dozen other inland of about the same and assess able wealth we assumed and wo think fairly that the people of York could conduct its ftlftirt with equal iutelligenco economy sod prudonco as displayed by other local ities of the Province similarly situat ed While it 11 true above that not a ingle argument in opposition to of vioui to concluding bo make en it it the tax- are too alive to Tbonb more definite will be known regarding the intention of member after the meeting of the next Monday still the indication apparent of a general municipal the North Rid ing of York So far the teem to be centered oh dr J Woodcock u firat in tbo and Mr it Lloyd doe not pro pose to give up without a Matters getting a little mixed as a largely signed petition was to Mr Cane on Wednesday evening him to allow his name to stand for same office many peti tioners hare previously supported Mr Lloyd he did not feel like ac cepting the position Air Lloyd would withdraw com mittee was appointed to wait upon the present Reeve and report the result of the interview at an adjourned meeting of Mr Cones supporters this evening For Deputy the only candidate in the field Mr Hat cliff For Councillor- St Georges Ward Starr Belfry and Jesse St Ward Misers J Robertson Eves and St Patricks Ward John Bennett Dr Scott and Oliver Till Mr Jitqu ftloogio lb prolyl JiimifSaNi At which fftUn court will JJ tiff of tho nawm It Ij do lllaitrtlf tbtSvlll1iM teller Hods ftlwftjs pr lr It Dr J of st til ft Uimlooi J fill racial of Dr Dr or ilitlimg Vvuti in Mr hating to bit Mr It IK lb control tf lbs lajrorcsl wlib Tin psopls by of 00 mod at bare far At trial of lbs last bj Hurt Want if silll pay flint Vol It If rj ftimojios a of bU teat la of lalifcieLtoa StkjlsXIMO of lbs J of fti- rtrtd Id lbs city last ftnd odtba will labs lbs vod J af Imts I for ft ftfid Stall for uid to pa Will 1 ftad i tip lbs slid edits i of ui of sdAoaliooal Juiiif ftnd will for baa vllotlsJ of spare folly Uls The opened on Sunday were about collection amounted to Tbybave bad all the week There If any excitement j coming aluisali alio present titled to be able to the proper time ftrriros it will no the necessity and holding ad ejection sod it is no more to say present ronniclpsl a groat nombsr needed on the roads and during the year thelcss at the board to strong Cor many people and wsy yet bring forth its of aspirants who with to on the of then again we ranj go further and faro worse On Tuesday a held in it decided to got op a of hot torfcey in the church on Christmas Day regular serf will be held a folio by dinner and iu4a by iluiia tinging will away the of tbe aftmooa will en to fttMtiga for a tea sad Social ftreingi enlertainoient on New ere We understand it will be gotten up by the yooog people and From their in the this will no doubt bo to any which have proceeded Is to at an bridge has formed across the St riTar This Is the earliest period for tee to form on the rirer within the memory of the riror Seb ftibftHfeUyafj SALE first for arplrtct Wirt cheap ftt IT tar ate DIG ASTRAY Not- a Hart jr I mark tain of IftP cut Ibo Nor late of be In torpor- iikftij of of for ftol Tin Police of hoik of trou M a off lbs KiniJ reipoodad the own interest to be induced to build two courtbouses two jailB two so t of county c and further deo the instigation of a set of blatant onthosiasu this conveja an In- bald sort of nothing more North York propor tion present county property would towards county build- aod hence their would not materially enhance the of the while the this hiding towards the salaries officials who receive emoluments from county funds equals total amount present paid in at least aeveu counties of about same wealth population as North York In saying not to amount these reocire In York county the expense of living In To ronto and multifarious duties they have to many of them posed because of oar connection with the city claims their whole time attention In inland only pay thuirolticiJs an amount to about onetbifd what York and this Hiding pays more than that onethird If disputes can give him figure where larger counttos than North York pay their combined only about of what York pays is another Insinuation In the above extract two act of officials To who have not examined this AURORA Nothing yet only that will have The only we hear is Mr the present reee may be opposed by Mr exWarden HOLLAND at All old council will seek re election except Mr itching Mr the present is likely to bo opposed again by Mr who was defeated by only 10 votes last year and Maries will probably bo nomin ated aa The election since permission was granted to erect Sutton into incorporated village will take place at the time as other municipal contest Though there are many aspirant for the council the electors not yet found a suitable repre sentative for who is willing to shoulder the responsibility Owing to tbe removal of Deputy Ross to Aurora it is likely that Dep uties and will more up a notch and also Councillor There is nothing said of the reevetbip and it that Mr J Stoke will again bo returned by acclamation It said Mr Lemon will oppose Mr for and Mr Fox will be now coun cillor Rumor are afloat to the effect that Reeve Jones will bo opposed by either Mr J as or Mr Lot That Mr Baker will drop out and Mr McCorniick take his place that Mr will be moved up a pegg and tbat Pice Orchard will aeek to have a council lor along with Mr A JJ Haines CAST It seldom this township through without on election will be no Mr present reeve he is a stronger man oyer he wet but his seem to doubt it and Mr Rams- den Is being urged to accept nomination should be positively decline Mr Travis will nominated For 1st Deputy Mtsiic and will swords For 2nd Deputy it is rumored that Mr will be opposed by Mr Titus Peregrine There is no opposition to Councillor and The farther North we get apparent- the hotter struggle It is generally that Mr Ander son is the strongest opposition that It Dominion bntill bo or oa of forllisr Will sbal 111 of lbs ftnolbtr will lo which ti ftnd a School amotion No enter tain me tat Dec 1 A good time is expected John intends to himself ft Wed of this week Look out for the other wed ding soon parties ftro ftH the now guess well soon a School Started The first of the Waterloo Junction railway loading from Waterloo through Jacobs to at St Jacob by Mr Snider PP Mason Cut Ia Dec 9 leen ghost including cue chiBf posted through city yesterday for Fort to which place were taken by a detachment of United State troop They were last Friday while On their way from agency to of Lower Brule King who is present in San said to bo very anxious to bring about annexation between and tho United State but Minister to United States from Hawaii say this entirely His Majesty is simply a salt for the of health and has no desire to sell his country Sale HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Of bssoltltA PUBLIC AUCTION Iter Thursday AT 18th OCLOCK- AUCTION SALE U6 at la V for sals by The My Store Crowded to tbe doors last Saturday You will alwsvi find the Big Crowds just where the prices are the lowest The House that sells the cheapest in New get the Big Crowd its the same in Chicago and ifs justly same here in Newmarket We have just closed up our store at BARRIE And have on hand there to be moved here Nine Thousand Seven Hundred and SixtyTwo Dollars and FortySix Cents worth of General Dry Goods Clothing Tweeds Carpets Mantles Millinery Silks Dress Goods Plushes and Cloths Now this stock must be converted into Cash and at a time when money is said to be scarce it must meat Big Inducement in Very Low Prices to accomplish the our mind is fully made up to do it we must get there and and we know how its done We have great faith in the price so merchants say and they are right prices tell every time We prefer to give our customers the benefit what we would loose on this stock were we to offer it for in Barrie by auction at so much on the dollar so we will mence a Sale of this Stock without any further notice on JOHN ROSE Mount Wednesday 17tlx of Pec All Use Tub Copp CUt Co of muI of il fait Ax the Cut4u s list I Statistic UiStoo it iilces foionil ilr and will bo a both ido speak and not potted re- onMnj victor For Deputy mark calculated to Indue them to separation of appointment of a of but such not All but to which we hare abore alluded are paid fee Hob the Clerk of the Peace and Count Court their not being borne Oar readers understand this whether our Councillor Timothy Morton Jos Hover are In field and thoee in the West part of the township sar Morton will get there Council Messrs J J and John Park are the onl name we hare heard J McDonald Armstrong For Depot Mote and John For berry Aurora does not I Taylor and of for si ill of fcn2K- J a telling hith Lincoln cola wild with Uf a bin yonder of sltctlooi fliua route vm of Iti tOtob It lit two fact avod of oat of in 1 ft Brow 1S19 01 lSU- III Tut Mil of Norfolk la Mr Mng oblTll of f Irimilf Joutifol Mil fcr whom did not tot ftt It ircvJ i j Mt lUIex lhii ijtoi0tmt t ftyub CouiCuilftiOD Ktitttfd flitarJij ted It Kilt Iff ib coutniluha A A Scilpivf of J of ai A TftjKfOttirTt Vf Of ud W of As oa rtiulltd of IK lb Gfobs it Lit luoi tot illuli- ttrtl li ftOvrlJlEjj lira rat tbt3it IJfuro Will lo fit tad qitvl fttltlbuublo to Ml MlhMllj ftCivlbt ibtu bit I Iti of during tiro toy tit A Mbtajft Vly lL from LOW MilbMlllUltdUMl of ftlxly fcr to ttaauiiiiAotoriiig trie a Tbt friai ft If ftboomwlilU work la of held regular election of Friday with remit Vie Councillor Councillor Frank fc A John Welder Open Council on Friday tfttittttt a Our Methodist are autict- congregations at their to place on the Sormons will preached on Sunday at fc and by an eloquent and spfAaer In aid of building On Aloiiday evening the annual ten meet ing will place Supper served from to followed by a platform when addresses may bo ex pected from Bradford Rev Hill Now- Rev J W- of Sutton Mr McKay of Queens music by tho usual on 15 I Our ilarketa it Flour SO J CO a a yprlDx par per Via pet Sbortsiwrtoa Avplejixr Wool per lb -a- fxjrki per lb a a a a a a COCO a a Old a a a OB a a AM a a a TO a a EXECUTORS NOTICE Our Toronto Markets Fall CO SO W Holt School of I end holding a concert the Church here on December Albert Chor and quartette will will bo tatertperaed with by the School Reading find Dialogues Mr ha returned hit vliii to bit ftfir York Mr it tod with but part cotivelesceota Int our rented a ftwui in bridal No stir or about per llilef per lull aaiaaaas roll llgttKubitrlb4aaa a- lUg Applet bbaa fibttklai lb lUy tJviO Chicktiii I a S a a Oil a ftW a a a a a TOO aw a a a ON OS Oil 1 on Iu of mM Hi of ibo iuta ini all Estate of la York Farmer of pivniUr ISM day To wit ywyald io the Wlijum of lbs and Aiilbar 1ksD0ilcaibit on ifttr of Mil Hid of ijiaiu only Lbs of the will not iiiabitfcrfiba or any any of u iba Lima liimiiouof Albert Jay of johs J 4wl7 KoBwIck The Revival Services hold hero by Pastor Mr Largo are growing in fntarist and are being induced to salvation Cook is frozen over the la grand It is so clear that object can seen distinctly water is not Our young folks raakiDg good it Mr down Toronto jtist how on Grand Jury The thresher is busy in this neighborhood just now Mr King his about bushel mostly all ocb Bible Society was held la Christian Ohurch Ian Thursday evening The meeting was addressed by Manly Agent of Society was In teresting and full of information The following officers were ejected for the coming year President a Secretary Depositor were appointed Great Bargains I IN FOR AT LEADING FURNITURE a -ANU- House A Block to DEPT will a of a Specialty to at liolf j HI AH Of J and Jii HU rn Pitchers ofaapn Town J Tail or too Kin Mm lUisufadftUbter WHY be do tho iepl go where can Io uedsisUsda his andsmriaisnonabnt our fit hit- tor I worth a and you will Not lb of Royal ANY PERSON lU Bout And ftnd bo At wo cannot buy a wo It ailar lbs father by A J lei of on Mr luJkllsi Alien NeMDiailLst lb lab Mr- John 10 I of llownsxrtNisAl or Mof by J KStarr J to Air lb by Iter J A lt by Ha Dr Kqlo the J FuRNnUflEll TOWN for T H LLOYD FARMERS will lot COOK TO bo on Jot l- 5ih Mali M I C1IAS Next the of December at the City Store AT j ON THE WW LOT NO I English Tweeds for suits LOT NO 2MQn Overcoats LOT NO and Plushes LOT NO Goods LOT NO 5Mantles LOT NO 6Mantle Ss LOT NO 7Ladies Felt Hats LOT NO 8Garpets Brussels LOT NO 9OurtainsvS on fe Try and come early in the morning if possible have salespeople to wait upon you but in the we would require TELEPHONE -o- Goods Delivered Free to Bradford j Aurora NEWMARKET BRUNTON BROS mas Sa MORANDS VALENCIA RAISINS MERLES VALENCIA RAISINS LONDON LAYER RAISINS BLUE BASKET PROVINCIAL CURRANTS vomzzA currants CROSSE BLACKWELLS CANDIED PEE J A These are the finest Goods ever stfown Newmarket and being bought before ft He lav advance in price we are able to sell as cheap for the common sorts- BROS NEWMARKET

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