121890 m Register- Sod moon IO J lit v4 In It mctb Alter iMUaodarla III A fed la h moult Friday ItooDMAIi to International Lessons KNOWN wo- Eo eat eod white en were Joined toe HMD at firit did not know Him re for unbelief He Item the teething of Himself of Earning whither the were was owl reached What this tarred form subject of leeeoo If like two by oar lore Him e prey Abide Jiff will torn Id end milt Hi Jo Cbritte our will no the of end will be end we will be ebb to Him in grace end beeity to rieto object of tree o3 com fort end the foande- troth of feet June Utter Mlniog Lauds Policy From a notice Department of Crown Toronto we drew tbe infertile that our decided to change policy id regard to lends and altboogh to scope and char acter of the new will not be wade public till after Home yet we are to to the conviction that more policy to inn re to protection of or advantage oai in way of mining and mining will be adopted notice tuned on Saturday read foUowa J The Crown bee sale coder lb nine Act en of booodurof tbe TMifof Awtry and of ead lo Aljtom Of land broberi were all taken by and wondered at the mean ing of announcement but when it remembered that hitherto mining lands hate at a fixed prise of two dollars per acre and that In the and copper of vast extent it no En tbe of people Prof- sbsro tbii immense wealth instead of It all to the speculators It is hinted that new will require product of all in Ontario being to extent before export or pout My royalty will be exacted or the land pat up at auction to conditions Jated to the abate In the profits may nature nd of the new regal attorn it Is obvious a change wan m and If the dedde deal future with mineral they now do in regard to sell by suction at an upset price fixed by experts the pie will xtot regret change Wo the World that had notice of action of the Government and got In application before to withdraw from market were made by the Crown Department but from d act Ion pressed certain and op Jo of tbo Gov- M who we loud In remarks of action at the action Vat we are Inclined to tor day and date of application and sale of ail in iand4 p he for and tie we cannot or guilty of malrax or of reprebMulble tbe bint Dr Koob and In we ft pen of- War in to Koch a repatcdeore for the of ft which in now in the poblic itaileEOCnt from ctft Koch hi brief the of followed by but the lymph ho not yet public for Ihe that bo ft article into the of ho prefer which and thereby pMmnrrdjr cm to la healing of reioedy According to a paper read before the Society in Berllo by Dr his the truth of the proposition that if cawed by of The the hftcilH in which it iabwbiti The a liquid and adtolrterodtho beat place be ing id the back the blade and the laro bar region- Dr Koch anxgeita the name u a one for the liquid which far been termed lymph a in the proper quantity the injected only affect who are affected with and iU operation to be in a high dtgrte The more advanced the in the is he of the which most he varied ftccordingly from property the medical profcaulon can readily the very valuable in diagnotor Dr Koch it will oat and find the in whatever of the system it may be and reveal the fact and it will ell with equal aorety that the dfoease nowhere if be the a form of tabercnlosia that appears on the akin and the action of the it can be directly Wben it remembered that eminent Berlin who have aided and Dr Koch in the treats ment of patient the tatemeatahe ftdfatsced it probably safe that there ground for the belief that early or advanced bu now been under medical control to a much greater extent than ever If it thit the of are ft the them to it weald be difficult to name a man in the of en- titled to a higher meed of lathe article before from the pen of Wright made to other points of interest in relation to tbiv bat we hive nch as oar limited woald ellow and which we deemed to the attention of the general reader Let iwld it wai to give to thi9Domin- practical t in won- discovery that member for North York offered to pa the of a of Toronto Univenity to visit Berlin so that Canada might profit by Dr research and in the treatment of a of prevalent in ax TO warn ifur a sou writ Raiding in to fid lh A J tin in the Com- beta lllbtnii At Whitby pb jut of Hon Tor atod for lb of It to the most and oiyj tDmhr iu by all ftfclubtog Toronto for A frao of will be tor and u to stdrAoCel at itit to U per Winter iu from to cm pot in hour at a Tfork tie Gttljburg The more tbepunliDgijeitmfatd jo minor the od the ibit CQt to litat fad in the line of bee ration A table off Te rqmU are rowed to then to room and write they can from memory The winner of ato the ones with moat at to commend it that it a practical w training memory Kind reader did yon ever meet a lady and looking I out ten will agree with yob Bat the her IooVj vickly and will with and- say not been in good health for several month put The same thing may be observed men regarding the a dorinft a rain and out ft day nod before ho he ho will give an affirmative W We live longer if we tried lea When a he catena if afraid he might not When he office he hnrriea thogh ho the office will wait for him At be all day and when goes at night walks fait if ever watched ft crowd of men home at night yon were given impression thai work was panning them and they were trying In a get ftway from it If he coold his uep so that he could two worth in one would do it It 7 fe MARKET GSDOiDO forlnifaM io the af An wu faction of If prohibited it election of Sew do ftrl off It lb A wire lut when one them ijDiftlj justice done at Int Klnlty bill a that girts u ill It I a on yarn Try our S5e Te Tea sold elsehe a per J Sum qtrbet north Children Cry for Pitchers Weekly ILLUSTRATED foiled to lrtt2ouET and ib to a flad ax- ccUeace It of a rooii won by nod lolercjrhi bid aod will Ja 1831 They of bo bid our tote the Mail Empirt the 11 outcome of wild Mr of th to replied not to it if liuobinI who otvi got water live as ma to or fjuoest by As ftlanllj Wilfc bo a ilrlil for that a welcome tor 10 i Berlin to to of to be a fcppoiQtiog old locrttire offices Sheriff and Sheriff Widdifitld world of ibeif Wo of jail at If via bid we give id ffic An public alio like Id oar hid the whether ffliiiteca oaId y I 1 of tbir cholera but toimaolty fa general And Jit row oisi Extract Wild bowel It is ft Wl4Bebwijikk WUOlV North Wot bai The tie end a the hie traded tod the ipply bill aoppy a In irrie- Irig itir Itijtl lie to of tbe for of the of Ills Meat it now at HARPERS jfrm twit HARPERS WEI eSioaW Carina Volume the with flrel number iiouar When no will lb Dumber current at older- IIirH cloth UhHIdjc will or exceed per volume or bo beat Id bo Office Order to Avoid of jVaTUfpoper ore to copy tf e ft Addict- It A It York J- UORSALE STOVE AND SHOP oioraTOr7 Appio MCS0X all others being a ready for use It a jet black enamel hall the labor gQ Ofc on rt ippi Apwroafkff no alsolb now J M ORE the Finest Slack and quickest dryer Arifer by- WRIGHT A Parlor Cppk for sale cheap SATE AT A BABOAIS- rw on I own Property for Sale COANC8 t to ffom A nd VALISES Call be GRIFFIS The of leb with goo id oft water and Tic en Tor JOHN ffS- THE rottoOTla aqd A CHANGE CONTEMPLATED BOND AR1B SHOWING A SEASON SPECIALTIES RAKES arid Hay and Knives Building Hardware NOW OFFERING her New and STOCK OF MILLINERY all All Mr life And liberty the ptiraolt of capped In rata lack of w by Burdock all etc mel ebowo by fcep of Wild It baa no equal for cholera thaler all eumtoe or IWeoeu of for a liter hia frbali of bite bo f and moot focfUrrr known Io And all Href trouble he 1iiove a tad often will a of the fca la an effectual ear at of warrant to anlKtiav to at Ibe prtaootiotytaaltyto atteadtbe foe cholera oollCt cramp lUl to ikjpif wdBfrawbcrry J Cured old by Kat iDLitfaMfjj faraaou a elmpt ir eU a M a radical tan tor at fitr ed lOiaOteH to Ac1gaUdt a tfl to of tall aodoatc wit a P A- utm Bait to a local eouil lot week jiwty tothcaciioo tbtir It the C5 wire omitted teaDtto put of of of who tendered by wblcb wudeceTe court voided fc for a t to f at lata It ft Tiutln It fir trouble of AccomjJKO to rt Jteed of ltboax1i It wee ho livSfKoctd Via eoJ a former for Mr y Hot I la re of eWtioq wotofooflbe It women wbo do keep They Id be leblod llje I bow ibt article or dull to the form lXfie bill told their a on billot box the Anfffca a pit at on A do be boot bow fat fell lie gere ttf tttttl aod to report all lean hi q MUtloM free nit w ill tin It ttt6fittotfJ uoo end ertsclte of at coif of Ii to lb to ioetl treat Hit erfou luto I tbe CO ffam53Ixxloobtr had a cold and her the coold not walk and very called in our family and LINIMENT to bo freely 3 cured her I your MINARDI LINIMENT for a it reduced and cured mo in Mrs I rorCuerrb to CATARRH is expected a chance At this season of the year proper value rtljt bo found fA colors at cents the place Opposite the Forsyth House Main St Newmarket tsc TABLE POCKET CUTLERY PAINTS OILS PUTTY GLASS ETC Stock and Prices J A ALLAN CO flOacraaoriAtttoina Mb Lol In M W3 II Mx ehJi reeled I ablp All Ibew leo i LoU Two of For Sale by Tender to tie of ihe LATB Of tbe King York and properly Bool ih kccq tweoljtfour a the of the Town bo The hltebi it rtCfpJci above In one lut acrea If PROCTOR a AonTaV A THE Out Puke flib y Agent for the New Health alto for Co Man taken at the tad shown tie Mat the Herd Book DUNNS BAKING POWDER THEGOOKSBESTFRIEMO I took Gold I TOOK it received some beautiful patterns in English Scotch Canadian Alio an of to choose specially Pa Kerne n Chocks and Stripes Call arid ace for youraeWeaanc bring your Wends with AH fiooda on Closest Cash Prices Only Patronage Solicited V ANDmcpNfAGTORY of sar reo ealUfled after re lie moat particular Bo Painting and Trimming Done Promptly and ALL WORK WARRANTED The Practical Cerria lo Uakoi Opppslto Starrs Book Store own op neatly and V My I talto My Rest AND I AW ANYTMINJ I CAN OK too Scot Emulsion of and cospo a UP AND 11 FLESH ON MY BONC8 rTIIF A A WAV I vAKRtrjfurK I rat up l f tr frli 11 SCOTT flOIKVii BEAVER i HOUSEKEEPERS USE DAUNTLESS BRAND FAMILYTLOUR BEST ON THE MARKET Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded your Orders at the Mill and Prompt Delivery V DENNE NEWMARKET on racilov J jvfapt lb tot I do Craxn I with powder POWDER I lnn asm vtua 1 Best and Cheapest Fence BUaDERSlRONWOnK Offfca RaiHngs lawn Furniture AND FOUNT AIMS Preserve Sight FRANK LAZARUS renowned Spectacles and T11KSK and lit for the la leuaca The uxor in tire end J roll AT LATH SHINGLES y NOW PKBPARKD TO SUPPLY OUfi CUSTOMERS FLOOR I SIMM DOORS SASH AND BLINDS FOR THE THE PAST WE SOMOIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME TURN OUT GOOD WORK AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE CANE SONS CO FREEMANS WORM Cure Bowels Kldnovs Die ant rooting W Dizziness l WlcUoo ifU FOR BULLS 9aiaMaajr0 R FOR BALK FROM TO an and flonerol Hajdi BUWM- For Bali j WANTED WKiWtra Growth or UiL lie THE CANE SO