Newmarket Era , December 19, 1890, p. 1

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r 1 THE ERA is Friday Horning LYMAN IT steam house KITS BEACHED SUBSCRIBERS GlfE MB TO KNOW TO AND TO TO OTHER ONTARIO Newmarket Branch A NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol gjpgie Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Dee 1890 Terms 100 Strictly in Advance within or at end of year AG A AH KIN OB Interest Allowed on AS J to on good tfABSH Solicitors TO WTO traiDH wCWIDDirtEIJBA 5LicrroR uaicxToaoNT Of Reformer Block- MONEY TO LOAN LOAN- York Deo loth 1890 A Nine Days Wonder TO LOUT El TEA FOR Mutual Old Real Won this fall Ac a J P J Aurora TO WAS OS imiCf and Office TvHVWen DR A ft Dm of Trinity Umber if Fct fllmcof Dm 8toie A A INSURANCE AOEXT for Sag All Block Rate at rf Town OfflcOrer Tin fihoiv HOTEL TORONTO A uf ISO bed meet Ha- J Wo have what we be will be looked u the Mantle Sale Toronto ever slen der We an large stock of Oar second floor Perfect of Weve bad aeaaona and profit able one Weve made money out of the department and now weve decided to the entire remaining stock at such u will empty the tabled and rmcki in the between the and the Saturday before Christmas Day a ilanoiclurlctf Toronto T tit supplied at ny I THEACC1DEST OF NORTH if jjjitccJdenu- Agency for vicinity at lb loan and J MORALLY Aurora CHAM Nitron Oxide NOTES DISCOUNTED TO and Old Federal Bank bonding Main AI nOUIXOAUEAD to Office block the ATl5rACTIOX MA It It JACHTO5 LICENSES T THOMPSON SON TORONTO STORE FRUITS AND ES FOR THE HOLIDAYS Currants Candied Peels I The Very Best Brands in the Market belli f hippy happy day In winter cradle lay Ob I ID EDioer looo a his throne On In notes the flDtta nun u Loid And lo greet on more Where Ha gather within dear Is waiting near in of old Id heart yea In Yon the holy who grew In truth and grace In many a a crowded street cheek the child joa wan with frjp ace frinlj t door hall the kq For patog it amllw And feaal Chiitfa the orphan For be who cbo tb he A Blessing T CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO OAPITAL AND DOLLARS Annual and WorMwWo lf leg In fore J- HOOCH Agent We keep up our standard of of Trice Coffees Pure J STEPHENS MAIN NEWMARKET Buggies Carriages Wagons Etc Work Attended to Promptly J lUarf Constantly on Hand Mlux other ri DRY CORD WOOD I TIIK OLD RELIABLE A It LEADING HOUSE FOB THIRTY r bud Largest Best Stock Of Etc lb Web I Will Mil At VERY LOW It NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT OUR CHRISTMAS STOCK Ib now the largest and most complete of any we ever offered and we beg to announce to our customctp that in order to save being over crowded Christmas week we will give bargains to those making their purchases up to the of December A few of the many Pansy Books paper cover lOV do do cloth bound Elsie Scries do do Bibles from 15c up Testaments from 3c up Sabbath Schools liberally dealt with A large stock of books and cards to select from CENTRAL TELEPHONE OFFICE lea to CO BENTLEYS NEWMARKET STORE I Drag la eectrl V HEAVY AND SHELF Hardware Pure and A D Family a of floodrlff the Toilet and Powders French American I fair Nail Infant Tooth and Gentlemens Shoulder Braces Full of Medicated Confectioner Patent freshly ground by Leading Wbolcaalo Drug Themoit of EeOlasaes and In Town QillrudMa a SIauoUvl OF KVKKY rum to 11 ay to and to km PAINTS OILS AND GLASS FINE A J AS for Infanta and Children to to It u III AacmaMD sUJBo fiogere flatter ed uneasily a frayed button On an worn and a anxious looked into face What it Mary his with an of and it- coraee Lionel She did jiofi look in face bat the button as if it were object her I Mary coald yoa let mo a little moat Lionel For child you we day jo pant witboat for wo raoRt not now ho said wiU Ih but poor things lie took out a worn wallet from his Ihavn locibwt over alt old Ihiujpf of bite over into or for she ccmtuiuod apologetically but everything in worn bo I try to Ik frogal and itig Her filled with tear now And you are ilery Where would we boon bad it not for yoor careful management Will two dollars be enough It all I have mormon Heaven knows I wish I could make it twenty or a I5n0 to of tho good youro to Mary Dont cry it takes ell my courage to you unhappy was against frayed button now in tain at tempt to tho hot would end glove much too bin for smoothed the thin ray tenderly I muat not cry she an looking up with forced mile Yet it will bo enough more than I had expected but 1 feel bo Fucked to ask you for money when I know you ao little to mo Yes debt was tho skeleton which not only in the closet but all over house in this bumble home and Mary went back to her work her drawn up thoughtfully aa she calculated just how many could bo fiptrcd for this or that and balanced between strictly useful and more childlike but material Two dollars after all was a drop in tho to say nothing of the ornamental or beautiful It not debt of or of ex- alio could scarcely tho and shame of it if beep but was natural of long years of and Webb in younger bod Just escaped with his life from an attack of spinal which had resulted in a partial disability for Ufa Ho was very and though obliged to accept work which bad as of labor in it possible stilt ho did it often when men would have eco In bed with a physician in did It in such bodily tor that be realised what ha dbiogs Mary had her share of too too anxiety and cars attendant Lionels dUabiUty was enough to break a woman of iron which she was not and In addition to it all throe darling children had sickened and died Lionel had scoured a new situation of lato ho was growing bolter with years and could now take up a differ ent class of work and his present employer was a man of largo wealth employing many clerks in his great business AH this dy forked In a of and regret Marys face with the tears on it was over before him Tonight was Christmas eve and all day long a of richly mothers fathers thronged flip store buy log buying from foil purses while Mary his true faithful wife whoso aofontcen years of married had been one long straggle with toll and bad only a two dollars which to do her Christmas shop and the very carts v ruth was over now and In a half hour more great establish ment be an errand touched bin arm Mr Dale wonld like to you in private sir ho reapeotfully Lionels heart in boeom like lead Could it bo that addi tion to his other bo going to his His en gagement hail and employer had made no sign as to whether his service was He rathnr than walked to the in nervous dread for the past been bo un kind to him that was coming to the future Sit down Sit down sir Mr cheerfully Lionel took a seat near proa basing man who noticed ha did so look of and dejec tion on his employees thin face It baa my custom sir for some years to make my employees a little present on Christina he procedcd genially as he took a bill from desk drawer and laid it in Lionels hand- I presume yon can find a mjtj for ib or if you can not no doubt the good can eh I Liu mil at bill in dnmb if mi angel bad coma in and him on he would not have been mem fur it a fiftydollar bill Hat sir bo fitsaiumrrl I have been with you so a time not uch a Thats all right sir ampin to make it up in your yean of service for J tin not intend to with su faithful an There was mom in the manner than in the kind itself and Lio nels heart bounded up with grati tude- He thought of Mary and of the many iaJiy the bo put to blanket winter cloak Mary feed and but bis foil a letter bis at that moment which ho had concealed from Mary from bolder of a note saioat liini for fifty dollar per emptorily payment No no it would to ap propriate one dollar of gift for personal Mr Dale was a shrewd reader of faces Lionels thin had appealed to bis sympathies strongly since be bad entered the bo noted change of What is Webb he kindly look depressed and troubled As Lionel heard the kind voice and looked into the kind face an impulse canto to him to tell this man his troubles It was bo hard to bear it and to wear a smiling faco oyer a heart filled with anxious cure end hardly knowing what ho said ho poured out his story of post of Mary and of her pitiful shop ping today It hurt mo bo Mr Dale ho said to conclusion that I can not even a dollar of your generous gift for How much would cover this esfaed Mr Pale He drumming on hie desk and looktog keenly at Lionel not in blame or in doubt of troth of bit story hut in making an to pot himself io anothers place Ufa Aurora- It is gratifying to note the general intent that is being taken in revival services now going on in Methodist Church and amount of good that is done Every night the meetings are attended by crowda of people large church being to its utmost capacity Sunday night in particular it estimated that over a thousand persona word present The are and able workore in this of Gbiu- labor presenting glad of atonement and the redemp tion of mankind with fervid Quenca that the attention of all and at the with a tender pathos often draws tears from of their hearers Their cam rat efforts atrealy rewarded with groat fluewss nearly a hundred persons including some of our most popular young of both of as a personal Sav iour ifrmy more almost per suaded and opinion largely pre vails that good work- is as yet but DRAFTS ISSUED AT iinartoati Draft Horn promptly Mount sapper and concert will bo given under auspices of Aft Albert brass band at Mount Albert on Now Years night A repast including hot roast turkeys geese will bo served in the mar bet ball Concert in Brooke hull where a program bo The- be to school JQVnnjiTly completed is inviting the Minister of cation to speech at Failing wo wight Mount Albert is We have plenty of room for tho county building if the vote for place next year Mt Albert- No in their on Friday evening Decern and elected following for Swain Secy Moore FinSecy Treasurer pro John Rosamond of It Licturer Geo- Shuttle worth let Win 2nd man A Com MUcellany has attended the ef forts of Dr an eminent specialist of Paris to give intelligence to a idiot girl Though four years old child could neither walk nor stand and never hulled nor took notice of anything doctor conclude abnormal narrow of head obstructed growth of tho brain and in May lost ho made an incision in the centre of and cat a piece of bone from llii aide result was mar velous Within than a month child could walk and bright playing taking notice of everybody around her ElEOTBIOALLTAiHBD iiuw invention a smaJI dry battery an and a of wercury are so arranged in stock of that the ho discharged only whan to joined wogle- At other po sitions the looked and can not bo pulled device claimed to ensure precision in raoge and ac curacy of firing at night when the has been previously obtained A hav ing nil of dilk has from wild by of plant on rooora hillsides be cultivated fibre is strong find glossy and factojfea are said to Iihvo found it to be in no way inferior to The impuri ties that collect under nails have been investigated to bpo tor logical of Vienna in was placed jo solution and grvvo 36 kinds of micrococci 18 bacilli and of sarcioue of nails especially sry for nil who come near iv wound for live in a an A A baa found that tar left after extracting oil from the bark of will even moot delicato from It neither cid nor alkaloid in alcoholic solution dried the action of nlcohoU A Red Mark op posite this paragraph indicates tits sub expires next mouth A renewal respectfully solicited ICICLES Diphtheria is in and was done to Smiths cabinet shop by fire Robert of has lost four within the last weeks Dr Forrest principal of Bradford high school is going to Stratford next year of has accepted an invitation to go to St Marys year Dishonest of county factories have paid 700 in fines this season An orchestra has bean in connection with the Metho dist Sunday school at As the of special in A el on Rdded to tho Methodic found guilty i ftwon Woodstock and 43 sentenced to five would pay Mr light of bis very yet wo a man fittyogth ftml wasted for lb tack of What would you if should loao you this and lot you it out gradually an Afford sir I I work On wings it would my heart on your wids Mr for well matter arranged at an early date And now go homo and this money for Mary and tho children with a clear conscience Mary filling tho whan homo ond poor soul had evidently been can over A and ribbon for Jen nil and a pair of stockings and winter glove or Amy amid tbo occau of lovely and tempting things had that a of warm gloves for Lionel which lit would not buy for himself lay in her bureau drawer and thero had been juet enough left to buy a small chicken for Christmas dinner for a turkoy was not to bo thought of this year had not heard him ho opened door softly and ho watching her through glass door which from hallway to the little parlor had finished with on her leaned her dejectedly her hand It was so bard to her heart would lavish pounds Oh Lionel how you startled mo he opened door and wont Whywhat has happened dear Ho was loaded down with and every oat In addition and she know that something had occurred The hasnt forgotten vet Mary be worn In his bands and It tenderly llitened to his recital tho con versation with Mr with brimming over with happy tear and when ho had and realised that the load of debt wae to be lifted her fate took on rot- ahado of joyful and taking Lionel la gently pray AV Rand Deo A band Indians from little Wounds Is camped ten miles east of river between the mouths of French and flattie crooks raiding ranches killing and running burning hay and gralo and goods Yesterday twenty armed well mounted Rapid pity for the Indian camp They will bo ielnod number of ranchmen they are not Intercepted by the will tUok the Fawn returned Mani toba and reports good crop in his locality Bios finished their saw Ruth Is visiting friends here Mr Ram cay of last men for his lam trade William of Ieaslcdalo to op in the rear of siorft Valtentyno of Cjrryviih school A I on- of hold a Royal Arch Purple meeting on Friday last after which a tea partaken of fib Kerry Hotel iiohL crack of this place in a fox anil two racoons day last week Loyal Lodge CO meet ftvery Wcdhfaday at oclock talked of Should ho accept it I speak for unonirnooa support of bin polling subdivision John Kerry has engaged with Ed clerk in Ilia boot shoo Sutton drill shod la to bo us J as a fikating rink Kemp butcher killed a last which weighed Has Arthur Cuttle from Man will spend holhkiy Jne school LniTHtiMiit in James Hall on Friday he A young man named who hero Wednesday was badly mixed on leaving hotel that ho took another rig down a should been and upset river embankment Fortunately no dm ago was done ladles of having their Annual on Now Years to bo a real English to of beef fowl plum puddling mined etc Pinner Is to in Mr McClelland a of fruit and confectionery will to for talc A good programing of tinging la to follow R- accompanied by K of paid a vlilt to Thursday owning A largo brethren tie including several vliitora from Aharon After work of evening was over illustrious visitors were at a supper In tbo adjoining where and interesting confabs away time until 13S0 ftpepch and other sound transmitted to a l ditancQ on a of light by the of Prof A Graham Mr engine driven by by the of the Atari put to work in Aljjerin An rice- trio for the most to metal was shown in first lottery of practical for rtoraijo made by A first electric railway opened iuaf 111 ip by Kin light by Or Kidmen and in a proems irnqra to a distance wero by Mr of I hi winch product- a JTnU-n- onsutoptioiv was Dr Robert Koch An was in Paris Photographs obtained Hoggins of fee solar corona when tho sun A was held in During qui to calm weather at and was hick to if a starting point gas was piped to The first photo- frrphf of in 4 sd Rock I si an uridi covering acres tifnUy blown tip by a charge of pounds of and dynuiiiitP- 1380 existence of tocalled canals on Mar claimed to have discovered by in was confirmed lJ3ThA welding of Wits by Prof Thompson was port by electricity la England Dr Kansen iint journey tho inland Ice of Greenland of a rabbit ma transplanted to man Dr of On a atory hotel frt long washing ton mnsl by four feet of of light Feature of Interna- at were tho Arthur high an ect forty feet high forty feet forty long It baa forty windows present the Bel Telephone has erected eaao in no Ices than miles who Hunter agent to to Chicago to Ho is to bo 3000 short in his cash hnodred lives tost by blowing up of tho Chinese mills on November The grand jury returned no bill in caw of Aid EgQ of Windsor of aalirg money from lb- post living near Bradford road hpiii by a fttroiconbd to ajeak Joe JUriie while playing in his the forehead by a horoand nearly kitted Toe warn without WAtCr far hours day recently through pranks of a boy turning off Iho at A light reported to place few miles froio U and In- in three wore killed but no Thorn 12000 in tin altc have dial in in the city of Through a train two and 35 freight wrf at Pittaburij railway On world Ij- nuo that should oontio In iho of the country has twentyseven in Quato f more than and thirty honorary At Kincardine Mr Joseph luv editor of Mho to Owen and with gold hearted a gold- K2T of which in during the two almost dietary and among away will than atom and mill of Ritchie burglarised on night and a of clothes other cash s thieves entered store by cutting a holo In pane of back door to lock through which band inserted to torn tlio key in lock A Monday a yonag itio filltil trip of kitchen of tut was ft big nod ivjoynflr ft irowr lhflarois rijfrft uUvci resides Kiffrt loot high a to a neigh A rich of reported from Marmora railway on on filtn and arid over la diameter of roltef sflroR was An frluittlc feanatruoffrl 189KK in sJmwpd Prof re ported of a snow on Mars of found that liver may be without and Prof of treated by catting of leftlung with powder ftodGinrdagaa attracted much appropriation of was made for in vesiibg the artificial production rainfall A fir proobutl was in from paper Forth Bridge with two cantilever of l feet was flnishod bar two littlo boys nipt I imil in pie house was the to loth burned beiflE found in hurricane which on the boarded by which on in and swept everything lifeless of Cap Joseph Joseph and yecoad Cool Tyler were found lying foils whero had dished Jack intends to do all of his training on next toniiner thinks McKay train Anyhow is going to trim for a race OConnor which will bo rowed at A Rowing and Soiling Club organized last and winter a number of yachts are being boil Evidently is going to boom sports next season

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